I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1427 The Seal of Reincarnation of Life and Death

Hearing Bruce's accusation against herself, Harley immediately became unhappy.

Why do you think I brought girls like Barbara, Gemma, and Starfire over here? Don't say that I am their master and have the responsibility to protect them.

Even if they are just ordinary friends, when they see them being played by a scumbag and applauding, they will give them a few words of good advice.

I'm not being played, Starfire whispered.

She felt she had taken advantage.

Bruce said: Selena, Ivy, me, and Damian, do we need to be warned? Besides, you can just persuade us nicely. It is necessary to pull everyone over to watch directly. Alas!

Thinking of the fierce battle that had just been glimpsed, even Bruce, who was over thirty years old, felt very embarrassed.

I called Barbara and the others here so that they would no longer be deceived, at least not kept in the dark by Dick's rhetoric. I called you here to prove that my original prediction was not nonsense.

In addition, it is also a warning to Damian and Jason who have not made any mistakes yet, so that they should not be bad, otherwise they will definitely end up with the same fate as their good big brother.

Damian held a katana that was as tall as him. Hearing this, he rolled his eyes at Harley and said, You don't have to worry about it. In my eyes, women are far less interesting than swords.

I'm currently investigating the news about my biological father. Harley, are you okay? If not, I'll leave first. Jason Todd said impatiently.

Harley looked at Bruce carefully. There was no sadness or loss on his face, but a frown.

It seems that he doesn't mind the fact that his adopted son doesn't regard him as his only father, but he is just a little worried about his obsession?

Since he didn't mind, she didn't have any more nonsense about force fields.

Of course there's something, come here and let me take a look. Harley waved to him.

What are you looking at? Jason walked up to her in confusion.

You don't watch the news? You don't pay attention to such a big thing like the white lamp furnace in Silver Light City?

Harley stretched out her fingers and put them between his eyebrows.

Although Jason didn't know why, he cooperated with her mental invasion very docilely.

I saw it, what's wrong?

My life may very well be in the hands of a person with ulterior motives. You still ask what's going on? You are really generous.

As Harley spoke, she used her mental power to examine Jason's soul and body.

You mean, the spirit of existence might take action against us resurrectors? Jason finally became serious.

Harley took back her right hand and said: I can only confirm two facts. First, you owe it a debt; second, it will not be kind to you.

How's it going? Did you find anything? Bruce asked with concern.

Harry frowned and said: Not yet, but their destiny has not yet begun. If the spirit of existence wants to take action, it must be after completing the destiny. At that time

How to prevent its evil hands? I can't let you check it every few hours. Jason said.

Harley smiled and said, You guys are in luck! Not long ago, I just studied the art of reincarnation. As long as I imprinted the 'Qui's Mark of Immortality', it would be difficult for me to completely lose my soul.

Everyone was confused when they heard this.

Selina asked doubtfully: Are you talking about the 'Hero Island' outside the gate of heaven? As long as the registered hero dies, the soul will go to the Hero Island immediately.

Then you can redeem them according to the situation, so as to prevent the unexpected situation in the Blackest Night from happening again.

This is the first time I've heard of Hero Island. What does it do? What's the accident in Blackest Night? Jason Todd wondered.

He has been busy looking for his biological father recently, and has rarely even returned to Titan Tower, missing many opportunities to learn confidential information.

Barbara explained: “The souls of people who died in the Blackest Night did not go to hell or heaven immediately.

Like you and Dick.

As soon as you had an accident, Teacher Harley went to heaven to look for your souls.

As a result, the soul has nowhere to go.

Where was my soul then? Jason asked.

Barbara glanced at Harley and said: There is a process from birth to death - losing life and becoming undead - this process is in the hands of 'death'.

Death can be understood as the rule of death, or directly as the ‘Death’ lady of the Endless Family.

After a person dies, the soul first enters the realm of death, completes the death process, and then rushes to their respective endings.

Go to heaven, fall into hell, or enter the underworld of heavenly gods.

The Black Death Emperor is the incarnation of the emotion of death. The arrival of the Blackest Night interferes with the normal operation of the death process. All souls that have lost their lives have not become 'undead'.

They are stuck at the point of death, the soul is trapped in the realm of death.

When the Blackest Night ends, the soul that has lost its life will complete the death process instantly. The soul will leave the realm of death and become undead with different destinations.

When we discover this situation, the fate of the hero who dies in the Blackest Night is determined.

Some went to Heaven Mountain, and more fell into hell, or heroic purgatory.

In order to prevent this situation of being too late to rescue from happening again, Teacher Harley gave up all her achievements in the Blackest Night, just to give the sacrificed heroes a chance to land on the Hero Island.

Hero Island is actually just a floating mountain in the teacher's territory, with a radius of two kilometers, which is enough to serve as a temporary residence for the hero's soul.

From now on, after the souls of all registered heroes leave the realm of death, they will first go to the Hero Island and then decide their final fate.

Of course, this process is not mandatory.

The soul just has one more choice, it can go to the Hero Island, or it can go directly to heaven or hell.

Not only did Jason Todd listen very carefully, but Starfire, Damian and others also heard such a detailed explanation for the first time.

You know so clearly. Selina said in surprise.

Harley only said it once in Hero Island, on the Archimedes airship, on the way back.

Barbara was not on board the ship at the time.

After returning, a series of big and small events happened one after another. The Hero Island, which had no significant interest in the women of the manor, was never mentioned again.

If she doesn't even know about such a big thing, how can she be my exclusive priest? Harley said lightly.

Bruce looked at her and said, I recently heard many celebrities and powerful people discussing the 'Hero Island'.

They want to add their names to the ‘hero list’.

When she first mentioned Hero Island to Ivy on the airship, Harley did not shy away from others. The airship was filled with family members of powerful people, and everyone sitting in the front row heard it. Then the news spread among the upper class society in the United States. .

Harley didn't take it seriously and said: For now, the heroes on the list are the heroes registered by the Sky Eye.

More than 90% of the heroes are recommended by you old heroes.

Moreover, what if he joins the hero roster?

Hero Island is at best a transit point. It is not a judicial institution and cannot determine their sins and merits.

What would you do if they used their power to add their names to the list of heroes, then build relationships with you on Hero Island and beg for a better future? Bruce asked.

Since you can establish a relationship with me, it means that you are more or less a friend. Why don't you lend a helping hand to your friend? Harley said matter-of-factly.

This is unfair to other people. Damian said with a serious face and full of righteous indignation: And your Paradise Mountain evacuation plan is also very unfair.

Why should fat-headed guys go to Paradise Mountain just because they are rich and powerful?

Teacher Harley didn't even go to Heaven Mountain to escape the disaster. Why are you excited? Barbara frowned.

I'm only talking about fairness now. Damian said with a frown.

Harley glanced at him with interest and said, Paradise Mountain is my private property. I can let whoever I want go. Is it possible that your fairness is to turn other people's private property into public property?

Damian pursed his lips, You have the ability to do it more fairly.

Fairness is different from mercy. It is never charity from the strong. If you want fairness, you can only fight for it yourself.

Damian was stunned and said stubbornly: Why don't the strong work hard to create a fair world?

If you were me, how would you allocate the evacuation places in Paradise Mountain? Harley asked.

Damian raised his head and said loudly: Let good people who deserve to go to heaven go to heaven, and those who don't deserve to go to heaven stay on earth. It's fair and just.

Hey, aren't we discussing the 'Kui's Seal of Life and Death'? What does the Seal of Life and Death have to do with Hero Island? Jason Todd said impatiently.

What are you in a hurry for? Dick hasn't come yet. When he comes, I will cast the Seal of Life and Death on you all at the same time.

When will he come? Jason asked.

What you said is really interesting. How about you go down the mountain and stare out the window? Harley laughed.

Jason said with an awkward expression: I mean, what if he goes back to Wayne Manor directly?

Don't worry, I just left him a text message on my mobile phone.

After saying this, Harley turned to Damian and said: Your mother Thalia joined the secret society, she is definitely not a good person and does not deserve to go to heaven.

When the catastrophe comes, if she comes and asks you to give her a place, will you agree?

The excitement on Damian's face froze, his expression became hesitant, and he didn't answer for a long time.

Harley smiled and said: “If you agree, all the people will shout unfair.

If you refuse sternly, your mother will shout that it's unfair. She gave birth to you and raised you, and she gave you all the love she could give you.

Obviously Heaven Mountain is your property, why do you hesitate to give her a little care?

Could it be that your dedication to the concept of fairness goes beyond the love between mother and child?

Is it fair to your mother to let her die in pain and anger in order to realize her ideals?

Even if you open the back door for my mother, it is more fair than opening the back door for all the rich like you. Damian said unconvinced.

Harry shook his head and said: Today you opened the back door for your mother, and tomorrow your grandpa comes to see you again, can you open it?

The day after tomorrow, your junior brothers, junior sisters, senior brothers, and senior sisters in the Shadow Warrior Alliance will ask you for help. Can you help?

Then comes your biological father. He also wants your stepmother and your half-sister to board the ship. Do you want to agree?

Later, Jason found his biological father and also wanted a position.

Barbara wants to seek peace for her family, Dick please give Angela and Fat Harry a chance.

Damian's mouth opened slightly and his eyes widened.

If you refuse, it's unfair. Why can you open the back door for your mother, but refuse friends, brothers and other family members? Harley said.

I just want fairness, Damian muttered.

Fairness granted by the strong is not true fairness. Fairness is not a matter of one person. If you are the only one in the world, there is no such thing as fairness.

But as long as there are more people, their minds will become complicated, and their views on the same thing will be different.

There is no standard answer to fairness.

The fairness in the heart of the strong may not satisfy others.

To ordinary people, superheroes are absolutely strong. Don't heroes uphold fairness and justice in the world? Damian said.

Harley shook her head and said: The people first established the concept of fairness, and superpowers accepted this concept and worked hard to maintain it, and then they became heroes.

Otherwise, it's a supervillain.

For example, the hero wants to make society more fair and distribute all the money of American capitalists to hard-working workers. What do you think the outcome will be?

Damian looked confused and at a loss.

Harley patted him on the shoulder and said, Boy, if you want fairness, try to be a strong person and get what you want.

The strong man is not necessarily the Man of Steel.

Mortal elites who are proficient in and master the rules of society are also strong.

If you want to bring fairness to others, don't think about fairness, don't talk about fairness.

Unless what you want is not to be fair to others, but to make others think you are giving them fairness.

Even so, you still have to work hard to be a strong person and realize your ideals with the power to crush disobedience.

Whining 'unfair' is the worst way to fight for fairness.

Hi, you are all here.

At this moment, Dick walked in from the door and greeted everyone in surprise.

Why are you looking at me like that? He asked in confusion as he faced the angry and disdainful looks of several girls.

I'm waiting for you, come here quickly. Harley waved and shouted.

Asking Barbara to explain his situation again, she said: I have recently developed a magical power that can help people reincarnate.

Of course, many gods can do this.

In order to distinguish myself from them, my brand is called 'Kui's Mark of Life and Death'.

Its only effect is that those who leave my mark can escape the judgment of their sins and live a new life.

Wow, that's amazing! Barbara exclaimed with admiration in her eyes.

Damian muttered: What's so great about it? She said that many gods can do it.

Barbara glared at him and was about to say something when Dick said in confusion: If I understand correctly, the seal of life and death can only allow us to be reincarnated, but it does not guarantee that we will not die in the possible conspiracy of the spirit of existence.

Harley said calmly: I can't always be by your side. Jason wants to find his father, and you want to pick up girls. You never know when an accident will happen.

Dick blushed and glanced around with flickering eyes. He was shocked to find that they all looked at him very strangely. Then he thought about Harry specifically saying that he picks up girls. Could it be that they knew about his good deeds with Angela? No, they have just started.

Can't the Seal of Life and Death make them immune to the harm of the spirit of existence? Bruce asked.

If I can avoid getting hurt easily, if I give myself a beating, wouldn't I be invincible? Harley said angrily.

Jason asked: If there is no seal of life and death, what is the worst outcome for us?

“The soul becomes nourishment for the spirit of being.”

In other words, the seal of life and death is mainly to protect our souls?

Harley said: You were resurrected by the white lamp, and your souls left the magic mark of the white lamp. Theoretically, everything about you already belongs to the white lamp.

Now I will leave my mark on your soul and compete with Bai Leng for your ownership.

If you die, I will not torture your souls, I will just send you to reincarnation.

Jason nodded suddenly, I understand, come on.

Dick looked at his brother in surprise, You don't want to think about it anymore?

Harley still doesn't understand? We have no choice. Jason said.

Since we are competing for the ownership of the white lamp, why not use God's brand? God is stronger and heaven is better. I would rather go to Heaven Mountain to be a grass-headed god than reincarnate.

What's the difference between me being reborn without the memories and emotions I have now, and being wiped out in ashes? Dick said.

Harley said: Of course God's imprint is the strongest, but have you ever thought about it, God might be on the same side as White Lantern.

Even if you bear the mark of God, if the White Lamp asks, He will send your soul away.

It's impossible, isn't it? Dick exclaimed with several people around him.

Harry sneered and said: Do you know that Maxwell Lauder is resurrected? Where do you think his soul went after his death?

With what Lauder has done, he will definitely go to hell. Selina said immediately.

After saying that, she was stunned, In the end, Hell released Lauder's soul and allowed him to be resurrected by white light. This

Why? they cried in confusion.

Why do you have to ask God to reject the white light? Harley asked.

We are believers in God, and our souls belong to Him. Selina said.

Harry said amusedly: Since your soul belongs to Him, of course He can deal with His own things as he wants.

That's not fair, we believe in Him and He should.

Harley said disapprovingly: Don't talk about fairness, I have been talking about 'fairness' with Damian for almost half an hour just now.

When I live in the human world, I have to pay attention to the human society and the sophistication of the world.

God lives in a multiverse. If he doesn't want to waste his time and energy with unnecessary troubles, he must be humane and worldly.

She looked at Dick and Jason and said impatiently: What needs to be said has been said. Those who are willing to stay, and those who are unwilling can go back.

What to do? Jason asked.

He didn't hesitate from the start.

Even if he didn't know that God might compromise with the white lamp, between God and Harley, he believed in Harley more.

The reason is simple, he knows Harley and knows that she will not harm him.

God was a stranger to him.

Whether to trust oneself or a stranger, Jason thought this was a very simple multiple-choice question.

Dick hesitated for a moment and nodded.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Harley, it's just that he doesn't want to let go of the memories and emotions of this life, and doesn't want to lose everything in reincarnation.

But if he had no choice, he could only accept this future.

Pah, pah! Harley raised her hand and slapped the two of them on the backs of their heads.

The force was so strong that it knocked their heads off.

Why are you hitting me? Dick bared his teeth.


What's better? he asked blankly.

That moment just now has stamped the mark of life and death on your souls.

Uh, it's that simple. The expressions of the two of them were a little distorted.

The mark is done, you can go and wander around as you please. Harley began to wave people away.

Let's go. Bruce said to his two adopted sons, Let's go together. I have something to say to you.

Jason glanced at Dick and said, Just talk to him alone. I won't make the same mistake as him.

What's wrong? Dick said guiltily.

Bruce frowned and said, It's getting late now, and you still have to look for it. Alas, you have a lot of time, so there's no need to rush.

I'm very anxious. I've found his information and I'm going to verify it right away. Jason said excitedly.

Bruce opened his mouth and could only nod silently.

The next afternoon, Jason Todd landed on Hero Island and became the first guest on the island.

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