I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1412 Not greedy enough

You're not looking for me to inquire about the Purple Lantern Corps' central lamp furnace and daily tasks, right?

After chatting for a while, Carol looked at Harry and wondered.

Harry first recounted his feelings when Mela was resurrected, and then said: You seem to have used your love to influence the higher laws of life. During this process, didn't you feel anything at all?

Carol said in surprise: Let me think about it.

After a while, she said: When I resurrect my lover who has been separated from me, I will be very satisfied and happy, and there will be a stream of love flowing out of my heart. Is this a strange place?

You have also seen the spirit of existence, and you have also personally merged seven lights into one, fused with white light. And the law you manipulated has an aura similar to white light, can you sense it? Harley gave a hint, and then looked forward to it Look at Carol.

She shook her head in confusion, If I could feel the aura of white light, I would have excitedly announced it to everyone.

Harry, are you right? Hal asked with a solemn expression.

What do you think?

Hal said slowly: If purple lanterns can pry white light, then other colors of light should also be able to do it. If it is turned into a skill, wouldn't it be possible for all lanterns to control white light? It's incredible.

Seven lamps combined into one can create white light. Is there anything incredible about it?

Hal said: The seven kinds of emotional energy come from the light of life, and the seven combined into one produce white light, which is just a return to the source.

If a color of light can also pry white light, it means that the energy of the seven lights is not as simple as we think, and the light ring can no longer be simply used as an energy weapon.

Maybe Lanterns can also practice, and there are different levels.

We are now only at the most basic stage of using lantern rings as weapons. If we can develop emotional energy more deeply, can lanterns, like magicians, understand the laws of emotion and be promoted to 'gods and demons'?

Well, that's a good idea. You're very talented. You can try to be a 'Green Lantern Ancestor.' Harley said.

Her yellow light talent is also good, you can try it too.

The simple law of fear and emotion has little meaning to her, but if the emotion of fear can leverage higher-level life emotions, then can she also resurrect the dead?

The key is that this kind of white light of life that comes from cultivation has no destiny limit.

It also requires providence for the spirit of existence to resurrect the dead.

Even if the resurrection is completed within the destiny, someone has to pay the price.

How many Romeos and Juliets has Carol resurrected?

Her price was only the price of using the emotional energy of the purple light, and she did not pay the additional cost of leveraging the white light of life.

With this thought in mind, Harley returned to Quinn Manor alone.

Ivy is not with her, she has to continue to be a bus driver, traveling between the earth and Heaven Mountain, there are at least ten more trips to make.

But Ivy is not alone, and Selena has not returned to the manor. She will replace Harley and serve as the ticket collector on the co-pilot.

After returning to the manor, Harley took off her clothes, lay comfortably in the hot spring, and began to test her newly acquired defense expertise in the cycle of life and death.

In the mist, her face and body shape changed rapidly, from young and immature to old and vicissitudes of life.

If you observe carefully, you can see that not only her appearance and physical signs are changing, but also the look in her eyes and the temperament on her body.

When her chest became flat and her face and body became tender, her eyes became pure and clear, giving her a kind of innocence that belongs to her age.

When her breasts sag, her face is covered with wrinkles, and her hair turns gray, her eyes also reveal the vicissitudes of time.

Jingle Bell

When Harley was experiencing hundreds of states of life in an instant, her cell phone rang on the chair by the pool.

There are not many people in the universe who can get through to her cell phone.

The teenage Loli Harley hooked her fingers, and the protective golden film turned into an invisible ribbon, and she rolled up her mobile phone in front of her.

Hey, Lina, didn't we just separate? What happened to you over there?

The caller ID was Lena Luthor, and Mela's previous death happened at Lena's manor.

The manor is relatively close to the metropolitan area and occupies a large area. It is quiet and quiet inside, with few people around.

Coupled with her relationship with Harley, Lina would go to Paradise Mountain to take refuge every time she encountered a major crisis. Even if there was no crisis, she would often go to Paradise Mountain to visit her mother.

Over time, the manor where she now lives alone became a regular landing spot for the Metropolis airship.

Lina should have just sent the guests away at this time.

Are you Harley? Lina on the other side heard the little girl's voice coming from the phone and felt surprised.

The voice doesn't sound like her, but her tone and words must be that of Harley.

Hahaha, how about my voice changing software? It works well, right? Harley said with a proud smile.

While laughing, her body grew rapidly, and finally her voice returned to its original state.

Lina was relieved and said: The software is very good, but Harley, I'm looking for you because of Luther.

Isn't he good? Now he has joined the Orange Lantern Corps and become a glorious Lantern. Harley asked doubtfully.

He is missing and cannot be contacted at all. Lina's voice was full of worry and urgency, If he is free now, he will at least send me a message back.

I understand him, he may like to be alone, but whenever the family comes to him in a hurry, he will respond so that we don't have to worry.

Well, don't worry, I'll ask the Justice League.

Harley didn't hang up Lena's phone and connected to the Hall of Justice. The person who answered the phone was Oliver.

I don't know. After the Black Death Emperor escaped back to the death dimension, everyone was anxious about the hero's resurrection, and no one paid attention to Luther anymore.

However, I have a guess in my mind. Could it be that he was transformed into an orange light ghost by Lafleeze? Hahaha.

Thinking of the scene where Luther was sucked out of his soul and refined, Harley also wanted to laugh, but held it back.

What is the orange light ghost? Lina asked aloud.

Uh, you are. Oliver didn't expect that there was a third party online. After hearing Lena reveal her identity, he couldn't help but feel very embarrassed. Maybe I guessed wrong. Luther has become the Lord of Orange Lantern now and is busy. Let's turn Lafleeze into an orange light ghost.

Green Arrow, please contact La Freeze now, Harley said.

Luther may be greedy, but he is definitely no match for Lafleeze.

With the same level of orange light energy, Lafleeze was able to stay awake, while Luther, a strong man, lost control many times.

According to the living environment of the Orange Lantern Corps, two tigers cannot coexist. Orange Lantern Luther can't tolerate Lafleeze, and Lafleeze can't accept Luther. There is only one ending for the loser, becoming the other side's Orange Lantern ghost.

I don't have Fritz's contact information, Oliver said.

He doesn't really want to care about Luther's life or death, and even wishes that Luther would be transformed into an orange light ghost alive.

Without Luthor, the whole world would be a lot more peaceful.

You go find the Green Lantern. I feel like the Seven Lantern Corps haven't completely left the solar system. They are still waiting for destiny and the follow-up of the White Lantern. Harley said.

If she didn't think of Luther, she wouldn't feel sorry at all when Luther was harmed.

But now that she had guessed that Luther was in danger, she couldn't remain indifferent.

Lafleeze had actually been waiting for Harley.

Yesterday, before the Spirit of Existence was hung on the Origin Wall, Luther was controlled by the orange light of greed for the Nth time. He lost control and attacked Lafleeze for the Nth time. Lafleeze also suppressed him for the Nth time.

But this time, he decided not to give Luther the N+1 chance to challenge him. After all, the Blackest Night was over, and the Black Death Emperor had begun to build the Great Wall in the death dimension.

Just when he was about to use his ruthless hand to extract the soul, Said stopped him.

As the guardian of the orange lantern, I currently do not want the owner of the orange lantern to be replaced. If you have the same idea, don't kill him. She said seriously.

Kill him, cried Lafleeze, and my country will be secure.

I'm not talking about him. He can't threaten your status as the most greedy person in the universe. But killing him will give Witch Harley an excuse to get angry at you. He is her friend. Seid explained. road.

Lafleeze was stunned, Why should she intervene in the internal disputes of the Orange Lantern Corps?

I'm not from the Orange Lantern Corps. I don't want the Orange Lantern ring at all. Now that the ring has been taken away by you, let me go. Luther shouted with difficulty.

With his human body, donkey's mouth, and chicken paws, he now grabbed Luther's big bald head with his paws like a hen grabbing an egg.

The claws were sharp and with a little force, Luther's skin and flesh were torn open after the light ring was taken away, dripping with blood.

Lafleez bared his teeth and said: Every Orange Lantern ghost says this, but this is the rule of the Orange Lantern Corps, the rule set by me.

No one can escape if they are selected by the light ring. They will kill them all and extract their souls to refine them into orange light ghosts.

Having said this, he turned to his guardian and said: Although this big bald man is not as good as me, I have seen countless orange lantern ghosts in the past hundreds of years, and there has never been anyone as outstanding as him.

Witch Harley released my ghost, she should make it up to me.

Your principles and rules are of no use to Witch Harley. Said shook his head and said: Even robbing the origin of the spirit of existence, she did it openly and aboveboard.

This time you killed her friend for no reason. She was justified. It would be strange not to take the opportunity to kill you and take away your lamp and stove.

Lafleeze's face changed, and he gritted his teeth and said: I really can't let go of the treasure I got. Do you think this will work? I won't kill her first. I won't let him go until she comes to the door.

If she never comes. No, I only give him three days and one day is almost enough. If no one comes to me for more than one day, it means that she doesn't care about him, so I will eat his flesh and use his soul to refine the orange lamp. ghost.

Luther immediately howled: One day is too short. The crisis has just ended, and there are a lot of troubles waiting to be dealt with on the earth. Harley is probably too busy to even think of her own mother. How could she have noticed my disappearance?

Said also said: One day is too short, at least three days.

Three days isn't enough. Harley and I usually only contact each other once every half a month, so it's better for me to find her. Why don't we wait three years? Luther said.

I'll eat you now. If she waited three years to notice that you were missing, it means she doesn't care about you at all.

He said this, but Lafleeze bit it without opening his mouth.

Luther hurriedly said: Harry cares about me very much. You know the little Alexander in the multi-restart crisis, right? He once left me half dead, but it was Harley who tried her best and used favors from heaven and hell to save me. Back.

You give me at least half a year. Although Hallie is very rare about me as a friend, the friendship between gentlemen is as light as water. I am the smartest man in the world, and she is the smartest person in the world. We both have too many things to be busy with.

Lafleeze hesitated for a moment and said: Three days, I only give you three days.

At this moment, the Justice League Hall.

Harry. Luther's eyes were red. There were many people at the scene, but she was the only one in his eyes, and the others automatically faded away. I didn't expect you to care about me so much. You thought of me in less than a day.

Luthor, are you okay? His sister Lena pulled his arm and asked with concern.

Harry, thank you. I'm not very good. Lafleeze wants to eat me and suck my soul. Luther continued to stare at Harry.

Witch Harley, you cannot interfere in the internal affairs of the Orange Lantern Corps.

Lafleeze still wanted to keep his baby.

Before meeting her, he was like an eel basket, he could only get in but not get out.

No one ever got anything of value from him.

Luthor is a member of the Orange Lantern Corps? Harley asked.

Of course, the light ring chose him, and he is a glorious orange light ghost. Lafleeze said matter-of-factly.

Harley nodded and said: In that case, Luther, you are now inviting me to kill Lafleeze. Let's kill him and you will take sole control of the legion.

Lafleeze backed away in fear and screamed: Witch Harley, we have a seven-lamp covenant of non-aggression. Look around you. There are lamp owners and earth heroes. They are all witnesses.

You are an honest and trustworthy person, don't do anything to tarnish your reputation.

Originally, Harley called him to go to Quinn Manor to talk about something.

He refused to go, insisting that in order to go to the Hall of Justice, multiple lamp owners and Zhenglian heroes must be present.

Just because he was afraid that she would be shameless, she buried him quietly.

Harley nodded and said: Of course I will not break the contract. But you also said that Luther is a member of the Orange Lantern. The matter between you and him is the internal affairs of the Orange Lantern Corps, and outsiders are not allowed to interfere casually.

Now that he can't defeat you, if you invite foreign aid, I am no longer an outsider. I am a member of the Orange Lantern Corps' Luthor Party. There is internal strife between us.

Lafleeze was stunned.

Luther shouted at the right time: Harley, help me, I will hire you for a dollar.

Uh, forget it, just take him back. It was just an accident that he was selected by the light ring. Lafleeze said with a stiff face.

After saying that, he flew into the air, grabbed Said's bald head with his claws like a melon, lifted it up and prepared to leave.

Wait a minute. Harley opened the defensive golden film and stopped him. I have always had a question in my mind, and I need to find the answer to you.

What do you want to ask?

Why has the Orange Lantern Ring never come to me? Are you up to something? You have modified the Lantern Ring selection process so that it does not choose me. Harley asked.

Lafleeze looked at her with a strange look for a while and said, I'm also very surprised. I obviously recognize your greed, so why didn't the Lantern Ring choose you?

Harley frowned and said, You really didn't do anything?

Lafleeze shook his head and said: I picked up the orange lamp furnace, and the lamp ring flew out of it. I don't understand the forging method at all, and I don't know how to modify the selection process.

Where did you pick it up? Harley looked suspicious.

Why should I tell you? Lafleeze asked warily.

The place where he picked up the lamp stove is his current lair.

Anyway, I don't need to lie about this kind of thing, believe it or not. He continued.

He really didn't lie. The lamp stove was found in a secret cave with treasure.

Unlike other lantern masters, he first obtained the power of the orange lantern beast, and then found the central battery of the orange lantern and became an official orange lantern master.

Harry stared at the lantern he held under his arm and looked at it again and again. Seeing Lafleeze's heart beating with fear and his whole body tense, he said, Then you ask the lantern why you didn't choose me.

I, I don't know how to ask. He said awkwardly.

Let me ask for you. Guardian Said broke free from his claws, floated into the air, and held the lamp socket with his right hand.

The lamp furnace immediately bloomed with orange light. Said was bathed in the light and said solemnly: You were not chosen because you were not greedy enough.

The lamp is broken! The people around were shocked.

Witch Harley is not greedy enough. Isn't that funny?

I swear, no one in the multiverse believes what Lantern said.

Harley also looked unbelieving, Does the lamp stove not recognize me?

It's you, you're not greedy enough. Said said with great certainty.

Her tone was very sure, with a look of surprise on her face.

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