I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1413 Harley and Luther

Am I not greedy enough? Is this broken lamp humiliating me?!

At another time, if her enemies accused her of being greedy and cruel, Harley would still make every possible excuse, confuse right and wrong, and talk about the dead as alive.

Now, for the first time, she felt dissatisfied because others said she was not greedy enough.

Sed, are you sure you can read the core data of the Orange Lantern furnace? You were not originally an Orange Lantern, and you don't use Orange Lantern energy now. Hal doubted.

Seid was previously the guardian of the Purple Lantern on the planet Zamaron. Later, the Green Lantern was rebuilt and a large group of little blue people lived out the second life. Gunther was too busy alone, so she left Zamaron and joined the Green Lantern Corps and became the Green Lantern Guardian.

Later, she and Ganser fell in love, which must have been a relapse of their old love. The two had already known each other and fallen in love during the Martus civilization era. Later, the male little blue man began to cut off his emotions in order to be more in line with his origin, and Ganser and Syd broke up.

After remarrying, she and Gunther founded the Blue Lantern Corps and became the Guardians of the Blue Lantern.

Now, she takes off her blue lantern ring and joins the Orange Lantern Corps.

However, she is not currently wearing the orange light ring.

It's not that she dislikes greed as being too evil, it's simply that Lafleeze is unwilling to share the orange light energy with anyone, even if she is his chosen guardian.

Said said: The central energy battery of the Seven Lantern Corps uses very strong intelligence. It knows that I am the guardian of the legion and has given me the authority of the guardian.

I can also use this permission to view some background data without wearing the light ring.

Moreover, the data on why Harley Quinn was not selected for the Orange Lantern Ring is not confidential.

Lafleeze moved vigilantly to avoid Seid's touch on his lamp, The lamp is mine, but it didn't explain to me why it didn't choose the Witch Harley.

It has its own basic consciousness, but you have always regarded it as your treasure and have never communicated with it on an equal footing, Said said.

It's my baby. Lafleeze hugged the lamp tighter.

Stop talking nonsense, tell me why it says I'm not greedy enough. Harley said impatiently.

After everyone heard this, they all looked at Said curiously.

It just means you're not greedy enough. Said's eyes turned to the lamp stove in Lafleeze's arms and said, How about you let me ask again?

No, no one can touch it, this is my baby. Lafleeze took a few steps back and shouted in a high voice.

Harley has a transparent force field membrane that sticks closely to his body, forming a vacuum plastic membrane.

Ahh. Even though his mouth was covered, Lafleeze still used the energy of the orange light to make a sound, Witch Harley has broken her oath, please help me testify.

She wants to steal my treasure, you notaries must help me stop her!

If you scream again, I will immediately pick up your lamp stove and pick it from your body. Harley shouted.

Lafleeze immediately fell silent.

Sed, go and check again. Harley nodded towards Sed.

Seid floated to Lafleeze with a dull face, touched the lamp mouth for a while, then turned around and said: The emotional origin of greed says that you are not greedy at all. Not only are you not greedy, you are also extremely generous and generous, which is completely unsuitable for the orange lamp.

It's my character to be bold and generous. Harry smiled with satisfaction, then frowned and said, But this is not inconsistent with my greed.

Can generosity and greed coexist? Dachao thought for a moment and said, Although Harley is greedy, she is indeed generous and not stingy.

Yes, although Harry is greedy, he is willing to help others and respond to requests. Everyone nodded lightly.

Especially the heroes who have been helped by Harley are deeply touched, and their expressions and tone are more sincere, We go to her for help, as long as she can do it, there is no excuse.

Even if we don't look for her, she will help us as much as she can when she sees that we have difficulties.

When helping us, she would treat our matters as her own, do her best and never be perfunctory.

Luther nodded and agreed: I agree with this. Harley is definitely a good friend.

To say that Harry was charitable and helpful, he didn't think so.

She is the kind of person who is very reliable and can be trusted. She rarely takes the initiative to help others, but if she comes to help others, no matter how troublesome it is, if she can do it, she will do it seriously.

What impressed him most was the Luther Jr. incident.

Little Luther absorbed his mental fluctuations across dimensions, giving him a sense of crisis of being spied on. There was no evidence for this except his own feelings. .

Everyone, including his family, thought he was mentally ill.

Only Harley listened carefully to his feelings, analyzed various possibilities, and gave countermeasures.

Wonder Woman said: But she is indeed greedy. Everyone knows how persistent she is in stealing magic power.

Not only magic power, but also all valuable things, including artifacts, magical fruits, and secret techniques, I'm greedy for. Harley said.

An orange light flashed where Gunther's palm came into contact with the orange light.

After a moment, she said: It says that your behavior is only due to physiological needs, not greedy desires.

It can be said that you are greedy, but it does not trigger the emotion of greed.

Give a grain of rice to an ant, and the ant won't have to look for other food for almost its whole life. It can guard that grain of rice for its whole life.

If you give 10 tons of meat to a blue whale, it will hate it and want to eat more. In order to be full, it will not mind stealing.

Who is more greedy, ants or blue whales?

Everyone was thoughtful.

Said continued: An ant can obviously live on a grain of rice for a lifetime, but it still keeps searching for food everywhere every day. When other hungry ants ask for food from it, it not only refuses, but also bites its companions while they are weak. Die and take away all its belongings.

The blue whale needs to eat 10 tons every day to be full. It only grabbed 9 tons of food from outside that day. Some hungry companions came to ask for help. The blue whale ate 8 tons by itself and gave 1 ton to its companions.

Now, tell me, who is more likely to be selected by the orange light ring, the ant or the blue whale?

The hall fell silent.

Harley's face felt a little hot. She had to say that she was definitely not that stingy and greedy ant, but she couldn't be so generous even if a blue whale gave away 1 ton of 9 tons of food.

Oh, I didn't expect that if we look at the problem from another angle, the result will be completely different. We were indeed one-sided before. Dachao said with emotion.

Oliver sighed: “When Harley first came up with the Watchdog financial management system, many of us were wary. As a result, not only has 50% of the handling fees never been collected, she also often contributes to support us.

Now he has dedicated a large sum of money to establish a foundation for us.

Dinah said: She is indeed not worthy of the Ring of Greed. Coveting what you need is not greed; even grabbing things you don't need is greed.

The reason why Harley has a reputation for greed is simply because she offended too many big shots who controlled public opinion on the matter of stealing magic power.

Every magic power has its owner, so she can only rely on deception, stealing, deceiving and robbing.

But she needed too much magic power, which gave the illusion that she was greedy.

Hahaha Harley suddenly laughed.

Facing everyone's doubtful glances, she said arrogantly: This is the judgment given to me by the source of the orange lamp. I am not the greedy and shameless witch Harley.

Even if I steal all the magic in the world, I will still be a generous hero!

You are all witnesses. From now on, you must publicize my true character to the outside world and stop letting villains slander me.

Most of the emotions and emotions that stirred up in the hearts of everyone because they consciously misunderstood her dissipated at once.

The lamp must be broken. Lafleeze shouted: I admit that I am greedy, but isn't the thing I am greedy for satisfying my own needs?

Just like magic.

I'm like her, no matter how much is given to me, I will always have needs.

Said said: There is a limit to the amount of magic a person can bear, just like a person's stomach can only hold so much.

When the magic power in your body approaches its limit, your physical body will gradually become energized and then collapse.

When the body collapses, the magic in the blood will dissipate.

In order to prevent the magic power obtained through hard work from being lost in vain, almost all mages will forge an artifact of their own name before and after being promoted to gods. Before the physical body collapses, all magic power, mental power, divinity, laws, etc., will be transferred to the artifact. superior.

Lafleeze, you are now the master of the Orange Lantern. You can also learn from Harley Quinn to swallow the power of the Orange Lantern and store it in your body.

Why don't you do that? Why continue to use light rings to store energy?

Lafleeze opened his mouth, unable to answer.

If the energy of the orange light he needs daily is 10, his body cannot store even 0.01.

When excessive emotional energy enters the body, he will feel very uncomfortable, and may even burst his blood vessels and meridians.

If he persists forcefully, his body will be dissolved by the energy of the orange lantern, and he will eventually become an orange lantern ghost.

Said sighed: You said you needed endless energy, but after you actually gave it to you, you just shelved it and piled it up in the warehouse with the gold and silver treasures you collected to get moldy.

Harley Quinn has truly absorbed and integrated magic into her blood.

At least until her body reaches its limit, no one can say that she is more greedy than other mages who pursue magic.

They were all doing the same thing, but her appetite was too big and she seemed more greedy than others.

Lafleeze was stunned and shook his head vigorously: I don't believe it. She stole so much magic power and integrated it into her body. Why didn't it explode? Wasn't she assimilated by the magic power?

Syd cast an inquiring look at Harley, and she was also curious, why could she absorb so much magic?

Said was sure that not only Lafleeze and himself, but all the gods and demons in the universe had the same question.

Alas, Harley sighed, habitually tapping her right hand on her chest to make a cross, and then she suddenly realized what was going on. She cursed Dog God and then gently dismissed the matter.

Halfway through the painting, she suddenly remembered her promise to Raphael, and the movements of her hands froze.

Harley put down her hands unnaturally, and someone in the superhero team shouted: Although Harley stole a lot of magic power, ninety-nine percent of it was given to God. She was just following orders.

Many people immediately echoed: Yes, she is God's white glove. Who doesn't know this?

Said looked surprised.

Harley scolded with a serious expression: Don't talk nonsense, you are blaspheming God, do you know?

I'm not anyone's white glove.

I swear to God, ninety-nine percent of the magic power I stole is mine.


Flash, shut up, do you want to go to hell after death? Harley interrupted him sternly.

Everyone stopped talking, but the expressions of emotion on their faces became even stronger.

——It turns out that Hallie is worried that we, like Louise, will end up with sins if we don’t keep our “words”.

She really. They want to cry!

Don't think nonsense, I'm simply stating the facts. Harley said seriously.

Understood, we don't have random thoughts, alas, may the kind God forgive us! Dachao nodded and sighed.

Why did the Orange Light Ring choose me? Luther suddenly spoke up, angrily and puzzled: I admit that I am very ambitious, but I am not usually a stingy person.

The reason why my technology company is called Lex Group instead of Luther Group after my last name is just because the wealth I have now is all due to my own hard work.

But I am not a miser like Lafleeze. I am happy to share my money and status with my family.

After the Diversified Restart crisis, I donated all my property to establish a foundation to help people.

Why do you call me greedy?

Lina said softly: Luthor may not be a good person, and he may be greedy, but his greed is at the level of an ordinary person.

Said glanced at Luther and put his hand on the orange lamp socket again.

After a moment, she said: Orange Lantern is right, you are the greediest person on earth.

You are not greedy for money, but you are never satisfied with unknown knowledge, fame and status.

Greedy for knowledge. Luther was stunned and nodded: Yes, I am never satisfied with knowledge. Just because of this, I have become the most greedy person in the world?

He raised his head, with a melancholy that could not be understood by mortals on his face, and sighed leisurely: If this is a curse on the smartest man in the world, there is nothing I can do about it.

I cannot change the nature of my incarnation of wisdom, so I can only accept the title of 'the most greedy person for knowledge', which only I can bear.

Said said dullly: No, your greed for knowledge is like Witch Harley's thirst for magic power. Although it can be considered greedy, you are not worthy of an orange light ring.

The key is your greed for fame and status.

You are jealous of Superman, and you want to become Superman, because in your heart, Superman has the most powerful power, the most perfect image, and is also the most popular. Everything that everyone believes in him is what you desperately desire (ps ).

You can do anything to satisfy this desire.

Just like Lafleeze has done all kinds of evil for the sake of the treasure, so the lamp ring has chosen you.

Oh, Luthor, you are jealous of Superman, and you still dream of becoming Superman. The heroes looked at him jokingly.

Da Chao looked complicated.

Luthor became anxious, his face turned pale, and he shouted: That's nonsense. My only idea about Superman is to expose his hypocritical true face and let everyone understand that he is not the hope and future of mankind.

Words and even actions can deceive others and themselves, but the emotions deep in the soul cannot deceive others. Said said.

You're not lying, you just looked at me wrong! Luther shouted.

Hey hey hey the heroes smiled but said nothing.

Harry was a little embarrassed for him. The first boss of the Tangtang secret society died just like that.

Look at Harley! Luther suddenly pointed at Harley and said, Her reputation is much better than Superman. If I want to be jealous, why not be jealous of her?

Seid put his hand back on the lamp socket, and a flash of orange light flashed.

She said: Your desire is to be a 'perfect superman', which cannot be measured by specific fame and fortune.

After hesitating for a moment, Syed said uncertainly: I guess you know Harley Quinn's shortcomings very well. Although she is famous and powerful, she is still an ordinary person with seven emotions and six desires.

You even subconsciously look down on this kind of vulgar person, so how can you be jealous of her?

Luthor, do you look down on me? Harley frowned.

Luther became even more anxious, raised his hands and swore: If I do what the little blue man said, let me go to hell after death.

Do you still want to go to heaven? Steel Man sarcastically asked.

Luther looked around, pointed at Martian Manhunter, and said, I know you can read minds. Don't read my mind. You can only judge whether I am sincere at this time based on my mental fluctuations.

Jon glanced at him and said: You really think that Said is talking nonsense, but many people can't recognize their own hearts.

I believe Seid, because emotions don't lie.

Luther only listened to half of what he said, and said excitedly to the crowd: Did you hear that? Martian Manhunter is yours, and he will not lie for me. He made it clear that I didn't think that way.

Lina tugged on his sleeve and said, Luthor, your head is bleeding. Let's go to the hospital first.

Luther's bald head was scratched by Lafleeze as a bowling ball for a long time, causing many scars. Now when he got excited, the scabs cracked and began to bleed again.

Uh, my head. Luther touched the wound. It was bloody and hot. He quickly said hello to Harley, pulled his sister and ran out quickly.

There is a medical room in the Hall of Justice. Do you want to call him back? Dachao said hesitantly.

Hehe, his head is bleeding, but his heart is suffering. Our medical room will only make him suffer more. Oliver said with a strange smile.

Lafleeze suddenly said: The reputation of Witch Harley is resounding throughout the multiverse. Like Lex Luthor, she is also greedy for fame.

Just because she's famous doesn't mean she's very dedicated to improving her reputation. Said glanced at Harley, If possible, she would most likely wish that no one would recognize her.

No one knows her, so her deception is more effective.

It can be said that her desire for fame is far less than her pursuit of magic.

You really understand me. Harley said sarcastically.

Seid shut his mouth and said no more.

Let's go too. Lafleeze grabbed Said and prepared to leave.

Wait! Bateman shouted: Aside from Luther and Mela, there is still Scarecrow still holding the light ring that should not belong to him. When will the Seven Lantern Masters take back the yellow light ring? ?”

Lafleeze's eyes lit up, That ring was copied from Sinestro. It's a good treasure. I want it! Where is the Scarecrow? Ask him to give me the light ring.

Bateman said: After the Black Death Emperor retreated, the Scarecrow disappeared and is nowhere to be found. He may be in a corner of the earth, or he may have escaped into the universe. I want the lamp owner to help locate the location of the lamp ring.

Lafleeze's donkey face was tangled, To locate the yellow light ring, you need Sinestro. But now that Sinestro is here, will you still give me the light ring?

I'm not afraid of Sinestro, but now that I've signed a peace agreement, I can't grab it, otherwise Witch Harley will definitely find an opportunity to get angry at me.

Harley said: Go ahead and grab it, I promise not to get mad.

——When you snatch it away, I will go crazy.

Lafleeze was eager to give it a try.

Said said: Don't worry, the light ring copied by Ganser can only be used for 24 hours. There are less than three hours left before the time limit is up. By then, the light ring will automatically turn into emotional energy and disappear.

Bateman nodded, his expression relaxed.

It's not 24 hours yet? Oliver yawned tiredly, So many things happened in just one day, it feels like a long time has passed.

Farke, Gunther is such an inhuman bastard. Harley suddenly cursed.

What's wrong with Ganser? Dachao asked in confusion.

The light ring can only be used for 24 hours. Doesn't it mean that when Mela was selected, her life span was only 24 hours? Harry said.

Everyone looked at Ganser's wife complainingly, hoping she could give an explanation.

Said said calmly: You have all experienced how urgent the situation was at that time. In that case, he could only say whatever he thought of.

Or, let's change our thinking. If the seven lights combined with the light of earth's life can solve the Black Death Emperor, will you still complain now?

He should at least remind us. Da Chao said.

Maybe he didn't consider the side effects of the red light ring. Said said.

In the final analysis, he still doesn't care about the death of us people on earth. Dinah said.

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