I use demon seeds to cast immortality

Chapter 203 Middle-earth Limit Increase

In the East China Sea, a white cloud came from the sky.

A black-shirted young man with a black hood stood on the cloud.

It was Han Li.

"That is the Middle-earth Continent..."

Standing on the cloud, Han Li looked into the distance, and saw an endless horizon in the distance.

The mountains were towering, the clouds were flying, and the fog was thick. Faintly, huge cranes could be seen flying between the clouds and mountains.

It was beautiful!

After a few days, Han Li finally arrived at the legendary Middle-earth Continent after crossing thousands of miles.

It is known as the center of the world.

The holy land of the human race!

It is also the most prosperous and powerful land in the world.

The three thousand states of the Middle-earth are vast, equivalent to the sum of the other continents.

And such a vast land is completely ruled by a dynasty.

The Great Xia Dynasty!

It is also known as the first dynasty of the human race.

It can even be compared with the terrifying power of the ancient heaven. Even the Jidao Holy Land has to bow down.

The sky is ninety thousand miles high, and the earth has endless countries!

This is the description of the Middle-earth Continent.

Standing in the clouds and moving forward, Han Li looked at the Middle-earth Continent getting closer and closer, and his quiet mind also had a surge of excitement.

He had heard about this legendary place for a long time, and this was his first time coming here.

Han Li still clearly remembered the first person from the Middle-earth he met, Tang Sanzang.

That was before he became a god.

Now, several years have passed.

Han Li didn't know much about the extreme holy land forces in the Middle-earth Continent.

So far, he only remembered two extreme holy land forces in the Middle-earth Continent the most.

Qiankun Holy Land, and the Demonic Holy Land, the Heavenly Demon Sect!

Han Li didn't know much about the others.

Although he had heard many times that there were many forces in the Middle-earth Continent, and there were more than ten holy land-level forces, but he had actually met only a few of them.

"There is also a guardian beast, the Ancient Dragon Elephant, in the Holy Land of Qiankun... If there is a chance, I really have to go and see it."

Looking at the Middle-earth, a piece of information emerged in Han Li's mind.

Once, he learned some information about the Holy Land of Qiankun through the Dragon Elephant Tyrant Body Technique he practiced. Later, in the Northern Continent, he met Shen Lang, the son of the Lord of the Holy Land of Qiankun.

There was also a token given to him by Shen Lang on his body.

And the most profound memory was undoubtedly the guardian beast of the Holy Land of Qiankun.

The Ancient Dragon Elephant!

A terrifying existence comparable to the Supreme Extreme.

The deterrent force was even more terrifying than the Supreme Saint Soldier.

The Supreme Saint Soldier could burst out the power of the Supreme Extreme's full force, but the Ancient Dragon Elephant of the Holy Land of Qiankun was one of the Ten Ancient Evils.

The strength was even more unfathomable.

This time he came to the Middle-earth Continent, he had to see it no matter what.

Even if it was just a distant view, it was enough.


White clouds broke through the sky, and Han Li’s figure descended on the top of a towering sacred mountain like lightning.

Standing on the top of the mountain, looking at a glance, it was covered by an endless sea of ​​clouds.

There were thousands of feet high mountains everywhere.

“In the Middle-earth Continent, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is so abundant…”

Take a deep breath, Han Li can feel the changes in the spiritual energy between heaven and earth.

Stepping into the Middle-earth Continent, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has increased many times.

Any place can be called a holy place for cultivation.

The Middle-earth Continent can achieve such abundant spiritual energy everywhere, among which, in addition to some natural factors, there are also some human factors.

In the ancient prehistoric era, when the prehistoric world had not collapsed, the Middle-earth Continent was the core area of ​​the ancient prehistoric continent.

It is equivalent to the center of the ancient prehistoric world.

The former prehistoric continent was formed as one. In the ancient times, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth could be said to be not lacking anywhere, and there was no place with poor spiritual energy.

The main reason is that there is a prehistoric divine vein!

The Great God Vein runs through the entire Great Continent, providing a continuous supply of spiritual energy from heaven and earth.

Therefore, countless supreme beings and giants were born in the ancient times and the previous times.

But later, the underworld invaded the human world, and the Dark War broke out, breaking the Great Continent and dividing the five continents.

This war also broke the Great God Vein, and the Great God Spiritual Energy also dropped sharply.

The broken Great God Vein even attracted the supreme beings from the outer world to snatch it.

At that time, the Great Xia Emperor personally took action and fought against these supreme beings from the outer world with his own strength. He beat these supreme beings from the outer world and made them run away. He killed several supreme beings from the outer world and completely shocked the wolf ambitions of these supreme beings from the outer world. Then, he directly cast a spell to mobilize the power of the entire dynasty's luck, seized the strongest part of the Great God Vein, and broke into the Middle-earth Continent. Combined with the power of the Great God Vein, he created the Middle-earth Spiritual Energy that is still no less than that of the ancient Great Continent.

Therefore, the Middle Earth Continent has produced many talented people.

There have been many contemporary geniuses.

Part of the reason is because of the Great Xia Emperor at that time.

The Middle Earth Continent can maintain the spiritual energy of heaven and earth close to that of the ancient wilderness, and the Great Xia Emperor has made an indelible contribution.

He established a heart for heaven and earth and opened up peace for all ages.

The contribution of the Emperor is not only for the human race.

It is also for the entire wilderness.

Without the Great Xia Emperor's action at that time, the current Middle Earth Continent may be no different from the other continents.

These things are recorded in ancient books, and Han Li also remembers them in his heart.

The Supreme Being from the Outer Worlds took advantage of the Dark War, where countless supreme beings had fallen, and came to invade. This is obviously to take advantage of your illness to kill you.

But it is a pity that even after the dark war, countless supreme beings have fallen, and the prehistoric era is still the prehistoric era. The killing of the supreme beings from outside the world does not dare to invade again, which is enough to prove its power.

Withdrawing his gaze, Han Li spread his hands and showed his wishful thinking disk for current positioning.


Looking at the position on the wishful thinking disk, Han Li quickly understood the specific location at the moment.

Yuanzhou belongs to the border states of China.

The most prosperous place is Zhongzhou, where the imperial city of the Great Xia Dynasty is located.

His spiritual consciousness explored the surrounding areas thousands of miles away, and Han Li saw some villages thousands of miles away.

Extreme expansion, within thousands of miles, there are only some villages and towns, and no huge cities are seen.

"Let's just go here. The fluctuations of the best Taoist tools are not small. If you get close, it will be easily discovered by the giants of Middle-earth..."

After thinking for a moment, Han Li decided to refine the Sky Thunder Sword nearby.

If you continue to go deeper, you are guaranteed to break into some powerful place.

Although the only people who could threaten him were the top beings in the Yuan Shen realm, but he didn't know the situation in Middle-earth, so it was better for him to keep a low profile.

After all, his strength is not yet invincible.

With his mind settled, Han Li's figure disappeared directly from the top of the mountain.

After crossing hundreds of miles, Han Li came to a quiet valley.

After checking with his spiritual sense and confirming that there were no problems, Han Li began to arrange numerous formations.

Although it may not be able to cover up the fluctuations of the best Taoist tools, at least it will not be disturbed during refining.

After stimulating his magic power and setting up hundreds of formations, Han Li stopped.

In the void, various formations were intertwined.

Completely covering the entire valley, even if someone flies over the valley, it will not attract attention.

Only those in the Yuan Shen realm can sense the great formation he has set up. Under the Yuan Shen, everything is safe and sound.

Even though this is Middle-earth, those who exist in the Yuan Shen realm are still top giants.

It's not that easy to meet.

Everything was ready, Han Li had a thought, and twelve Heavenly Thunder Swords appeared around him.

It was filled with lightning, thunder and sword energy.

Looking at the twelve Heavenly Thunder Swords, Han Li immediately took out the Heavenly Thunder Bamboo.

The Heavenly Thunder Bamboo that is one hundred thousand years old is enough to upgrade it to a higher level.

The red phoenix immortal gold is also his greatest confidence in casting the best Taoist tools.

Sitting cross-legged, the magical fire wrapped the Heavenly Thunder Bamboo, and the Heavenly Thunder Sword was suspended behind him.

The high temperature of the divine fire continued to scorch, and the 100,000-year-old Heavenly Thunder Bamboo gradually began to change.

It would take a long time to upgrade all twelve Heavenly Thunder Swords to the level of top-quality Taoist weapons, even with his master-level weapon refining methods.

Connecting the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the magic fire is burning brightly, and the temperature of the entire valley is also rising rapidly.

Han Li remained motionless. The magic power accumulated by the four great gods was enough for him to use.

Time also passed by minute by minute.

The sun and moon rotate.

The seasons cycle.

Three years passed in a blink of an eye.

In Central Earth, Yuanzhou, there are endless mountains in the void, and a white cloud floats from the void.

Above the white clouds, there are three men and two women.

Several people were walking on the clouds, talking and laughing.

"Senior Sister Zhao, it's really thanks to you this time. Otherwise, we might be in danger."

On the white clouds, a young man in green robe looked at a woman in purple and spoke with a smile.

"Yes, thanks to Senior Sister Zhao this time, otherwise, it would have been dangerous." Next to him, another girl in green shirt also spoke.

The woman in purple smiled: "I just met by chance. You guys, you should be more prepared when you perform a mission next time. If I take action this time, I won't be so lucky next time, you know?"

"Hehe, I understand, Senior Sister Zhao." The girl in green shirt smiled, and several others nodded.

"Senior Sister Zhao, what are your plans next?" Another young man in white looked at her and asked.

"Get ready to go to Tianyuan." Senior Sister Zhao said.

"Tian Yuan!"

After hearing this, several people's expressions changed.

The girl in green shirt had a solemn expression on her face. She looked at Senior Sister Zhao and said, "Senior Sister Zhao, Tianyuan is very dangerous. I heard that there are demons lurking in Tianyuan."

"There are dangers everywhere. Although Tianyuan is a forbidden area, it is not as scary as imagined. Just be careful and there will be no problem."

Senior Sister Zhao said calmly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the young man in white said, "Junior Sister Han, with Senior Sister Zhao's cultivation level, it will definitely be no problem to go to Tianyuan, so don't worry about it."

"Senior Sister Zhao, are you planning to go to Tianyuan to look for opportunities?" The girl in green shirt looked at Senior Sister Han and asked.

"Well, let's see. If there is a chance, maybe I can break through the soul." Senior Sister Zhao nodded.

"Senior sister, Hong Fu is as great as the sky, there will be no problem." Several people said in unison.

Senior Sister Zhao smiled, but suddenly, the smile on her face froze, and the white clouds that moved forward stopped instantly, and a pair of bright eyes looked in a direction in the distance.

Several other people also looked over, but didn't sense anything.

The girl in green clothes couldn't help but speak and looked at the woman in purple clothes beside her, "Senior Sister Zhao, what's wrong?"

The other three people also looked at Senior Sister Zhao with surprised expressions.

Senior Sister Zhao frowned and stared at the mountains in the distance with her bright eyes, but did not speak.

Seeing this, the other people were even more surprised.

Just when the girl in green shirt couldn't help but ask again, suddenly, the expressions of several people changed.

In the void, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth seemed to be inspired by something, and poured into one place.

In the clear sky, there was sudden lightning and thunder, and the sky and the earth changed color in an instant.


In the sea of ​​clouds, lightning flashed, and terrifying thunder released a destructive aura.

The five people looked at the place where the spiritual energy of heaven and earth poured in, and they all looked solemn.

"What's going on? Why is the spiritual energy of heaven and earth suddenly so violent?!"

The girl in green shirt spoke in shock. Her bright eyes looked at the place where the spiritual energy gathered crazily, and her mouth opened wide.

And just when several people were shocked, suddenly, a golden sword energy soared into the sky.

It contains the power of thunder and soars to a height of ten thousand feet.

The golden sword energy, thunder and lightning shuttled around, just like the sword of the gods.

This scene stimulated the eyes of the five people.

Even though they are hundreds of miles apart, they can still feel the ultimate sense of oppression.

Just the power of thunder emitted by the sword energy made them feel the oppressive aura of almost death.

But this is just the beginning.

Immediately afterwards, a second terrifying golden sword energy rose, also containing the power of thunder and lightning, soaring ten thousand feet high and tearing apart the sea of ​​clouds.

Then there is the third path, the fourth path, the fifth path...

Twelve rays of golden sword energy rushed into the sky, shaking thousands of miles.

"This is... the best Taoist weapon!"

The girl in green shirt widened her eyes and looked at the twelve golden sword energies.

Only then did she see clearly that within each golden sword energy was a golden divine sword, filled with the power of extreme thunder.

Twelve golden sword energies represent twelve top-quality Taoist weapons.

"Twelve top-quality Taoist tools!"

The five people looked at the golden divine sword in the golden sword aura, and all of them had their eyes widened, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Even Senior Sister Zhao is no exception.

The best Taoist tools, even in Middle-earth, are not found everywhere.

Not to mention encountering twelve top-quality Taoist tools at once.

This probability is almost equal to the probability of meeting the Ji Dao Saint Soldier.

How could twelve top-quality Taoist tools appear in this barren mountain? !

"Why do these top-quality Taoist weapons all look the same?" The young man in white said with a stunned look on his face.

"This is a set of combined magic weapons." Senior Sister Zhao said solemnly.

"Combined magic weapon!"

Hearing these words, the hearts of the four people were shaking wildly, causing a huge storm.

Combination magic weapon!

A combination of twelve top-quality Taoist weapons. What kind of top giant can refine a combination of magic weapons of this level? !

I'm afraid there is no magic weapon that can suppress this power except for the Holy Soldiers of the Ultimate Path, right? !

Even one top-grade Taoist weapon is incredible. The combined power of twelve top-grade Taoist tools can make it invincible even with any magic weapon except for the ultimate holy weapons.

Several people looked at each other, but no one expected to see this scene in this barren mountain.

Hundreds of miles apart, the aura of divine power emanating from them made them feel a tremor from the depths of their souls.

If he were struck by a sword, he would probably die without even leaving his scum.

To be precise, except for Senior Sister Zhao, based on their cultivation strength, they are not even qualified to withstand this sword.

Killing a chicken with a bull's knife!

Twelve top-quality Taoist weapons were launched into the sky, and their divine power exploded, tearing apart all the sea of ​​clouds for thousands of miles.

Glittering, this scene shocks the soul.

"This must be a top giant." The young man in black robe took a deep breath and said.

And at this moment, a figure in a black shirt rose into the sky from between the mountains, stood in the void, raised his hand slightly, and twelve top-quality Taoist swords were directly inserted into the body of the figure in a black shirt.

However, the terrifying power of the sword energy still remained in the void.

Looking at this ink-shirted figure, the five people's eyes lit up.

In the next breath, the five people, headed by Senior Sister Zhao, quickly disappeared on the spot, crossed a hundred miles, and stopped in front of the void with only Mo Shan's figure a hundred feet away.

The five of them looked at this figure in a black hooded shirt. He was wearing a black hood and could not see his face clearly, but he had a tall figure and a strong aura.

Late stage of Shenzang?

Sensing the aura of this figure wearing a black hood and wearing a black hood, several people were stunned.

This is impossible!

How could it be possible for Shenzang to possess twelve top-quality Taoist tools in the later stages? !

The best Taoist weapon cannot be refined by just one Shen Zang cultivation level.

Several people were stunned, but the leader, Senior Sister Zhao, was the first to come to her senses and bowed her hands: "I am a disciple of Taiqing Immortal Palace, Zhao Ling'e, I have met fellow Taoist."

It's just that Shenzang's later cultivation level was a little lower than her own. Although she didn't know whether these twelve top-grade Taoist tools were made by this person, her intuition told her that this person's strength was very terrifying.

"Taiqing Immortal Palace..."

Under the black hood, Han Li looked at the five people after hearing the name.

The woman in purple clothes at the head was the first to catch sight. She looked like she was in her mid-twenties. The purple clothes outlined her plump figure. Her black hair was like a waterfall, and her facial features were exquisite. She was a stunning beauty.

The aura is also very deep, and the cultivation of Shenzang Perfection Realm is powerful.

The four people behind him include a girl with a baby face, and several other young men, all of whom are handsome and talented.

They are all in the early stages of divine acuity, and only the Zhao Ling'e in front of her is the perfect divine treasure.

"I just saw a vision, so I came here to have a look. Please forgive me, fellow Taoist."

Zhao Ling'e spoke again, showing a kind smile.

Han Li felt clear in his heart, and then took off his hood, revealing his face.

The five people's eyes immediately focused on Han Li's face.

Fengshen is handsome and has deep eyes, like the vast starry sky, as if he can swallow everything.

"I don't know what to call my friend?" Zhao Ling'e looked at him and asked.

"I'm Li Feiyu." Han Li said the pseudonym he used.

Although the East China Sea incident has passed a long time ago and has entered China, Han Li still uses a pseudonym.

In this way, you may be able to avoid some trouble.

"Li Feiyu!"

Zhao Ling'e nodded and wrote down the name.

"All those top-quality Taoist tools just now belong to you?"

At this time, the baby-faced girl in green shirt couldn't help but speak.

Han Li looked at the girl in green shirt. Faintly, he felt that he had an inexplicable feeling of closeness to the girl in green shirt.

This feeling made Han Li feel very strange. Where did the sense of closeness come from when they met for the first time?

But there is this inexplicable feeling of closeness in my heart, as if there is a connection somewhere.

"Junior Sister Han, why do you ask that? It's so rude." Zhao Ling'e turned around and scolded, then looked at Han Li and said, "I'm sorry, Fellow Daoist Li, this is my Junior Sister. She has a straightforward temper and is a bit stupid."

Girl in green shirt: "..."

"Haha, it's okay." Han Li smiled and looked at the girl in green clothes. He looked at her carefully again.

He had indeed never seen this girl in green shirt, but he felt an inexplicable sense of closeness in his heart.

"What's the name of Junior Sister Han?" Han Li asked.

"My name is Han Linger." The girl in green shirt said.

"Is it because of the surname?" Han Li was surprised.

When I met this girl for the first time in Middle-earth, I felt an inexplicable sense of closeness. Even Han Li felt confused.

There's no reason. It's impossible for him to have a blood relationship with this girl, right?

His parents were just ordinary people, and they had died long ago. Now he still had his only close relative, who was his second uncle.

But... the second uncle is just an ordinary person. The Middle-earth continent is far away from the sea and there are many oceans. No one who is not a god-level warrior can cross such a long distance.

Unless, his second uncle is not an ordinary person.

But...it seems that his second uncle is not married, right?

"Maybe I'm overthinking..."

Thoughts flashed through Han Li's mind, and he quickly came to his senses.

"Senior sister, why do I feel like I have a sense of closeness with him?" At this time, Zhao Ling'e's ear suddenly heard Han Ling'er's voice.

Zhao Ling'e: "???"


Zhao Ling'e was stunned when she heard Han Ling'er's voice transmission.

"Have you seen him before?" Zhao Ling'e asked after coming back to her senses.

"No, this is my first time meeting you, but I feel a sense of closeness."

Han Linger replied.


"Junior Sister Han, don't you have a crush on him?" Zhao Ling'e said in surprise.

"Senior sister, what are you talking about?" After hearing this, Han Linger's face suddenly turned red.

"What are these two muttering about?"

Han Li looked at Zhao Ling'e and Han Ling'er. At close range, with his spiritual will, he could sense that the two were transmitting sounds.

But he didn't know what to say specifically.

Seeing Han Ling'er suddenly blush, Han Li was even more confused.

"Fellow Taoists, I have other things to do, so I'll take my leave now."

At this time, Han Li suddenly spoke.

Zhao Ling'e also came to her senses, and just as she was about to speak, Han Li disappeared out of thin air.

"Senior sister, I feel like he is like a relative of mine." At this time, Han Linger suddenly said.

Zhao Ling'e: "???"


Hearing this, not only Zhao Ling'e was surprised, but also several others looked stunned.

"Relative? Junior Sister Han, could it be that he is your lost relative?" Zhao Ling'e looked at Han Linger in surprise.

"I don't know. I feel like he has a sense of closeness, like a relative." Han Ling'er shook her head.

Several people looked at each other and looked at each other.

Looking at Han Linger, Zhao Ling'e didn't know what to say.

This junior sister was brought back by her master many years ago. She was only a few years old and ignorant at the time.

According to what Master told her, Junior Sister Han only had a jade pendant with a Korean character on it. Later, Master named her Han Ling'er.

As for Junior Sister Han's life experience, there is no more information.

But that’s not right. This person’s surname is Li, so it has nothing to do with it, right? !

"Maybe it's an illusion. Let's go and return to the sect first. If you feel confused, ask the master when the time comes." Zhao Ling'e said.

"Yes." Han Ling'er nodded, and then the figures of several people moved and disappeared into the void. (End of chapter)

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