I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1104 The ninth level of kindness

Although I don't know what you did specifically, judging from the results, you made Dusk perfect. Stranger looked at Harley with a complicated expression.

What consummation? Where did she go? Hal asked eagerly.

She has completed her merits, awakened herself, and returned to her true self. Stranger comforted her.

Did Dusk merge with the three-phase goddess? Harley asked.

Stranger shook his head and said: It's not as simple as fusion. Dusk is the kindness of the complete Hecate. The principle is somewhat like the demonization of the mage's nightmare, separated from the main body and representing the seven emotions and six desires.

You are experiencing nightmare demonization. You should know how mages usually deal with their illusions, right?

Cut it off and abandon it? Harley said.

Cut off is the simplest and most trouble-free method. A little more troublesome is to cut off the phantom person from itself, but not let it go, use a special method to store and seal it, or transform it into another form.

In the future, when his strength increases and his realm becomes stuck, he will need Huan Ren to complete himself. He will still have a chance to get back his Huan Ren, so that his future will not be completely cut off.

Harry thought thoughtfully, the gods seemed to choose this slightly troublesome method.

The Seven Sins of the Eternal Castle come from Pandora's Box.

But the evil in the box has nothing to do with Pandora. They are phantoms cut off and sealed away by the gods.

Those phantoms representing the seven original sins merged with each other and eventually became the seven evil demons.

I didn't expect that they could go back to their origins and transform into phantom beings of gods.

No wonder the old wizard Shazam and his wizard council are responsible for guarding the sealed statues of the Seven Demons.

They were too important, representing the future of the gods, although Harley felt that those bastards would never have a future.

Stranger said: In addition to sealing the phantom person outside the body and transforming it into another form, you can also choose to cultivate the phantom person, let it thrive, and eventually replace the original self.

The phantom becomes the master's personality.

That's how the devil came about.

The demonic nature of demons is the phantom they once merged with.

Of course, there are also mages who neither fuse phantoms nor give up phantoms, but just lock them in their bodies and try to subdue them, such as what you are doing now, Harley.

It is difficult to do without strong will and talent.

The reason why the phantom is scary is that it represents an extreme emotion of the mage himself and is very consistent with the mage.

For example, the Raging Phantom is the rage of the mage. With it in his body, how can the mage not be furious?

What he didn't say was that many demons originally wanted to suppress the phantoms, but failed and suffered backlash from the phantoms, that is, they degenerated into demons.

At another time, he would also advise Hallie not to lose herself.

But we were talking about Mu Mu at the moment, so it was hard to change the subject.

Harley was lost in thought. Hal pursed his lips and asked, What kind of dusk is it? I remember that fantasy people can only have negative emotions. Why does dusk represent kindness, sincerity and purity?

Stranger said: Nightmare demonization is a magical phenomenon. The essence of magic is that 'everything is possible and nothing is certain'.

The statement that illusions are just negative emotions comes from the Master's summary.

But obviously, even spiritual wizards are only seekers on the path of magic.

Their summary of experience does not represent the truth.

Harley thought about God.

The old God not only separated the humble and kind-hearted Dog God, the arrogant and evil Little Black Bean, and the vengeful spirit representing anger, but also separated the voice.

Voice of Heaven is not a magical device.

How can a mere magical device extract the power of God?

Why let Harley steal the core secrets such as the combat skills of the three archangels, God's sevenfold retribution, and God's nightmare demonization research?

The reason why the Voice of Heaven is awesome is not because of the angels who control it, nor because it uses any particularly awesome magical technology, but because it is indeed related to God.

It is God's law.

It was also because during the rebellion in Silver City, Harley briefly controlled the Voice of Heaven and obtained the Demonized Fragment of God's Nightmare from the Voice of Heaven, she was able to discover the nature of the Voice of Heaven.

In addition to the Dog God, Little Black Bean, the Voice of Heaven, and the Spirit of Vengeance, how many other phantom clones does God have?

Harley doesn't know.

But she was sure that the nightmare was so demonic that it could separate everything, not just negative emotions.

In fact, negative emotions is also a relatively subjective term.

If in another society, people encourage arrogance and laziness, and despise humility and diligence, then humility and diligence become negative emotions.

At this time, human civilization, at least Western civilization, was trained by the teachings of God.

God has standardized the concepts of truth, goodness, beauty, righteousness and evil for mankind.

The justice in human hearts is actually the justice of God.

God is so awesome, Hecate is 80% inferior to him.

But she is also the mother of magic after all. She is definitely not like a human mage, whose thoughts are restricted by the standards of good and evil, and thus restricts his abilities.

Stranger, I don't quite understand what you mean about nightmare demonization, and I don't really care. You only asked where Bo Mu went. Why did you come here just after she disappeared? Da Chao looked at her expressionlessly. Ganser asked in a deep voice.

The stranger said calmly: I said from the beginning that when Mu Mu wakes up and returns to his true self, he has a perfect destination.

You just need to be happy for her and don't have to worry about anything.

If you don’t understand nightmare demonization, it will be difficult for you to understand what I am saying, so I will explain the several states of nightmare demonization.

After a pause, he continued: The above-mentioned ways to face the demonization of nightmares - either give up, seal it, let the fantasy person replace the main personality, or suppress yourself

Mainly targeting ordinary mages and gods, the Mother of Magic masters the true meaning of magic, which is different from them.

The appearance of Dusk was both Hecate's last determination and His last hesitation.

It is definitely not a coincidence that the Sun-Eating Beast appeared after Zero Hour Crisis.

The multiverse is like a big house. Crisis on Infinite Earths and Zero Time Crisis are equivalent to a major renovation of the house, and Hecate is sealed under the foundation of the house.

When the house was being repaired, the seal was loosened - the universe changed, the laws changed, and the seal based on the laws cracked.

Hecate was given a chance to be freed.

Presumably after Crisis on Infinite Earths, he awakened from his slumber.

During the Zero Hour Crisis, when He was able to interfere slightly with the material universe, the first thing He did was to decide to take back the magic power given to this world.

That is, the disaster of the sun-devouring beast.

But when Hecate brought magic to the world, she had a sincere and kind heart. She hoped that the magic representing miracles would make the world a better place.

The magic of miracles does indeed make our multiverse more vibrant, full of vitality and infinite future.

For example, the awakening of the stars.

The collective consciousness of the chaotic planet, after being nourished by magic power, becomes a star spirit that cares about the world and nurtures all souls.

It can be said that the magic power that spread out contained Hecate's purest and kindest blessings - the thoughts of these blessings were also the essence of Dusk.

So Mu Mu has been preventing the return of magic power. Even if she is treated roughly by the local civilization, she still does not change her original intention.

Of course, if you don’t change your original intention, it can be erased.

No matter how beautiful something is, if it is not carefully maintained, it will disappear.

When Dusk is completely disappointed with the world, she will disappear.

She disappeared as quietly as she came.

When she was on Earth, I took her to experience the great sentiments of mortal heroes in the world. I just hoped that she would not be disappointed with the Earth and mankind.

Having said this, he looked deeply at Harley again, I never thought of stopping her from disappearing, because human nature cannot stand the test, and there are always more ugliness in human nature.

Otherwise, mankind would not need God’s salvation.

The most I can do is change her view of the earth and humanity.

But you helped her complete the perfect sublimation. Now, not only has she not disappeared, but she has truly become one of Hecate's main personalities.

What did you do to her?

She was originally the kindness of Hecate, but now she has returned to Hecate's true form. Isn't it strange? Harley said.

No, she is the kindness that Hecate spread in the past. After being deceived and betrayed by the gods, the kind and simple Hecate has disappeared, and the three-phase goddess who is determined to take revenge has replaced her.

The three-phase goddess has only evil thoughts and no good intentions.

But after dusk returns, the Three-Phase Goddess is no longer the Three-Phase Goddess, He.

The stranger shook his head, with a look of shock and confusion on his face, I don't know how to explain it, even God is surprised by Mu Mu's state.

At this time, Hecate can freely control her own 'goodness and purity', her actions and thoughts are not affected by them, and she is always under their influence.

Taking kindness as an example, God divides it into nine levels.

First, the instinctive kindness of ordinary people is a bit cheap because it is fragile and can be easily changed.

The second level, higher than instinct, is kindness after education.

The third level is kindness after experiencing various situations in life and gaining sufficient knowledge of the world and oneself.

This kind of kindness is rare, at least it can reach heaven.

The fourth level is to find salvation after enlightenment and form a belief in goodness, which is the ‘holy spirit level kindness’.

The fifth category begins with faith but transcends faith. As a believer, the goodness you believe in is separated from the God you believe in.

Sixth, I'm sorry, God has spoken to me, but I can't hear His voice or understand His thoughts.

Starting from about the sixth level, 'kindness' was too advanced. I was like a bug in the two-dimensional world, unable to perceive the beauty of the three-dimensional world.

But God has said that a perfect nightmare like Dusk can be transformed into a demon - a 'good phantom' returns to its true self, and 'goodness' can reach the ninth level.

What the Stranger doesn't know is that God has not yet fully demonized the nightmare.

The separated illusory person returns to his true self, neither letting go of his emotions nor letting these emotions affect his personality. It is an evolution of the soul and mind without any sequelae.

Regardless of magic, martial arts or immortality, the essence of practice is to constantly perfect the practitioner himself.

The demonization of nightmares is a disaster, but it is also an opportunity for perfect evolution.

There are countless multiverses in the Omnipotent Universe, and not every multiverse has the nightmare demonization of separated emotional phantoms.

In the world of Xianxia, ​​even if the immortal Taoist ancestors are more powerful than DC mages, they have no chance to achieve the nine-level evolution of personality.

There is no such cosmic environment.

The life equation and anti-life equation composed of emotional elements are characteristics of the DC universe.

Just like there is no way to cultivate immortality in the DC world, there is no vitality of heaven and earth here, and the power here still has its owner, so what if I give you a secret book of immortality?

And God’s omnipotence is not something that is born. He is omnipotent because He allows himself to integrate into different environments, constantly learns, evolves, and strives to get closer to omnipotence.

I don't quite understand. Dachao said awkwardly.

After hearing what he said, the hero next to him who was a little embarrassed at first became calm and no longer embarrassed.

Even Harley only understood half of it. The fourth level is already the Holy Spirit, but Dusk has reached the ninth level. Although she doesn't understand it, she must be very awesome. But how did she do it?

The stranger said with a dull face: I still want to ask you.

I just try my best to fulfill her wishes and let her live to be the number one heroine in the 'Big Heroine TV Series'. She will have a successful career, be respected, realize her ideals, gain true love, and be sought after by everyone. I will try my best to make her happy, she How could you become an immortal happily? Harley asked puzzledly.

Stranger thought thoughtfully, I just want her not to despair of humanity. Your approach seems to make her realize that the world is so beautiful and worthy of her efforts, and then her emotions will sublimate?

The point is not the sublimation of Dusk, the Sun-Eating Beast has not disappeared. Ganser stared at Hal and said quietly.

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