I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 553: The legend begins! The offensive and defensive battle of the Red Moon Fortress is on!

On the wall of the Red Moon Fortress, due to Chanup’s arrangement and dispatch, the number of outposts has doubled.

The "flame" lit by Chanup's speech three days ago is still burning in the chests of many tribesmen.

Many people are filled with righteous indignation.

Many people are gearing up.

Many people are determined to defend their homes.

Almost all of the clansmen who stood guard on the wall had their eyes rounded, staring at the shogunate army outside the city, for fear of missing any movement in the military camp outside the city.

At this moment, a young man with better eyesight suddenly raised his hand and pointed to the south, and then shouted:

"Look! Something is happening!"

His loud shout immediately led everyone around him to the south.

What happened was not the big army camp that blocked their only way out of the Red Moon Fortress.

It's the southern skyline.

All the clansmen who stood guard on the city wall saw a nightmare-like scene outside the city: black "water currents" were constantly emerging from the southern skyline—this was an incalculable number of soldiers.

They are like black waves, constantly splashing from the horizon, merging with the army that completed the encirclement of their Red Moon Fortress 3 days ago.

"It's with people... New troops..." I don't know who was whispering there, with extremely obvious tension and slight fear in his tone.

About half an hour later—

The shogunate, the commander's camp—

"...Specifically, I understand." Inamori's tone was neither sad nor happy, "Katsura, that is to say—that Ogata Ichitosai escaped?"

"Yes..." Gui Yizheng lowered his head in shame, "Inamori-sama, please punish the incompetent me..."

In the chief coach's tent, the generals of the First Army and the generals of the Second Army gathered together again.

At this moment, just like that moment: the generals of the two armies who meet again are like the last reunion. The generals of the first army all bury their heads low, and the generals of the second army are facing the first. The army general cast a strange look.

But this time, the heads of the generals of the First Army were buried lower than the previous time.

Inamori closed his eyes and let out a sigh of relief:

"We and Ichitosai Ogata... we really have a relationship..."

On the night 3 days ago, after being attacked by Ogata suddenly and allowing Ogata to rush out of the blockade of their First Army, Katsura Yoshimasa was dumbfounded.

No, to be precise, all the generals of the First Army were dumbfounded.

They were dumbfounded at how Ogata came again.

They were dumbfounded that Ogata had rushed out of their barracks.

They are dumbfounded by Ogata's skill...

After the war, Gui Yizheng was stupid when it came to statistics and listening to the battle.

Listening to the reports of the generals who tried to intercept Ogata but failed—especially when listening to Kuroda’s report, Katsura Yoshimasa had only one thought: Is this the "legend" that is still alive...

Ogata’s attack this time, and the previous one, did not cause much trauma to the First Army, but it further increased the area of ​​psychological shadow in the hearts of the generals...

After the war, while counting the battle damage, Gui Yizheng dispatched a quick horse to pass the news to Inamori, who led the Second Army to walk behind them and had not yet reached the city of Red Moon Fortress.

Kuaima arrived at Inamori's camp late at night the day before yesterday.

After completing the meeting with the First Army this morning, Inamori immediately sent the generals of the First Army headed by Yoshimasa Katsura to the coach's account to discuss the matter, and he wanted to ask in detail about the details of "Ogata is here again."

The narration of Gui Yizheng and others lasted for nearly half an hour—until it finally ended just now.

"Master Gui! Please punish it!" Gui Yizheng repeated what he just said again loudly.

Many generals of the Second Army looked at Gui Yizheng with a gloating expression at this time.

"...I will discuss the punishment later." Inamori said solemnly, "Rather than punish you, it's better to spend your time thinking about-how Ogata Ichitosai has found your first army again. "

"Could it be..." At this moment, a certain general who was sitting directly opposite Katsura said, "What did you do... to annoy Ogata Ichitosai?"

Ogata Ichitosai's last attack on the First Army was basically due to the fact that the supreme justice hit a female companion of Ogata Ichisai for a long time.

This time Ogata Ichitosai has once again found the first army...It is hard not to make people wonder whether Katsura Yoshimasa and the others have done something to offend Ogata Ichisai.

"No! Absolutely not!" Gui Yizheng immediately said loudly.

After shouting loudly, Gui Yizheng turned his gaze back to Inamori.

"Inamori-sama! We suspect-Ogata Ichitosai was probably just to escape!"

"When Ogata Ichitosai launched an attack on our barracks, the gate of the Red Moon Fortress was opened."

"After that, Ichitosai Ogata rushed southward after breaking into our camp."

"We suspect that Ogata Ichitosai was just trying to escape."

"He stayed in the Red Moon Fortress for some reason."

"After seeing my shogunate army, I thought there was only a dead end to stay in the Red Moon Fortress, so I hurriedly fled."

Gui Yizheng's words fell, and many generals in the account nodded slightly in agreement.

But at this time, a very calm voice suddenly sounded:

"But it may also be to move rescue soldiers."

Everyone in the tent turned their heads to look at the owner of this voice—Matsuhira Masanori sitting next to Inamori.

"Remove soldiers...?" Gui Yizheng hesitated.

"Is there such a possibility?" Matsudaira said in a hurry, "Ogata Ichitosai needs to fight side by side with the barbarians of the Red Moon Fort for some reason. He charged all the way south 3 days ago. It’s to move the soldiers outside."

"What kind of rescuer can Ogata Itosai?" a general said, "Who is willing and capable to rescue the barbarians in the Red Moon Fortress?"

"I don't know about that." Matsudaira Dingxin said frankly, "I just mentioned a possibility."

"But I think this possibility cannot be ignored."

"...The old man is right." Inamori, who had been silent since just now, said in a deep voice, "No matter what reason Ogata Ichitosai attacked the First Army, he and the Red Moon Fortress should be both There is a connection."

"But regardless of the connection between Ogata Ichitosai and Red Moon Fortress, and Ogata Itosai attacking the first army camp, what we are doing in the end, what we have to do remains the same-take it as quickly as possible. Red Moon Fortress!"

"As long as we take the Red Moon Fortress as fast as we can, even if Ogata Ichitosai is going to rescue soldiers, it shouldn't be afraid!"

Inamori's last shout changed the atmosphere of the coach's account. The generals of the First Army who had been bowing their heads all raised their heads at this time.

"Ogata Ichitosai's matter, let's put it aside for now."

"Now-let's talk about business."

Inamori lightly shook the military man in his hand.

"For the past three days, the barbarians have not surrendered, so their attitude is obvious." Daamori looked around at the generals, "Since these barbarians are stubborn, let's let them recognize the reality. "

"Gui." Daamori turned his gaze to Gui Yizheng who was aside.

Suddenly named Gui Yizheng, his body was shocked, and then he hurriedly responded "Yes".

"I will give you the First Army a chance to break the merits."

"After half an hour, I decided to launch a tentative attack on the Red Moon Fortress."

"This tentative attack—your First Army is in charge."

"Fight a beautiful battle, to prove to me that your First Army is not defeated repeatedly."

After hearing Inamori's words, Gui Yizheng was taken aback for a moment, and then shouted in ecstasy:


Red Moon Fortress, the outer city wall—

"It's amazing..." Looking at the Hezuo army outside the city, Retanoer's face sank uncontrollably, "Boundless...How many people are there..."

"...According to my estimation, it should be more than 7,000 and less than 10,000." Chanup said softly.

Reitanoe: "So... and most of the troops are here..."

The tribesmen who stood guard on the city wall noticed that a new Heren unit had appeared outside the city, and immediately notified Chanup of the news.

While rushing to the city wall to check the situation, Chanup quickly gave an order: everyone is ready for the battle.

Accompanying Chanup on the wall to check the situation was their "second in command" of the Red Moon Fortress-Retannoe.

Since the two of them boarded the city wall, they looked like they had practiced in advance, and their faces sank.

Not to mention that they are basically Ainu people who live a life inconsistent with the world. Even if they are Heren, in this peaceful era, they have never seen an army of nearly 10,000 in this size.

But-even though the faces of Chanup and Retannoe sank, there was no sign of fear on their faces.

"The army of the people is almost here," Retannoe said slowly, "it's not surprising when the attack will be launched."

Speaking of this, Retanoer paused as if thinking of something.

Then, while showing a helpless expression, he asked Chanup in a half-joking tone:

"Chanup, since you lived in the'Heren Land' for a period of time when you were young, did you really not learn some tactics of peace in that period of time?"

"At that time, I focused my energy on broadening my horizons." Chanup smiled faintly, "I haven't learned how to fight with others."

"...Tsk." Retanoère curled his lips. "It's really annoying... We only lack someone who knows how to guard this kind of fortress..."

In the past 3 days, the people headed by Chanupu have been preparing for battle in full swing.

In the process of preparing for battle, they also discovered their biggest shortcoming.

That is-they lack people who know how to fight this kind of "defense war".

The Ainu people had been living a fishing and hunting life without knowing what the city wall was.

When it comes to fighting in the wild, they still barely have some experience.

But in the face of the "defense battle", they were completely blinded...

Therefore-although Chanup and the others quickly discovered their shortcomings, their timely discovery was of no use. After all, they couldn't turn into a person who knew how to fight a "city defense" out of thin air.

"...We have done everything we can," Chanup said softly, "Next-let's leave it to fate."

Boom boom boom...

It's like a pinch.

As soon as Chanup's voice fell, a strange sound suddenly sounded outside the city, which sounded like the muffled sound of thunder—this is the sound of the shogunate army starting to move.

Outside the city, uncountable shogunate soldiers filed out from the barracks and gathered in the open space between the Red Moon Fortress and the barracks.

The sound they made when they drove out of the barracks made Chanup and Retannoe who stood on the wall feel the ground trembling slightly.


Chanup said in a calm tone.

"Help me tell everyone-prepare to fight."

The First Army, the Honjin—

The first army, which had lined up in the open space between the Red Moon Fortress and the military camp, had its main formation at the center of the military formation.

In this formation, Gui Yi rode his war horse and armed with military equipment, looking at the Red Moon Fortress in the distance.

Looking at the Red Moon Fortress in the distance, he repeatedly recovered the appearance that he did not appear after being attacked by Ogata's "secondary attack"-self-confidence and high spirits.

For the past 3 days, Gui Yizheng has been uneasy-he is worried about how Inamori will punish them for losing face again after meeting with Inamori and the others.

Because of his constant anxiety, Gui Yizheng was so excited when he learned that Inamori was willing to give them a chance to break their merits, and that the way to break their sins was to let their First Army act as the first attacker. Use words to describe.

"Master Gui."

At this time, Kuroda's voice suddenly sounded from behind Gui Yizheng.

Kuroda walked quickly towards Gui Yizheng, while continuing to shout to Gui Yizheng:

"All the generals are here."

"Okay." Gui Yizheng nodded, then rolled over and dismounted and looked behind him.

Behind Gui Yizheng, all the high-ranking generals of the First Army had gathered together in a small phalanx-Qiuyue, who had been healing his wounds all the time, was also on the list.

"Everyone." Gui Yizheng moved his gaze, letting his gaze slide over the faces of the generals in front of him one by one, "You don't need to elaborate, you should also know what this battle means to us."

All the generals have a serious face and look like the enemy.

"This battle is a battle that can bring back our face!"

Gui Yizheng suddenly raised the volume and pitch.

"This battle is a battle that can save our honor!"

"Let the rest of the soldiers see our skills!"

"Let the barbarians in the fortress see how stupid they are trying to resist. Let them see how powerful our samurai is!"

Gui Yizheng held up his military support: "Hey! Hey!"

"Oh!" the generals including Kuroda shouted in unison.

Gui Yizheng: "Hey! Hey!"

General: "Oh!"

Originally, it was just that after the generals shouted "Hey—! Hey—!" in Gui Yizheng, they followed by "Oh—!"

But this scream "spreads" quickly as if it possesses a highly contagious virus.

First, the soldiers near the main formation began to yell together.

Then, the further soldiers began to follow.

Finally—all the generals of the 1st Army shouted in unison.

Gui Yizheng: "Hey! Hey!"

Generals and soldiers: "Oh!"

Gui Yizheng: "Hey! Hey!"

Generals and soldiers: "Oh!"

The sound waves formed by their unison shouts pressed against the Red Moon Fortress in an overwhelming manner.

In the face of this wave after wave, even though everyone is trying to suppress it, most people still can't help but show fear and panic on their faces.

After Gui Yizheng yelled until his throat became a little dumb, he turned to the Red Moon Fortress and swung his army down sharply.

"Blow the conch!"


Woo—! Woo—! Woo—! Woo—!

The horns of Falun Gong played after anxious sound, resounding through the sky.

The generals of the First Army who lined up in a close phalanx, after the sound of the Faluo horn, split into dozens of "trickles" and flocked to the Red Moon Fortress.

The sounds of swallowing saliva due to tension and panic sounded one after another on the inner and outer walls of the Red Moon Fortress.

But at this moment—

"Over the past thousand years, we Ainu have been fighting and losing!"

Chanup's voice suddenly sounded on the inner city wall.

Everyone focused on this tall figure.

"If he is interested in where our land is, he won't be able to occupy it!"

"Going forward with others, we can only take a step back! Keep losing the land!"

"I can't remember how many hundred years ago it was the last time we Ainu kept our land in front of Heren!"


Chanup shouted with all his strength.

"Even if we lose for a thousand years, we will not lose the courage to face a strong enemy!"

"If this battle is victorious, it will be the first time we Ainu succeeded in blocking the army of Heren in hundreds of years! Keep our land!"

"This small piece of land under our feet is insignificant compared to our vast land that has been taken away by people for thousands of years!"

"But it will also be our brilliant blow!"

Chanup's chant fell, and some of the people closest to Chanup chanted: "Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!"

Then, the same "contagion" as the first army just appeared.

More and more people chanted together.

The voice of the Ainu chants on the city wall was not lost to the first army just now.

In this tidal wave of cheers, Chanup raised his spear and pointed the spear at the wolves who were coming towards them outside the city.


Three years of lenient administration.

Edo Shogunate·Yes·Red Moon Fortress.

In other words: Heren·Right·Ainu

Red Moon Fortress offensive and defensive battle-war!



In this chapter, UU read www.uukanshu.com Katsura Yoshimasa and their "Hey—! Hey—! Oh—!" Some people who have played games on the theme of the Warring States Period in Japan, or have watched movies and TV works on the theme of the Warring States Period in Japan, right This should be familiar.

At first glance, I feel a little happy, but this is a tradition in ancient Japan when fighting.

This kind of shouting is called "勝ち換".

Before the war, the general yelled "Hey-! Hey-!", and then the following people followed up with "Oh-!"

Although it sounds like a bit of joy, you will find that it is quite exciting to shout like this.

Used to boost morale and deter the enemy.

And after the battle is won, there will also be such a shout again.

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