I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1426 Dick who died in society

Evening, Quinn Manor.

I'm finally home. Fatty flew in the air, circled the manor, and said with emotion: Although I have only been away for a few hours, the terrible experience in the Speed ​​Force space seems to have been tortured for countless years.

Although it is painful, the rewards are also great. Harley was very happy.

To be honest, thirty million meritorious deeds are of little use to me. Fatty said.

It thought that the harvest that Harley mentioned was a reward from heaven.

Harry did not explain the huge benefits that defense expertise brought to him. He just smiled, turned around and saw the female apprentice practicing martial arts alone in the martial arts field, so she asked: Cassandra, Jason and Dick are here today. without?

Even today, the Harriet Special Training Class has not been disbanded.

It's just that they changed from coming every day to coming every three or five.

After all, this group of teenage heroes has officially established a faction, and the Teen Titans have even established their own helm.

Dick just came down the mountain. He wanted to ask you some questions about physical skills. He waited all afternoon and saw no one. He went back after a fight with me. Jason.

Cassandra retracted her posture and sighed: “Jason has been busy looking for his father these days.

Well, biological father.

The living corpse that killed him last time was his mother.

His mother is long dead and his father is unknown but may still be alive.

At least, that's what his zombie mother said.

The living corpse revealed some information about his father, which may be true or deceptive. Jason took it seriously and wanted to investigate.

Alas, finding his biological father has now become an obsession for him.

Let alone training, he has not been to Titan Tower recently.

Everyone knows about his search for his biological father? Harley asked.

Kassandra nodded, I've been doing this since he was resurrected.

He is mentally ill. Harley said unceremoniously: What if we find a biological father who abandoned him and his mother?

It's not like he doesn't have a 'dad' now.

Bruce may not be a loving father, but he's at least above the pass mark.

Harley was indeed a little angry.

On the surface, he was angry with Jason for not living up to expectations, but in fact, he was because he was not worthy of his friend Bruce.

In total, Jason Todd has been with Bruce for three years, almost four years.

He is the official adopted son of the Wayne family. He has gone through legal procedures and is still known to the public.

Before entering Wayne Manor, Jason was just a gangster on the street. His mother died young and his father is unknown. He grew up wildly until he was thirteen or fourteen years old.

At the most critical moment when his three views were taking shape, he was lucky enough to meet Bruce.

Bruce has a wife and children, a family business to be busy with, and a job as Bateman. He certainly cannot give his adopted son the meticulous care that a good father in an ordinary family can.

But he also cultivated them and cared for them in his own way.

He takes them to train, leads them to patrol Gotham, fights crime with them, and teaches Gotham's villains how to behave. Well, it is indeed not normal, but his biological son Damian only enjoys the same treatment.

As a result, now that Jason heard the news about his biological father, without knowing whether it was true or not, he began to indulge in the journey of searching for his father.

Harley didn't know how Bruce felt. If it were her, she would feel very uncomfortable.

If Jason secretly used his spare time to inquire about his biological father, she would accept it even if she disapproved of it. After all, he was a superhero.

Before superheroes firm up their heroic ideals, they will figure out questions such as Who am I, where do I come from, and what do I want?

Before Dachao put on the cape, he was confused about his life experience for six or seven years!

Dachao was confused when his adoptive father Jonathan died.

Jonathan would rather die than have the immature Young Chao suffer the suffering of being ostracized by normal society after being exposed as an alien. This is the main reason why Da Chao ran away from home and was confused for six or seven years.

Now that Bruce is not dead, Jason has started to search for his biological father with great fanfare, which has made even a marginal person like Harley know about it. Bruce must have known about it for a long time, and he doesn't know how to feel complicated at the moment.

Master, are you looking for Jason and Dick? Cassandra asked.

She did not refute her master's comment about her teammates being sick in the brain, nor did she follow her master's words and criticize her teammates.

She felt that this was Jason's own business and that others were in no position to comment.

And not only is it not a sin to look for your biological father, it can even be considered a form of filial piety.

Well, this is the ideological difference brought about by different positions. Cassandra has always viewed this matter from Jason's perspective, but Harley immediately felt unfair for her old friend.

Did you read the news about White Lantern's appearance in Silver Light City? White Lantern's arrival this time is for the resurrected person's 'destiny'. Harley explained the matter.

I thought the white light could resurrect the dead in an instant, but I didn't expect that there would be so many troubles in the aftermath. Sure enough, all miracles have a price. Kassandra sighed.

You said before that Jason just came down the mountain? Harley asked.

Cassandra nodded, and then asked doubtfully: Do we have to find him today? Can't we wait until tomorrow?

There is no way that destiny will come tonight.

Cassandra said: You call them.

There are some things that can't be explained over the phone, let alone done. For example, I want to conduct a thorough investigation of their physical and soul conditions. A solemn look flashed across Harley's face.

Are you worried that the white light will leave a 'magic mark' on them? Cassandra asked in shock.

When it was resurrected by the white lantern, it had already left its mark. I threw the spirit of existence into the origin wall before, with the idea of ​​​​cutting off future troubles. I didn't expect that it could still run around like a white lantern. Oh, it's really troublesome.

Harley sighed, took out her phone, turned on Watchdog, and began to locate Dick and Jason's locations.

Will the spirit of existence take the opportunity to retaliate against you by hurting the people you care about? Cassandra asked worriedly.

If it can be done, it will definitely do it. So, I have to make arrangements early. Harley looked at the phone screen and smiled: Dick hasn't left the manor yet, I'll go find him.

The signal showed that Dick was in a guest room at the foot of Mount Li.

Call and ask him to come see you. Cassandra said.

Harley looked at the phone screen and said, That guy is in the guest room at the foot of the mountain. It's strange.

If Dick is walking on the mountain path or in the front yard at the foot of the mountain, it is normal, but the location shows that he is in the guest room.

This is not normal.

The scope of Quinn Manor includes the entire Lee Mountain. At the foot of the mountain, there is a front door, a front yard, and a living room for ordinary guests. Halfway up the mountain is where Harry lives.

Don't disturb him for now. I'll go and see for myself. Harley had a vague hunch that she could see a big show.

Dick didn't expect such a good thing to happen to him.

It's been almost a week since he was resurrected. Today is his first time coming to the manor for training.

He wanted Master Harley to check his body to see if the resurrection would affect his ability to develop a powerful physique that would allow him to reach the realm of extraordinary saints (value is about 30+).

Unexpectedly, he didn't see Master Harley on the mountain, but he encountered an affair on the way down: the mature and sexy sister Angela greeted him with greetings, flirtatious glances, and hints.

Although eldest sister Angela is a bit older than him, she is actually only in her early 30s, which is a very charming age.

Moreover, she looks good, with fair skin, healthy and rosy face, pampered, elegant and decent.

This was not Dick's illusion. Angela was miserable and sloppy before she turned 18, but she followed Harley after she turned 18. Harley was already well-off at that time, so naturally she would not be short of food and clothing.

Except for living at the foot of the mountain, the treatment she enjoys is almost the same as Selena and Ivy. Basically, whatever Hallie eats and uses, Angela gets a share of.

Halle has stopped eating whole grains from the human world for a long time. Before Selena got the second-hand Second Sister's Blessing, in order to maintain her youth, she came up with a whole set of health and beauty meals, and Angela also followed suit.

Let’s talk about her temperament.

Before the age of 18, she was semi-literate, a typical American rough girl.

At the age of 18, she became an apprentice to Afu, the butler of Wayne Manor, and learned the style of an old-school British aristocrat.

By the time she was twenty-four or five years old, Harley had become a famous figure in the galaxy, and Angela's status had also risen step by step.

It is said that the prime minister is a seventh-rank official, and Harley is definitely the top person on earth today.

It is difficult for visiting dignitaries to see Harry in person, and Angela is often responsible for receiving them in the front yard.

When it comes to the most powerful women in Gotham, Angela is in the top five.

As the saying goes, the Qi that moves away nourishes the body that moves away.

After seven or eight years of this, how could Angela's demeanor deteriorate?

Angela didn't expect that she would encounter such a good thing.

On the day Dick was killed, Harley chased her and asked some shameless questions. Later, she said that Dick had always been interested in her and often peeked at her big bear.

Ever since Dick was resurrected, Angela has been feeling hot and always thinking of Harry's words, He's also interested in you.

After suffering for several days, she finally saw Dick going up the mountain again. She hurriedly changed her clothes: the skirt was shorter, revealing most of her white thighs, and it was tighter, outlining her bumpy figure, and her chest was placed lower, ensuring a five-point performance. The second large white steamed bun can be seen at a glance.

She deliberately lingered at the intersection where Dick was going down the mountain.

I didn't have any idea at first, I just asked him about his physical condition and whether he felt any discomfort after his resurrection.

If she cares about him a few words, talks to him a few words, and lets him see her big bear, she will be able to reflect on it alone for a night.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she took the pose, Dick glued her two eyeballs up.

After that, the passion between the two parties was like the Yellow River overflowing, out of control.

Harley didn't expect to run into Dick and Angela doing something good.

At first, she just thought it was strange why Dick stayed in the guest room at the foot of the mountain. With just a few quantum shifts, she quietly came to the window of the guest room at the foot of the mountain.

Then the babbling sound reached her ears, and the absurd scene that Angela saw in her dream that day truly appeared before her eyes.

Shit! Harry's face turned red, and he stepped back dozens of meters.

I can't let these two guys go, they dare to stain my eyes! Especially Dick, I will kill you today. Let's see how you pick up girls in the future.

After a sudden change of expression on the mountain road not far away, Harley sneered and returned to the manor halfway up the mountain. Cassandra, who was about to continue training, Ivy who was cooking in the kitchen, and watched the children's program Celine with her daughter in the living room. Na. Even Duoduo was not spared and called them all into the yard.

What are you doing? Selina asked confused.

You'll find out later. Harley took out her phone again and sent a message to Titan Tower in Jersey City, asking Rachel, Starfire, Barbara and others to come over immediately.

Then she called Bruce Wayne urgently and asked Ivy to drive the blimp over to pick them up.

After struggling for seven or eight minutes, all Dick's acquaintances were finally gathered together.

Well, since Dick Club is to be killed, of course he has to call his acquaintances.

I want to prove something to you. Facing a dozen pairs of doubtful eyes, Harley reminded with some pride: On the night of Dick's accident, I once told you a prophecy, do you remember?

Most of them looked confused.

Selina's heart moved, and she asked in surprise: You said Dick will not die, and he and Angela still have a marriage?

What? Dick and Angela? Which Angela? Several girls exclaimed.

Not everyone was at the estate at the time.

It's from down the mountain, Harry's mother. Selina said.

Hearing the name Harry, Harry's heated head immediately cooled down.

She began to hesitate.

Harry, why are you so dazed? What do you want to say after calling so many of us here? Selina said.

Harry frowned and said, You have to swear that you won't tell anyone else what you see later, especially Harry.

She was just angry at Dick and Angela and didn't want to hurt the innocent fat Harry.

Could it be——

There were all smart people present. When they heard this and contacted the prediction she made, they immediately guessed the truth.

No way, Starfire exclaimed first, Dick is my boyfriend.

No, Dick likes me. Barbara Gordon shouted unconvinced: He went on a date with me the night before yesterday.

Are you serious? Zha Kang's niece and Harry's eldest apprentice Magic Priest Gemma looked ugly, Dick is a bastard, he, he

She couldn't speak anymore.

This time, Harry no longer hesitated. He propped up the defensive gold film, folded it into a birdcage shape, put everyone inside, and wrapped it with a layer of yellow light film to form a vacuum and sound insulation.

Whoosh! After a few quantum shifts, they arrived at the foot of the mountain.

The guest room windows were wide open and the fighting continued.

Dick's 30+ physique ensures that he can fight Gotham's villains all day and night.

I bought it!

Dick, you bastard!

Several girls who were suspected of being Dick's girlfriends were livid and yelled excitedly.

Fortunately, Harley was well prepared. There was a vacuum between the defensive gold film and the yellow light shield, and the sound insulation effect was good.

Oh, Dick is too carefree. Even if he lied to sisters like Gemma and Barbara, he also lied to Angela. It's too much. Selina also wanted to scold him, but Dick was her adopted son and had to keep his moral integrity.

Let's go. They are all adults. They have not broken any laws or violated ethics. Let's not do anything rude. Bruce said.

You said it quite easily.

Harley glanced at him and left quietly with everyone.

Anyway, Dick is already dead, although he doesn't know it yet.

Bruce looked at her with some reproach in his eyes, How do you want them to face other people in the future? Dick may have a little problem, but it won't end up like this, and Angela is even more innocent.

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