I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1428 Death of Jason

Hi, Harley, Harley~~it's half past four.

Early the next morning, Barry Allen's shouts could be heard at Quinn Manor.

Harley opened her eyes wide and froze on the bed for a while before she realized that yesterday she asked Barry to come over for Martial Arts Training at 4:30 in the morning, and it was now that time.

She turned over and her loose nightgown instantly turned into a white sportswear.

There is no need to brush her teeth, because her current digestive ability ensures that the cavity is free of any foreign matter other than saliva.

There is no need to wash her face, her secretion system is completely controlled by herself, and there will be no eye drops or oily face.

Walking out into the yard, she saw not only Barry Allen, but also his grandson, Bart Allen.

Bart was looking around with curiosity on his face.

What does Quinn Manor look like in the 31st century? Harley asked.

There is no manor. Bart shook his head and said: The entire hill has disappeared, and the original place is just a salt-alkali land. However, people all over the world know that there once was a mountain there.

Well, you mean, I will hide the mountain in the future? Harley said.

It's not hiding, it's said to be moving away. Bart said.

Harley smiled and said: Although I have the ability to move mountains and reclaim seas, I promise you that I will not move this mountain from Gotham.

You may think so now, but you will definitely change your mind in the future. Bart said firmly.

Harley turned to The Flash, Barry, have you been to the 31st century?

The coming of the white light means that something big is about to happen, or has already happened. I can't leave the earth at such a critical time. Barry said.

Harry said: Next time you go to the 31st century, you can watch the scenery along the way and see when and how Lishan disappeared.

Can I see you in the future? Barry asked in surprise.

It's weird to see it.

Forget about her, the other people Barry saw in the future timeline, such as Batman and Superman ten years later, were just time phantoms, not the real ones ten years later.

If Batman is real ten years from now, he must know Harley's life experiences in the past ten years, which is equivalent to predetermining Harley's life trajectory.

Xanadu just took a peek at her future, and then she beat him on the head. After completely watching her ten years of future life, does he think that Harley is dead?

Then what did you want me to see? Barry asked.

You just have to keep an eye on Lishan.

All right.

Bart stood there for a while, then began to get upset.

He looked around and said, What are we going to train for? Can we hurry up?

You Harley looked at him, you are different from your grandfather. He needs to practice Taoism. You just need to improve your skills.

Bart didn't understand the difference between Taoism and skills at all, so he just said impatiently: Just tell me, how to practice?

Harley pushed him away, Stay aside for now. When I create your grandfather's Speed ​​Lord, I will make a Run Fast for you.

What Speed ​​Lord? Bart asked doubtfully.

While Harley asked Barry to vibrate his body to let her feel his use of the Speed ​​Force, she said without looking back: Have you read martial arts novels? The Speed ​​Lord is the name of the martial arts secret book. As long as you practice this magic skill well, , your grandfather will become the King of Speed ​​and the Master of the Speed ​​Force.

I know the secret book. Grandpa Karate has practiced the Nine Transformations of the Golden Body technique. It can break time and space with one punch. It is very powerful. Bart showed a surprised look at first, and then complained: That's what you said about my Nine Transformations of the Golden Body. Run Fast is also a kung fu secret book?

What did you just say? Harley stopped what she was doing, turned around and said in surprise: Grandpa Karate, is it Val?

Well, he is the founder of the Legion of Super-Heroes, the karate grandpa who is nicknamed 'Star Breaker with One Punch'.

Val is the founder of the Legion of Super-Heroes? And he also became 'Grandpa'? Barry was very surprised.

If he's so old, why would he be called grandpa? Bart asked strangely.

Barry murmured: Val was only a teenager when he first debuted and was called the 'Karate Kid'. Is this a sequelae of Zero Hour Crisis?

In the Zero Hour Crisis, the Unreal Timeline Universe of the 31st century was annihilated by the rift of entropy. Only the Karate Kid who ate the Nine Turns of the Golden Body secret book survived and wandered all the way to the 21st century.

Later, the crisis ended, the mother river of time was restarted, and the 31st century returned to the future timeline, and Val disappeared in the 21st century.

The other members of the 31st Century Legion of Super-Heroes, Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl, and Brainiac 5, how old are they? Harley asked.

They're all teenagers, Bart said.

It seems that Val is the only one who has not been affected by the restart of the 'Timeline World'. I don't know if he can adapt to such a change. He is the only one in the world who retains his original memories. Alas! Barry shook his head and sighed.

Hey, Harley, you haven't explained why my secret book is just Run Fast? I also want to be the King of Speed ​​and the Master of the Speed ​​Force. Bart shouted.

You can do it. You are only two years old and you want to usurp the emperor's throne. Harley smiled.

Grandpa Huang, what are you talking about? Bart was anxious and confused.

Power can only have one master, just like a dynasty can only have one emperor.

Harley spent a lot of time to explain clearly the reason for Domination of the Speed ​​Force.

Bart looked shocked, My grandfather is not only a speedster, but he can also become the master of the Speed ​​Force space? It's unbelievable.

Barry glanced at his grandson with some embarrassment, It's not what you think. I just want to save my life and protect you.

Then, he looked at Harley eagerly, How's the test going? Is it possible?

You can try it. Harley said thoughtfully: Do you still remember how it felt when you first became the Flash?

It means that when you run, you generate a large amount of speed force that cannot be excreted, causing your body to swell.

Remember, it's very uncomfortable.

You need to return to that state now and store the Speed ​​Force in your body instead of directly transporting it to the Speed ​​Force space. This is the first step. Harley said.

I'm not sure I can do that, Barry hesitated.

You must do it. This is the first level of the Speed ​​Lord. Harley said.

But I still don't know the contents of the Speed ​​Lord cheat book.

Let's explore slowly later. I already have some ideas in my mind.

Barry felt a little more relaxed and asked, What about the second step?

Turning the Speed ​​Force left in the body into yours means leaving a mark. This process is not too difficult. You can refer to the training process of a magician.

The junior mage is Party A, and the magic creditor is Party B. Party A asks Party B to borrow magic power. The attribute of the magic power just borrowed is the power attribute of Party B's creditor.

For example, ask the flame demon to borrow magic power. Black magicians are particularly good at using fire magic.

But when the mage understands the law and becomes a new god and demon, his magic power will only match his own divine origin, and his attributes will be very different from those of Party B.

Party A's magical properties are most in line with his own origin.

At this time, he can transform into a second-hand dealer and lend his magic power to a third party.

In this way, Party A, who was originally only Party B's debtor, becomes Party C's creditor.

Party A is not afraid of Party C defaulting on the debt, because the magic power he lends has its own mark.

Party B is also happy to see Party A become a big creditor. No matter how much Party A earns, it will all belong to him and Party B in the end.

The first level of Lord of Speed is to let the speed force stay in your body again, and the second level is to help you become Party A's creditor.

Harley's explanation was easy to understand. Not to mention Barry, even Bart, who knew a little bit about magic debt, was fascinated by it.

What should Party B do? He is my grandfather's creditor. He worried.

Harley looked at Barry and said: We haven't yet determined who Party B is and what his status is, but since the Speed ​​Force needs you to create it, it at least means you have a destiny for a period of time.

What we have to do is try to increase your strength to the limit before your destiny ends.

Only the closer your strength and realm are to the ‘unknown Party B’, the greater the possibility that you will replace him.

As for how to replace Him, hey, aren’t there still us?

Get rid of Party B and you will be the ultimate creditor.

From 4:30 in the morning to 11:30 in the afternoon, the two Flashes trained continuously for seven hours.

At noon, they were left at the manor for a rich lunch.

After eating, Bart left, and only Barry stayed in the manor to cooperate with Harley in developing the magical power of Speed ​​Lord.

In the process, Harley herself also benefited a lot.

She once got a secret book from the Pharaoh to practice reaction speed and body speed.

The Pharaoh used his mortal body to catch bullets, relying on that tantric classic.

Even now, Bruce and Dick are still practicing her modified version of Kuaishou Prajna Kung Fu.

But when Harley reaches level 60, it is of no use to her.

At this time, Harley saw the hope of creating a new Kuaishou Prajna Kung in The Flash.

Based on The Flash, the new speed magic will be even more powerful.

Dingling bell~~~

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Harry, who was obsessed with developing exercises, was disturbed by a rapid ringtone on his cell phone.

Before she could turn on her phone, Selena ran out of the living room like crazy and shouted excitedly: Harley, something big happened, Jason, Jason... He was beaten to death by the clown.

At the end of the call, there was some sadness in her voice.

Harley was stunned for a while, then asked in confusion: Isn't Jason looking for his father? He hasn't been patrolling Gotham recently, how could he be killed by the Joker?

Really, don't ask anymore, Batman asked you to rush over and perform 'extreme rescue' on Jason. Selina urged.

Harley looked at her phone and saw that the ringing tone had stopped.

Where are they?

Selina quickly named a place.

Why did you go to the Middle East? Harley asked in surprise, then turned to Barry, You happen to be here, take me for a ride.



Counting the time it took to confirm the address, Harley arrived at a desolate Gobi Desert five seconds later.

Bruce, wearing a Batman uniform, was pressing Robin's chest hard.

The Third Generation Robin in green shorts, a red top, and a yellow cape was lying on the ground, covered in blood, his uniform was in tatters, the joints of his arms and right legs were twisted at exaggerated angles, and bruises and wounds could be seen everywhere on his skin.

It was clear that he had been treated inhumanely during his lifetime.

Harry—— Seeing the two teleporting people, Bateman was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly shouted: Come here quickly, he just died not long ago, you can save him as much as possible.

It's hopeless. Harley stood still.

You didn't even check. Bateman said anxiously.

Harley shook the phone in her hand and said: Message from the first generation of Wildcat, Jason became the first hero to land on Hero Island.

On the way Barry took her running over, she also turned on her phone and received a message from heaven.

Since the opening of Hero Island, at least two grass-headed gods have been stationed there at all times.

The grass-headed gods are all superheroes who died in battle.

In the previous Blackest Night, a large number of heroes fell into hell and purgatory, and they were sad for a long time.

Now that they saw the Hero Island, which was dedicated to serving heroes, they were naturally very motivated and very happy. They volunteered to become the island's guard without Harley's orders.

The person who called Harley just now was the original Wildcat Man.

Bateman said in a trembling voice: Since Jason's soul is in Hero Island, it can be rescued as much as possible.

Hero Island is just a transit station to receive souls that have completely died. Harley sighed.

Seeing that his expression was sad, his eyes were wet, and he was about to shed tears, she comforted him again: Do you remember the seal of reincarnation of life and death? I hid something from you yesterday.

Although many gods can cause the undead to reincarnate, my reincarnation seal has two advantages that are incomparable to the gods. First, it is directional reincarnation.

If you are willing, return to Gotham immediately and prepare for pregnancy with Selina, ensuring that Jason will be your son again in ten months.

This time it's a real son.

Bateman's expression froze at first, and then his face began to twist.

The Flash next to him also twitched the corners of his mouth, and the feeling of sadness disappeared instantly.

The second advantage is more buggy. Reborn people can still retain complete memories. Hahaha, is it strong? So, there is no need for you to cry. At most, Jason has just changed into a flesh shell. Harley said proudly. .

Sounds a little evil. Barry said with an uneasy expression.

Harley glanced at him, Is your speedster's 'Speed ​​Corpse Wall' evil?

Barry stopped talking.

Why didn't you say anything yesterday? Bateman asked.

If I had said that, wouldn't Dick and Jason be more vigorous and not take their own lives seriously?

But all miracles come with a price.

My cycle of life and death seal is absolutely guaranteed to be of high quality and quantity, and it doesn’t have any side effects on me.

It's just that the reincarnation seal has just been developed and has never been used. I'm not sure what price the reborn person will have to pay for it.

Harley looked around.

They were now on a small mound.

There was supposed to be a warehouse here.

There had been a horrific explosion before, the smell of gunpowder was in the air, and burning flames could be seen all around.

It is very likely that Jason died in the explosion.

How did Jason waste his life? Wasn't he looking for his father? Why did he suddenly go to the Middle East thousands of miles away and meet the clown? By the way, where did the clown go?

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