This is a good way! Only in this way can Meng Tian be able to disintegrate Zhao Yiming's strength and army.

Zhao Yiming still didn't know Ying Changge's strategy, they just stood on the city wall and continued to abuse!

A group of people are so vicious and vicious, Zhao Yiming, who is arrogant and arrogant, is arrogant.

On the contrary, Ying Changge was not in a hurry. He gathered the army in front of Zhao Yiming.

Let so many soldiers continue to shout and provoke and scold Zhao Yiming to distract them.

Being guarded in the city gate, Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi naturally couldn't be the first to fight, but stayed in the city.

The army will not take the initiative to provoke, Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi do not have enough strength and ability.

They were afraid that under the confrontation with Ying Changge's army, they would be easily injured and the army would be defeated.

With Beitancheng as their support, they have no worries and can guard here with confidence.

Otherwise, in the face of Ying Changge and Meng Tian's army, they could easily be wiped out, which is very dangerous.

Unable to shrink back, timid and cowardly, Ying Changge immediately realized the shortcomings of Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi.

Such a cowardly guy, he just dared to shout with Ying Changge on the city wall! Ying Changge didn't care at all.

He's just an ordinary general. Facing them, Ying Changge is devoted to 0......

Waiting for good news, waiting for Meng Tian's actions, so that Ying Changge can reverse the situation and break the situation in Beitan City.

Even if Beitan City is impregnable, but under Ying Changge's strategy, there will be no mistakes.

Not wanting his soldiers to become victims of siege, Ying Changge will not let the soldiers walk unscrupulously.

Such a heavy spear and an indestructible city would not allow Ying Changge to have any offensive at all.

Ying Changge would not face the enemy head-on. This was the most stupid decision, and it was impossible to fight recklessly.

We must let the army attack silently, so as to be able to attack it unprepared, this is an agile battle!

Conspiracy and conspiracy are all used together, Ying Changge is a two-pronged approach, so as to ensure that nothing goes wrong!

Meng Tian was a clever man, and he led his group of soldiers to the south of Beitan City quietly and immediately.

Although I don't know where the secret passage is, in any case, it must be recruited accurately.


Continuing to explore on the ground, Meng Tian and his group were quickly looking for the entrance to the secret passage.

It's just a pity that in such a wide area, there is dust everywhere, and it is not easy to find.

The dark passage is naturally a wide road, otherwise, how can Zhao Yiming's army pass through!

Meng Tian is cautious and very careful, always carefully looking for the secret passage.

This is like looking for a needle in a haystack. It is not so simple to open the dark channel, which is very important.

After dispatching a series of soldiers around, Meng Tian divided the soldiers into three groups so that he could expand his range.

Chapter 743 Victory in a hundred battles, suppress the battle!

Meng Tian searched patiently, watched intently, and overturned many roads one by one.

I can't wait to read this place upside down, but Meng Tian still has no chance to find the secret passage.

Not discouraged, persevering, Meng Tian's soldiers did their best to explore by unscrupulous means.

Soon, in a distant hill outside Beitan City, Meng Tian found the entrance to the secret passage.

This is a very hidden entrance, and it is really impossible to open it without careful search.

So, Meng Tian opened the entrance, and at the same time sent a few soldiers into the passage to find out.

Meng Tian waited patiently on the passage, while the soldiers searched all the way in the passage.

The exit was quickly found, and the soldiers immediately returned to report. Sure enough, the secret passage led to Beitan City.

After learning the news, Meng Tian was very satisfied and laughed happily, "Okay!"

"It's really good! With this passage, we can also enter Beitan City without knowing it!"

So, Meng Tian stepped back immediately, and quickly withdrew the soldiers beside him to Ying Changge's side.

After hearing Meng Tian's report, everything was in Ying Changge's expectation, he nodded.

"Okay! It's good to find the secret path! At the very least, Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi can be caught off guard!"

After discussing with Meng Tian patiently, Ying Changge came up with a plan of his own.

"In this way, you lead the army to prepare!" Ying Changge whispered in Meng Tian's ear.

Concentrating on her mind and carefully following Ying Changge's orders, Meng Tian's eyes lit up, how could she do this!

With the strategy of Ying Changge, there will be no surprises! Meng Tian immediately made the soldiers get ready.

Just about to move, ready to go, Meng Tian's soldiers can once again sneak into the secret passage.

The dark passage is spacious and can accommodate many people entering the dark passage and entering it at one time.

At that time, Ying Changge and Meng Tian will come to a turtle in an urn to kill Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi.

Therefore, with a quick blow, he quickly took out his own manpower for alert, and Ying Changge's army was in full swing.

Without any delay, without any hesitation, Meng Tian had already invaded in two directions, besieging Beitan City.

Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi naturally didn't know Ying Changge's strategy, they thought they were safe and sound.

Ying Changge wanted to attack the east and west, so Meng Tian's strategy could not be exposed under Zhao Yiming's eyes.

Therefore, Ying Changge personally led the army, took the initiative to dedicate himself, and appeared under the gate of Beitan City, shouting loudly.

"Zhao Yiming, Zhao Xingzhi, you shameless people who have committed numerous crimes, you deserve to be damned!"

The high-spirited Ying Changge scolded, "If you don't hold back, you will be captured, open the city gate and surrender! You can die happily!"

"Otherwise, I will kill you all one by one, and let you all die without a burial place!"

Ying Changge's army scolded him here, and continued to provoke Zhao Yiming in an attempt to provoke him.

It is already hidden in the city, but Zhao Yiming is not willing to suffer such abuse as Ying Changge.

In particular, Ying Changge's soldiers all had loud voices, like bells, and kept berating themselves.

How could Zhao Yiming be willing! So he immediately scolded and counterattacked, "A bunch of rabble!"

Standing on the city wall, refusing to sit back and watch, Zhao Yiming also kept abusing and swearing.

Relying on this highest point, looking down at the enemy below, he is always chattering, without wasting the slightest effort!

Continuing to reprimand and clamor with his own soldiers, Zhao Yiming was able to refute Ying Changge's remarks.

Inside and outside Beitan City, a group of people were aggressive and drooling, and no one was willing to back down.

This scolding battle lasted for a long time, Ying Changge was calm, while Zhao Yiming was furious.

He continued to rebuke many words, Zhao Yiming could not wait to kill Ying Changge directly.

But he knew that he was nothing but a tactic, and Zhao Yiming, who was witty and smart, would not be successful in 867.

He was annoyed, but he stood on the city wall and would not send soldiers to charge impulsively at all.

He just stayed here, leaning on the city wall and yelling at Ying Changge's army to vent his anger.

It is impossible for Zhao Yiming to dispatch one soldier and one pawn! Zhao Yiming will not fall into the trap of Ying Changge.

Waiting patiently, Ying Changge did not move, he was waiting for Meng Tian's plan, hoping that he could enter the secret passage.

Under such a complex situation, almost no one can understand the situation and control the situation.

Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi were both blinded, they had no idea what Ying Changge was doing.

On the contrary, Zhao Yiming was still sitting here firmly, he just had a panoramic view of everything.

Facing any movement of Ying Changge's army, Zhao Yiming was able to take control as soon as possible to avoid being attacked.

Sitting among his own army, Ying Changge took his time and drank his tea unhurriedly.

Chapter 744 Swordsmanship upgrades, new skills!

"Go on! You can scold whatever words you can think of! Today, let's make Beitan City lively!"

After hearing Ying Changge's orders, they even yelled, and the group of people were all aggressive.

The soldiers worked very hard, and the continuous clamor outside the city gate of Beitan City was very frantic.

Seeing the fearless appearance of Ying Changge's army, Zhao Yiming was so angry that he felt a tightness in his chest.

So he snorted coldly, and he clenched his fists and reprimanded, "You dare to fight me!"

"I will kill you all, and let you all die under my sword! No bones left!"

In the face of the reprimands from these people, Ying Changge still turned a blind eye, listened to it, and didn't care about anything.

Everything is just a stratagem, and now he just wants Meng Tian to enter the secret passage with all his heart.

Meng Tian led a lot of soldiers to the secret passage. As long as he sneaked into Beitan City, he would succeed more than half.

When the time comes, let Meng Tian start killing and cooperate with Ying Changge inside and outside the city, wouldn't he be invincible.

This was a very timely battle, so the momentum he showed was also very serene and indifferent.

Without blinking, without blinking, such an offensive is really powerful and unexpected.

So many guys want to kill themselves, so it's still too simple!

Ying Changge was not in a hurry, and he was as well integrated with his army as he was.

Faced with the chaotic situation, he was not afraid of danger, he waited patiently, and wanted to hear good news from Meng Tian.

While Ying Changge and Zhao Yiming were scolding each other and stalling for time, Meng Tian was also working hard.

Following Ying Changge's order to sneak behind the enemy, Meng Tian led the soldiers to approach silently.

Entering from the entrance of the dark passage in Beitan City, everyone is in the middle of the road, tiptoeing.

The army is numerous, but it still moves fast, in order to enter the dark passage and start a killing spree.

After a while, Ying Changge waited for Meng Tian's messenger, and he heard Meng Tian's report.

In the dark passage, it gets narrower and narrower. If you lead a large army, it might be easy to startle the snake.

Therefore, Meng Tian wanted to go alone, just to harass Zhao Yiming's army.

With so many soldiers, it is impossible and unrealistic to enter the city to kill.

With Meng Tian's return, Ying Changge thought for a while and felt that Meng Tian's trip was too risky.

But since Meng Tian opened his mouth, he was naturally winning, and Ying Changge felt that he still had to trust him.

Since he has such a guarantee, Ying Changge might as well trust him once, this is very important.

Anyway, Meng Tian has already sneaked into the secret passage, and there is no turning back. This is very important.

Ying Changge replied immediately, Meng Tian felt very relieved after seeing the messenger, he told the army to retreat immediately.

At the same time, Meng Tian, ​​by himself, continued to move forward and quickly went to the depths of the dark passage.

Without leading too many soldiers, Meng Tian was afraid of spooking the grass, but it was easier for him to act alone.

After persuading the subordinates behind him, he continued to enter through the secret passage and came to Beitan City.

In Beitan City, the soldiers were doing nothing, bustling, and there was no sense of tension.

Even if Meng Tian entered the city, he would not be discovered. This was really a good way.

With a satisfied smile, Meng Tian changed his focus and dressed up as a commoner.

Meng Tian went deep behind the enemy and sneaked into the city without any worries, he was not afraid.

Continue to walk and go quickly, how did Meng Tian cause a **** storm in the city by himself?

It's simple! That is to burn the opponent's food and grass, Meng Tian is a battle-hardened general!

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