I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1411 Miracle Love

Hearing Neptune's scolding, Atrocitus immediately became angry and wanted to get angry.

But then, he caught a glimpse of the witch Harley looking at him.

When she called him over, she specifically pointed out that she was still the guardian of the Green Lantern, and she would not violate the sacred contract of the Seven Lanterns Alliance, so he accepted the invitation.

But if he gets mad at Neptune, she will definitely find an excuse to get mad at him.

He suppressed the anger in his heart and said in a dull voice: I didn't make the red light furnace and the light ring. How can I change the selection rules? Even if I can change them, I won't change them for you.

Who built the lamp for you? Harley asked.

No one, my lamp comes from heaven. Atrocitas said.

Harley reminded: Meila's lamp ring is a copy of your lamp ring. Ganser activated the backdoor left by the guardian in the lamp ring. He made it clear that your lamp furnace and lamp ring are both guardians. Technology.

Atrocitus hesitated for a moment and said: I used blood magic to perform a blood sacrifice to the origin of the universe, and the origin responded to me. When I cut open the chest of the sacrifice, the red lamp glowed in the blood. Shine.

If you still have questions, you can ask Ganser. The little blue man may know something.

He told all this secret, not because he was afraid of her.

Even if he didn't say it, she didn't know that he knew. The reason why he said it so clearly was because he thought of her previous evaluation of the Seven Color Legion: The extremely angry red light is not necessarily inherently evil, the reason for the anger is the key.

These words touched him deeply. He was originally just a psychology professor. If the mechanical hunters had not wiped out his family and bloodbathed his home planet, he would not have become a red lantern demon.

The top priority now is to save Meila. You can study the red light furnace thing later, Clark said.

Atrocitus glanced at him and frowned slightly. Where had he seen this four-eyed boy?

Harley asked: Is there any precedent for the Red Lantern Corps to survive after losing its Lantern Ring?

Atrocitus was about to shake his head firmly when suddenly a memory flashed through his mind.

It seems that your Earth's Green Lantern, Guy Gardner, was selected by Red Lantern in the early stages of the War of Color and Light, and in the end he voluntarily gave up his Lantern Ring. He hesitated.

Is there such a thing? I've never heard of it. Harley quickly sent a message to Hal.

Two minutes later, two beams of light, one green and one purple, fell from the sky, it was Hal and Carol.

How long has she been dead? Carol walked skillfully to Mela's body and reached out to touch her chest.

You should have called me earlier. It's too late now and I'm not sure. She hesitated.

Meila just died. It didn't even last five minutes and her body temperature didn't drop down. Louise said.

Carol sighed: Within one minute, the soul will leave the material world; two minutes is enough to dissipate completely in Limbo, and five minutes.

If it's for the soul, don't worry, Mela's soul is alive and complete. Harry said.

Really? Then let me try. Carol was doubtful and looked at Neptune and said, Do you really love your wife?

Of course! Can you save her? How to do it? Neptune felt uneasy, expecting and doubting at the same time.

Give me your hand. Carol said, Let me feel your love for her. If your love can resonate with each other, it will create a miracle that spans life and death.

Neptune's expression was stiff and he almost shouted Are you kidding me?

The people around him also looked suspicious.

Arthur, what Carol said is true. This is how Guy was resurrected. Hal said seriously.

Although Harley was surprised, she also advised: You have a try, you have nothing to lose.

Neptune stretched out his hand.

Carol held Mela's chest with her right hand, and held Neptune's right hand with her left hand. She neither recited a spell nor released a powerful purple light. Suddenly, Neptune's body was covered with a hazy purple light, and then Mela followed suit. A layer of purple glow.

Eh? Harry was looking at it strangely, when the God of War's glowing seal in the sea of ​​​​consciousness suddenly jumped.

The Seal of the God of War is the blank slate God of War given to her by heaven.

Because it was a pure blank slate, only the title of God of War, without any divinity of God of War, she had to use her own combat experience to cultivate the God of War priesthood.

It has been raised for several years now, and the progress has exceeded 95%, but the improvement speed is getting slower and slower. It often goes for several months without seeing any fluctuations. It is not known when she will become a veritable God of War.

However, it has an advantage that is incomparable to the gods: it can store souls with almost no side effects.

After a magic master understands the rules, he can use the rules as the core to open up a small portable space.

The godheads of gods also have their own space, but their space cannot store souls, just like a net bag cannot hold water. Even if the soul is forcibly trapped, their magic and divine power will corrode the soul.

Harley's God of War Seal comes from heaven, and the power of heaven is also impregnable. It can be impregnated by the holy light, which is equal to the purification of the soul.

The old men and women on Heaven Mountain who long to ascend run to the top of the mountain every day, bathe in the holy light of Silver City and recite the Bible, isn't it just to be immersed in the power of heaven?

If Harley turns on the God force field, even the immersion of holy light will be almost reduced.

Therefore, the God of War's Seal is often used by her to hold her soul.

It had been working well before and had never gone wrong. However, after Carol activated the Love of Neptune and Mela, the glowing seal began to vibrate.

A strange force will pry it open and take away Mela's soul inside.

Harry was filled with surprise and doubt, the power that touched the God of War's Seal was not the purple light of love.

It showed some characteristics of white light in terms of energy level. It had a very high energy level. Not only was it obviously higher than the purple light of love, Harry had a vague feeling that it even surpassed the white light of the spirit of existence.

But it also has a bit of the breath of life of white light.

Harley's perception is not clear. It seems to be more about rules than power. The taste of rules is very light, while magic is like salt and sugar, with a strong taste.

I'm sorry. Carol raised her head and looked at Neptune with apology and pity. You love your wife very much, and she loves you very much, but she has been dead for too long, and her soul has been -


Meila, who was holding her chest, suddenly gasped fiercely, straightened her body stiffly, and sat up.

Carol looked at her blankly, a little confused.

Mela was also confused for a while, and then she exclaimed: Carol, what are you doing?

While screaming, she struggled to free her huge body from Carol's claws.

Uh, why are you suddenly alive? I thought I failed. Carol murmured.

Harley snickered from the side.

She had just opened the God of War Seal and took the initiative to release Mela's soul. The strange vitality immediately brought it back to Mela's body, and she was instantly resurrected.

My dear, Mei La, are you okay? Neptune turned from sadness to joy, excitedly rushed over and held Mei La tightly in his arms.

God, this is a real resurrection. It is completely different from Harley's extreme rescue. Is the power of love so powerful? It seems not even as good as heaven. Louise said in shock.

Carol, how do you feel? Harley asked curiously.

Carol asked strangely: Did you ask the wrong person? The person who was resurrected was Mela, not me.

She has been resurrected. There is nothing to worry about. I am more interested in your method of resurrecting her. Harley said.

Carol thought for a while and said: The process is not complicated. As long as Arthur and Mela are true love, I activate the love in their bodies. Love spans life and death and brings Mela back from the realm of death.

You didn't use special powers during this process? Harley asked.

I didn't even use the power of my own purple light. Mela was able to be resurrected purely because of her and Arthur's love. Don't think it's too complicated. Love can conquer everything. It's that simple. Carol said seriously.

I suddenly discovered that the Purple Lantern Corps is so romantic. Louise said leisurely and fascinated.

Carol glanced at her and said, You can also join the Purple Lantern Corps. Do you want me to give you a lantern ring?

Really? Am I qualified? Louise said in surprise.

I can feel the burning love in your body. You love Clark very much, and that's enough. Carol said.

Louise suddenly realized that her previous wariness against Carol was despicable. Carol was such a good girl, with a good personality and a nice voice. She should completely trust her and get close to her.

But after joining the Purple Lantern Corps, you have to be permanently stationed on the planet Malen. The Purple Lantern Corps has its own mission in the universe. Once you accept the power, you have to take responsibility. Carol added.

Louise's heart, which was about to move, immediately cooled down.

After going to Zamaron to have a purple lantern, can her relationship with Clark still last?

If the long-distance relationship makes the two of them estranged, and Clark, like Hal, finds another woman, she will not only lose her husband, but also lose her love for the cheating scumbag Clark. Without love, she will have to be like Mela. Throw away the light ring?

In the end, the Purple Lantern couldn't do it, and he lost his current happy family and became even more miserable than Carol. Could this be Carol's purpose?

Carol, how did you manage to not see Hal for a long time and then see him having sex with another woman when you first met, but still maintain the most sincere and pure love for him? Louise asked tentatively. .

Hal had affairs with many of his female colleagues in the Green Lantern Corps.

There are also a dozen rumored girlfriends on the planet.

It's not that Haldo is sentimental, he is indeed bad, and there is no need to wash it off.

However, he did not take the initiative to become Aquaman. He is just handsome, capable, and funny. In short, he is too charming and has the aura of male protagonist, but he does not reject anyone who comes.

Women have always been chasing him, and he rarely pursues them actively. It seems that Carol is the only woman he has ever paid any attention to.

If she were Carol, seeing him entangled with so many women, she would have kicked him away earlier, and her love for him would have dissipated quickly.

But Carol is still a purple light.

Not only was he not abandoned by the Purple Lantern Ring, he also stood out and became the representative of the Purple Lantern Legion, equivalent to the legion leader.

How did she maintain this pure but humble love?

Carol glared at her, without saying a word, stood up and turned into purple light, ready to fly into the sky.

Harley quickly unfolded the defensive golden film, stopped her, and said, Hey, don't worry, I still have a lot of questions that I haven't answered yet.

After saying that, she turned around and scolded Louise: You are still a famous reporter, how can you talk?

I'm just curious. Louise glanced at Carol, who looked blank, and said: If I were Carol, I would have started a new relationship long ago. It is really great that she can love Hal until now.

She actually wanted to say weird.

Do you think the mechanism by which the Lantern Ring selects Lanterns is a joke? There are countless billions of people in this universe, and there are so many people with love in their hearts. Why are only a few people like Carol selected by the Purple Lantern Ring? Harley road.

Carol said I could be a purple lantern. Louise said unconvinced.

You can try it. I'm curious how many months you can last.

Louise glanced at Clark and thought to herself: I will not risk my love and family just to compete with you, and then become a woman more miserable than Carol, and be pitied by the people in the Hero Wives Group every day. .

She turned her gaze to Meila and pinched her wrist to feel her pulse carefully, Your heartbeat is strong and strong, and your blood has also returned. How do you feel now?

Mela touched her chest, nodded and said, Yes, I'm completely resurrected, and my physical condition is exactly the same as before I put on the light ring.

The red lantern is evil, and the purple lantern is also weird. One rips out a person's heart, and the other resurrects the dead with love alone, and grows a new heart. It's weird and magical. Ivy said with emotion.

Atrocitus frowned and said: The fact that he is unwilling to give up his heart shows that there is not enough anger in his heart. Such a person will not be chosen at all.

I never thought about giving up my heart. Mela said.

You are just an unqualified temporary worker. If the Seven Lamps Unity didn't need the 'Light of Life on Earth', would my lamp ring choose you? Atrocitas said.

Lena Luthor, who stood aside and watched the excitement for a while, asked: Is the resurrection ability of the Purple Lantern of Love specifically for red lanterns who have lost their lantern rings, or is it effective for all people who are truly in love?

Carol was still sulking, with a sullen face and unwilling to speak.

Harley said: The miracle of love should be universal to a certain extent. The red light has only appeared not long ago, while the purple light has existed for many years.

Judging from Carol's familiar actions and accustomed attitude, she has probably done similar things many times, right?

Carol nodded her chin subtly.

The Purple Lamp of Love is too strong. Lina said with emotion.

Yes, even the spirit of existence cannot resurrect the dead at will, but the purple lamp can be brought at your fingertips without any burden or restraint. Ivy agreed.

Carol shook her head and said: It's not easy for Zi Leng to resurrect the dead. First, they have to die. I almost failed just now.

Secondly, if the deceased values ​​feelings, has someone she truly loves, and her lover is by her side.

That is to say, only when people in love face separation or death can they use the power of love to create miracles.

Louise said: This is also very powerful, if-

She looked around and saw that many Harley's relatives and friends were eating melons, and she choked back the words in her throat.

——If a Purple Lantern is present during the Doomsday Crisis, Da Chao can be resurrected immediately.

This is what she wanted to say.

Meila has been resurrected, let's all disperse. Harry also felt that there were too many people here, and it was not convenient to talk about many things.

Carol, let's go together. She hurriedly approached Carol before she flew away.

I have something to do and the route is uncertain. Where are you going? Carol said.

What are you going to do? Harley asked, then turned to Atrocitus, who was also about to leave, You Red Lantern Corps are still on Earth and haven't left?

Atrocitas's eyes flashed and he said: Hal Jordan once said when he resurrected the dead that the resurrected people will have a new destiny. I want to know what their destiny is, and whether it is related to the White Lantern or the Color Light Legion. .

However, I am only paying attention to the earth. When you earthlings come back from the Noah's Ark, the main force of the Red Lantern Corps will go back.

Harley nodded and said nothing.

Seeing that she had no problem, Atrocitus didn't stay long and turned into red light and disappeared into the sky.

Zi Leng is also waiting for destiny?

Carol shook her head and said, We are looking for the central furnace of the Purple Lantern Corps.

Harley was surprised: How come your central energy battery is on Earth? Wasn't it destroyed by the black light?

Hal explained: The central energy battery of the Purple Lantern Corps is not a furnace like the Green Lantern Corps. Its main body is two corpses embracing each other.

The Black Lantern Ring directly resurrected them.

After they were resurrected into living zombies, they came to Earth along with most of the powerful living zombies in the universe and participated in the final battle.

Dinah has seen them in outer space.

When she used Phoenix Cry to clear the area, she watched them fall towards the earth at high speed.

Can a corpse also become a lamp?

Harry's heart moved, and he suddenly thought that Mela's corpse was also emitting the purple light of love, and he was surprised: Could it be the corpse of 'Cosmic Romeo and Juliet'?

They loved each other very much during their lifetime, and after death, their bodies are naturally connected to the emotional energy pool of love, making them more efficient than lamps made of ordinary materials?

Carol glanced at her in surprise and nodded: Romeo and Juliet's corpses can barely make an ordinary purple lamp. To become a central energy battery, not only must they love each other during life, but they must still be alive and dead after countless reincarnations. Dependent lovers.”

The central energy furnaces do not produce emotional energy, they are just transporters of emotional energy, drawing energy from the emotional spectrum pool inside the Origin Wall.

Therefore, the shape of the lamp furnace is not necessary. As long as it can transport and store energy most efficiently, any shape and material will do.

Harley thought for a moment and said strangely: You're not talking about 'Hawkman and Hawkgirl', are you?

Yes, it's them, their first reincarnation on earth, Prince Khufu and Cuiya.

It's really them, but they only have a history of a few thousand years, while the Zamaron people have existed for billions of years. Harley said puzzled.

She previously guessed that Hawkman and Hawkgirl didn't really think that the two corpses were them, but just like the previous Cosmic Romeo and Juliet, they were just metaphors.

Do you understand the daily tasks of the Purple Lantern Corps? Carol asked, and before Harley could answer, she said to herself: There are Romeo and Juliet in the West, and Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai in the East.

There are countless civilizations in the starry sky of the universe. Naturally, there is also such an unparalleled love that loves each other but is blocked.

The Purple Lantern Corps is specifically responsible for saving Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai in the universe.

Our light ring can sense the heartbeat of the person we love. The stronger the love, the clearer the mark. When the heartbeat of one of the parties stops and the strong love turns into despair, the purple lantern ring is triggered and the purple lantern immediately takes action.

When the original Hawkman and Hawkgirl were killed, they attracted the attention of Purple Lantern. However, when the Purple Lantern of Sector 2814 arrived, both of them were dead, and there was no way to resurrect them with love.

Later, the purple lamp discovered the strangeness of their bones, so he brought them back to Zamarun and sealed them in amethyst, becoming a central energy battery that was more useful than the original lamp stove.

Romeo and Juliet, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, were they saved by the purple lantern? Harley asked curiously.

They are all fictional characters in the story, and they do not exist in history. Hal said.

Is there no prototype for the story?

Carol said: I don't know if their prototypes have been rescued. Anyway, I have rescued thousands of pairs of 'Romeo and Juliet' in the universe in the past few years.

Wow, you have so many merits. By the way, how did you save me?

Just like when I saved Mela just now. Carol said.

But the biggest trouble for Romeo and Juliet is not the separation of life and death, but the resistance from the world. Harley said.

Carol said disapprovingly: For Romeo and Juliet, worldly resistance can make them part or die, but for us, it is not even a small trouble.

Are they all killed violently? Romeo and Juliet still have to continue to live in their hometown. Harley said.

“Just kill those who can be killed, those who can’t be killed are a little more troublesome, but not too troublesome.

We will seal them with amethyst, let them feel the power of true love, and then they will cry bitterly, wake up, and change their past.

I once enveloped an alien kingdom with the purple light of love for three days and three nights. On the fourth day, the attitude of millions of citizens who were determined to burn two lovers to death changed drastically.

They gave the most sincere and warmest blessings to the two lovers, and everyone sang the hymn of love together. It was more beautiful than Disney's fairy tales. Carol said with pride.

The corners of Harley's mouth twitched. The Purple Lamp of Love is still a cult after all.

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