I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1398 Good guy Harley

Shit, what did I just hear? Is it an illusion? On the Archimedes airship, Star Man held his head and shouted in disbelief.

It's not an auditory hallucination, but it's more magical than an auditory hallucination. Mr. Zhuo Zhuo's expression was relatively calm. If it were someone else, I would have difficulty accepting it, but since it is related to Harley, we can just watch.

How did things get to this point? They were obviously allies, so why did they become enemies? They were obviously life and death enemies, so why did they join forces? Barbara murmured.

Louise frowned and said: Absolutely no, absolutely no, the spirit of existence should not choose Sinestro as its host.

Sinestro originally had a deep hatred for Harley.

He suffered countless defeats from Harley earlier, and now that he has suddenly gained great power, he will definitely want to take the opportunity to take revenge.

Although Harley used Black Death's black heart to throw him at him, her ultimate purpose was to help the Spirit of Existence deal with Black Death, but Sinestro found an excuse and took action.

If the spirit of existence chooses someone else, such as asking Saint Walker to be the 'white light incarnation', the battle is likely to be over by now.

Why not Hal Jordan? He is one of our own and more reliable. Damian asked.

You can choose Hal, but the spirit of existence is afraid that Harley will eat him, so he probably won't choose her friend. Louise said.

Bateman, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said: On the contrary, if it chooses Hal, it will no longer have to worry about being missed by Harley.

Everyone was thoughtful.

Should we do something? Star Man said anxiously: The Black Death Emperor is hesitating now and seems to have plans to join forces with Sinestro. We cannot let them become allies.

They can have the leisure to talk nonsense here because the situation on the other side of the battlefield is in a stalemate.

Faced with Sinestro's invitation, the Black Death Emperor neither agreed immediately nor refused.

He stood there with an expressionless face. He didn't know whether he was deep in thought or deliberately delaying time to further expand the suspicion and contradiction within the Living Alliance.

Master Harley is not afraid of them joining forces. It's not like they have never joined forces before. What will be the result? Damian crossed his arms, his handsome little face showing both confidence and pride, If it weren't for Black Death Emperor and Sinestro. Due to their immortality, they had already turned into two corpses.

Their martial arts level is not even as good as mine.

In front of Master Harley, he looked as clumsy as a child holding a sledgehammer.

Teacher Harley's performance when facing a double attack just now was so wonderful. Barbara's cheeks were red and she was very excited. She often told us that although the moves require frequent practice, it is more important when you are actually facing the enemy. The key is not to play tricks, but to use appropriate moves according to the situation on the battlefield.

We didn’t quite understand it before, but now I totally understand.

After seeing it with my own eyes, it was like an enlightenment.

Damian curled his lips, you can say you don't understand, but don't use we, don't bring him with you, he has long since reached the point where he can move at will and at his fingertips.

Louise said: “It happened so fast, I didn’t see it clearly, and the camera didn’t capture it.

In just a blink of an eye, she jumped out of the two men's double-team and even attacked the enemy.

The speed was so fast that it almost tore the man apart.”

Speaking of her husband, her eyes turned red and she started to cry again.

At this moment, Black Lantern Chao is still fighting Neptune at the beach.

Well, the main battlefield is in the ruins of Coast City, and Coast City is close to the sea.

Seeing her like this, the heroes sighed secretly and fell silent.

However, they were silent, but the battlefield was always lively.

Sinestro, is your brain flooded with water, or is the spirit of existence in your body going crazy? Hal said angrily: Why do so many of us gather together to fight?

Are you so shameless now that you want to cooperate with the Black Death Emperor?

Now you are cooperating with Him, but later you still have the nerve to ask us to continue to help you fight against Him?

Witch Harley is the greatest disaster in the universe, not just for me, but also for all the supreme beings. Sinestro said ambiguously.

These words not only answered Hal's question, but also secretly persuaded the Black Death Emperor: She is also the greatest harm to you.

The Black Death Emperor looked blank, and the balance in his heart slowly shifted towards Sinestro. If he went after Sinestro now, and if he succeeded, he would be able to kill all the living people at once, including the witch Harley.

But just in case He was about to succeed, Witch Harley suddenly attacked Him, causing His success to fail. This is very possible. First of all, Witch Harley is a liar; secondly, Witch Harley definitely doesn’t want to die. If the spirit of existence dies, she will Certain death.

If he and Sinestro team up to deal with the Witch Harley, they can first let out a bad breath and let him have his thoughts.

He has been crumbling in her hands, and now he can finally see her panicking, screaming, kneeling and begging, and being killed miserably. Just thinking about it makes Him excited. Wouldn't it be even more exciting if he saw it with his own eyes?

Moreover, without the witch Harley, the final battle between Him and Sinestro would have no element of surprise, and He would definitely win.

Thinking of this, He looked at Harley with a mocking look and asked, Witch Harley, why have you never spoken?

Harley sighed: There's nothing to say, you only have two choices, either don't listen to Sinestro and continue to hunt him.

There is no doubt that I would love to see this scene.

Either you listen to him and choose to cooperate with the spirit of existence, hahaha.

At this point, she held her stomach and laughed, Sorry, as long as I think of the Black Death Emperor and the Light of Life joining forces, I will, hahahaha.

She bent over with laughter, tears streaming down her face.

What's so funny? The Black Death Emperor looked gloomy.

He vaguely felt that something was wrong. He was the incarnation of death. If he joined hands with the light of life,

It's so ironic, so funny. The Black Death Emperor who inspired to extinguish the light of life, the Black Death Emperor who initiated the Blackest Night, actually joined forces with the Light of Life at the last moment, hahaha.

Harley laughed so hard, This is a joke that is destined to be circulated in the multiverse forever, and it is also a mythical story that has been passed down through the ages, with me, Harley Quinn, as the protagonist.

I heard a big joke now and laughed happily.

In the future, I will definitely become famous in the multiverse for my compromise of death to life. Endless glory makes me very happy.

So, I won’t say anything, you can do whatever you want.

If you reject it, I am happy; if you ally with it, I am also happy.

The Black Death Emperor gritted his teeth, and his mentality was about to collapse.

Don't listen to her instigation. Sinestro advised: This is Witch Harley's usual trick. On the surface, she says she is letting you do whatever you want, but in fact, she is extremely scared in her heart, fearing that you will make the right choice - work with me to get rid of her first. she.

As for her glory in forcing us to join forces, it doesn't exist at all.

Who in the multiverse doesn’t know her virtues?

The Supreme Beings understand our thoughts and actions.

It is impossible for them to praise us for our magnanimity and cleverness.

Harley smiled and nodded: That's right, Black Death Emperor, you listen to him, you should join forces to deal with me as soon as possible, this can prove your courage and wisdom.

After all, I am the 'Invincible Harley' who is unique in the multiverse, respected by everyone, and feared by the Supreme Being!

Sinestro sneered at her and said, Witch Harley, don't be pretentious. We are all smart people, and your words are of no use to smart people!

Yes, I'm pretending. Harley smiled and pointed at the Black Death Emperor, Come on, come and kill me!

Don't talk nonsense with her, come with me and kill her! Sinestro shouted and suddenly rushed towards Harley.

He held a white light sword in each hand and danced out a sword net, trying to envelop her and mince her into a pulp.

Witch Harley, give me my arm and the light of life.

Harley stood there motionless, only looking at him with a smile on her face.

Wha— A black light flashed, and Sinestro's body jumping in mid-air was split into two. His white swords hung down feebly. He turned his head and looked at the ferocious-looking Black Death Emperor, filled with resentment and anger. He asked inexplicably: Why? Don't you hate Witch Harley?

If I kill you, she will die. The Black Death Emperor said.

I am the light of life, you can't kill me at all.

Sinestro's broken body was connected again in the white light.

Let's give it a try. The Black Death Emperor glanced at Harley. Seeing her looking over, she just shrugged and took the initiative to step back.

The Black Death Emperor relaxed a little, gathered the power of death, formed a dark energy arm on his empty right shoulder, and then thrust it into Sinestro's chest.

Ah~~~ Sinestro screamed miserably, What are you still doing? Come and save me?!

Seven lights in one! Gunther shouted.

Despite all the reluctance in their hearts, the Seven Lanterns still condensed the white light and fell on the Black Death Emperor. The Black Death Emperor opened a layer of black lamp protective cover, completely blocking the interference of the white light.

Boom! Endless black light exploded in Sinestro's body, and the dispersed power of death flowed into every part of his body, like silk threads entwining the light of life deep in his soul.

Come out!

As the Black Death Emperor roared loudly, the shining white spirit of existence was pulled out from Sinestro's chest.

Hey~~~~ The spirit of existence let out an eardrum-piercing scream. Even the refugees in the shelter thousands of miles away couldn't help but hold their heads and scream along.

No! Sinestro was also shouting: Don't leave me, this is my destiny, to become the greatest Lantern in the universe and save this rotten world.

Hmph, it's your fate to be an ant licking the soles of my shoes. The Black Death Emperor threw Sinestro away like trash.

Immediately afterwards, He began to swing the scythe, frantically attacking the spirit of existence covered with tentacles.

Ahhhh~~ The spirit of existence is screaming in pain, the people on earth are screaming in pain, and all living people in the entire universe are screaming in pain.

Harley was the only one with a smile on her face, her smile fell to the ground, and she turned her gaze to the energy battery in the center of the black light.

Witch Harley, what do you want to do? You said that as long as my master does not ally with Sinestro, you will no longer interfere in the battle between him and the spirit of existence. The black hand squatting above the lamp stove said warily.

The lamp furnace is not unguarded. Black Hand, the incarnation of the power of death, has been guarding it.

Harley's expression changed, she looked at the sky behind Black Hand, and shouted nervously: Shit, Blackie, be careful of sneak attacks!

Black Hand was shocked and confused, What? Who wants to sneak attack the master - wuwuwu——

As soon as he turned his head, a transparent protective golden film enveloped him.

It's like putting it in a vacuum packaging bag, vacuuming it up, wrapping him firmly and hard.

I told you to be careful not to be attacked. I even called you 'Xiao Hei' affectionately. Why didn't you listen?

The Black Death Emperor is Old Black, and his black hand is Little Black.

Harley muttered and penetrated the defensive force field into Black Hand's body, suppressing the rioting power of death in his body.

Buzz~~ She stretched out her finger and drew a golden circle in the air with the power of the yellow light, and a small space door opened.

On the other side of the door was Dinah.

Keep an eye on him. She thought slightly, and the vacuum-packed black hand was sent over like a salted fish.

Why don't you just take off the light ring and kill him? And Supergirl, she's already dead. I can't hold it down anymore. She keeps struggling. Dinah complained.

She was still in outer space at the moment, and when she saw the meteorites and planet fragments falling to the earth, she opened her mouth and yelled.

And in her left hand, she was holding another vacuum packaging bag, which was also a hard black light living corpse wrapped in defensive gold film - Super Girl.

Harley's God's Favorite cannot freely control the range and shape of the defensive golden film like her.

The essence of the gold film is that the body's defense is constantly improving, causing qualitative changes and generating a force field.

She is currently unable and unwilling to lend her force field to others, not because she is stingy, but because she is worried about exposing her secrets.

At this time, Dinah did not activate the force field, but used the power of the God of War in her body to maintain the vacuum packaging film on Super Girl's body.

She used the power of vibration waves to send Harley's divine power into Supergirl's body, keeping her in a frozen state.

It's a little less effective than Harley's force field, so Supergirl has been struggling.

Supergirl is indeed dead, but now haven't we met the 'Light of Life'? Black Death Emperor can kill people, can the Light of Life save people? Harley said.

Dinah's left hand was a super girl, and her right hand held the black hand, and she worriedly said: I'm afraid the light of life doesn't want to, but you will offend him to death.

Only a friend can reject me, but if it rejects me, it is not my friend. Since it is not a friend, its own wishes are of little use to me. Harley said lightly.

The corner of Dinah's mouth twitched, Where is the Black Hand?

Blackhand is dead, and he also longs for death. I can't kill him now, and I don't want him to die.

Buzz~~ The golden halo disappeared, and Harley focused on the black light stove.

He stretched out his hand and knocked on the furnace wall, Dang, dang, dang!

Like metal material.

His fingers were wrapped in a layer of rich gastric acid mist, and he poked hard against the wall of the furnace.


There is a response, but the effect is very weak.

Like chewing bricks with teeth.

Why is it so strong? Harley asked in surprise.

With doubts in her heart, she wrapped herself in the source of death and flew towards the lamp mouth.

The glass door of the lamp mouth comes into contact with the origin of death, and is like ripples in the water, allowing her to pass through without any hindrance.

Like the Green Lantern Central Power Cell, the Black Lantern Furnace is also filled with death energy.

It was dark inside, but it was shiny and black.

Witch Harley, Witch Harley, Witch Harley.

After swimming around in the viscous high-concentration power of death, a faint cry suddenly came from Harley's ears.

The voice sounded vaguely familiar, but she took a moment to figure out who it came from.

Who is it? Is it a lamp beast?

Harley's black light defense expertise has reached level nine. She has no fear, only curiosity. She swings her hands and legs quickly and swims deep into the furnace.

It's me. The voice became clearer, but became hesitant.

Who? Who are you?

Harley kept asking questions but got no answer.

Suddenly, a spark of memory flashed through her mind, and a name blurted out, The Anti-Supervision King, is that you?

The voice reacted again, denying repeatedly: No, no, it's not me, I'm not Him.

It was very urgent at first, but at the end it was full of sadness.

Harry became more and more curious and sped up, until he reached the deepest part of the lamp furnace.

First of all, Harley discovered one thing. Except that it was stronger, the structure of the black light furnace was exactly the same as the green light central energy battery.

They definitely use the same technology.

Finally, Harley finally sees the Anti-Monitor King who is not the Anti-Monitor.


I am not the Anti-Monitor, He whined.

Not only did He say that he was not a rebel, but He also didn’t look like one at this time.

The anti-monitor in Harley's impression was as high as a ten-story building, covered with a layer of blue eggshell-shaped metal armor. The armor's shoulders were filled with golden energy conduits, making it majestic and domineering.

What he saw at this time was just a ghost shadow two meters tall, with only a soul. The appearance of a human being could not be seen clearly, and even the body was swaying like a candle in the wind.

But His breath and His mental fluctuations all prove that He is indeed.

I'm Harley Quinn. My friends call me 'Good Harley'. What about you? Harley asked gently.

There was only curiosity in her eyes, as if she was seeing Him for the first time.

I'm Mobius.

Ninety-nine percent of the sadness in His voice suddenly disappeared, and even revealed a sense of relaxation and joy.

Why are you locked up here? Harley asked.

There are no chains binding the ghostly shadow.

But the pressure at the bottom of the lamp furnace is very high, greater than the pressure on the seabed millions of meters deep.

The pressure of energy penetrates deep into the soul, which is more terrifying than the pressure of gravity that only targets the body.

Even if the Ion Shark ran away with Harley, the little blue man still used the central energy battery as a prison to hold serious criminals, taking advantage of the energy pressure effect of trapping enemies.

However, with the strength of anti-monitoring, he should be able to break free.

Well, she remembered that they were still looking for the body of the anti-supervisory king.

Regardless of whether He was completely dead at that time, He was only a dead soul now.

The Black Death Emperor is the father of all the dead and has very strong power to control death.

A living person who rebels against the prison can definitely compete with the Black Death Emperor, but there is no way that the rebel king has a higher chance of winning.

But when the undead rebelled against supervision, they were restrained to death by the Incarnation of Death.

I was injured by the enemy. The Black Death Emperor took advantage of my injury and took my life. Finally, he used my corpse to forge a lamp furnace and used my soul as a wick.

The sadness in Mobius's voice first turned into resentment, and then resentment turned into deep expectations: The energy for him to create the invincible Black Lantern Corps all comes from me.

As long as I am released, the lamp furnace will shatter and the Black Lantern Corps will disappear in an instant.

Witch Ha. Good guy Ha Ha, help me!

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