I use demon seeds to cast immortality

Chapter 201 Leaving the secret realm, the storm suddenly arises


Killed with one blow, the strong man in black robe and Duan Chunfeng trembled in their hearts.

There was no room for resistance, just an instant kill.

What kind of strength is this? !

Is he really only at the middle stage of Shenzang? !

The strong man in black robe looked at Han Li, sweating in his heart. Without any hesitation, he activated his magic power and escaped directly into the void.

Looking at the strong man in black robe running away, Han Li gently raised his hand and punched out, condensing a bright fist seal and striking out.


The void collapsed directly, blood dripped from the void, and a figure fell from the void.

It was the strong man in black robe who ran away.

Without any resistance, they were also wiped out with one blow.

Before the body even hit the ground, it was wrapped in divine light, rolled up and put into the bag.

The two giants just fell away.


Beside him, Duan Chunfeng swallowed hard.

He knew that Han Li was powerful, but he did not expect that Han Li's strength would be so terrifying.

Compared to the last time we met, it was completely different.

Such a simple obliteration, this strength is no longer any different from the top giants in the Yuanshen realm.

Even the ordinary giants in the early stage of Yuan Shen cannot do it so easily.

"Thank you, Brother Han."

Duan Chunfeng quickly came to his senses, forced himself to remain calm, and bowed his hands.

Han Li looked at him and smiled: "You're welcome, Fellow Daoist Duan. Han always likes to help others."


Han Li never expected to be able to harvest a piece of Red Phoenix Immortal Gold at the last moment.

Although there is only a small piece of Red Phoenix Immortal Gold so early, it is quite enough.

Combining the red phoenix immortal gold with the large number of 100,000-year-old Heavenly Thunder Bamboo he had previously acquired, he was fully confident that it would become the ultimate Taoist weapon.

The combined power of twelve top-quality Taoist weapons is absolutely unparalleled.

Under the Jidao Saint Weapon, it is absolutely an invincible magic weapon.

His strength will also rise again.

"Fellow Daoist Duan, the secret realm will be closed soon. Fellow Daoist, please adjust your breathing first."

Han Li spoke, took out a pill and handed it to Duan Chunfeng.

"Thank you, Brother Han." Duan Chunfeng was not polite and directly put away the elixir, swallowed it in one breath, and began to regulate his breathing.

Han Li did not leave. He released the sealed blood energy, and a hazy purple magic light bloomed all over his body, once again strengthening the true magic power in his body.

Achieving the eighth level of the true demon body will take your strength to a higher level, but if you want to cultivate the ninth level of the demon body in a short period of time, there is basically no hope.

This trip was able to make such a huge improvement and the harvest was very rich, and Han Li was quite satisfied.

Although he would encounter a disaster, he had great confidence to avoid it.

He had no confidence in using the secret technique to cover the sky before, but now, he has great confidence.

An hour passed, in the ancient secret realm, a thunderous sound that shook the world suddenly came from the clear sky.

Thunder rumbled throughout the ancient secret realm.

At this moment, countless golden streams of light flew into the sky.

Han Li spread his hand, and the ancient secret key in his palm vibrated endlessly. In the next breath, a bright golden light burst out, covering his whole body and flying directly into the sky.

The time for the ancient secret realm to close has come.

On the side, Duan Chunfeng also turned into a golden light and flew into the sky.

After passing through the gate of time and space, I felt a dizzy feeling, and then a sea breeze blew in my face.

Han Li's figure appeared above a huge island.

And this island is exactly the island they entered before.

In the void, the phantom of the Heavenly Palace dissipated, and countless figures appeared around the island.

Han Li glanced around and saw the figure of True Lord Tianyin among the crowd.


But Han Li has no time to fight with True Lord Tianyin now and must leave here as soon as possible.

Although he can defeat Zhenjun Tianyin, he has not yet reached the level of killing with one strike.

Fighting will only delay time.

"There is a barrier!"

Han Li's pupils suddenly shrank, and the void nearby was all blocked by a powerful barrier.

The void is sealed, imprisoning the world.

Just when everyone was just waking up, a voice suddenly came from not far away.

"Fellow Taoists, I am the great elder of Lingshen Sect. Now, I need to investigate some matters. Please wait for a moment."

The sound rang out, and an old man in black robe stepped out of the void.

At the same time, many god-level giants appeared in several other directions.

Hearing this, everyone was surprised.

What does Lingshen Sect want to do with such a big battle?

Is it possible that you want to take advantage of others? !

Investigate something?

What matters need to be sealed to investigate the void? !

And when everyone was surprised, a golden divine sword rose into the sky.


With one strike of the sword, the confinement of the void was directly cut off, and the void barrier covering thousands of miles was directly shattered.

Then, a figure turned into a purple lightning and disappeared through the air.

It was Han Li who took action.

Lingshen Sect sealed the void, and there was no need to guess that such a huge battle was to avenge Xing Jiansheng.

Although these god-level giants who appeared did not pose any threat to him, Han Li still took the lead in running away.

Once it is delayed, it will be very serious.

If the Starry Sky were to come, it would be difficult for him to escape even if he wanted to.

Han Li suddenly broke the confinement of the void, and everyone's eyes were focused on it.

The great elder of Lingshen Sect and other giants in the divine realm were stunned, and at the same time their hearts trembled for a moment.

This barrier is not easily broken even by ordinary people in the initial stage of Yuan Shen.

How could it be broken so easily? !

And at this moment, a voice sounded in the void.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, this is Han Li, he is the one who killed Xing Jiansheng."

The sound was like a loud bell, shaking the sky above the sea. Everyone was shocked and looked towards the source of the sound.

The great elder of Lingshen Sect was also stunned and looked over.

True Lord Tianyin!

"Zhenjun, do you really mean what you say?"

The Great Elder of Lingshen Sect was the first to come to his senses and looked at True Lord Tianyin in disbelief.

Tianyin Zhenjun's figure flashed and came directly in front of the great elder of Lingshen Sect.

He spread his hands and revealed the shadow stone.


The magic power was activated, and the image stone immediately projected a void scene.


In the picture, a star-robed young man made a cry of despair. Then, a shocking divine sword descended and killed the star-robed young man with one strike.

The figure of a young man in black clothes stepped out of the void.

Surrounded by twelve golden divine swords, the momentum is overwhelming.

And the scene stopped abruptly.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, are you trustworthy now?" True Lord Tianyin put away the image stone and looked at the great elder of Lingshen Sect.

The face of the great elder of Lingshen Sect was gloomy and kept changing.

"This person's name is Han Li. Several fellow Taoists from the Tianxin Sect should know about it. Fellow Taoist Xu can confirm it."

True Lord Tianyin said calmly.

After hearing this, the expressions of Bai Qiong and the other three people in the crowd suddenly changed.

The great elder of Lingshen Sect also looked at Bai Qiong and the others.

Time seemed to have frozen at this moment, frozen silently.

"Thank you, True Lord, for informing me. I will notify the Supreme Leader and make every effort to arrest Han Li."

The great elder of Lingshen Sect spoke and immediately took out the sound transmission bell to communicate.

At this moment, others also came to their senses.

Han Li killed Xing Jiansheng!

Who is Han Li? !

All the giants were stunned. Most of them heard this name for the first time.

This is nothing but a blockbuster!

Kill Xing Jiansheng, who is the future successor of Lingshen Sect and the son of Supreme Xing Kongtian.

Good guy, this man's courage and strength cannot be underestimated.


After a quick communication and report, the Great Elder of Lingshen Sect brought many giants of the divine realm, and their figures turned into light, escaped into the void, and headed towards the direction where Han Li disappeared.

The total time before and after is only about ten breaths.

"Boy, let's see if you can escape Xingkongtian's pursuit!"

A sharp look flashed in Tianyin Zhenjun's eyes, and then his figure disappeared from the place.

The remaining giants reacted and looked at the disappeared Lingshen Sect giants, all of them looked surprised.

In the crowd, Bai Qiong and the other three looked at each other. They did not expect that Han Li actually killed Xing Jiansheng.

The images inspired by the photo stones cannot be faked.

And the scene in the picture was imprinted on their souls like a brand.

"The sky in the East China Sea is probably going to change." Bai Qiong sighed.

On the other side, Duan Chunfeng was also full of astonishment.

Unless True Lord Tianyin came up with substantial evidence, he wouldn't believe that Han Li dared to kill Xing Jiansheng.

This is crazy.

This is Xing Kongtian's most beloved son, and he has been designated as the future leader and successor of Lingshen Sect.

But now, he was killed by Han Li.

No wonder Lingshen Sect would create such a huge battle.

"Hopefully he can escape."

Duan Chunfeng sighed in his heart.

Although he had seen Han Li's ability to instantly kill a perfect person in the Divine Treasure Realm, the one who was chasing him was the Lingshen Sect.

Among the three major human overlords in the East China Sea, their leader, Supreme Xingkongtian, is a terrifying existence in the later stage of Yuanshen.

All he could do was pray in his heart.

"Now, I'm afraid there will be a good show to watch."

"I don't know if this person can escape pursuit."

"To be able to kill Xing Swordsman, I am afraid that this person's strength is comparable to the top giants in the Yuanshen realm. In the entire Lingshen Sect, I am afraid that only Xing Kongtian has this strength."

After coming back to his senses, a group of giants were talking about it.

Looking at the void, everyone showed curiosity.

Just after coming out of the ancient secret realm, such exciting news broke out.

This peaceful East China Sea may be turned upside down.


In the East China Sea, somewhere in the void, the great elder of Lingshen Sect had an extremely ugly face, and his expression was uncertain.

In just a dozen breaths, the trace was completely lost.

"Great Elder, what should we do now?" behind him, a group of giants in the divine realm asked.

"The Supreme Headmaster has been informed. Now we can only wait for the Supreme Headmaster to take action himself."

The great elder said solemnly.

"Then let's continue chasing?" a giant asked.

"You're chasing after nothing. You don't have any breath. How can you chase me?" The great elder was not angry.


"Let's go back first."

The great elder flicked his sleeves, and his figure turned into a rainbow and disappeared directly through the sky.

Several Lingshen Sect giants looked at each other, and their figures disappeared into the void at the same time.

In the void in the East China Sea, a purple lightning bolt broke through the sky. The next second, it fell directly from the sky and landed on an island that was a thousand miles in size.

Deep in the island, Han Li's figure appeared in a cave.

After traveling for millions of miles, he felt that it was almost done.

His spiritual sense explored the entire island. This island was not a deserted island. There were people living there, but most of them were mortals. There were also some warriors, but they could only be regarded as ordinary people.

He took out the wishful disk and located it. The island he was currently on was in the southeast of the East China Sea. This island was called Tianzhen Island.

"That's it."

Han Li was determined, and in the next breath, he directly activated the secret technique of covering the sky and hid.

He must have been exposed. Even at his speed, he would never be able to escape the East China Sea in a few days. If he continued to run away, the risk would be even greater.

He first used the secret technique of covering the sky to hide, and waited for some time before he could leave.

During this time, he could also deeply practice the space-time beads.

The secret technique of covering the sky broke out, and the entrance of the cave where Han Li was located disappeared out of thin air.

Using all his strength to activate the secret technique of hiding, Han Li was hiding while constantly refining the time and space beads.

In the East China Sea, deep in the sea, there is an island thousands of miles in size. This is the Spiritual God Island.

It is also the headquarters of Lingshen Sect.

At this moment, deep in the Lingshen Sect, in a huge palace, many high-level figures of the Lingshen Sect were gathered.

All of them are giants in the divine realm.

The hall was filled with a depressing atmosphere and was very solemn.

All the giants of Lingshen Sect were silent, as if they were waiting for something.

And at this moment, a strong man in red robe couldn't help but speak.

"Great Elder, you don't even have any news. Are you just waiting?"

The strong man in red robe broke the silence of the hall, and other high-ranking giants of Lingshen Sect all looked at the great elder of Lingshen Sect.

The Great Elder glanced at the strong man in red robes and said, "Now we can only wait for news about the Supreme Leader. This man's speed is extraordinary, and even our strength cannot catch up."

"There is news from the Tianxin Sect. This person is only in the middle stage of the Divine Treasure Realm. How could he have the strength to kill the young master?" Another beautiful woman in purple asked.

"Perhaps he is hiding his cultivation, or he has a unique method. The world is so big, it is not impossible." The great elder said solemnly.

"This person has fought against True Lord Tianyin, and True Lord Tianyin personally told him that this person's strength is no less than him." Another purple-robed old man said.

"If even True Lord Tianyin can't do anything, I'm afraid he really has the strength to kill the young master." Several senior officials nodded.

"Now let's wait for the news about the Headmaster. No matter how powerful this person is, there is absolutely no way he will ever talk about tracking the Supreme Headmaster." A giant said.

After hearing this, a group of high-level giants nodded.

Looking at the entire East China Sea, the strength of the Supreme Leader is top-notch.

To put it bluntly, even a giant like Tianyin Zhenjun, who is in the early stage of Yuan Shen, cannot escape the palm of the supreme leader.

Every step away from the Yuan Shen realm is earth-shaking.


Just as the senior leaders of Lingshen Sect were discussing, a divine light bloomed in the void, and in the next breath, a middle-aged man wearing a star robe stepped out and appeared in the eyes of the senior leaders.

"Headmaster Supreme!"

Looking at the star-robed figure, all the high-ranking giants of Lingshen Sect stood up in unison.

And this person is the supreme leader of Lingshen Sect, Xingkongtian.

The existence of the ultimate giant in the East China Sea.

Arriving in the main hall, Xingkongtian's expression was gloomy and ugly.

Seeing Xing Kongtian's ugly expression, the high-ranking giants of Lingshen Sect couldn't help but feel a little bit in their hearts.

Looking at the look on his face, is it possible that he has not even been tracked down by the Supreme Headmaster? !

"Supreme Headmaster, is it possible that Han Li has disappeared?"

The great elder looked at the starry sky and asked in a low voice.

Xingkongtian's face was as gloomy as water and he nodded.

After receiving Xingkongtian's answer, the senior leaders of Lingshen Sect were shocked.

What to do now?

Even the Supreme Leader can't track him, so who has the ability to track him down?

"Headmaster, don't you have a secret map? Now that this person has left the ancient secret realm, you should be able to use the secret map to deduce it, right? Maybe you can track this person." The great elder suddenly said.

Hearing these words, Xing Kongtian's expression improved by three points, and the eyes of other senior officials also lit up.

Yes, the Supreme Headmaster also has a top-grade Taoist artifact called Tianji Tu, which can be tracked.

"The breath cannot be locked. Unless there is something on this person's body, it will be difficult to successfully track it."

Xingkongtian shook his head and said.

After hearing this, the bright eyes of the senior executives suddenly dimmed.

The great elder also lowered his head.

Then, he lowered his head and meditated for a while. Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration and looked up at the starry sky.

"Headmaster, True Lord Tianyin has fought with this person. Maybe he has this person's belongings or something like that."

After hearing this, Xingkong Tian's eyes lit up, and then he opened his hand and showed a sound transmission bell. He shook the sound transmission bell to communicate directly.

After a while, Xingkongtian put down the sound transmission bell and looked a little better.

"Headmaster, how are you?" The great elder looked at Xingkongtian.

Xingkongtian nodded: "I have already communicated with Tianyin. He has the blood of this person's hair on his body. Come here immediately."

"That's great." The great elder's eyes lit up.

"But we can't relax, pass on the order, issue a purple pursuit order, and publish this person's images in batches. If you get accurate information about this person, you will be rewarded with one billion low-grade spiritual stones. If you can kill this person, you will be rewarded with tens of billions of low-grade spiritual stones." Stone, in addition, you can also get a high-grade spiritual vein and a high-grade Taoist artifact."

Xingkongtian's voice sounded, and hearing these words, the hearts of the high-ranking giants of Lingshen Sect were shocked.

This reward is simply amazing.

They were all moved.

"Anyone who provides information can receive a reward, even the demon clan is no exception." Xingkongtian added again.

"Follow the law!"

All the senior officials nodded in unison.

"Well, you go down and quickly spread the news to the entire East China Sea."

"Understood." The senior officials nodded again and then left the hall.

In the empty hall, only the Great Elder and Xing Kongtian were left.

"Headmaster, if this happens, this person will definitely not be able to escape from the double pursuit of the human race and the demon race."

The great elder looked at the starry sky and said.

Xingkongtian's expression remained unchanged, his eyes gloomy.

"It's hard to say now." Xingkongtian said.


"Here we come, Great Elder, go out and bring Tianyin in." Xingkongtian looked towards the void outside the hall and said.


The great elder nodded, and then his figure flashed and disappeared into the hall.

Soon, the figure of the great elder appeared again, with another person behind him, it was Zhenjun Tianyin.

"I've seen Master Xing." Looking at the starry sky in the hall, True Lord Tianyin cupped his hands and said.

"My friend Tianyin is so polite." Xingkongtian nodded.

Immediately Lord Tianyin stepped forward, spread his hands, a light flashed in his palm, and magic appeared wrapped in a drop of blood and a black hair.

"Headmaster Xing, this blood and hair belong to Han Li." After saying that, Zhenjun Tianyin used his magic power to send it to him.

Xingkongtian immediately put away his body, looked at True Lord Tianyin, and said: "Friend Tianyin, you have fought with this person. I heard that this person only has the cultivation level of the middle stage of Shenzang?"

"Yes." Tianyin Zhenjun nodded.

"It is true that he only has the cultivation level of the middle stage of Shenzang, but this person has practiced special magical powers, and his strength is very terrifying. In the ancient secret realm, I used the Qiankun Bell but could not do anything to this person, and finally let him run away. This person His speed and magical powers are also very powerful, I can’t even catch up with this person.”

True Lord Tianyin said.


Xingkongtian nodded, and then said: "Thank you, fellow Taoist, for informing me. Great Elder, please take fellow Taoist Tianyin down to rest."

"No need, I have other things to deal with. If Master Xing captures this person, just notify me. If this person is not eliminated, he will definitely be a big disaster in the future."

True Lord Tianyin spoke.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I won't keep any more fellow Taoists." Xing Kongtian nodded.

Immediately, True Lord Tianyin handed over his hands, turned and left the hall.

"Friend Tianyin, if you can kill this person, you will be rewarded with tens of billions of spiritual stones, a high-grade spiritual vein, and a high-grade Taoist artifact."

Seeing True Lord Tianyin about to step out of the hall, the Great Elder suddenly spoke.


After hearing these words, Lord Tianyin stopped and looked at Xingkongtian and the great elder.

"Headmaster Xing, are you serious about this?" True Lord Tianyin looked at Xingkong Tiandao.

"Well, the great elder is right." Xingkongtian nodded.

"Understood, then I'll take my leave first." Tianyin Zhenjun's eyes flashed, and then he disappeared at the entrance of the hall.

Seeing Lord Tianyin leave, Xingkongtian spread his hands, and hair and blood appeared in his palms.


With a flash of light, a golden divine picture appeared, filled with the aura of a top-quality Taoist weapon.

As soon as Xingkongtian's magic power moved, hair and blood penetrated into the Tianji Diagram.

Then, Xingkong Tian pointed out a mana beam and sank into the Tianji Diagram.


In the next breath, the Heavenly Secret Diagram began to rotate rapidly, the Divine Diagram vibrated, and a blurry shadow appeared in the Heavenly Secret Diagram.

Looking at the blurry shadow, the great elder's eyes suddenly lit up.

However, the next second, the blurry shadow that appeared in the divine map only lasted for a few breaths. Then the purple light bloomed on the divine map, and the blurry shadow disappeared.


Seeing this scene, Xingkongtian's face instantly darkened.

On the side, the great elder was stunned.

It's impossible. With the strength of the Supreme Headmaster and the things on Han Li's body, how could he not be able to deduce his traces?

"Buzz!" Xingkongtian quickly came to his senses and once again used his magic power to break into the Tianji Diagram. In the next breath, a hazy shadow appeared in the Tianji Diagram, but this time it lasted shorter, and a purple light flashed. , the shadow on the Tianji Map completely dissipated.

"Headmaster, what's going on?" The great elder looked at Xingkongtian.

If it can appear, it should be traceable. How could this happen?

Unless Han Li's cultivation surpasses that of the Supreme Master and can shield the heavenly secrets with his own cultivation, this possibility is obviously impossible. (End of chapter)

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