I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1399 Resurrection

Black Hand is the spokesperson of the Black Death Emperor. The Black Death Emperor separated a bit of his origin from his own body to act as a black lamp beast, and merged with Black Hand to become the black lamp version of Ion Man.

The black lamp furnace was forged by the Black Death Emperor himself.

The Black Death Emperor should have noticed the changes happening to them immediately.

He does know, but He has neither the energy nor the time to take care of His own spokesmen and lamps.

When He pulled the Spirit of Existence out of Sinestro's body, except for Sinestro who was wailing, the other lamp owners around him all rushed over with their eyes shining and yelling.

I am La Freeze, the Lord of the Orange Lantern. I long for your attention, the great Lord of Life and the mother of all living beings. Look after me, Your Majesty the Spirit of Existence! La Freeze shouted from a long distance away.

Bang! Orange Lantern Luther rushed over at high speed from the side like a soaring cannon, slamming Lafleeze into the air.

Spirit of existence, I am the smartest person in the world. I not only want to be the Orange Lantern, I also need your power to merge with me and make me surpass Ripman. No, Ripman is dead. Now I want to replace him as the new 'Rip Man', as long as I can save all souls this time and become the savior.

He is more impulsive than La Freeze, or in other words, the orange light of greed affects him more seriously.

There was an orange light symbol of greed in his eyes, without any trace of reason.

He completely ignored his life and ignored the Black Death Emperor. He flew straight to the spirit of existence and even grabbed one of its tentacles.

Fortunately, the Spirit of Existence was extremely large at this time.

It is seven or eight meters tall, with tentacle-like hair and tentacle-like limbs dozens of meters long - like a baby wrapped ten times by the umbilical cord.

It now spreads out a pair of wings about ten meters long.

Luther stood on the edge and grabbed its tentacles, but it would not fall into the attack range of the Black Death Emperor's scythe.

Spirit of existence, it is my destiny to become one with you. The reason why I exist is for this moment. Atrocitas also came.

He was more rational than Luther, shouting from a distance only a few dozen meters away.

Let me be your carrier and lead all living people in the universe out of this dark night. Green Lantern and Green Arrow were also shouting.

He stood there and called from a distance.

While shouting, he also bent his bow and nocked an arrow - using the green lantern cane as the bow body, using the green lantern energy to construct the bow string and arrows - and quickly shot one green light arrow after another towards the Black Death Emperor.

Shameless and despicable!

Their shouts made Sinestro furious, You are all stealing my thoughts and ideas.

Well, these people who shouted had heard his previous conversation with the spirit of existence, and they were all imitating his words now.

Hal stepped forward and was about to say something, but when Sinestro scolded him, he shut his mouth.

Because he also planned to copy Sinestro's Destiny theory.

Shout! Hal, Diana, Mela! Green Arrow was thick-skinned. Seeing several companions standing there dumbly, he began to urge urgently, The more of us there are, the greater the chance of being selected by the spirit of existence. .

As long as we ourselves become the masters of the white lights, don't make any trouble, and join forces with Harley, this crisis will be easily ended.

Will it choose us? Mera, the Queen of the Sea, hesitated.

Oliver said: You can't waste any saliva if you shout. If you don't succeed, you won't lose. If it succeeds, you will make a lot of money.

Even someone like Sinestro can become a host. Do you think your character and virtue are not as good as his?

Wonder Woman was instantly convinced.

She took a step forward and said seriously: Spirit of existence, I am the daughter of Zeus. I swear on the honor of my father and myself that I will only use your power to dispel the dark night.

After sealing the Black Death Emperor, I will set you free again and return all the power of the White Lantern to you.

Spirit of existence, I am the mother of two children. I want to protect them, and I also want to protect the lives of the people in the sea just like I protect them. Please merge with me. Mela said dryly.

Hal said: It's very insincere for us to shout like this, and we can't show our determination.

What do you want to do? Flash asked.

Hal's eyes flashed with determination, Do what I wanted to do from the beginning, but was blocked by Sinestro.

Whoosh! He stretched his fists forward and flew flat, like a brave and fearless fighter jet, heading straight towards the front of the spirit of existence.

Spirit of existence, you must choose me, I am your destiny!

Hal Jordan, how brave of you.

The Black Death Emperor did not stop swinging his scythe to chop at the spirit of existence, but he turned his head and looked at Hal coldly, You, like that Kryptonian, also died once. Do you know, you guys? Is it because of my permission that you can come back from the dead?

You mean, I owe you a 'thank you'? Hal teased.

Death~~~ The Black Death Emperor shouted the voice of law to him.

Just like He did to Da Chao before.

But this time Hal didn't fall down in response.

He suddenly looked like a sun, and his body burst into bright green light.

The light was so dazzling that it even surpassed the white light of the spirit of existence.

The entire coastal city battlefield was shrouded in green light, and as far as the eye could see, it was green.

You—— The Black Death Emperor was surprised.

Hal's body is covered with a special layer of green light.

The green light is also green, but it has an extra vitality of life, more vibrant than Gunther, who is also a Green Lantern.

What? Does it surprise you? Hal laughed and walked around him, rushing towards the head of the spirit of existence at high speed, I am destiny!

You are a dead man! A violent look flashed across the Black Death Emperor's face, and he stepped in front of Hal. His sickle blade swish twice, drawing two large crosses that formed the shape of a ten. No. Crescent Moon.

Ah! Hal folded his arms and used all his strength to reveal a giant statue in front of him.

A green Harley.

The energy body Harley is not a full-body image, like the genie of Aladdin's lamp. When he flew out of his ring, his head first, then his neck, shoulders, and torso hit the cross crescent one by one.

Boom! Like a wall of earth hitting a bulldozer, Harley, who appeared with the green light energy device, collapsed inch by inch.

Hal did not intend to rely on a fake Harley to stop the death scythe. He just wanted to delay the scythe for a moment, and accurately sense the trajectory of the scythe with the help of the cutting marks left by the cross blade on the green light energy structure.

The sickle is very large, with a handle two meters long and a blade one and a half meters long.

As long as he finds the right position, there is enough space between the ten blades for him to pass through.


Hal Jordan was like a slippery loach, squeezing out from between the gaps in the sickle.

Okay, Hal, you're great, you deserve to be the 'Locomotive' of Beach City! Green Arrow in the distance shouted excitedly.

The scene where Hal charged straight into the death scythe just now almost scared his soul out.

At this time, he almost cried with joy when he saw that Hal had not been cut off by the knife.

The Locomotive in his mouth was Hal Jordan's nickname when he was a pilot. It was mainly used to describe his fast speed, flexible movement and stable flight when flying a fighter plane.

Pfft~~ The Black Death Emperor opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of black phlegm at Hal who passed over his shoulder at high speed.

Ding~~~ A shiny black light ring flew out from the black phlegm and took the initiative to put it on Hal's finger.

Hal's hair stood on end.

He felt a greater danger than the death of the law just now.

He had a feeling in his mind that once he was trapped by this black light ring, he would be helpless.

Shit, what the hell! Cursing, he began to King Qin run around the pillar.

The Spirit of Being is that pillar.

Of course Hal wanted to merge directly with the spirit of existence, but after he bumped into it several times, he was immediately bounced back.

Hahaha Sinestro laughed in the distance, Hal Jordan, don't be wishful thinking. The spirit of existence is my destiny.

Hal, come to me quickly and I'll take you running. Barry shouted from below.

No matter how fast the Black Lantern Ring flew, it was impossible to catch up with him.

Anyway, he has already registered with Harley and can enter the river of time without backlash.

At worst, he ran a few minutes ago, before the black light ring appeared, shook off the black light ring and ran back.

Light of life, I am your destiny, please merge with me. Hal shouted loudly and unwillingly.

He is really not greedy or arrogant.

His impulse came from a feeling deep in his heart: it was his destiny to merge with the white light and become the master of the white light.

But Bai Guang just ignored him.

Boom - click! At this moment, the black lamp stove, which had been tilted on the ground, suddenly heard a muffled sound from inside, and then opened a hole under the shocked gaze of everyone.

Crack, click, click.

The holes are getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more, and there are even pieces of debris falling from it.

Buzzing buzzing has been chasing Hal's black light ring. The black light on the surface is flashing, as if the voltage is unstable and the flight is gradually slowing down.

My dear, even the white light can't destroy the black lamp furnace. Now it's broken?

What happened?

Witch Harley, you deserve to die! The Black Death Emperor's roar answered the questions in some people's minds.


The three-meter-high black light exploded completely, and one or two figures jumped out from the black light that was scattered in all directions.

Sure enough it was Harley.

But she is not alone, she is also supporting a two-meter-tall ghost in her hand.

The soul body is very messy, like a child drawing with a brush on the paper in one stroke, one stroke, and one stroke.

Crash! The lamp furnace shattered, and more than half of the black lamp living corpses lost power and fell apart into rotten bones.

Especially the army of zombies from outer space.

Even if they were reduced to scum by Dinah before, they could still be resurrected by relying on the black light ring.

Now they don't need anyone to attack them. After losing the energy to maintain their existence, they are densely packed and falling to the earth like a heavy rain, which is very spectacular.

However, not all black light zombies have lost their ability to move.

Rather than creating emotional energy, the central energy battery draws and stores energy.

They are just energy transfer stations, and the emotional energy of the Black Light comes from the Black Death's lair.

The Black Death Emperor can also assume some of the functions of the central battery with his own body.

But that would bring a great burden to Him and limit the display of His strength, so He was very angry.

Old Hei, don't scream. I didn't attack you or sneak attack you. I just rescued a good man who was imprisoned by you. Harley shouted.

The Black Death Emperor laughed angrily, Do you know who it is? A good person? You are blind!

It is a good brother who has made a blood alliance with me. Harley called out, then turned back to the ghost and said: Brother Mobius, you are out of trouble now, what are your plans next?

I will be resurrected by my own strength. Let's part ways now. Mobius said in a complicated tone.

He felt that with Witch Harley's shrewdness, she should know his identity.

If she knew about it and still chose to act stupid, not expose His disguise, and protect His dignity, then at least for today, she would really be good guy Harley.

He felt an emotion he had never felt before: moved.

Harley looked at the black smoke wrapped around its soul and said, Your soul is still contaminated with a lot of death aura. It should be soaked by the power of the Black Death Emperor. It's pollution.

Dissipation generally only occurs between high energy levels and low energy levels.

High energy levels impregnate low energy levels.

The Black Death Emperor's power of death has a very high energy level, but the Anti-Monitor King's origins are not weak either.

It would be difficult for the Black Death Emperor to use his own power to distort the origin of antimatter, unless the anti-monitoring king stayed in the black lamp furnace for tens of millions of years, and the quantitative changes would lead to qualitative changes.

It doesn't matter. I can clean up the power of death myself when I go back. Mobius said.

Hey, you have to clean up by yourself until the year of the monkey?

Harley opened her mouth, and a little white light rose from her throat. It was the source of white light the size of a ping pong ball.

Take it. With it, you can immediately wash away the filth of death in your soul and restore purity and innocence.

This is the source of the light of life! Mobius said in disbelief.

Well, I picked up a bunch before. Harley said casually.

Mobius's voice was trembling, You really gave it to me for nothing?

——You are the witch Harley who is greedy for magic power and can only get in but not get out! How could I be worthy enough to receive the magic power of your gift?

Harley put a straight face on her face, What are you talking about? Didn't we make a bloody alliance in the lamp furnace before?

The eight-character covenant ‘helps each other and does not invade each other’.

We have a common enemy, the Black Death Emperor, and we must unite with each other from now on.

Now I'm doing you a small favor and it's part of the covenant.

I don’t have many merits as a person, but my ‘integrity’ is worthy of praise.

Thank you! Mobius really needs the light of life to restore the soul from the 'dead'.

Only by purifying the soul can the process of resurrection begin.

He no longer refused, took the light of life and swallowed it in one gulp.

Buzzing. White light bloomed in his body, penetrating the soul and taking away the breath of death and darkness.

He felt that he was about to return to his original form as a demon prisoner in the white light.

That's not okay.

Regardless of whether Witch Harley guessed His true identity, He did not want to expose the lie to his face.

At least at this moment, He wanted to be the good guy Mobius, not the anti-supervisor king who was rescued by the witch Harley from extreme despair.

I'm leaving now. See you again when I'm resurrected.

He hurriedly said goodbye and disappeared without a trace in a whoosh.

Harley looked around and said to the people who were looking at her with different expressions: Do you want to see what I do? You continue.


Just as the Black Death Emperor was about to taunt her for letting his biggest enemy, the Demon Prisoner, Hal move on the other side.

He slammed into the spirit of existence and shouted: What are you waiting for? When will you wait? Harley has destroyed the black light furnace. If you don't do something, your destiny to end the Blackest Night will be destroyed. She took it.

At that time, you really became a dispensable and meaningless existence in her words.

The spirit of existence may be stimulated by these words.

It finally reacted, stretched out its arms to embrace Hal Jordan, and a bright white light burst out, flooding everyone's vision.

No, light of life, come back!

Sinestro stretched out his right hand, leaned forward, and screamed sadly.

When all the white light poured into Hal's body, a brand new Lord of White Lanterns appeared in front of everyone.

Like Sinestro before him, the white light symbol appears in Hal's pupils: an inverted triangle at the bottom and seven slashes at the top.

Unlike Sinestro, Sinestro is pure white, with his white-light uniform completely covering up his original yellow-light energy.

He didn't take off the yellow light ring at that time.

But Hal's body was white with a hint of green.

He also still wears the green light ring, and you can clearly see the green light seeping out of the white light uniform.

The white light of life could not completely suppress the green light of will in his body!

However, this also explains why he is also resurrected from the dead, and it is also the word death of the Black Death Emperor. Da Chao suddenly farts, but it has no effect on Hal.

The level of will energy in Hal's body is too high.

Whoosh~~~ Hal stopped when he absorbed the white light, and the black light ring, which was slowed down by the broken lamp furnace, suddenly chased after him.

But when it got closer, it couldn't take another step forward.

Unable to connect, unable to connect

The light ring sends out signals that ordinary people cannot receive.

Hal Jordan, do you think there is any difference between you and Sinestro? The Black Death Emperor raised his scythe high, raised his head and roared, You are no different, you are both helpless in front of me.

No, I am different from Sinestro, because I have never thought of taking the light of life as my own.

Hal also raised his head and roared, venting the pleasure brought by the surge in power.

I understand the meaning of comrades, and I know how to share. My friends, my companions, take it, come here, and fight with me!

BOOOOM! Endless white light came out of his body, and he became a white sun, and the people who were illuminated by the white sun began to undergo strange changes.

Connection replaces. Flash Barry Allen heard an ethereal voice, and then white light gathered from all directions. The blue light of hope automatically fell off his fingers, and his body was filled with vibrant new energy.

The blue uniform on his body was replaced by pure white, and there was a white light ring on the middle finger of his right hand.

Connection replaces.

Diana also heard this voice, and she also quickly completed the costume change from Purple Lantern to White Lantern.

Connection replaces. Even Da Chao, who kept beating Neptune on the beach, was shrouded in white light.

Connection interrupted. The black light ring on the middle finger of his right hand broke automatically, and the endless white light condensed into a white light ring in its original position.

My dear, Arthur, what's wrong with you? What are we doing?

Looking at the bottom of the giant pit, Neptune huddled up with his head in his hands, Dachao was shocked and confused.

Neptune suddenly raised his head and carefully observed his old comrades and friends. His dead gray skin returned to its original healthy and rosy appearance.

The cold black light symbol in his eyes was replaced by a white light symbol, flexible and full of emotions that a dead person would never have.

More importantly, his life connection power can create a subtle connection with him.

His life connection power only works on living people!

The surprise on Neptune's face was replaced by ecstasy, My dear, you're resurrected, Dachao, that's great.

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