I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1430 Death God Harley is coming

After Jason's reincarnation, Harley did not return to Earth with Bruce and his wife.

Although she talked endlessly and told them many rules about reincarnation, she actually had many doubts in her heart.

Except for the reincarnation seal given to her by her defense expertise, she herself knows nothing about the reincarnation laws of the DC universe.

For example, after she left the reincarnation mark on Dick and Jason, she never expected that the reincarnation mark would take their souls to reincarnate immediately after their death.

She thought she needed to activate the reincarnation seal again before their souls would enter reincarnation.

Another example is that Jason managed to resist the pull of the Seal of Reincarnation by relying on his stubborn will.

Doesn't this mean that when she forcibly reincarnates an enemy into a beast, the enemy can still resist?

The answers to all the questions in her heart can be found in heaven.

So, Harley went to Silver City and plunged into the Golden Hall database, but didn't show up for a long time.

The next morning, Bruce couldn't help his inner torment and made a super long-distance call to her.

Why are you so anxious? He has just been born, and even though he is willing, he is not strong enough. He is probably still sleeping soundly in the incubator right now.

On the third night, Bruce called again, his voice hoarse: Is there something wrong? Jason hasn't called me yet.

My reincarnation seal will definitely be fine. Don't worry, Jason will be fine too. Harley said with certainty.

But why hasn't Jason contacted me? He has memory and knows that we are waiting for news from him. Bruce said anxiously.

Harley guessed: Perhaps, there was always someone taking care of him and he had no chance to make a phone call. Perhaps, he was born in a poor family and there was no phone at home.

Be patient. After all, Jason was just born and has small arms and legs. It will definitely be difficult for him to crawl now.

Well, I can't even speak, so I can't make a phone call.

On the afternoon of the fourth day, Bruce said tiredly: I counted 10,378 babies born in the United States in the day after Jason was taken away by the reincarnation seal. Barry personally helped me find out, and not one of them was Jason.

Well, your mobility is really strong, but within a day, Jason was born the moment he was taken away by the reincarnation seal, with an error of less than an hour.

You should put in a little more effort and visit other countries on earth.

Jason did a lot of good things in his previous life, but he may not be an American in this life. Harley said.

People all over the world want to immigrate to the United States. Isn't it a blessing to become an American? Bruce said hoarsely.

Unless you are reincarnated into a rich family. If you are still as poor as in your last life, you will definitely be inferior to other countries. Harley said.

On the morning of the fifth day, Bruce called again and said in a solemn voice: Harley, something is really wrong with Jason. Jay, Bart, and Barry, the three Flashes helped to find almost all the babies born that night. Once again, there was no Jason.

Harley asked in surprise: Is it true that he accumulated good deeds in his previous life and Jason became a glorious alien uncle in this life?

—— Bruce was speechless for a while. What the hell, he can ask the Flash for help within the scope of the earth. How can he find it in the entire universe?

If Jason can't be found in this universe, will you say next time that he may have gone to the parallel world of Earth, and I have to search the entire multiverse? he shouted excitedly.

Harley thought seriously for a moment and said seriously: It may not be impossible.

Bruce raised his voice and said loudly: Harley, be serious, Jason is missing.

I'm very serious, but you should calm down. I said from the beginning that Jason's reincarnation is completely random, and I only ensure that his memory is intact.

How wide the random range is is not something you can decide by shouting loudly. Harry said calmly.

Why didn't you make it clear at that time? You also said that we would receive a call from Jason that night. Bruce said in a sullen voice.

I'm just talking about the best outcome. If Jason were in the United States, if he had accidentally touched the new parents' cell phone, wouldn't you have received a call? Now that he has been reincarnated on an alien planet, he will definitely not be able to make calls. Harley said.

Then what should I do now?

Just wait.

Bruce didn't speak for a while.

I hung up. Harley said.

You'd better come back and we'll seriously discuss the follow-up arrangements. Bruce said helplessly.

What's the use of me coming back? I just want to be reincarnated. Everything after that has nothing to do with me, and there's nothing I can do about it.

Can you check Jason's information in heaven? Bruce asked.

Let me try

Harley did not hang up the phone, but only parted a part of her consciousness to connect to the Golden Hall information database.

She was currently browsing information about reincarnation in the Golden Hall. She just changed the query target at this time, which was very convenient.

Well, since he was branded with the mark of the Ability God, Jason is no longer a believer in God, and all the information about his previous life has been erased. She said with some embarrassment.

Which alien god? Bruce asked in surprise.

That's me. The Seal of Life and Death is an advanced version of the magic mark. Jason has become my believer. Just like the original believer of God, who converted to the Egyptian God in old age, his soul will be taken away by Anubis after his death. .”

Harley also just discovered that this small bug cannot be regarded as a loophole, it can only be said to be part of the price.

Aren't you the God of War in Heaven? Bruce asked puzzled.

But my 'Reincarnation Seal' has nothing to do with heaven.

Unless she gives her original completely to the dog god.

What was hers became His.

Her seal of reincarnation became a power borrowed from God.

At that time, souls bearing the mark of life and death will not be regarded as aliens by heaven.

By the way, I forgot to tell you before that the reincarnation mark will never disappear. Even if Jason goes to a parallel world in this life, he will still remember that he is your good Robin in the next life.

After hundreds or thousands of reincarnations, he will always return. Harry comforted him again.

Hundreds of thousands of lives Bruce said speechlessly: Can I live that long? Moreover, every person has his own love in every life. He has his own life in every life.

If he really goes to another world, I would rather he forget me.

Throw away your baggage, be free and enjoy the moment.

Since you have such a high level of awareness, what are you worried about? The worst outcome is to be reborn in another world.

Bruce hung up the phone and didn't bother her again.

But soon, a second call came.

Harry, it's me, 'Dead Man' Boston. I've been looking for you for several days. It's really hard to see you now.

There was a hint of complaint in his tone, and Harley could hear it.

What are you doing with me? she asked doubtfully.

What do you think? Reverse Flash is dead, and Jason was sent to reincarnation by you. You said you would help me notify Reverse Flash, Jason, and Dick that day, but they disappeared. What will happen to Destiny?! said the dead man excitedly.

Well, you even know about Jason's reincarnation. Harley was speechless.

Is there a possibility that this is their destiny? Isn't destiny a predetermined fate? Obviously, nothing is more 'fateful' than what has happened.

Now it was Dead Man Boston's turn to be speechless.

The spirit of existence is furious and throwing a tantrum! He said that if Reverse Flash and Jason fail to fulfill their destiny, darkness will eventually come to the earth and even lead to the extinction of mankind. He sighed.

What is the ultimate darkness? Harley asked curiously.

It seems to be the sequelae of the Blackest Night. The Black Death Emperor has polluted some of the most original existences.

What is the destiny of each of the twelve resurrected people? Harley asked again.

The spirit of existence is very arrogant. It didn't bother to communicate with me and didn't say anything to me. The dead man said awkwardly.

In this case, you are not obligated to help it realize its so-called destiny.

The dead man sighed: It would be better for you to stay on Earth during this period of time, at least until the 'White Light Incident' is completely over.

Okay, I'll be right back.

The dead man's words reminded Harley: The white light is still on the earth now, and it is planning to cause trouble. She cannot keep practicing in retreat in heaven.

After hanging up the phone, Harley said hello to Carlisle at the Silver City Guards House and flew to Limbo alone.

Harley Quinn, come here, let's talk.

Just after leaving the Gate of Heaven, without even crossing Hero Island, a somewhat familiar voice came to my ears.

A nice, lazy voice of a young woman.

Who is it? Harry looked around and saw no one.

Come to the Dream Kingdom. The voice said.

Harry's heart moved, Second sister?

It's me, but don't call me 'Second Sister'.

Second sister, it's really you! Harley grinned and said with a happy smile: It's so rare that you took the initiative to find me. Second sister, what do you want?

The second sister did not correct her name this time, but her tone was more helpless, Come to Morpheus's palace, I have something to ask you.

Harley wondered why she didn't just show up in Limbo, but she didn't waste her time on such questions.

After arriving on Earth, she immediately found a sleeping person and jumped into his dreamland.

This time she didn't get lost and successfully walked to the Horned Gate, then followed the right path to Morpheus's palace.

Follow me. Morpheus was waiting for her at the door.

He led her all the way to a very wide and long corridor.

On the white walls on both sides of the corridor, six photo frames over one meter high were hung.

There are portraits in the photo frames, but the styles of the portraits vary greatly. There are oil paintings, pencil drawings, figure sketches, and abstract paintings with weird lines.

Here she comes, Morpheus said to one of the picture frames.

In this photo frame is a watercolor painting, a graceful back of a woman holding a small umbrella.

Back turned around, it was the second sister in a black Gothic dress.

Harley Quinn——

Hey, second sister, don't be so unfamiliar, just call me Harley. Harley waved her hand with a smile.

The second sister in the watercolor painting glanced at her and called out submissively: Harley, I heard that you created a technique called 'Kui's Seal of Life and Death' and that you sent an undead to reincarnation a few days ago?

Harry was surprised: Can such a small thing attract your attention, second sister?

The second sister's expression became more serious, You understand the nature of the Wuren clan. We brothers and sisters are the highest law of the universe itself.

I am death and life.

Theoretically, all laws related to life and death in the universe are part of me.

But your 'Seal of Life and Death' is completely out of my control and cannot even be understood by me.

Uh, I don't know about that either. Harley said with a puzzled look on her face, I just stole some of the life and emotion origins of the white lights, and combined them with the origins of the Black Death Emperor that I picked up earlier, I'm the only one At that time, inspiration broke out, and I suddenly had the idea of ​​​​combining life and death, and finally invented the reincarnation seal in a daze.

This is nothing, right? As far as I know, many gods and demons can help mortals reincarnate.

The second sister stared at her face carefully for a long time, not finding any flaws. It was all innocence and confusion.

Your reincarnation seal does not involve the purest laws of life and death, and the pattern is somewhat different.

But to say that it is completely born out of the emotions of life and death is not very similar, it is very weird, and I can't understand it.

But what I can't understand is the biggest problem with your life and death seal.

There shouldn't be laws of life and death in this universe that I don't understand.

Pattern Harley glanced at her second sister, thinking that the death of Black Death Emperor and the life of White Lantern must be quite different in nature from death.

If the second sister had her origin and used her origin to activate the defense specialty of reincarnation, the reincarnation seal would be more than a hundred times more powerful than it is now.

Second sister, just tell me what you plan to do, and I will listen to you. She said cheerfully and directly.

Death muttered: The cycle of life and death in the multiverse must be completely under my control. There cannot be areas that I cannot touch, otherwise the operation of the laws will malfunction.

Just like a precision mechanical instrument, if there is a problem with even one of the small screws, the entire instrument may be damaged.

Many gods and demons can help mortals reincarnate, but if I don't agree, none of them will succeed.

All their reincarnation magic will be ineffective.

But your reincarnation seal, it

The second sister looked a little embarrassed and seemed to find it difficult to say, I can't stop it. If it wants to reincarnate an undead, I may fail to stop it. This is a much more serious problem than screws.

Harley almost laughed.

Her defense expertise is to form defense against whatever energy she absorbs.

At level nine of the defense feat, multiverse-level energy is completely ineffective against her.

Now her life emotion and death emotion defense expertise are both at level nine, and her reincarnation defense that combines life and death is also at level nine.

Fortunately, the emotions of life and death are only part of death, so the second sister's authority has not completely expired.

Are you very proud? the second sister said with a wooden face.

No! Harley shook her head quickly and said seriously and helplessly: I really don't know the reason. How about I give you some of my bloodline origin and you can study it yourself?

If the second sister really wants her bloodline, Harley will only give her a hodgepodge of various magic marks.

She has stolen the magic power of countless gods and demons, and those magic powers have magic marks on them.

The mark was not removed, but was forcibly suppressed by her level nine defense expertise.

Don't use your original source, give me a reincarnation seal, and then temporarily become the representative of death. After I study your life and death seal thoroughly, I will revoke your identity as the representative of death. The second sister sighed.

It's okay to give you a seal of life and death, but what does it mean to be a spokesperson? Harley asked curiously.

Even if she doesn't give the second sister the reincarnation seal, can't the second sister get it from Dick and Jason and study it herself?

It's better to be honest and show favors.

Moreover, she also wanted to test the quality of her expertise to see if Death could study the death defense expertise.

The Representative of Death can be simply understood as the 'God of Death'. I will give you the identity of the God of Death, and you will become my subordinate. You and I will establish a formal relationship between the Lord God and the Servant God.

In this way, I can bring your reincarnation seal under control.

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