He naturally understands that food and grass materials are the most important thing when marching and fighting. Therefore, Meng Tian started immediately.

Continuing to walk in this spacious city, he soon saw the training of many soldiers.

Zhao Yiming's soldiers looked very sloppy, and they didn't mean to concentrate on the battle at all.

One by one, they continued to walk, roaming the streets and having fun.

It really doesn't look like a soldier at all! Meng Tian smiled contemptuously, feeling that they really had no idea what to do.

A gang of rabble can easily be defeated, Meng Tian already knew about Zhao Yiming's strength.

These soldiers looked really humble (Qian Wang Zhao), and it was impossible for them to be hostile to Ying Changge's army.

As long as the opponent's food and forage were destroyed, then Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi would not be able to continue fighting for a long time.

Meng Tian walked quickly by himself. On the street, he passed the crowd of people, and he continued to go to the toilet.

Deliberately avoiding Zhao Yiming's soldiers, Meng Tian himself was brave and daring, and was not afraid of anything.

Meng Tian deliberately handed all his weapons to his soldiers. He was unarmed and came empty-handed.

Because a civilian carrying a weapon on the street is too conspicuous, Meng Tian must be careful.

He took his time, walked without changing his face, and disappeared at the corner of the street in a blink of an eye.

Chapter 745 Act on orders, don't be sloppy!

Leaving quickly, running with big strides, Meng Tian was constantly looking for Zhao Yiming's food and grass.

The supplies are abundant, otherwise, Zhao Xingzhi would not let Zhao Yiming come to meet in the city.

As long as there are so many people eating and drinking in the city, it means that there is naturally abundant food and grass.

When Meng Tian came this time, he wanted to burn the food and grass, so that they would all starve and starve to their heart's content.

As long as Zhao Yiming's army was powerless to hold on, it was very easy for Ying Changge and Meng Tian to break through the city.

A group of people are still patrolling, but they don't pay attention to the risks in the city.

Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi are both very proud, they feel that their city is very safe.

There is no problem that can harass them, so Zhao Yiming will arrogantly curse on the city wall.

Constantly scolding, constantly scolding Ying Changge's army 867, Zhao Yiming couldn't wait, and it was hot and fast.

Even if he scolded Zhao Yiming, but Ying Changge didn't say a word, he was very indifferent.

Everyone in the world was drunk and I woke up alone, Ying Changge stood by, and controlled the emotions of these guys in his own hands.

The current situation can only be solved by relying on Meng Tian! Ying Changge is patiently waiting for his good news.

Otherwise, it was just because of Zhao Yiming that the schedule was delayed, which was not what Ying Changge wanted.

While Ying Changge's army and Zhao Yiming continued to stalemate, Meng Tian was also walking fast.

After walking out of the dark passage and continuing to run rampant in the city, Meng Tian avoided the eyes and ears of so many soldiers.

There are so many people with mixed eyes, Meng Tian is afraid that the wall will have ears, so he will continue to operate silently.

Avoiding the big soldiers, Meng Tian found an afej guy who was lazy at first sight.

The soldier was resting on the wall beside the alley. He sat lazily and closed his eyes.

On the contrary, Meng Tian walked up quietly, came behind the soldier, and tiptoed.

Grabbing the other person's shoulder at once, Meng Tian said, "Little brother, inquire about something!"

The soldier turned his head with an impatient look on his face, "Go away! Didn't you see that the young master was resting!"

After hearing the soldier's words, Meng Tian smiled indifferently, "Sorry, sorry."

Immediately, Meng Tian grabbed the soldier's head and immediately slammed him against the wall.

Snapped! The soldier's skin was ripped apart at once, and a steady stream of blood flowed out.

Covering his head, the soldier scolded angrily, and then quickly grabbed Meng Tian's arm.

"Damn you! I'm going to kill you!" The soldiers immediately drew their swords and prepared to stab Meng Tian to death.

However, Meng Tian was very calm, he was not in a hurry, he had already grabbed the sword in his hand.

Grabbing the swords of the soldiers into his own hands, the soldiers broke through the defenses of the other party at once.

Holding his sword, Meng Tian smiled slightly and stared at the soldier, "Beyond your own power!"

"Don't say that! Think twice before you act!" Meng Tian asked in a low voice, "Where is the granary!"

"Who are you!" The soldier was very frightened, he struggled impatiently and resisted hard.

However, Meng Tian shook his head impatiently, and he immediately stabbed the soldier in the chest.

Fresh blood flowed, and the soldier shouted in pain, but Meng Tian covered his mouth immediately.

Unable to make a sound, the soldiers had no chance to break free in front of Meng Tian, ​​and he was defeated.

Shaking his head helplessly, Meng Tian continued to suggest, "Be quiet! I don't want to be annoying!"

Meng Tian kept his eyes fixed, and continued to ask, "It's the same question! Where is the granary!"

"You! How dare you do such a rebellious thing! I must report to the general!"

The soldiers couldn't listen to Meng Tian's words at all, and he was still resisting violently, trying to escape from here.

However, Meng Tian made another sword, using the soldier's sword to draw another bloodstain on his body.

The bleeding continued, the pain twitched, and the soldiers gritted their teeth, for fear that they would die just like that! He gave up.

"Okay! I'll tell you! It's impossible for you to break into the granary by yourself anyway!"

The helpless soldier could only compromise, he didn't dare to be careless in front of Meng Tian, ​​"I said it! I said it all!"

"The location of the granary is very remote. It's on the south street. You need to go straight and turn right!"

After some guidance, the soldiers reported the exact location of the granary to Meng Tian, ​​who knew everything.

After figuring out the location of the granary, Meng Tian was very satisfied, "Okay! Thank you for your honesty!"

Slowly standing up, Meng Tian slapped the soldier's face, "You've given up on the dark!"

The soldier's eyes widened, "What kind of person are you! So unscrupulous! Aren't you afraid of death!"

After hearing the soldier's question, Meng Tian nodded indifferently, "Of course, I'm not afraid!"

"I am Ying Changge..." The soldier's eyes widened in surprise, "What! You are Ying Changge!".

Chapter 746 Start to take action, be unprepared!

Naturally, Meng Tian didn't finish his sentence, "I am Meng Tian, ​​the general under the Chang Singer! I have been ordered to come here!"

After he finished speaking, Meng Tian raised his knife and slashed at the soldier's neck, blood spattering five steps.

When the soldier fell to the ground and died, Meng Tian stripped him naked and threw him aside. Naturally, no one cared about the body.

And Meng Tian immediately changed into the soldier's clothes and turned into a soldier of Beitan City.

After changing the disguise, Meng Tian dressed up as a soldier, and then walked towards the location of the granary.

Since he had figured out the location of the granary, he had to burn it down.

It is very good to cut off the enemy's food and grass, so that so many soldiers can starve to death.

As a result, Meng Tian fished in troubled waters, filled up the situation, and quickly entered the depths of the streets.

Continuing to search in this intricate alley, he soon saw the heavily guarded place.

Food and grass are the top priority, so naturally there is a special part of the soldiers guarding here to avoid leakage.

So many soldiers are strictly guarding, trying to give this granary to the guards, and the water is blocked.

Seeing that he had to face so many soldiers, Meng Tian remained calm and calm.

He was wearing a soldier's armor, and then walked up to it calmly, "It's not good! It's water!"

Meng Tian's performance was superb, but these soldiers didn't notice his contrived expression at all.

The slightly exaggerated Meng Tian suddenly came to the soldier, panting and sweating profusely.

"Three streets away, there is a house on fire! It seems that someone set the fire on purpose!" Meng Tian was serious.

After hearing Meng Tian's words, a few soldiers immediately went to see the fire.

Some of the soldiers were attracted, but many of the remaining soldiers were still guarding the granary and did not move.

The sound of the east hit the west, and Meng Tian tried to bring disaster to the east, so that they could all leave the granary and give up the guard.

Meng Tian quickly entered the gate of the granary, but was intercepted.

These soldiers all had cold and stern expressions on their faces, showing their weapons, hindering Meng Tian's progress, "Stop!"

"Who are you! The granary is heavy, you are not allowed to enter!" The soldiers did not allow Meng Tian to approach.

Meng Tian waved his hand quickly, "Don't get me wrong! I want to get some buckets from here to put out the fire!"

The soldier looked at each other, then turned around and asked, "Is there a bucket here! Lend him one!"

Silently approaching the soldier, Meng Tian immediately started to attack him.

These soldiers had no defense at all, they never imagined that Meng Tian was not a member of their own army.

Not to be outdone, the soldiers immediately united, and then tried to fight back against Meng Tian and kill him.

However, Meng Tian carried the sword edge and quickly collided, and he was already attacking without stopping.

The sword's edge collided and moved quickly. The sword was driven on the soldiers' bodies, causing them to stumble.

Many people have been damaged because of this. After all, Meng Tian's martial arts are very superb and can be called powerful.

Snapped! The sword edge slammed hard, piercing the chest of a soldier, blood sprayed, and blood spattered five steps.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he came quickly, and he continued to attack with his mighty stance.

Meng Tian was as fast as a gust of wind and like lightning, and the sword edge swept across the air, knocking back every soldier.


His purpose is very simple, that is, to break into the granary and kill the soldiers to his heart's content.

As long as so many guys die because of this, Meng Tian can enter the granary unimpeded.

Many soldiers in the granary are guarding, they are so powerful, and they are so many that they are facing the enemy.

Just a figure of Meng Tian, ​​the soldier still has the chance to win, feeling that he can fight the enemy.

Fast attack, endless fighting, soldiers are fighting hard to protect the granary!


It's a pity that Meng Tian is fearless, he charged quickly, and he continuously took out his strength.

The sword edge slammed down bravely in his hand, and the sword edge quickly landed on the soldier's chest, seriously injuring him.

One by one, the soldiers fell down because of this. They bleed continuously, and they were completely defeated in front of Meng Tian.

Knowing that there are so many of them, Meng Tian shouldn't have rushed in recklessly.

Meng Tian was caught in the siege, surrounded by so many soldiers, he really had nowhere to dodge.

But even so, the soldier was not in a hurry, he steadily raised his sword and walked.

Whoosh! A sword was stabbed quickly, and this mighty sword quickly killed all the soldiers.

In the granary, Meng Tian's figure ran rampant, always quickly defeating these enemy troops.

Zhao Xingzhi seems to have learned a lesson! The granary is guarded very tight and watertight.

Therefore, as long as the defenses of the soldiers are broken, Meng Tian can burn this place unimpeded.

The fire was rampant, swirling around, Meng Tian quickly answered with a torch, and opened the bow to the left and right.

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