I use demon seeds to cast immortality

Chapter 202: Famous in the East China Sea and the Nine Realms in the Sky!

"damn it!"

Looking at the Tianji diagram in front of him, veins popped up on Xingkongtian's forehead.

The boundless aura instantly swept through the entire hall, and the air was completely compressed.

"...Headmaster, is it impossible to deduce this person?" On the side, the great elder looked at Xingkongtian and couldn't help but speak.

Xingkongtian's face darkened, and he clenched one of his fists as he looked at the hanging Tianji Diagram, causing ripples in the surrounding void.

"It's impossible to deduce that this person has a rare treasure on his body that blocks the secrets of heaven." Xing Kongtian's face was extremely ugly.

After hearing this, the great elder's face sank to the bottom of his face.

If even the Supreme Headmaster can't deduce it, then...it's probably very difficult to find this person.

"Fuck you!"

Xingkongtian waved his hand, and the Tianji Diagram in front of him flew out and hit the palace wall hard.

The entire hall was shaking, as if it was about to collapse.

Boundless anger completely broke out at this moment.

The layout had been planned in advance, but it was still a step too late.

"Check out all his information for me immediately. Even if he leaves Donghai, I will never let him go."

Black hair was flying in the starry sky, and his expression was extremely cold.

The Great Elder nodded with difficulty and quickly stepped out of the hall.

In the main hall, only Xingkongtian was left.

"Han Li!"

"Even if you go to heaven and go to earth, I still want you to die without a burial place."

The extremely cold voice echoed in the hall, and a terrifying aura filled the entire hall.

East China Sea, Tianzhen Island.

In the cave covered by the secret technique, Han Li opened his eyes.

At that moment, he felt a boundless force coming across time and space.

An unknown aura seemed to be tracking him. Han Li thought he was about to be exposed, but he didn't expect that the demon in his mind suddenly vibrated, and the unknown aura completely dissipated.

But just after taking a few breaths, the nameless breath from the depths of time and space came again, but it was still blocked by the demons of heaven and earth, and the breath could not come to him.

"The devil species of heaven and earth still have the ability to shield the secrets of heaven?"

Han Li's consciousness penetrated his mind, and he never thought that the demon species of heaven and earth actually had this special ability.

Just sensing the breath coming from the depths of time and space, he almost thought he was about to be exposed.

Even the secret technique of covering the sky couldn't hide it, and he was about to plan to run away, but he didn't expect that the demon species of heaven and earth would actually block the secret of heaven.

This was an unexpected surprise.

"It can be passive shielding. It would be great if it could be actively controlled." Han Li smacked his lips.

However, after experiencing this incident, he made a new discovery.

Inadvertently, another ability of the demon species of heaven and earth was developed.

However, this ability is not active, but passive.

But even if it’s a passive ability, it’s not bad.

If someone performs deductions on him, he can block the secrets and cannot trace his aura.

"I don't know if the devil species of heaven and earth have any other special abilities..."

Looking at the demon species of heaven and earth in his mind, Han Li was curious.

I thought I had a complete understanding, but now it seems that the demon species of heaven and earth still have many unknown abilities.

However, the ability of the demon species still needs to be tried to be triggered.

"Perhaps after breaking through the ninth level, you will have new abilities..." A thought flashed in Han Li's mind.

Immediately, he calmed down.

Although the demon species of heaven and earth passively blocked his own secrets, Han Li still did not relax and continued to activate the secret method of covering the sky.

He can actively use the secret method of covering the sky, while the ability of the demon species of heaven and earth is passive.

Adding an extra layer of protection is safer.

Double protection.

Han Li's mind was completely stabilized.

He felt that the space and time atmosphere just now was probably the stars and sky performing some kind of deduction on him, but now, he could sit back and relax.

As long as he doesn't leave here, his traces will not be leaked.

After he has sacrificed and refined the Space-Time Pearl, he can first improve the Kunpeng Feather Transformation Technique.

This time, he had to push it to the limit in one go.

By then, even if you are discovered after stepping out, you can still sit back and relax.

Time passes minute by minute.

In the East China Sea, as the news of the highest reward order issued by the Lingshen Sect spread, the entire East China Sea suddenly boiled, and countless human and demon forces boiled.

The highest reward order issued by the Lingshen Sect broke the silence in the entire East China Sea.

And Han Li's name has completely spread to the ears of the entire East China Sea forces.

Almost in just a few days, Han Li's name has resounded throughout the East China Sea.

The forces, big and small, have almost reached the level where everyone knows them.

Killed Xing Jiansheng and killed the future successor of Lingshen Sect.

This news also shocked the East China Sea.

The Lingshen Sect's bounty on the manhunt also attracted countless humans and monsters.

Although he knew that Han Li's strength was terrifying, comparable to the top existence in the early stage of Yuanshen, he still couldn't stop countless people from looking for him.

Anyone who provides accurate information can get one billion low-grade spiritual stones. If you kill this person, you can get a shocking reward.

From the giants of the gods to the novice warriors, almost everyone joined in to explore the news about Han Li.

The Lingshen Sect also admitted the accuracy of the news of the fatwa, and a huge storm swept across the entire East China Sea.

However, a month has passed, but there is still no news about Han Li.

But the storm never calmed down, but intensified.

Han Li's name is also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Wherever there are powerful forces stationed on the islands in the East China Sea, you can see news about Han Li's killing order.

The clear images can be said to be overwhelming.

Human forces and demon forces are all clearly aware of this.

But there was no trace of him.

East China Sea, Tianzhen Island.

Deep in the island, in a hidden and sealed cave, Han Li sat cross-legged in the cave, with a golden bead blooming on his chest.

Golden light shines throughout the cave.

Han Li opened his eyes, looked at the space-time beads suspended in front of him, and slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air.

After two months, Han Li finally succeeded in completely refining the Space-Time Pearl.

In two months, Han Li's spirit strengthened again, and the Tianyan Divine Art broke through the last one percent, breaking through to perfection and reaching the stage of unity between heaven and man.

The soul is twice as strong, and the secret method of covering the sky is even more powerful.

"Now, you can use the space-time beads to speed up your cultivation."

Han Li's eyes were bright.

Spreading his hands, Han Li took out an exquisite doll. With a movement of spirit, part of his soul entered the exquisite doll.

The next second, the doll flashed with light, as if it came to life.

Immediately, Han Li stretched out his hand and poured powerful mana into the doll.

The aura of the doll spreads, and it is no different from his real person.

He continued to pour it in, and when it reached the limit of mana that the puppet could bear, Han Li stopped.

Immediately, an invisible wave spread from the doll and enveloped the entire cave.

Han Li sensed it and immediately withdrew his secret method of covering the sky.

"Use a puppet to activate the secret method of hiding the sky instead of me. The stored mana can last for a year. Well, I can enter the space-time bead and practice safely."

Looking at the puppet in front of him, Han Li nodded with satisfaction.

With the puppet substitute hidden, he can practice without any worries.

The stored mana is enough to last a year.

For yourself who enters the space-time bead, that is equivalent to ten years.

In this way, he can practice freely.

Improve Kunpeng's Feather Transformation Technique first, and then improve other magical powers.


With the movement of his magic power, Han Li's figure turned into a ray of light and immediately entered the space-time bead.

In the vast golden heaven and earth, there is endless expanse.

However, unlike the world in the Splendid Mountains and Rivers Picture, this place is desolate.

After activating the space-time bead and opening the flow rate ten times the time, Han Li did not delay and started practicing immediately.

Kunpeng's wings appeared, and his figure flashed and disappeared.

The sun rises and the moon sets, and the four seasons reincarnate.

A year passes quickly.

In the East China Sea, after a year, the storm caused by Han Li gradually returned to calm.

And during this year, Lingshen Sect still did not withdraw the fatwa.

However, for other forces, there is basically no hope of catching Han Li.

A year, that must have been long gone.

However, it has not completely calmed down. There are still many people who are still unwilling to give up and continue to search.

Spirit Island.

Deep in the mountain gate of Lingshen Sect, in front of a void golden palace suspended in the sea of ​​clouds, a figure in black robes appeared.

He is the great elder of Lingshen Sect.

Arriving in front of the Golden Palace, the Great Elder took a deep breath and stepped into the hall.

Stepping into the golden palace, there was no one.

The Great Elder came to the center of the Golden Palace, bowed and saluted, and said: "Supreme Headmaster, there is news."

The great elder seemed to be speaking into the air, but as soon as he finished speaking, a divine light flashed in the void, and the figure of a middle-aged man in star robes appeared out of thin air.

It is the starry sky.

He arrived directly in front of the great elder.

Seeing Xing Kongtian appear, the great elder showed a jade slip and said: "Headmaster, this is the information I found about Han Li. According to some information given by Tianxin Sect, there is a dynasty in Nanzhou Continent." Among them, some information about him was found and approved. "

"Very good, well done." Xingkongtian nodded, and then he looked at the jade slip in front of him, and his consciousness invaded it.

After a while, Xingkongtian opened his eyes, his eyes twinkling.

"Nanzhou, Wu Dynasty, Qingyuan Sect..."

Xingkongtian murmured, murderous intent overflowing from his eyes.

"If I can't find you, then I will destroy your sect and let the entire Qingyuan Sect be buried with you!"

Xingkongtian clenched his fists, and a cold aura filled the air, covering the entire hall.

On the side, the great elder looked at Xingkongtian and said: "Headmaster, this person's potential is indeed terrifying. He just entered the realm of gods a few years ago, but he is already so powerful. He is a disaster."

"Haha..." Xingkongtian sneered, immediately smashed the jade slip in his hand, looked at the great elder, and said: "Gather your strength immediately, I will personally lead the team to Nanzhou Continent to destroy this Qingyuan Sect."

"Headmaster, this... I'm afraid this won't work."

The great elder hesitated for a moment and then spoke.


After hearing this, Xingkongtian looked at the great elder.

"No? Do you think I don't have the strength?" Xingkongtian said calmly.

The great elder shook his head and said, "Headmaster, that's not what I meant. It's just that the current situation in the Wu Dynasty is a bit complicated. If we get involved, we may be in trouble."

Hearing this, Xingkongtian pondered for a while, looked at the elder, and said: "What is the current situation of Wu Dynasty?"

The elder: "According to the information I have found, the court and the largest dozen forces in the current Wu Dynasty have formed an alliance, united as one, to jointly deal with a huge war, and the other force is from a holy land in the Middle Earth."

"Holy Land!"

Xingkongtian's eyes condensed, and his expression became solemn.

"How could the Holy Land in the Middle Earth go to war with this Wu Dynasty?" Xingkongtian looked at the elder and asked.

"I don't know about this." The elder shook his head.

"Not sure?" Xingkongtian frowned.

"Which Holy Land in the Middle Earth is this?" Looking at the elder, Xingkongtian asked.

"It is the largest magic holy land in the Middle Earth, the Heavenly Demon Sect!"

The elder said.

"The Heavenly Demon Sect!" Xingkongtian's eyelids twitched, and his mood suddenly became extremely heavy.

The Heavenly Demon Sect, this magic holy land force, is even more terrifying than ordinary holy lands.

The elder looked at him and continued, "This Tianmo Sect used a dynasty outside the Wu Dynasty to attack the Wu Dynasty. This force should not be underestimated. It is a force of the Changsheng Tian Sect. It has been supported by the Tianmo Sect and has expanded rapidly. The relationship between the two sides is already very tense, and there is a possibility of war at any time."

"So..." Xingkongtian lowered his head and frowned.

The elder looked at Xingkongtian and said, "Master, if we intervene in the current situation of the Wu Dynasty, it may cause misunderstandings from the Tianmo Sect. If a conflict breaks out with the Tianmo Sect, then..."

The elder said here and did not continue, but the meaning of his words was self-evident.

After a pause, the elder continued: "And the power of the Wu Dynasty's court should not be underestimated. The emperor of this Wu Dynasty, Emperor Jianwu, is also a late Yuanshen existence. If you take action, I'm afraid you will be restrained, and it will be difficult to guarantee the situation at that time."

"Now that the other forces of the Wu Dynasty have united, if my sect takes action, even if we win, we will have to pay a great price."

"Okay, I understand what you mean. Let's keep our troops in place for the time being. Send people to pay attention to the situation of this Wu Dynasty. If there is any news about Han Li, report it in time."

Looking at the elder looking at Xingkongtian and speaking.

"Yes." The elder nodded, and then turned around and left the Golden Palace.

Looking at the elder's back as he left, Xingkongtian's face was gloomy.

"The Heavenly Demon Sect..."

"This is really a big trouble..." Xingkongtian muttered to himself.

Then, his figure turned into a divine light and disappeared in the Golden Palace.


East China Sea, Tianzhen Island.

The thousand-mile island is as calm as usual.

Deep in the island, in the cave, a suspended golden bead suddenly burst into light, and the next second, a figure appeared out of thin air.

Landing in the cave, Han Li stretched out his hand, and the Space-Time Bead fell into his palm.

One year passed, but ten years had passed in the Space-Time Bead.

In the ten years in the Space-Time Bead, Han Li's temperament was completely restrained from the previous sharpness.

After ten years, he finally cultivated the Kunpeng Feather Art to the ninth level.

But the last ten percent could not be advanced.

Breaking through the ninth level was three times more difficult than he imagined.

However, after reaching the ninth level, Han Li's speed also broke through the limit speed of the Kunpeng Feather Art of 90,000 miles. Without using the spiritual will blessing, his speed can reach 108,000 miles per breath.

Compared with the speed of the previous seventh level, it has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

Using the power of spiritual will to bless, his speed can reach the limit speed of 128,000 miles.

This speed has far exceeded the limit of 90,000 miles.

But the consumption is also very amazing.

His cultivation has also improved. He opened up the fourth divine treasure and entered the late stage of divine treasure.

"It's been a year. The storm outside should have almost subsided. But I'd better wait a little longer. I'll practice for another year, and then I can leave."

Han Li's thoughts turned, and he decided to wait a little longer.

Another year of practice, that is, ten years in the time and space bead.

After completing the ninth stage of cultivation and breaking through, his Kunpeng Feathering Technique can also break the limit and achieve the god level.

There is still some time to improve other magical powers. Only then can he be truly at ease.

After making a decision, Han Li looked at the puppet beside him and injected mana again, reaching the peak of storage.

"How long will it take for this guy to come out?"

Han Li injected mana into the puppet, and his spirit penetrated into the splendid mountain and river map.

His spiritual veins have been exhausted.

The last high-grade spiritual vein was fully fed.

But the Sky-Swallowing Hound still showed no signs of coming out, so Han Li could only feed it slowly with spirit stones, leaving a portion for his own practice, and preparing the rest for the Sky-Swallowing Hound.

After swallowing many spirit veins, although the life essence became stronger and stronger, it did not come out, and Han Li felt a headache.

The spirit veins he accumulated were almost equivalent to a big force, but under such circumstances, the Sky-Swallowing Hound still did not come out.

However, it has come to this point, and he can't give up feeding.

He can only feed it slowly with spirit stones.

"Practice first."

With a helpless sigh in his heart, Han Li immediately entered the Space-Time Pearl and continued to practice the Kunpeng Feathering Technique.


The sun and the moon rotate.

The tide rises and falls.

A year passed again.

In two years, the storm in the East China Sea has completely calmed down. Although the Lingshen Sect's death order is still hanging, not many people are paying attention to it.

It was basically determined that Han Li had already left the East China Sea.

East China Sea, Tianzhen Island.

Deep in the island, in the hidden and sealed cave, the suspended time and space bead bloomed with light, and Han Li's figure stepped out of the time and space bead again.

As the figure stepped out, Han Li had an idea, and the space-time bead directly entered his body to be stored.

Another decade.

Han Li finally broke through the last ten percent of Kunpeng's Feather Transformation Technique and completely entered the god-level martial arts.

As for the last ten percent, it took Han Li seven years to completely break through.

After looking at the doll on the ground, Han Li waved his hand and he put the doll away.

With a thought, Han Li opened the panel.

Name: Han Li.

Realm: late stage of Shenzang!

Kung Fu: Qingmu Earth Emperor Kung Fu, top grade heaven level (Zhen Gu Shuojin 89%), Tian Yan Divine Technique (transcendence to sainthood 55%), Ten Thousand Tribulations True Demon Kung Fu, emperor level (Proficient 75%)

Martial Arts: Dragon Elephant Divine Fist, top grade heaven level (perfect) Kun Peng Transformation Feather Technique, low grade god level (perfect) Tian Yan Divine Strike, top grade heaven level (perfect) Qing Emperor Mu Huang Fist, top grade heaven level (perfect) Daluo Sword Technique, top grade god ( perfect)

Skills: Archery (perfect) Alchemy (90% at Master level) Weapon refining (66% at Grandmaster level) Formation (15% at Grandmaster level)

Demon Seeds of Heaven and Earth: (Level 5 13%)

Supernatural powers: Heavenly Dragon Suppresses Prison (55% in the seventh realm), Devours Heaven and Earth (1% in the heavenly realm), Qingdi Dharma Appearance (85% in the seventh realm), Translucent Divine Top (55% in the sixth realm), Daluo Sword Intent (36% in the second realm)

Glancing at the panel, Han Li felt clear.

"Heaven Realm..."

"I don't know if I can break through this level after practicing for hundreds of years."

Looking at the panel, Han Li sighed in his heart.

Swallowing the sky and devouring the earth to reach the heavenly stage. To cross this step, I am afraid it will take more than a minute.

Breakthroughs in god-level martial arts have produced fundamental changes.

This is also his second door god-level magical power so far.

Although Da Luo's swordsmanship surpasses Kunpeng's Feather Transformation Technique, his ability to swallow heaven and earth has become his strongest offensive and defensive power.

He estimated that Da Luo's swordsmanship would have to reach at least the fourth or even the fifth realm before he could surpass it.

The changes in each realm are earth-shaking.

"Now, you can leave."

Exhaling a breath of turbid breath, Han Li relaxed his mind.

Even if he was blocked by Xingkongtian, he could escape with the speed of Kunpeng's Feather Transformation Technique.

The current speed can reach 180,000 miles in one breath, which is twice the previous limit of Kunpeng's Feather Transformation Technique.

Even if the soul teleports, it can easily escape a few blocks.

Of course, it does not rule out the possibility of practicing god-level martial arts.

However, the current speed of Kunpeng's Feather Transformation Technique, even if he also practiced low-grade god-level space powers, still couldn't catch up with him.

It can continuously break through the limits of the original martial arts and produce qualitative changes.

"How come this guy hasn't been born yet..."

Glancing at the purple dome in the beautiful landscape of mountains and rivers, Han Li felt a pain in his head.

Ninety percent of his spiritual stones and spiritual veins entered the mouth of this Tiantianhuan.

Now there are not many spiritual stones left on his body, only tens of thousands of low-grade spiritual stones left.

The life essence is getting stronger and stronger, but he is still not born.

Han Li felt like this guy was like a bottomless pit.

If this person cannot be born, then he will have to lose all his pants...

"Take your time, such a powerful life essence will definitely be born. I hope you won't disappoint me..."

Han Li let out a breath, and then, with a movement of his figure, he stepped out of the cave.

Standing on the cliff, Han Li looked at the rolling waves in the distance, took a deep breath, and felt much more relaxed.

This retreat can be regarded as his longest retreat.

Twenty years!

But it was worth it. Mastering Kunpeng's Feather Transformation Technique to a god-level martial arts level would be safer for his next plan.

Looking at the clear sky, Han Li's figure quickly disappeared without a trace.

With the breakthrough in magical power and improvement in cultivation, the Fifth Divine Treasure is just one step away from being completed.

Next, he will go to Middle-earth, find a safe place, and start improving his Thunder Sword.

With the Scarlet Phoenix Immortal Gold and Heavenly Thunder Bamboo, he was fully confident that he could upgrade it to a top-grade Taoist weapon.

The trip to Middle-earth is also safer. (End of chapter)

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