I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1429 Reincarnation

“Jason stayed away from home last night, and he finally found a definite clue about his biological father.

That clue led him out of Gotham and all the way here.

Bateman held Jason's body and blamed himself: I should have noticed the danger earlier.

During this period, Jason made too much noise in search of his father.

Half of Gotham knows that 'Robin' is looking for his biological father, and there are many super villains with evil minds among them.

They found a fatal flaw in Jason's life.

Jason didn't say hello to you when he left Gotham? Harley asked.

I guess the clown threatened him with his father's life. Bateman sighed: It's all my fault. Since he wants to find his biological father, I should try my best to help him fulfill his wish instead of letting him A guy running roughshod over Gotham.

Harley looked at the still burning ruins and said, Depending on the situation, you arrived at the scene as soon as possible after the explosion.

Did you find something fishy and come to him on your own initiative, or did the clown do all this just to attract you?

Bateman said with an ugly face: The Joker is trying to deal with me, and Jason is just a bait. After Jason left Gotham, I received a note signed 'J', which explained Jason's whereabouts.

He also said that he was in danger and someone was plotting against him.

When I chased him to this city, the clown contacted me directly.

He laughed maniacally and said he wanted to play a game of speed racing with me. If I didn't arrive in time, Jason would be beaten to death by him.

He also sent me a video of him beating Jason with a crowbar.

The clown treats him like an animal, showing no mercy.

Bateman clenched his fists and his expression was extremely distorted because of his anger, He was laughing and hitting Jason with a crowbar.

After seeing that video, even if I guessed that he was going to use a trap against me, I couldn't back down.

You should call for help, Barry couldn't help but say.

Bateman covered his grieving face, and when his voice came out from his hands, it was a little dull: How do you think the clown will react after he finds out that I called other people?

If you call Barry, the Joker won't have time to react. Harley complained.

Bateman shook his head, If the enemy is just me, the lethality of the clown's killer weapon is limited to killing me.

If Barry, or anyone else, was involved, he could destroy the entire city, or the Middle Eastern country.

His son died today, and he was defeated miserably at the hands of his old enemy, the Joker. It was so miserable that Harley couldn't say anything sarcastic to irritate him.

She changed the question: The moment you arrived at the warehouse, the clown detonated the time bomb?

Bateman nodded slightly.

Harley sighed inwardly. He had fought with the clown countless times before, and he always won and the clown lost. The reason for his disastrous defeat this time was entirely because his vitals were grasped.

She couldn't help but recall Falcone's teachings to her back then: To stay on the road, you must cover up your weaknesses.

Lao Kamai worked hard all his life shrewdly, but Sister Yu discovered that he had a slight love affair with his mother, and almost lost his life.

The Penguin is as ruthless and cunning as her, but the Angel of Death Galavan discovers his flaw of being filial to his mother, and becomes Galavan's lackey and scapegoat, almost losing everything.

Bateman has always been known for his calmness and scheming, but he was caught by the clown as his adopted son. His brain was like water, and he was led by the nose, and he was completely defeated.

Let's go. Hero Island is just a transit point. The soul cannot stay for long. I have to reincarnate Jason immediately. Harley said.

Bateman picked up Jason's body numbly, I want to see him, okay?

Harley nodded and asked, How did you get here?

The Batplane launched me over the city and then lowered the Batbike.

Bateman looked at the entrance to the ruins of the warehouse, where a motorcycle with a burning beep was tilted.

Barry, please make two more trips. Harley said.

Whoosh - Harley and Barry disappeared, and Barry returned to Bateman again ten seconds later.

Whoosh-whoosh- 20 seconds later, all four of them returned to Gotham's Wayne Manor.

Jason's bruised body shocked everyone.

Dick and Damian's eyes were red, and Barbara, Rachel, and Starfire just sobbed and cried.

Helena cried loudly and was very sad.

Selena and Ivy also felt uncomfortable, and their expressions were solemn.

Fat Tou, come here. Harley called Fat Tou to her side and handed over a Tianshan 12Pro mobile phone, record all the tragedy at the scene.

What? Fatty almost dropped his phone on the ground.

Aren't you a famous international director? Use your mobile phone to shoot a video of 'Jason's Death' to show as much desolation and tragedy as possible, Harley explained.

Are you crazy? Fatty shouted in disbelief.

Show it to Jason on Hero Island. Harley said calmly.

Uh~~~ The fat head was stunned for a moment, and after realizing that she was planning to kill him again, its shark face began to twist.

Bruce, let's go, time is urgent. Harley urged.

It's not that you can't stay in Hero Island for a long time. It's true that you can't stay in Hero Island for too long. Under normal circumstances, it's best not to exceed 24 hours. This is the rule of the Voice of Heaven.

Not even an hour has passed now, and Harry is mainly worried about the reincarnation seal.

The reincarnation mark she left on Jason's soul is about to be activated.

Harry had never expected this before.

She also used the reincarnation seal for the first time.

Ivy, bring the Archimedes airship over.

Whoosh~ The airship jumped out of Limbo, the hatch opened, and Harley jumped in first, followed closely by Bruce.

We also want to see Jason one last time. Dick and Barbara walked over and said.

There will be no last meeting. Today - Harley looked up at the sky, the crimson sunset soaked into the western sky, Before dinner today, you are very likely to see Jason alive again.

ten minutes later.

The Archimedes airship docked at the Island of Heroes.

The main body of Paradise Mountain is a mountain higher than Mount Everest, while Hero Island is a valley surrounded by mountains.

It is four kilometers in diameter, with the outer peaks ranging from 200 to 500 meters, and the center is an open plain with a radius of about one kilometer.

The airship landed at the mouth of the valley, jumped off the airship, and saw two English words carved on the mountain walls on both sides of the valley mouth, Hero Island.

Simple and clear, you can see it at a glance.

Taniguchi also built a square pavilion, in which two sturdy middle-aged men were playing chess.

Harley, you are here. Wildcat put down the chess pieces, stood up and prepared to come over.

The first-generation Star Man opposite him also made the same move.

You go on, the rest of the work is left to me, I don't need your help. Harley said.

This is the first time I've seen Hero Soul coming to Hero Island. We also want to see how you deal with it. Wildcat Man jumped up, crossed six or seven meters gracefully, and landed lightly in front of a few people.

When they died, they were seventy or eighty years old, with gray hair. After coming to Tiantang Mountain and becoming the Caotou God, they were nourished by the divine power of faith, and their bodies and appearance returned to their prime.

You two are the only ones on this island? Selina asked curiously.

Wildcat Man followed Harley and said as he walked: There are only two of us today. If we encounter intruders, more heroes will come from Paradise Mountain.

There are still intruders? Selina was surprised.

This place is outside the gate of heaven. Anyone can come here. Wild Cat Man said.

Who are the intruders? Bruce asked.

The demons in hell, the mages roaming Limbo, and the projections of gods are all in a mess. They are probably curious about the newly appeared Hero Island. They only peeked from a distance and did not forcefully land on the island. Star Man said.

What if a large number of demons attack Hero Island? Selina asked worriedly.

Wildcat Man glanced at Harley and said, If you can fight, fight. If you can't, then retreat to heaven. The gate of heaven is not far from here.

The people have evacuated. Where is Hero Island? You don't want it anymore? Selina said.

When Harley arrives, no matter how strong the enemy is, she can lead us to retake Hero Island. Even without Harley, if more than a hundred heroes from Paradise Mountain are dispatched, most of the gods and demons will have to flee. Wildcat Man said confidently.

Several people were talking and had already walked into the valley.

The building inside is very simple, just an open square with a cross in the center and a pavilion enshrining the statue of Jesus.

Jason stood alone in front of the cross.

Jason! Bruce took a few steps quickly and looked at his adopted son whose figure was blurry and flickering. He couldn't hide his nervousness in his voice, Harry, what's wrong with him?

At this time, Jason was like a 3D projection with unstable signal. Not only was it flickering and blurry, but he was also frozen there, motionless.

That's why I called you in a hurry. Wildcat Man turned his doubtful eyes to Harley, He was like this as soon as he came in. When we called him, he didn't respond.

That's why I'm anxious to come to Hero Island. Harley stared at Jason's soul intently. The Seal of Reincarnation has been activated, and Jason should have been reincarnated as soon as possible. It's all up to him to be able to persist until now. will.

He refuses to die with his eyes closed, and he doesn’t want to be reincarnated right now,”

As she spoke, she activated her life and death defense expertise and took the initiative to help Jason suppress the imminent reincarnation seal.

Jason's figure visibly returned to normal and he was able to speak.

Bruce, I~~~

Jason, I'm sorry. Bruce's eyes turned red again.

No, it has nothing to do with you. I was careless and fell into the clown's trick. Jason shook his head and asked: Is the clown dead? Have you helped me take revenge? I want to kill him!

His grimace gradually became hideous.

Harley sneered: Is it possible that you have become a fool and don't even know how you died?

Here, let me show you. She said as she took out her mobile phone and opened the video that the great director Fatty had previously recorded. Look at this, your body. Oh, it's so miserable. The shit is coming out of your butt. come out.

Jason's face turned green.

Harley pointed at the video and continued to sarcastically say: Look, you have practiced thick-skinned martial arts with me for several years, and the bullets can't even penetrate the skin, but the shit is blown out.

This shows how terrifying that explosion was.

It’s impossible to say that the bomb was a high-end alien product that the Joker got from the black market.

Bruce's survival was all due to his agility and his ability to huddle up in time and wrap himself under the bat cape made of nanomaterials.

Still expecting him to kill the clown

Do you think he can turn the situation around even though he is being plotted and manipulated at every turn?

Do you really think the clown is a clown?

Harry~~ Bruce looked at her reproachfully: He is still a child! And he's dead.

The Joker killed my father. Jason clenched his fists and almost collapsed emotionally.

If he were alive, he would definitely be in tears right now.

Bruce was startled, Your father is also in the warehouse?

At that time, he was only focused on performing CPR on Jason's body. His mind was full of anxiety and worry, and he did not notice that there was a second corpse at the scene.

That bastard clown locked me on an iron shelf with special alloy handcuffs, threw the key two meters away, and then tied a bomb to my father in front of me.

He laughed and let me struggle, watching me growl but never reach the key.

In the end, I watched my father being blown to pieces. Jason said with a cry.

I haven't met the Joker, but I swear to you, he will pay for what he has done. Bruce gritted his teeth angrily, and his clenched fists were almost scratched by nails.

your face

Jason calmed down a little and immediately discovered that his adoptive father was also scarred, with a white bandage wrapped around his upper body and seven or eight scratches on his face.

I'm fine Jason, I'm sorry, I didn't take good care of you.

Bruce lowered his head, his voice choked with guilt.

No, it's not your fault, it's the Joker, it's all his fault, and the Shadow Warriors Alliance. I heard the Joker and Thalia calling.

This time it was a joint effort between the Joker and the Kagemusha. The Kagemusha provided the venue for the Joker's plan, the city and the country, and the person behind it was the Kagemusha Alliance. Jason said excitedly.

Shadow Warriors Alliance. Bruce was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized, No wonder the clown, an outsider, can take advantage of the right time, place, and people.

You blame this, you blame that, why haven't you ever thought of blaming yourself? Harley said bluntly: If you had been more cautious and calm, you wouldn't have ended up like this.

I'm very cautious. Jason argued: Before going to the Middle East, I was aware of the clown's insidious plot.

But he hung my father upside down above the biochemical tank. If I didn't do what he said, he would immediately cut the rope and let my father die miserably in the chemical solution.

If you were really cautious, you shouldn't let the clown find out that you are looking for your biological father, and you shouldn't let your enemies know that you care about your biological father who has never been masked.

Forget it, it's useless to talk more. Harley waved her hand, Hurry up and be reincarnated. If you have any grievances, you can resolve them yourself in the next life.

I don't want to be reincarnated. I'd rather be a bad guy like Jim Gordon. I want revenge on the clown. I, I. Jason looked at Bruce, his lips trembling, I don't want it to end here! Bruce, Dick, Dammy Ann, I don’t want to be separated from you.”

I'd rather. Harley said angrily: Do you think it's easy to become a human god like Gordon? Stop struggling and just go and be reincarnated.

As she spoke, she slapped Jason on the temple.

Buzz buzz~~~ A vortex of black light and white light appeared in Jason's body, sucking him in completely as he shouted Ahhhh, no~~~.

Hey, did you see it? This is the cycle of life and death, black death and white life. What did you think of? Harley said with a proud smile.

We haven't finished talking yet. Bruce said anxiously.

Selina pulled his arm, Didn't Halle say that before? He will be born soon, and then you can see him tonight.

The death of black and the birth of white, are they black lights and white lights? Star Man, who was completely watching the fun, asked curiously.

Yes, this is a unique skill that I learned from the origin of black and white lights. Is it strong?

As long as the reincarnation seal is used, sooner or later it will attract the attention of the gods and demons in the multiverse. Instead of letting them make random guesses, it is better for her to tell the standard answer herself.

He not only concealed the secret of his expertise, but also pretended to be a big dick.

Harry, do you know which area and family Jason was reincarnated in? Bruce asked eagerly.

Harley shook her head and said, I have no power and no desire to interfere with other people's destiny, so I didn't choose a specific reincarnation goal.

She could send Jason into the body of a pregnant woman who was about to give birth, but obviously, if she did that, the fate of the pregnant woman's true son would be distorted by her.

Looking at Bruce's confused face, Harley explained: After death, the soul's destination is mainly divided into two categories. One is to go to the kingdom of gods based on faith.

The other type is Limbo which is directly dissolved.

After the soul dissolves in Limbo, the spiritual matter in it will be shaped by the laws of the universe into a new blank soul, and extreme emotions will settle at the bottom of Limbo and become part of the 'eclipse'.

It is assumed that the blank soul will enter a reincarnation factory and wait in line for the birth of a new baby. Every time a baby is born, a blank soul will be put in order.

My reincarnation seal only allows Jason's soul to skip the steps of 'dissolution, decomposition, reconstruction, and spiritual enlightenment'. It does not count as disguise if it is directly disguised as a blank soul. After reincarnation, it is a new life.

But his memory has not disappeared, and he may not be able to let go of his past life.

The reincarnation seal took Jason's soul into the 'reincarnation factory' and queued up with other blank souls to wait for birth.

Which family you are born into is out of my control.

You said before that he would be my and Selina's son. Bruce immediately found the flaw in her words.

I don't want it, that's too weird. Selina immediately twisted her face and refused.

I said it before, but you didn't accept it. Now everyone is sent out and queued up at the reincarnation factory. The reincarnation factory is not run by my family, so how can I decide his whereabouts? Harley said angrily.

Well, what Harley means is that she can designate the place of reincarnation, but she can also send the soul to the reincarnation factory. Once sent to the factory, the place of reincarnation is completely randomly assigned by the laws of the universe, and she cannot interfere. Wild Cat Xia said slowly.

Is Jason going to be born tonight? Bruce asked.

Harley said: Now that I have been born, the 'reincarnation factory' is just a metaphor for the rules of life and death in the universe. There is a process of queuing up to get a number, but there is no waiting time for queuing up.

You also saw it when you first came here. Jason's soul was flickering, which was a sign that the seal of reincarnation was going to take him to reincarnation.

He refused to close his eyes and struggled hard to temporarily resist the pull of the power of reincarnation.

Bruce's eyes flashed with anticipation, and he said anxiously: Then let's go back quickly. Jason has memories, so he might be looking for an opportunity to call us.

Back at Wayne Manor, Bruce stayed up all night, and Dick, Damian, and Alfred were with him.

But when the sun came up the next day, I didn't receive a call from Jason.

On the second, third, and fourth days until a week later, Jason suddenly appeared directly at the gate of the manor.

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