I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1106 The current situation of the earth

Earth time in early March 2018.

A space wormhole 80 light hours away from the solar system.

A small bag bulged out from the faint blue space whirlpool, and with a pop, a 20-meter-long shuttle flew out.

Phew, we finally arrived in the solar system. The sexy red-haired girl in the shuttle just breathed a sigh of relief when an electronic wave was transmitted to the spacecraft's public channel.

Three languages, English, Rann, Senagang.

Rann and Senagan are both famous super civilizations in the galaxy.

“This is the Pluto outpost in charge of the ‘Galaxy Admiral Guards’, a solar system self-defense force led by the Galaxy Admiral.

All alien friends who want to enter the solar system are asked to register information at the position of 'Pluto' in the star chart.

If you are an official with a diplomatic mission, you can send your electronic ID. After we confirm the information, you can cross Pluto and go directly to the 'seaside base' in outer orbit of the earth.

Galactic Admiral Guards? Pluto Outpost? The red-haired woman was stunned, There were no such things before.

After thinking about it, she still sent back a message: I am Corianda from Tamaran. Do I need to register with Pluto?

After waiting for three minutes, an encrypted message came over: Welcome to the solar system, dear Princess Spark, you are the supreme VIP guest, and you will have unimpeded access to the entire solar system.

However, alien warships cannot enter the interior of the planet. If you want to go to the earth, please go to the seaside base first.

A cheerful smile appeared on Starfire's lips, and she pressed the engine switch. The shuttle turned into a ray of light and shot towards the direction of the solar system.

After getting close to the star system, she even made a special trip to Pluto.

A battle fortress has indeed been discovered in outer space.

The butterfly-shaped building is not too big, only about 200 meters. It seems to be transformed from an interstellar battleship.

At this time, the outpost was floating there alone, and no alien spacecraft was found nearby.

So solemn, I thought the solar system was packed with guests.

Hey, Princess Sparkle, why are you here?

At this time, another message came from the communicator, and the voice sounded familiar.

You are. Starfire thought for a long time, and was still convinced that the sun-devouring beast would devour your star. Harley, Superman, Cyborg, and Kyle went to support you.

Oh, I remembered, you are the third smartest Mr. Excellence in the universe.

Starfire forgot about the black hero with the T mask on his face.

But his self-introduction was too shameless—the third smartest person in the world, the first to save the future, and the second to respect the sages.

Mr. Zhuo Zhuo was naturally not embarrassed when he heard this, but was very happy.

If he was embarrassed, he wouldn't tell everyone he was the third smartest person in the world.

It's me, Starfire. Why did you come to Earth this time? If you need help, please just ask.

He was very enthusiastic because he was deeply impressed by the beautiful female alien with red hair, hot body and passionate personality, and also because he knew that her husband died in the last Sun Eater crisis and was currently single.

This time, Starfire hesitated for a moment, then said in a low mood, I will probably stay on Earth temporarily for a while. I will have nothing to do with Tamaran's national affairs and just come to travel and relax.

Mr. Excellence's voice was full of excitement, That's great. Oh, I mean, after the last separation, everyone often talked about Tamaran and missed you very much.

Really? Xinghuo was a little happy, but also a little doubtful.

Because of Tamaran's bad deeds and her own difficult situation, Starfire misses the hero of justice.

Each of them was selfless, noble, righteous and brave. Getting along with them made her both excited and comfortable.

Mr. Excellence said eagerly: I swear, Superman was still talking about it the day before yesterday. It won't be long before Starfire, you, will also come to establish diplomatic relations with Earth on behalf of Tamaran.

Then we talked about you, your figure, ahem, you were beautiful, warm and kind.

Starfire was a little convinced. She was very confident in her figure and appearance. It was normal for the heroes of Earth to be fascinated by her.

She smiled and said: Listening to what you said, I feel a lot more confident about my future life on earth. To be honest, I have encountered something recently and may need your help.

Mr. Zhuo Zhuo paused and asked, I'm about to get off work. Can I take your spaceship to visit the Earth together?

Don't you have a spaceship? How do you get off work on weekdays? Xinghuo asked curiously.

Cyborg's sonic boom channel, Mr. Zhuo Zhuo said vaguely, Well, I didn't contact him just now.

Xinghuo is an experienced player at the level of the Milky Way. He knows the elegant meaning of Xiange when he hears it, and immediately understands that the third smartest hero is interested in him.

——Hey, even the people on earth can’t stand this damn charm!

She grew happier and received the black hero with a smile.

The Pluto Outpost was just established, right?

Although Xinghuo is a veteran, she is definitely not a nymphomaniac, and her experience does not allow her to live a nymphomaniac life until now.

Therefore, although she admired Mr. Zhuo Zhi's shy look at her face secretly from time to time, she still took the initiative to chat about business matters after starting the spacecraft.

Well, after we broadcast the news to the universe that Hal Jordan sacrificed himself to end the Sun-Eating Beast, many civilizations that we had rescued came to Earth to visit them. They thought Hal was dead and prepared to attend the memorial service.

There are many civilization envoys coming, and many civilizations plan to establish formal diplomatic relations with the earth.

With diplomatic relations, tourist visas will naturally be issued to each other.

Therefore, the solar system suddenly has many extraterrestrial visitors.

In order to cope with the increasingly prosperous extraterrestrial exchange activities, we established a new Interstellar Customs Administration.

Starfire was patient.

Although I was curious about Hal, I still waited for Mr. Excellence to finish speaking before asking questions.

Is Hal dead?

Hal, Mr. Zhuo Zhuo sighed, He did sacrifice his life and strength for the people of the universe, and he was already dead at that time.

But God was grateful for his fearless spirit of sacrifice and let his soul go to hell.

Uh, you said going to hell is a reward from God? Starfire was dumbfounded.

Originally, he was supposed to return to Limbo Prison, did you know? Human souls were supposed to dissipate there. Mr. Zhuo Zhuo paused, but after all, he was not stupid and told the story about Hecate.

Going to hell is just God's punishment. Harley has great connections in heaven. Before Hal went to hell, he rescued him and spent millions of merit points to resurrect him perfectly.

Is resurrection easy? I have read your Bible. Throughout the ages, only Jesus has been resurrected. Xinghuo asked doubtfully.

Mr. Zhuo Zhuo glanced at her in surprise. Many people on earth would not notice this. She is an alien woman. She is so smart, so careful, and so humble.

If she is not humble, how can a princess from a higher civilization seriously read religious books from a lower civilization?

So, Harley has to get Hal back before he goes to hell.

What's the difference? Starfire asked curiously.

The difference is very big. Mr. Zhuo Zhuo said seriously: If he settles in hell, Hal will really be dead. If the mark of hell has not been imprinted on the soul, he is just dying.

With the medical technology of advanced civilization, even if a living person's head is cut off, as long as timely treatment is given, it is very likely that the person can be saved.

This technique is called resurrecting the dead in lower civilizations, but it is not actually a resurrection technique and does not involve the power of taboos.

Well, that's it. Starfire understood, The world was saved, and the heroes didn't sacrifice. That's great!

Seeing the sincere happy smile on her face, Mr. Zhuo Zhuo was even more moved. What a kind alien girl!

Starfire asked again: I haven't seen news about Harley in the past two months. What is she busy with?

She seems to be studying some magic. She has been staying at Quinn Manor. Even alien messengers rarely see her.

She didn't even see the messenger. What happened to the 'Galaxy Admiral's Guards' who are responsible for receiving alien visitors? Starfire asked confused.

Mr. Excellence looked embarrassed and said: The Justice League is actually in charge of the Guardians, but the 'Galaxy Admiral' is famous in the universe and has full deterrence, so...

Beep beep beep

As he was speaking, the watch on Mr. Zhuo Zhi's right hand suddenly beeped rapidly, and the breathing light flashed at a high frequency.

An enemy has invaded the solar system?! He opened the dial and took a look at the interface. Mr. Zhuo Zhuo's expression became solemn.

Who is it? Who is so bold as to come to Earth to cause trouble at this time? Starfire asked in surprise.

We are not sure of the other party's identity and purpose yet. Mr. Zhuo Zhuo glanced at her for a few times, but hesitated to speak.

When Starfire noticed it, she immediately asked, What can I do to help?

Mr. Zhuo Zhuo breathed a sigh of relief and said quickly: That alien ship forcibly jumped to the orbit of Mercury without being registered, and is currently approaching the Earth rapidly. If it is convenient for you, can you send me there immediately?

If it's an enemy, can you do it alone? Starfire asked worriedly, and immediately added: Of course, I am also a superpower and can help.

But if the other party dares to provoke the Earth, which has just solved the crisis of the Sun-Eating Beast, it must not be an easy person, and I am not completely sure.

“Earth has Superman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, and even the Galactic Admiral, a large group of powerful heroes who are not afraid to fight head-on with any enemy.

They are probably on their way here now.

But if an alien spacecraft launches star-killing weapons indiscriminately into the solar system, they will also find it difficult.

I'm the technical advisor for Justice League.

The ‘T’ ball array I invented can just make up for this shortcoming. Excellent said proudly.

After confirming that he was sure of it, Xinghuo did not ask the third smart man in detail about his method, and immediately started the micro-wormhole super-light jump according to the space coordinates.


Like piercing a layer of bubbles, the spaceship entered the radiant space-time tunnel, and jumped out again the next moment.

Starfire glanced at the radar screen, and sure enough she spotted a small spaceship ahead.

It's not an attack ship, it doesn't carry weapons. She said easily.

Mr. Excellence left his seat, his T mask held up a layer of transparent protective film, and he was ready to jump out.

Are you sure you don't have a weapon? he asked in surprise.

At least my radar didn't detect it. Starfire enlarged the image. Look...hey, there's the same logo as Superman on the spaceship, an 'S'.

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