I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1105 The End and a New Beginning

Twilight has disappeared, but the Sun-devouring Beast is still in the material universe? Da Chao's face turned ugly, What kind of thing is this? I would rather the Sun-Eating Beast sublimates and disappears, and the Sun-Eating Beast remains here.

Dusk is equivalent to the 'kind phantom', and the sun-devouring beast is the 'price magic'. The phantom can disappear, but the magic comes from the three-phase goddess and has already been cast, so it can only be completed. Stranger said.

So what should we do now? Without Twilight, we can't track the Suneater. Atom asked.

Stranger and Ganser were silent.

Harley sighed and said: First, finish the last shift and resolve the crisis of Xianglin civilization, and then we will return to Earth.

The Sun Eater Hunting Team never stops to rest and is always on the journey to the next galaxy.

After completing a rescue, Dusk provided the next coordinates, and they set off immediately to station in that civilization before the Sun-Eating Beast arrived.

At this time, they were on their way to Xianglin Civilization. Halfway through, Mu Mu was so happy that he soared.

What happens after solving the Xianglin crisis? If we do nothing and let the Sun-Eating Beast eat and drink enough to leave, it will mean that our hard work in saving thousands of civilizations in the past few months has been in vain. Dachao said bitterly.

Why is this useless work? Harley glanced at her Magic Vault, oh, there are already 2,500 points of magic power!

At least we have worked hard, have a clear conscience, and gained peace in our hearts. She smiled and was very calm.

At least she has a clear conscience and peace of mind.

Hal glanced at the duo of Stranger and Gunther, hesitantly, Harry, maybe——

When you see him pouting, you know what he is going to do.

Harley immediately interrupted him and said, There's no chance. You've worked hard, so you don't owe anyone anything.

Of course he owes it. Ganser, who had been trying to speak as little as possible, finally couldn't help it, All miraculous power has a price. When you talk about magic debt and price, haven't you ever thought that using green light energy also has a price?

Harley put her hands on her hips and, relying on her height, looked down at Ganser and said, You little blue people are not the masters of the green light energy. Who dares to ask Hal to repay his debt for the green light energy he obtained through his strength?

Ganse remained motionless, but secretly used his mind power to control himself to float back half a step, We are just guardians, of course not the masters of the green light energy.

There is one and only one master of emotional energy, and that is the multiverse itself.

Hecate brings magic to the world, it is she who gives it, and the universe receives it.

Now that the universe is giving her magic power back, it is the universe that is paying the price.

The Book of Oa predicts that a Green Lantern will pay the price for the universe.

This is not only the responsibility arranged by fate, but also the optimal fate chosen by the emotional spectrum.

It's so shameless. The Book of Oa chose Hal to sacrifice, which is only the best fate for you little blue people. Harley sneered.

Harry, please listen to Gunther's explanation first. Stranger said.

He made it clear enough. At least I fully understand his purpose.

There is an inside story. Stranger sighed.

Ganser continued consciously: You have a Green Lantern on Earth named 'Alan Scott', and his children have inherited the 'Green Lantern bloodline'. Without a lantern ring or a lantern furnace, they can still become lanterns. Xia.

The energy their family uses is no different from magic.

The reason for this is that in the early years, the Green Lantern Corps collected the magical power of the entire universe, mixed them with Green Lantern energy, and created an existence beyond the artifact-the Star Heart.

Alan Scott's lamp furnace is just the most insignificant fragment of the Heart of the Star.

One can imagine how much magic power the Star Heart contains.

Where did all the magic go?

Hal Jordan's expression changed slightly.

Ganser looked at him steadily and said: You have never doubted, why are there so many Green Lanterns in the world, but you are the only one who can quickly learn time magic, and also have vast magic power, powerful enough to defeat the Time Trap?

You may be gifted, but you're just 'the greatest Green Lantern ever', not a magical genius.

You haven't even experienced a terminal transformation.

You are strong mainly because you stole the magic power of the entire Star Heart from the central energy battery.

They are so perfectly integrated with the energy of the green light that they are almost indistinguishable. They are sealed at the bottom of the battery. Not even the Witch Harley could find it back then.

As he said this, he glanced at Harley, and he didn't know whether he was happy or disappointed in his eyes.

——If she had taken away the magic power of the Star Heart back then, would it be her turn to pay off the debt now?

Or will God step aside and continue to help her avoid the debt crisis without a bottom line? And then they have to pay off the debt to the Green Lantern Corps?

After thinking for a while with mixed emotions, Ganser continued: All miraculous powers have a price.

We once took away the magic of the entire physical universe, and fate has decreed that Green Lantern must pay the price today.

Originally it was our responsibility, but now that the legion has been destroyed and the guardians have been slaughtered, the responsibility has become yours alone.

In addition, the emotional spectrum chooses to repay the price at this time, which is also the best choice.

Because now is just the prelude to Ragnarok.

Now that the debt is paid, when Hecate truly arrives, Green Lantern will no longer be on her list of debts.

Hal Jordan looked in a daze, No wonder after the Sun-Eating Beast appeared, the energy in my body always fluctuated unstablely, and deep in my heart there was an urge to release them all to the entire universe.

The destruction of the Green Lantern Corps was not a deliberate move by you, was it? Harley looked at the little blue man with suspicion, You hope Hal will steal the central battery and become your debtor.

Dachao sighed and said: Except for Ganser, the other guardians are dead. No matter how heavy the debt is, is it more terrible than death?

Yes, magic debt is scarier than death. Harley nodded.

Ganse said calmly: I have told you everything that needs to be said, and it is your business how to choose.

The power is not in me, and I have no ability to force you to make a choice.

Just like you said before, Witch Harley, if you work hard, you will have a clear conscience. I will not interfere in this matter again from now on.

I'm willing to hand over my power. Hal Jordan sighed.

Think carefully, they want your life, but you have the ability to resist. Harley said.

Dachao said in shock: Just handing back the magic power of the Star Heart, there's no need for Hal to sacrifice his life, right?

What do you think of magic debt? Borrow 10 points of magic power today and pay back 10 points of magic power ten years later? Harley sneered: Even if you only borrow a little magic power, when you die, your magic power, knowledge, experience, Wisdom and soul all belong to the creditor.

So-oh, so cruel.

Dachao yelled and then realized that the magic debt was not a secret. He had known about it for a long time, but he had no intuitive feeling before.

Hal Jordan's face showed a kind of open-mindedness and calmness after awakening, and said: Don't worry about me, for me, this may be a redemption.

I killed Kilowog and killed so many comrades who once trusted me. I made too many mistakes.

Merely relying on repentance cannot atone for my sins. I dreamed back at midnight, alas!

Now if I can use my life to end the Sun-Eating Beast crisis and preserve thousands of civilized planets, I may be able to gain complete peace of mind and peace.

Hal, your soul will not be part of the price.

There was a divine silver light shining in the stranger's eyes, as if he was making a promise on behalf of God.

Hal, let me reiterate, no one can force you. Harley said solemnly.

Hal looked at her, then at Stranger, and said with a relaxed smile: It's a little difficult to make this decision, but after saying it, I feel very calm.

Now I seem to be touching the path of destiny.

We are on the way to Xianglin Star.

Without Dusk, Xianglin Star is likely to be the last place where we can sit back and wait for the Sun-Eating Beast.

If you miss this time, you don’t know when you will encounter it next time.

And for every day of delay, several civilizations will be destroyed.

So, the answer is obvious, isn't it?

Harry was stunned and sighed: Now that you have made up your mind, I won't object.

When others pay their debts and seek salvation, she can at best be considered his friend. How can she have any objection?

However, I have a business now, and I hope you can consider it. With a flash of her eyes, she wrapped her mental power with a God's force field and transmitted it to Hal Jordan's mind, You are now like a bankrupt with a lot of debt. The person is about to mortgage all his property to the bank to repay the debt.

Before liquidation, a wealthy friend of yours took a fancy to your limited edition Rolls-Royce.

The bank's asking price for the Rolls-Royce is 10 million, and your friend is willing to pay 12 million.

Ten million will be transferred to the bank by you.

When the overall situation is decided, whether you become a deadbeat or a bankrupt with limited liability, the two million will be quietly handed over to you.

Moreover, if you need it on weekdays, such as weddings or birthdays, you can also borrow a Rolls-Royce to support the occasion.

What do you think of this business?

Hal smiled bitterly and nodded, No need for 12 million, you can take 10 million.

Three days later, Earth.

Hey, I've been away from the earth for more than two months without realizing it.

Seeing the blue planet below, Harley felt a sense of homecoming for the first time.

Only after you have been away from home for a long time can you understand the difference in your hometown.

After living in Gotham for more than ten years, this place can be considered her hometown.

It's finally over. Da Chao glanced at Hal beside him and smiled happily: This can be considered a happy ending, right?

What's the end? Why are you back? Where's Dusk? Why don't you continue to track the Sun-Eating Beast?

Watchtower, a group of heroes asked in confusion.

Dachao's eyes swept across the faces of Hal and Harley, and he hesitated: Do you want to tell everyone?

Harley shrugged, We didn't do anything shameful.

It's so mysterious, what happened these days? Neptune asked strangely.

Hal sighed and said, Explain it to me. I haven't been back to Seaside City for a long time, and I feel a little homesick now. Although it has become ruins, I swear that I will rebuild it in the remaining years.

Okay, I'll lend you the owl airship first. Harley said.

Watching Hal leave the watchtower in the airship, the heroes became more and more strange.

The attentive hero also discovered that Hal Jordan was wearing a bomber jacket and blue jeans at this time, instead of the Green Lantern uniform or the Time Demon Arms with shoulder armor.

Dachao sighed: Hal is no longer a Time Demon, not even a Green Lantern.

The Sun-Eating Beast completely disappeared, and Xianglin Civilization was its last stop.

Hal took the initiative to enter its interior, release all his life force, and let it devour him.

The Sun Eater got enough. Well, Hal completed Hecate's Magic Return Price Magic for the multiverse.

Manifested as the cost of the Sun-Eating Beast, the magic disappears, and no literary star will ever be trapped in a winter night again.

After hearing his words, the heroes were both shocked and enlightened.

Hal's plan to sacrifice himself to save the world has been openly discussed among the hero giants for a long time.

However, under Harley's leadership, that plan was firmly rejected by everyone.

Why do you suddenly change your mind after persisting for a few months?

Bateman's eyes flashed, Has there been an accident in the evening?

Dachao nodded slightly, She ascended.

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