Did you lend them part of the white light energy?

The Black Death Emperor was so shocked that he raised his scythe high and forgot to chop.

Not a part. Hal shook his head and said: I spread all the light of life and everyone shares it equally.

Even if you kill me now, it won't make any sense.

Kill me one, and countless more.

Hal Jordan, I am also your comrade-in-arms. You can't favor one and only give your power to the people on Earth! La Freeze howled.

Looking at his grief-stricken look, those who didn't know better thought that Hal had caused him to lose most of his family property.

However, he was not the only one who felt unwilling at the moment.

Atrocitus looked at the white lantern corps that were all white guys from Earth, and felt very angry.

Hal Jordan, give me the power of white light! I am the Lord of Red Light, and I am more qualified to be the savior than your 'relatives and friends'!

He felt that Hal was being nepotistic.

Hal Jordan, you took my power and were still unwilling to give me some of it. You have finally exposed your greedy and despicable nature.

Sinestro was even more angry. If he hadn't been injured when the light of life was taken away, and now he was weak, he would have rushed over and fought with the thief Hal.

In fact, Harley also wanted to scream, because she didn't receive any white light energy at the moment.

It's just that she is more rational. The white light that falls on her is free. The white light energy is not bound. It is not limited and must reject her, but it does not choose her.

Sure enough, Hal said loudly: Everyone, I am not giving the white light to someone, but spreading the white light all over the world.

At this time, all the 'warriors' on the battlefield of the Blackest Night were bathed in white light.

Everyone's chance is fair.

Just like the Green Lantern ring chooses its heir, White Light chooses the White Lantern Corps entirely of its own will.

It wasn't my choice, but I'm happy and proud to see the White Lantern Corps now.

They are all noble people proven by the light of life, and they are all my friends.

Now Harry couldn't help it anymore, Hal, stop talking nonsense. Even I wasn't selected. Who has the right to claim that the selection criteria are 'noble'?

Carol was also angry: Hal, I don't care about the energy of white lights and black lights, but if you use the selection criteria of white lights to belittle us, I will never agree.

She is both a lamp owner and an Earthling, and she and Hal are still old lovers, but she was also not chosen by the white light.

Not only her, but Mela, who was pulled to be the Red Light of Earth's Creatures, also stood aside awkwardly.

She was more embarrassed than anyone else, because in addition to the two villains Luthor and Scarecrow, the other three Lanterns who were selected on the spot - Oliver, Wonder Woman, and The Flash - all became White Lanterns.

Could it be that she is on the same level as Scarecrow, Luther and other villains?

Uh, Harley, Carol, you guys? Hal was speechless for a while. I just said a few words to comfort the lamp owner. Are you so excited?

I don't believe this is White Light's choice. Sinestro said loudly: Everyone knows that I am the first person chosen by the light of life, and I have a destiny.

Even I wasn't selected, and you still said you didn't cheat, so you still have the nerve to put the blame on the Light of Life itself?

Hal didn't need to be polite to him, and sneered directly: You have a damn destiny. If you didn't use your dirty tricks to knock me away, I would have merged with the spirit of existence long ago.

Moreover, everyone has seen the effect of your fusion with the Spirit of Existence. It has no effect other than helping the Black Death Emperor to train his sword skills.

The White Light of Earth's Creatures Ganser has been in a daze since Hal became the new Lord of White Lanterns. When he saw the White Lantern Corps composed of all Earth superheroes, his eyes gradually showed a sudden look, So it turns out that the white light of Earth's creatures is not The white light of seven lamps in one is the true light of life.”

Thinking of this, he immediately sent a message to Hal's spirit: I misunderstood the content of the prophecy before, and it was not to arm the people of the earth with the seven-lamp ring.

Although the combination of seven lamps can also create white light, that white light cannot perfectly activate the unique light of life on Earth.

Only true white light, combined with the light of life of the earth's creatures, can end the Blackest Night.

Hal was stunned for a moment, but without any delay, he immediately shouted to his companions: White Lantern Corps, attack!

Dachao took the lead and flew to the Black Death Emperor. His fists were shining white and he fired a burst of crazy output at his head.

The Black Death Emperor raised his scythe, intending to chop.


Wonder Woman's mantra lasso was shot over, and the golden lasso was also covered in a layer of white light, strangling his arm tightly.

The Flash punched him wildly around him, so fast that he couldn't see his shadow, and he didn't know how many punches he had thrown in an instant.

Green Arrow, White Dove, Superboy and others also launched a siege on the Black Death Emperor in their own way.

Ah ah ah The Black Death Emperor was shrouded in a white light, and it was extremely difficult to even move. He could only be beaten passively, screaming in pain and anger.

One breath passes, one minute passes, five minutes pass

Ah ah ah The Black Death Emperor was still surrounded by the heroes and was still screaming, but that was all.

What's going on? Hal was anxious and asked via voice transmission: Gunther, why doesn't it work?

It actually worked. You almost sealed Him. Ganse said.

Hal yelled, You mean, we can keep fighting like this forever?

You guys keep fighting and let me think about it carefully. The prophecy is incomplete and difficult to understand. Well, let me discuss it with several other lamp owners and put their respective prophecies together. I don't think we can find the answer.

As Gunther spoke, he used his mental power to pull the other lamp owners into the mental space and repeated the question.

Everyone was very cooperative, even Atrocitas told the information he saw from the Blood Prophecy.

The prophecies I saw are only related to the opening of the Blackest Night. I know that Black Hand will be the key to the Blackest Night. He is the link between the Black Death Emperor and the main universe. Huh?

Having said this, the Lord of the Red Lantern thought, Could the Black Hand be the key to ending the Blackest Night?

How does the Blood Prophecy describe the Black Hand? Gunther asked.

Atrocitus said: William Hand wasn't even a supervillain at the time.

He is just a confused child who has just grown up and is at a crossroads in life. He is not stained with sin and has unlimited possibilities for the future.

I intentionally left the energy bar in place to lead him down a path of darkness and depravity.

The core of the blood prophecy is him, saying that he is the key to the door of darkness.

What's wrong with you! What good will turning on the Blackest Night do to you? If a black light encounters a red light, you will still be ruthless? Carol scolded.

Alas, I misjudged the Blackest Night. Atrocitus glanced at the little blue man, In order to perform the blood prophecy, I made a huge sacrifice.

Of course, such a big sacrifice is not for the future of the living people in the universe. I only care about how to make the little blue man suffer retribution.

Therefore, when I cast the Blood Prophecy, I predicted 'the method of destroying the Green Lantern Corps and the Guardians'.

Blood Prophecy’s reply to me was ‘Blackest Night’.

Then I put all my energy into making the Blackest Night happen.

For example, seducing Abin Sue and instigating Sinestro's suspicion of the Guardians.

Your blood prophecy deceived you. Said said.

No, the blood prophecy is completely accurate! Atrocitus said with a strange smile: Now let's look at the results of the Blackest Night. The Green Lantern Corps suffered heavy losses. Except for you two, all the other guardians of Oa suffered the most tragic consequences. His fate - to be tortured, humiliated and then sacrificed for soul and flesh by the Black Death Emperor!

Oh, and there's the traitor Scarface.

She betrayed you, and you were ruined by the betrayal of your companions.

Hahaha, is there any more ridiculous and tragic ending than this?

The two little blue men, Gunther and Said, looked embarrassed and their eyes were dim.

The two of them withdrew from the Guardian team, so this time the Guardians can be said to be wiped out.

What we are discussing now is not your revenge against the Guardian. Hal said anxiously: The Black Death Emperor is not dead yet, and finding a way to deal with him is the top priority.

Atrocitus said: I didn't change the subject and deliberately talk about revenge. I said William Hand is the key, but some people don't believe my blood prophecy.

Hal felt helpless and turned to Harley again and asked: What do you think?

What did the little blue man say? Harley asked.

They are studying the prophecies seen by each of the Lantern Corps, and Atrocitus mentioned the Black Hand. By the way, where is the Black Hand?

Can you now control the power of the white light to resurrect the dead? Harley asked.

She has the origin of the white light, but resurrecting the dead requires not only the energy of the white light, but also the application of the law of life.

Who do you want to resurrect?

Harley said: Everyone, Supergirl, Batman's two adopted sons, Hawkman and Hawkgirl, Martian Manhunter. If possible, resurrect Blackhand as well.

As a living person, he should lose his qualifications as the representative of death.

If he is really the key to the Black Death Emperor entering the main universe, after his resurrection, he will be able to influence the Black Death Emperor to some extent.

Hal was silent for a full two minutes before saying helplessly: I communicated with the spirit of existence. It said that it can resurrect anyone, but it will not obey any of your orders.

Harley, Harley

Harley was about to fly into a rage when Sinestro suddenly flew over and kept calling her name.

Are you looking for death?

She was angry and strange. Sinestro should call her Witch Harley instead. Only her friends or those close to her would call her by her name.

It's me, 'Dead Man' Boston, Sinestro winked at her, I know you're unhappy with this guy, how about you hit me?

Or, do you want to punish him in other ways, such as stripping naked and shouting, Black Death, I love you?

Dead Man Boston is a magical hero who is good at soul possession.

Harley was immediately amused by him, You can try it.

Well, I'll do it later. His expression became serious again, and he said: I'm looking for you about the Black Death Emperor. Your idea is right. Resurrecting the Black Hand can cut off the Black Death Emperor and the main universe. contact.

Then gather all the power of the White Lantern Corps to attack him and drive him back to the dimension of death.

How do you know this? Harley asked doubtfully.

Sinestro had a look of confusion on his face, Maybe because I was separated from my rotting corpse because of its fusion, I have some more secrets of the black light in my mind.

Okay, if there is a chance, I will resurrect Black Hand. Harley agreed to his suggestion without asking any more questions.

First of all, she originally had this plan.

Second, she understands what’s special about “Dead Man” Boston.

He was originally just a juggler performing a trapeze in the circus. He did not know any magic. After his death, he was favored by the Goddess of Death. He jumped out of the realm of yin and yang and could possess any tangible object at will.

The Goddess of Death has nothing to do with the death of the second sister. She is a mortal who cultivated to become the God of Death and established her own kingdom of God in the Celestial Mount Everest Mountains.

Harley also asked old Shazam about him. He is not strong, but very wise and mysterious.

Dead Man Boston is among His favored ones.

The black light secret that appeared in Boston's mind at this time may not have been discovered by him himself, but was enlightened from the goddess of death.

After receiving her answer, Sinestro flew to the outskirts of the battlefield of the White Lantern Corps, taking off his clothes and shouting loudly: Black Death Emperor, I love you, your withered and dark little body is so attractive, come and kiss me, Boom boom boom!”

My dear, is Sinestro crazy?

Everyone was stunned at first, but when they saw Sinestro's red body, their expressions became distorted.

Seeing him pouting and blowing a series of kisses, they all got goosebumps all over again.

Harley laughed, very happy.

Asshole, get out of my body~~~~

When Sinestro took off his clothes and was still posing proudly to the people around him, his expression began to distort and another distorted sound came out of his mouth.

The real Sinestro breaks free from the dead man's possession.

Witch Harley. After regaining control of his body, he immediately put on the yellow light uniform, roared at Harley, soared into the sky, and disappeared from the earth.

Hey, Sinestro, don't leave, the Black Death Emperor hasn't been solved yet. Hal shouted urgently.

Stop shouting, it's useless for him to stay here. Harley smiled.

But what about the Black Death Emperor? What if we need to combine seven lights into one later?

Harley flew to the edge of the battlefield and said, The White Lantern Corps disperse first, and let Brother Black and I have a few thoughtful words.

Harry, are you serious? Dachao said seriously.

How do you feel? Harley looked him up and down and asked curiously.

very good.

Do you remember the experience when you became a black light zombie?

Dachao thought deeply and said: I have a vague impression. I can feel that my soul should be trapped in the corpse, but the body is completely out of control of my soul.

Harley nodded, You were probably not dead at the time. You can recover by taking off the light ring.

Do you want to fight again? Diana asked.

Back off first.

At this time, the White Lantern Corps was composed entirely of Earth heroes. After hearing Harley's request clearly, no one raised any objections even if they were confused.

His Majesty the Black Death Emperor, you have also seen that the current White Lantern is different from Sinestro. They are both my partners.

Facing the Black Death Emperor who was holding a scythe and gasping for breath, Harley looked solemn and her tone was sincere and respectful, If we cooperate to deal with you, we will not be suspicious of each other and stab in the back like before.

You have almost no chance of winning against us.

If the spirit of existence is willing to cooperate with us, it will not be difficult to seal you.

Then what nonsense are you talking to me about? Seal me! the Black Death Emperor sneered.

The spirit of existence probably dislikes me and refuses to cooperate honestly. Harry said truthfully: And the seal only works for a while, but it cannot fundamentally solve the problem.

For a great being like you, no one can limit your freedom forever.

We have sealed you today, but tomorrow and the day after tomorrow we will all be on tenterhooks, worried that you will come back.

What do you want to say? Black Death Emperor frowned.

Harley switched to mental transmission and wrapped her mental power with a defensive force field, I knew from the beginning that the ghost in the black light furnace was the Anti-Monitor.

The reason why I pretended not to recognize Him is because I always adhere to a concept - to have basic respect for the supreme existence that cannot be completely eliminated.

I've never seen you respect me. The Black Death Emperor sneered.

Harley said: I used words to provoke and insult you before, just because you were too strong and invincible, so I had to use words to stimulate you.

If you lose your composure, your flaws will be exposed.

On the other hand, this is also respect for you.

If you were a little brat, I wouldn't talk nonsense to you at all, I would just slap you to death.

You mean, even if you scold me, I should be moved and thank you? The Black Death Emperor laughed angrily.

Harry shook his head and said: You don't need to be moved. Let's talk openly now. We only talk about interests, not feelings.

The Supreme cannot be killed.

If I could completely eliminate you or the Anti-Monitor, I wouldn't bother talking nonsense with you.

Do you really think I like making people smile?

But your manifestation of the rules of the universe will never disappear as long as the universe is immortal.

I kill you today, and you will be resurrected tomorrow.

Even if I'm not scared, I still find it troublesome.

Therefore, I pay my respects to you, and I hope you will give me something in return.

For example, I saved the Anti-Monitor, gave him enough face, and preserved his dignity.

As long as he still has a bit of shame, he will hesitate when he plans to take action against the earth after his next resurrection.

Now, I will give you face, and I will also preserve your dignity. For example, we can get together and part ways easily, and the White Lantern Corps will not beat you or seal you.

If you need to, you can chop me hard a few times.

As for me, I kept screaming and pleading. You dropped a few majestic and beautiful words and walked away. Let's put an end to this farce-like dark night.

I don’t want you to completely give up the idea of ​​​​exterminating living people in the future. I just ask you to go home and think clearly about the two questions of ‘what is death’ and ‘the relationship between death and life’.

What if I don't agree? You can't do anything to me anyway. The Black Death Emperor sneered.

Harley said: I have basic respect for the Supreme Being, not because the Supreme Being is highly respected, but because the Supreme Being is difficult to kill.

There are certain similarities between me and the Supreme. For example, I am difficult to kill, and it would be very troublesome to offend me to death.

Difficult to kill? Troublesome? I don't think so. The Black Death Emperor sneered.

Harley's expression remained unchanged and her tone was gentle and polite, If you don't agree, then I will make you homeless.

The Black Death Emperor's expression froze, What do you mean?

Harry said: That's the literal meaning. I'm a master thief. I know your house number, and I even went in and took a look around. I'm familiar with the house.

As long as you can enter the main universe, it means there is a passage connecting the main universe and your hometown.

I can go back anytime.

If you refuse the respect I give you, I can only let the White Lanterns continue to beat you, and I will go back and continue to steal magic power.

As she spoke, she rubbed her belly and muttered: I'm only 30% full. If the earth wasn't in danger, I wouldn't want to come back.

It doesn't take long. Give me another two or three hours and I should be able to swallow the death dimension whole.

Just like swallowing the Riut star.

Alas, with Superman's body of steel, Diana's supernatural powers, and The Flash's speed, can the White Lantern Corps last for three hours?

As long as they hold you for three hours, Gudong

Harley swallowed, a look of greed appearing in her eyes.

Witch Harley, you are so cruel! the Black Death Emperor gritted his teeth.

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