Bart, are you from the 31st century? Harley asked.

Bart left the slightly stiff embrace of his 30-year-old grandfather and turned back: I understand it's hard for you to accept this fact, but -

Harley waved her hand and said: We have seen more big scenes than you have seen in Hollywood thrillers.

I just want to make something clear, nothing is unacceptable.

Cisco muttered: It's hard for me to accept that Barry suddenly turned into a grandfather.

Bart glanced at Harley and nodded: Yes, I came from the 31st century.

How old is your grandma this year? Hallie asked again.

She's from the 21st century.

I asked her how old she appeared to be.

About forty-five, or younger? Bart said uncertainly.

My dear, how old was your father when he had you? Barry shouted.

Bart's eyes flashed with a strange look of pride, Hey, actually I'm only two years old this year, didn't you expect that?

Two years old? Are you kidding me?

Not to mention the ridiculous faces of Barry and others, even Harley looked suspicious.

This Bart is not only tall and looks like a boy, but more importantly, he is not naive in mind, and his words and deeds are in line with his image of a young boy.

Really, I'm only two years old, I just look older. Bart scratched the back of his head in distress, The reason why I came to the 21st century is because my metabolism is extremely abnormal.

In order to prevent me from dying early, grandma asked me to come to you.

She said that there was once a child who was more exaggerated than me and grew one year old every day. You have experience in dealing with this disease.

Let me see. Harley and Barry said in unison.

Barry grabbed Bart's right hand, and Harley raised her hand to hold his head.

After a moment, Barry said with a serious face: Bart didn't lie, his cells were soaked in the strong speed force, and his metabolic rate increased ten times compared to normal people.

This is not normal.

Even if we speedsters have the Speed ​​Force in our bodies, the Speed ​​Force only speeds up our digestion and recovery, and will not intensify our 'growth'.

Harley withdrew her right hand, and through spiritual perception, she determined that his soul was indeed very immature.

When you become the Flash, you are an adult. The biggest metabolic activity of an adult is digestion and recovery. He is still a child and is in the development stage. The biggest metabolism in the body is growth and development.

Instead, she felt that Bart's situation was normal.

It's not a big problem, just empty out the Speed ​​Force in your body and you'll be fine.

Barry frowned and said, I'm afraid it's not that simple. Bart was using the Speed ​​Force when he entered the door just now. According to his behavior, the Speed ​​Force in his body has long been exhausted.

Boy, go to Central City and try running around twice. Harley put her hand on his shoulder and said.

Running with you? Bart asked.

Well, let me intuitively feel the consumption of the Speed ​​Force in your body.


After one lap and two laps, the two returned to the laboratory. Less than five seconds passed.

How? Barry asked nervously.

Harley frowned, Like ordinary speedsters, he draws the speed force from the speed force space.

But part of the speed force he extracted was used for running, and part was stored in his cells as nutrients for extremely rapid metabolism.

In other words, when he uses the Speed ​​Force to run, the Speed ​​Force in his cells will only increase rather than decrease, and the growth rate will become faster and faster.

What should we do? Barry asked anxiously.

He now regarded Bart as his grandson.

Not only the information Bart revealed about Iris, but also the feeling of blood connection.

He was sure that Bart must be his and Iris's posthumous son, that is, his grandson.

When Iris Bai was pregnant, he was full of expectations and fantasies about the baby. Now that he saw his grandson, his feelings were even more complicated.

Not only is there closeness and kindness, but there is also guilt and distress.

When I ran two laps around the city just now, the speed of the first lap and the second lap were different. I thought the speed of the first lap was not fast enough, so I asked him to speed up. Guess what? His speed only increased by 2%, which is very small. Frustration. Harley laughed.

You just said you could run away casually. Of course I didn't use my full strength. Bart said unconvinced.

He's only two years old. Barry frowned.

Come on, I see you are starting to sweat. Harley looked at Bart contemptuously and said, I think your talent is just that, far less than your grandfather.

Perhaps your only talent is that you grow up faster.

It's a pity that the speed of speed is not compared with growth speed, but running speed.

Bart had never been told something like this before, and he felt angry and anxious, and his eyes were red.

Just as Barry was about to say something, Harley's voice came in his mind: If you want your grandson to be cured as soon as possible, just look at my eyes and cooperate with me.

Barry was shocked and confused, but immediately closed his open mouth again.

Oh, he is a two-year-old child after all, he is almost crying. Harley continued to sneer.

——Sisko, you scoffed.

Harley is still directing the audience.

Hahaha Sisko's laughter was dry.

But it was still very jarring for Bart.

——Catherine, you are a red face.

I think it's very rare for Bart to have such speed at the age of two. Catherine said sincerely.

Harley smiled and shook her head: I don't deny his current strength, but he has no potential. At the age of 2, he is very strong; at the age of 20, he is still at the same speed, mediocre; at the age of 30, he is still at the same speed, which is rubbish.

I'm not trash. Let's run again. This time I will let you see my true strength. There were tears in Bart's eyes. He clenched his hands into fists and shouted excitedly at her.

Huh, I don't want to hit you, but you have to know what's good and what's bad. Especially a young and successful kid like you needs to understand how big the world is before you can learn to be humble. Harley sneered, turned to Barry and said, You run with him once , teach him what true 'speed' is.

Just run on the cosmic treadmill in the laboratory.

There are few people here, just a few of us. We are all elders and we won’t laugh at him too much.

After going outside and attracting the heroes of Zhenglian and the people of Central City, the Allen family was disgraced.

Barry glanced at his grandson. His face was red, and smoke began to appear on the top of his head.

It wasn't an illusion or a metaphor. Bart's head was hot, his hair was wet with sweat, and there was a puff of steam rising up.

Bart, let's just run around, no need to be too-

No, Grandpa, if you respect me, please try your best. Bart said excitedly.

Barry looked at the tears on his face and felt so distressed that he almost held him in his arms.

The track is so long. You can't tell the difference between one lap and two laps. Let's compare who can run the most laps in the same time. It only takes three minutes. Harley said.

Is three minutes too long? The gap will be too big by then. Sisko hesitated and said, Three seconds is almost enough.

Just three minutes. No, ten minutes, Bart yelled.

As you wish, ten minutes. Harley said with a relaxed expression: Barry, take it easy and don't win too much, he is still a child.

Grandpa, you have to do your best. Bart emphasized again.

I'll do my best, Barry promised.

Ready, run!


Following Sisko's order, the two Flashes turned into two bolts of lightning, drawing two complete arcs on the runway.

Bart is not slow. He is much stronger than when Barry first became the Flash. Sisko looked at the screen and said.

Harley picked up the microphone and said, Barry leads Bart for 30,000 laps for half a minute. Bart, are you okay?

40 seconds later.

Harley sent a message: Barry, speed up, Bart's speed has increased by 30%, you have to increase it too, just increase it by 31%.

Barry leads Bart by 70,000 laps. Alas, it's getting bigger and bigger. It's one minute. Harley sighed into the microphone.

5 minutes later.

Harley sent a message: Barry, speed up, what are you doing? He's almost catching up to you.

——I have reached my limit.

Barry said helplessly.

Harley said: Nonsense, you are the father of the Speed ​​Force. How fast you can run depends entirely on your will. This is saving your grandson's life, don't be a foreigner.

Barry's speed increases again by 30%!

7 minutes later.

Harley shouted: Okay, don't speed up, act like you're tired, it's best to sweat a little and be ready to finish.

——I was already very tired. I was exhausted.

Barry gasped.

ten minutes later.

Bart had a strange look on his face, neither too frustrated nor too proud.

Grandpa, you are so awesome. He said sincerely.

He lost, and he was convinced that he lost.

You said I have no potential? He raised his neck and looked at Harley proudly.

Although he lost, in the last few minutes, his speed was close to 80% of Barry's.

This is not the 80% it was at the beginning.

During the run, Barry kept accelerating.

You're really good, your speed at the last moment was 200 times that at the beginning, you are worthy of being the 'Lightning Boy'! Harley praised.

Bart was stunned when he heard this.

He didn't expect her to praise him.

Harley walked up to him and put her hand on his wet head. After a moment, she moved her hand away and said with a smile, Boy, you are back to health.

Really? Barry was doubtful. He stepped forward, held Bart's wrist and felt it for a while, with a look of surprise on his face. The speed force in Bart's cells has indeed disappeared.

Bart looked confused.

Sisko said thoughtfully: Harley said before that when running around Central City, every time Bart took a step, the speed force in his body would increase by one point.

Now that Bart has run countless millions of kilometers, his physical strength and speed have been exhausted.

Is it because the extraction power of the Speed ​​Force is constant?

How much speed force can be extracted per unit time determines the talent of the speedster.

On the other hand, the speedster's talent determines his efficiency in extracting the Speed ​​Force from the Speed ​​Force space.

Bart is very talented and he can draw a lot of the Speed ​​Force.

But he is young, his speed has not improved, and his strength has not yet reached the upper limit of his talent, so the speed force he draws is unnecessary.

And as he was growing, the excess Speed ​​Force remained in his body.

In the game just now, Bart's talent remained unchanged, and his efficiency in extracting speed power remained unchanged.

But as his talent was developed, his speed increased hundreds of times, and the speed of consumption of the Speed ​​Force skyrocketed.

The Speed ​​Force in his body was unable to make ends meet and began to consume the Speed ​​Force in his cells, and then he was cured without any medicine.

So that's it. Barry suddenly realized.

Bart continued to be dazed.

Before she could get over the excitement of Don't bully young people into poverty, I suddenly heard the good news that I had recovered.

The changes were too fast and he couldn't react.

Harry, you are so awesome. Sisko praised him with admiration and then asked, How did you come up with this method? And it was within just a few minutes.

Harley smiled and said: During the previous laps in Central City, I have been paying attention to the uptake and outflow of the Speed ​​Force in the cells in his body.

There are two laps in total, and the speed of each lap is different.

As a result, I found that after his speed increased, the amount of Speed ​​Force stored in the cells decreased.

So I thought, if his speed continues to skyrocket, the amount of Speed ​​Force absorbed by the cells will decrease to negative, that is, the Speed ​​Force will be consumed.

When the Speed ​​Force in his cells is exhausted, he will naturally recover.

You weren't sure at the time that his efficiency in extracting the Speed ​​Force from the Speed ​​Force space was almost constant? Sisko said.

Harley shook her head, Without a large amount of experimental data as a basis for analysis, what can I be sure of?

But you seem to be very confident.

I'm not sure, I'm really just giving it a try. Harley said seriously.

What if there is no result?

If there is no result, there will be no result. No matter how smart the doctor is, he would not dare to guarantee to the patient that the medicine will cure the disease.

Sisko's expression gradually distorted, You have hurt Bart with your words. If it doesn't work, then-

Harley raised her chin towards Bart, Look at his clothes.

What happened to my clothes? Bart asked.

This is a uniform, a hero's uniform.

Bart said with a proud smile: I am the 'Flash' of Central City in the 31st century, and now I have become a key assessment target of the Legion of Super Heroes.

Harley stopped looking at him, glanced at Cisco and the others, and said, Look, he is a superhero now.

If my verbal taunts to him are considered hurt, is it possible that the super villain will accompany him to build sandcastles, hopscotch, and play house?

Sisko was speechless.

Barry looked worried. He saw Bart's performance just now, and his emotions and behavior were completely guided by Harley.

If she were a super villain.

Supervillains can only go further than she does.

Bart, what are your plans next? Go back to the 31st century, or stay here for a while? he asked.

Of course I want to stay, I also want to see the legendary 'Superhero Era'. Bart said excitedly.

Barry nodded, he would take advantage of this time to train him and make him a qualified hero.

How did your grandma end up in the 31st century? Harley asked.

She didn't tell me.

Barry hesitated and said: Harry, I want to go to the 31st century.

Well, go ahead and I'll open the back door for you.

She was so straightforward, but he felt a little uneasy, Will my actions distort the timeline?

If there are signs of major distortion, I will remind you. Well, I will pull you back directly. Harley said.

She cannot directly pull Barry outside the River of Time to her side, but as long as the Mother River of Time is distorted, she immediately activates the Protection of the Mother River of Time, and the Mother River of Time will automatically eject Barry to a point in time where he shouldn't exist.

If he is ejected, he will naturally know what to do and what not to do.

Before leaving Central City, Harley pulled Barry alone into the conference room next door, handed him Black Lightning Barry's head, and said, In order to avoid ending up like this, you should have made preparations in advance.

Barry looked serious and said, What suggestions do you have?

He certainly didn't want to end up like this.

Power is the best way to change your destiny.

Continue to increase your running speed? Barry asked.

Harley said: Increasing speed is one thing. After all, the famous saying of you speedsters - as long as you are fast enough, not even 'death' can catch up.

However, what I mean is to change the policy of cultivation.

Improving speed is a skill, you have to cultivate the 'Tao'.

Taoism is the foundation, skills are very important, but they are only auxiliary.

I don't quite understand. Barry said confused.

What is the foundation of a speedster?

The Speed ​​Force.

Harley asked again: What is the foundation of Black Lightning?

Is it also the Speed ​​Force? Barry asked.

Harley said: It is the origin of death speed. Of course, it can also be regarded as an alternative 'speed force'. After all, it is all within the wall of the speed force.

The ‘foundation’ is the Tao.

Not only do you have to learn how to use the Speed ​​Force and the Speed ​​of Death, you have to master them and make them your strength.

I don't want to become Black Lightning, Barry said.

When you grasp the origin of death speed, you can decide whether to do Black Lightning. Only a rich man with a fortune of more than 1 billion can say, 'I don't want to buy this 1 billion dollar yacht.' Do you understand what I mean?

Barry frowned and said, What should we do specifically?

Harley said: The first step is to take advantage of your destiny while you still have it in your hands - that is, run to create the Speed ​​Force, and solidify your identity as 'Speed ​​Force Dad'.

Starting tomorrow, you will get up at 4:30 in the morning and come to Quinn Manor to participate in the special training I have prepared for you.

I killed a lot of Black Lightning and got some death speed sources.

After you complete the first stage of special training, I will teach you how to control the speed of death.

Can you control the speed of death? Barry asked in surprise.

Einstein's middle school physics teacher was definitely not qualified to win the Nobel Prize, but he taught Einstein. I don't understand, but I can guide you to find out how to control it. Harley said confidently.

I understand, thank you, Harley. Barry said sincerely.

He hasn't seen Harley's teaching method yet, but now he can feel Harley's care for him.

She was doing it for his own good, and she wanted him to avoid tragedy.

It is enough to understand this.

Harley nodded and was about to leave when the voice of heaven suddenly appeared in her sea of ​​consciousness: The origin of the speed of death must be sacrificed to the Lord!

Oh, I almost forgot about you. Don't worry, I got a great harvest this time. Even if I leave part of it for Barry, the rest will be enough to meet the Lord's needs.

The Voice of Heaven didn't know what happened in the Speed ​​Force space because Harley turned on the God Force Field at that time.

Tian Zhisheng took the initiative to come to the door because of a private message from the Dog God.

God knows what Tian Zhi Sheng doesn't know, but the details are not told to it.

Barry, come here. Harley opened her mouth and spit out a Bible, handed it to him and said, Take it and recite the scriptures with me later.

What? Barry didn't know why.

This Bible is a holy relic that will help you strengthen your connection with heaven.

Barry still didn't understand, So?

You don't want merit points? Fifty million.

If Barry realizes something, Are we going to start sacrificing the Speed ​​Force to heaven?

Don't talk nonsense. There is no sacrifice, and God has never thought of asking for the Speed ​​Force. Harley set a straight face and shouted seriously: The 50 million yuan is a loan from me. It is given to you by me. It has nothing to do with heaven. Understand me. Do you mean?

Understood. Barry sighed: It's too difficult for you, Harley.

By the way, Fatty, you come out too. You have work to do today, and you will be rewarded with 30 million meritorious services. Remember, this is the reward I give you. Harley said again.

Oh, Harry, it's really hard for you. The fat man also sighed.

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