I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 555: The battle of "harmony" [6,200 words]

Gui Yizheng is not alone—Inamori's face changed drastically with Gui Yizheng almost at the same time.

Inamori, who suddenly put down the telescope in his hand, cast an unbelievable look at the Red Moon Fortress in the distance.

"what happened……?!"

The cronies standing beside Inamori asked urgently:

"Master Inamori! What's wrong?"

Inamori ignored his confidant, but hurriedly raised the telescope in his hand and watched the battle in the distance intently.

However-no matter what Inamori he thinks, the scene in his eyes has not changed in any way.

These barbarians were still in a hurry in the morning.

But after only one noon, the barbarians changed completely.

Although a bit of jerky can be seen from those barbarians' running movements, it is obvious that their movements are already different.

Soldiers have always been able to fill the positions that require combat power at the most timely opportunity. Until now, a stronghold that can stably send troops upwards has not been built on the city wall.

"..." Inamori's face was sullen, and he lowered the telescope in his hand. "There is a master who is good at defensive warfare in this fortress...!"



Red Moon Fortress, the inner city wall——

"This person doesn't seem to be bragging..." While murmured in a low volume that only him and Chinup could hear, he used his gaze with an unconcealable stunned look. I looked at a not-so-large figure standing not far away from them.

Chanup was also looking at the master of this figure at this time.

He is just not prominent in his height and stature, and his age is comparable to that of Chinup and Retannoe, who have reached middle age. He wears Japanese clothes that are incompatible with the surroundings, and retains the moon generation that is also incompatible with the surroundings. The head is old and old.

But the person who made Inamori and Gui Yizheng overwhelmed by the changes in the Red Moon Fortress was this seemingly ordinary old man.

This old man has been standing by the wall of the inner city wall since just now, moving his eyes, scanning the battle situation on the outer city wall.

After sweeping back and forth for an unknown number of times, he finally let out a sigh of relief.

"...This should be fine." The old man turned his head to look at Chanup who was standing not far away, and said in fluent and standard Ainu, "According to my observation-this place outside the city The army held the banners of the Northeast vassals, and the army that is now on the offensive should be a coalition composed of the Northeast vassals."

"Except for the Sendai clan army, which is embroidered with the flag embroidered with the'dragon bird pattern,' which may be more difficult to deal with, the clan army of the other clans shouldn't be afraid."

"Such a deployment should be enough to deal with the army outside the city."

Chanup turned his head to look at the battle situation on the outer city wall that was completely different from the morning—heren’s generals had been stubbornly blocked outside the city wall, and no one had successfully climbed up and established a stronghold so far.

"...Mr. Lin." Chanup said, "I don't know how to thank you..."

"You don't need to thank you." Lao He, who was called "Mr. Lin" responded, "I only acted on my own beliefs."



About an hour ago--



After learning that Lin Ziping said he wanted to see him and said "want to fight with them", if Chinup was not curious-it must be impossible.

After saying "I know" to the young man who came to send the letter, he left Retannoe alone to help him deal with some post-war business affairs, and rushed to the prison where Lin Ziping was detained by himself.

As soon as he arrived at the jail, the two guards from the jail greeted him immediately.

It is a time of war that every young man is extremely precious, so now the person responsible for guarding Lin Ziping has been changed to a woman.

But-even though they are women, Ainu women who lead a fishing and hunting life are not easy to provoke.

"I understand the specific reasons." Chanup said, "you get out of the way first, let me go in and talk to him."

"Mr. Chanup, are you going in alone?"

"My prestige when I was young is not lost to those heroic characters depicted in those heroic epics." Chanup said in a half-joking tone, "Even if I am old now, I am confident that I can defeat 10 young people with my bare hands. "

"I can go in alone, even if the person inside wants to do something to me, it will not be possible to succeed."

"Then you must pay attention to your safety... the person in the prison is weird."

Chanup: "Weird?"

"Before I heard that the Kazuo who was detained was a very noisy person who talked a lot."

"But for a few days, for some reason, this man is surprisingly quiet. He sits cross-legged every day, not knowing what he is thinking."

"...I see." Chanup nodded, "Well, you all get out of it."

Chanup quickly stepped into the prison that smelled of musty and dampness, and saw Lin Ziping, who hadn't seen him in 3 days.

As the guard just said—Lin Ziping is sitting cross-legged on the ground now, with his hands on his legs naturally, his head down, his face covered in contemplation—just not knowing what he is thinking.

After Chanup came, Lin Ziping immediately raised his eyes and looked at Chanup in front of him.

"Mr. Chanup." Lin Ziping said, "What was the result of this morning's battle?"

"The sound of fighting is coming here."

"Although I am old, my ears are not so old that I can't hear such a loud sound."

"We succeeded in guarding the wall." Chanup briefly described the situation of the battle that had just ended. "All the enemy soldiers who climbed up were driven off by us."

Lin Ziping: "..."

After listening to Chanup's brief introduction, Lin Ziping remained silent, but bowed his head, thinking.

"I don't have so much free time." Chanup said, "So let's get to the point."

"I've heard it just now—you said you want to fight with us. What does that mean?"

"It's just a literal meaning." Lin Ziping raised his head again, and looked firmly at Chanup's eyes, "I want to repel the Heren army outside the city with you."

"I am not such a capable person."

"But I have studied military strategy for the time being. I have read military books since I was a child, and when I grew up, I learned the military strategy of the Europa."

"I also learned how to defend in such a Europa-style city fortress."

"If I come to help, I should be able to help more or less."

As soon as Lin Ziping's words fell, Chanup's eyes immediately burst into surprise and a bit of joy.

They happen to be short of such people right now...

But the light in Chanup's eyes was only fleeting.

The light had just appeared, it dissipated in an instant, and then turned into suspiciousness and incomprehension, and frowned.

"...You should... be a peacemaker, right?" Chinup looked up and down Lin Ziping several times.

"I want to first understand: Why do you want to repel the Japanese army outside the city with us? Do you and the Edo shogunate have a **** feud?"

"Although I had many unpleasant memories with the Edo shogunate, for some reason, I was put in prison several times, because of good luck, I have survived to this day, and it can be regarded as an enmity with the Edo shogunate. But I I don’t want to fight side by side with you because I have hatred with the Edo Shogunate."

"Why is that?" Chanup asked, "Since it's not for revenge, as a peacemaker, why do you want to fight against your compatriots with us Ainu?"

Lin Ziping pursed his lips.

After a while, he continued to look directly at Chanup's eyes and said in an unhurried tone:

"...I use my **** to think about it, and I can't figure out why the Edo Shogunate has assembled such a large-scale army this time.

"You must have taken a fancy to this precious place of yours."

"I don't know if you have discovered that the fortress where you live now is a treasure."

"Located in a dangerous location, rich in resources, and still such a strong fortress."

"I've heard before: In order to develop Ezo land, the Edo shogunate has long coveted the land under your feet."

"At the same time, I also saw clues from the various actions of the Edo shogunate: this is indeed the case."

"The Edo shogunate must have just arbitrarily pulled out a reason, and then raised a large army to suppress the border."

Chanup: "..."

Chanup has been silent, listening quietly.

After hearing Lin Ziping's sentence "The Edo Shogunate has long coveted the land under your feet", a faint grief appeared on his face.

But then-what Lin Ziping said next, the grief and anger on Chanupu's face slowly turned into surprise.

"Mr. Chanup, I will not hide it from you."

Lin Ziping smiled.

"I actually-I very much agree with the development of Ezo land."

"In my design-the Edo Shogunate should vigorously develop the Ezo land and reform the military system, build a line of defense in the Ezo land, and prevent the ambitions from exposing West Asia to the south."

"But... I can't accept the Edo Shogunate's use of the army to forcibly occupy the land."

"The development of Ezo land should be peaceful coexistence with you Ainu people, and joint development together."

"This is the right path to take."

"Rather than snatching land from the Ainu in such a brutal way."

Speaking of this, Lin Ziping paused, as if brewing.

After a while, it seemed that he had been brewing enough emotions, and he said loudly and powerfully every word:

"Weapons are used to protect oneself. The army is used to protect the country. The army must never be used for this kind of robbery."

"...I'm still a little hard to understand." Chanup said in a deep voice, "For this reason, you plan to confront your fellow citizens with swords."

"If you are facing Kazuto with a sword, from Kazuto's perspective, you are a big traitor."

"A traitor...maybe." Lin Ziping made a few more self-deprecating laughs. "But even if I will be crowned with the title of a "rape", I don't want to sit back and watch the Edo Shogunate win such an unrighteous battle. "

At this moment, Lin Ziping suddenly showed memories, and after the conversation broke off, he changed into a calm tone and said slowly:

"Although saying so...it seems like bragging about myself, but after reading countless history books and traveling around, I did discover some...characteristics of us and people."

Chanup: "Features...?"

"How should I put it... I don't know if you can understand it. In short, we and people are a... a nation with poor self-control."

"Things that have been talked so hard with the tongue are often easily obtained with the army."

"Such as population, such as money, such as land, such as vanity."

"So war is like a jar of fine wine. It's easy to get intoxicated."

"If the'self-control' is strong, you can still resist the temptation of this kind of'good wine'."

"But our'self-control' with people is quite poor...At the same time, the Edo shogunate happened to be a nation founded by military force, with samurai as the cornerstone of the country."

"If the Edo shogunate is allowed to taste the sweetness of this seizure of the precious land, I have no doubt - the shogunate will most likely indulge in the taste of this ‘good wine’."

"And the samurai who have tasted the taste of adding officials and increasing income in this battle will support the shogunate's immersion in this'good wine.' A war."

"So-even if only this kind of thing happens, there is only a 10% possibility, I will put an end to the possibility that the shogunate will take this crooked path."


Lin Ziping's conversation suddenly changed.

"Let the Edo shogunate defeat at this time...maybe the advantages outweigh the disadvantages."

Lin Ziping let out a few laughs that seemed to be self-deprecating.

"After I gave up my official position and started traveling around for school, I saw with my own eyes how rotten the current Edo Shogunate is and how weak the military is..."

"Especially in Nagasaki. After seeing the powerful and advanced military power of the Dutch, it made me feel eagerly how urgent it is to reform our military system."

"I can't remember how many times I have written to the shogunate, suggesting that the shogunate lift the lockdown, learn from the Europa, and reform the military system."

"But every time a book is sealed, it is sinking into the sea."

"Until now, the Edo shogunate has been superstitious about the power of the samurai and the power of the samurai sword... I don't want to open my eyes to see the world."

"Japan under the rule of the Edo Shogunate... now looks like a pool of stagnant water..."

"But... if you lose to the Ainu people they have always looked down on in this battle, maybe you can make a little wave in this ‘dead water’..."

Lin Ziping's eyes slowly lit up.

"As long as there is the possibility of rejuvenating this country... even if there is only a trace, I don't want to give up."

"...You are such a weird," Chanup said softly. "You should always be called a "weird" by your friends, right?"

"You're so amazing, you guessed it right." Lin Ziping said in a joke, "I am always called a'strange person' by people around me, so no one wants to interact with me."

Chanup: "..."

Chanup was silent and looked at Lin Ziping quietly.

Lin Ziping was also silent, waiting quietly for Chanup's answer.



Time back to now



"By the way--" Leitanoe, who was standing next to Chanupu, spoke to Chanup again. I jumped, wondering if you are crazy."

"Now it seems...I should apologize to you and Lin Ziping."

"...I actually thought I was crazy at the time." A faint memory appeared on Chanup's face. "Even so important command was handed over to a Kazuto who had only met 3 times in total."

"But I probably have this kind of character, and I always do things that are crazy and incomprehensible."

"At that time, after listening to Mr. Lin's heartfelt words in the cell, there was only one thought left in my mind: let him give it a go."

Retanoer: "What did he tell you?"

"I'll talk to you slowly later when I have time." Chanup said, "Don't chat for now. Retannoe, go and urge the rear to bring the new arrows and spears quickly. Our arrows and spears have to be supplemented."



Lin Ziping, standing on the edge of the inner city wall, has once again turned his attention to the outer city wall that is now fighting fiercely.

After checking the battle situation again and confirming that there was no problem with his deployment, he turned his gaze to the outside of the city.

There are many flags outside the city, and the flags of the northeast vassals are moving in the wind.

Looking at the various flags outside the city, even though it was concealed, a little complicated color appeared in Lin Ziping's eyes.

Especially after seeing the largest number of flags of the Sendai clan embroidered with the "dragon bird pattern", the complex colors in Lin Ziping's eyes became more intense.



In winter, it gets dark quickly. Especially in the extreme north of Ezo land.

And until it got dark, the soldiers of the First Army were stubbornly stopped outside the city wall.

This morning, the soldiers managed to build several strongholds on the wall to stably transport troops. However, this afternoon, it was a veritable result of the battle.

After the sky gradually turned dark, Inamori raised his head and looked at the sky.

"...Send the order to Gui Yizheng." Inamori said solemnly towards the cronies beside him, "Let's stop here for today."


Inamori's order was quickly passed to the first army's main formation.

After receiving this order, Gui Yizheng, who was not so pretty, nodded gently, then stood up from the horse, and the general waved his army counterweight: "Retreat!"



"Look! Look! The peace is back! The peace is back!"

"We hold it! We hold it!"

"Oh oh oh--!"

The soldiers on the inner and outer walls of the Red Moon Fortress looked excitedly at the first army generals who had receded like a tide. Their faces and eyes were all filled with excitement.

Many people cheered as if tirelessly, and the sound waves of their cheers made Retannoe's ears involuntarily blocked.

"Really..." Retannoe said, "It's just the first day. It's a bit too smug."

Although Reitanoer said so, there was still a faint smile on his face.

"Let them ‘get out of shape’." Chinup said with a smile, "Even if it’s only been through the first day, it will be a great encouragement to us."



"Have you survived the first day..." Lin Ziping, standing by the inner city wall, looked at the army slowly retreating outside the city, whispering in a low voice, and let out a sigh of relief, "It's okay. ...From the beginning to the end, I haven't seen the flag embroidered with'Aizu Sankui'..."



The shogunate, the head of the whole army--

"At present, what is certain is that in that city, there is an expert who is good at defensive warfare." Daamori said in a deep voice, "Otherwise, there is no way to explain why it is only one noon time, that group of barbarians. It's all changed."

"My lord," a general said, "Since that gang of barbarians have such an expert in battle... Then why not invite such an expert out to help out this morning?"

"Who knows." As soon as the general's voice fell, he put his arms around his chest, Gui Yizheng said in a deep voice, with an extremely ugly face.

"Don't worry about this kind of unimportant thing." Inamori glanced at the general who asked just now. "The top priority now is to find a way to deal with the barbarians who are now in battle because of that expert sitting in battle. ."

"... My lord, use artillery and barrels." A very young general said at this time, "No matter how powerful that expert is, he will definitely not be able to compete with our artillery and barrels."

"No." Daimori said without hesitation, "If this city fortress was broken, we will suffer in the end but we will have to pay to rebuild it later."

"When we fight, in addition to thinking about victory, we must also consider other things."

At this moment, a loud shout suddenly sounded outside the account:

"Marshal! There is a message from Master Pu Sheng!"

"Pu Sheng?" Daamori raised his eyebrows, "Hand it over!"


A soldier dressed as a messenger stepped into the coach’s tent, and handed a well-sealed envelope to Inamori.

After taking the envelope, pulling out the letter paper inside and reading the contents written on it at a glance, Inamori's brow, which has been frowning since this afternoon, finally stretched slightly.

"...Finally there is good news." Inamori put down the letter paper in his hand, "Kumao's Third Army marched faster than expected."

"According to him-they will be able to join us in the morning."

As soon as Inamori's voice fell, the originally quiet camp became noisy.

"Can the Aizu army come in the morning...!"

"Huh... finally here..."

"The strongest troops in the Northeast are finally here..."

Except for the generals of the Sendai domain headed by Kuroda and Akizuki, as well as the generals of the other domains, the rest of the generals, including the generals of the shogunate, all showed signs after hearing that the Aizu army was finally coming. It was a relieved expression.



Today is another chapter with 6200 words~www.readwn.com~ humblely ask for monthly pass! (Leopard has a headache and crying.jpg)

The author Jun Lin Ziping, a historical figure, designed this role to resist and use the army to invade others. He is not completely blindly breaking, but is a well-documented brain supplement.

The famous military scientist Zhang Zhaozhong, Director of the Bureau of Strategic Fudge, once published a video dedicated to Lin Ziping. You can check it out.

Everyone, go to station B and search for "Zhang Zhaozhong Lin Ziping".

In the video, Zhang Juzuo briefly described Xia Lin Ziping's life and his thoughts.

According to Zhang Juzuo-Lin Ziping's proposition, in a nutshell, is to build the army, improve the military system, use strong military power to protect the country from foreign aggression, and do not advocate foreign aggression. In all of Lin Ziping's works, there is no mention of expansion or invasion. His proposition has always been to strengthen itself and prevent foreign countries from daring to beat you.

The author created this character based on Lin Ziping's thoughts in historical facts.

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