Chapter 747 It's all messed up, up and down!

Meng Tian, ​​who took the two-pronged approach, quickly discarded the burning torches and set them on fire.

A single spark can start a prairie fire, not to mention Meng Tian wants to burn such a granary and destroy it.

As long as this place is destroyed, at that time, the soldiers in the granary will only be left with defeated soldiers, not worth mentioning.

The majestic Meng Tian continued to attack, and the torch in his hand was enough to wipe out the place.

Seeing Meng Tian's figure always coming quickly and bravely, the group of people were naturally very angry.

They were so embarrassed that they were killed by Meng Tian, ​​and they had no place to stand for a while.

So many "eight six seven" gangs came out in groups, and the soldiers surrounded Meng Tian immediately.

Fighting alone, carrying his own sword, Meng Tian was still under the attack of so many people.

With a mighty blow, Meng Tian was aggressive, and he showed his killing intent, which can be said to be invincible.

Anyone's battle is useless, no one can stop Meng Tian's pace.

He was like a tiger out of the cage, and the whole person ran rampant quickly, showing his tough side.

With endless entanglement and big fights, Meng Tian's offensive was unexpectedly powerful.

Even though this soldier is fighting patiently, it is a pity that his sword always attacks unexpectedly, which is hard to beat.

The power of this sword is powerful, full of unusual gestures, Meng Tian broke into the granary.

There are many heavy soldiers guarding the gate of the granary, and now, there are still many soldiers inside to fight against Meng Tian.

They were soldiers and obeyed the general's orders in order to give this important food to the guards.

Otherwise, once the food and grass are discarded, waiting for the soldier's fate is to be beheaded! very serious.

In order to allow themselves to survive, the soldiers do not want to ask themselves guilt, and must be executed as much as they want.

Persistently guarding the food and grass, the soldiers attacked one after another, and unscrupulously surrounded Meng Tian.

Taking out his aggressive murderous aura, Meng Tian carried his torch and burned everything around him.

It is worthy of being a granary, there are so many grains and grass, once it is ignited, everything will become ashes.

Meng Tian had Ying Changge's order, so he continued to rush up quickly and attacked bravely in the granary.

With a torch in one hand and a sword in the other, he has already blocked a lot of soldiers.

These soldiers obeyed Zhao Xingzhi's orders, and they couldn't wait to come, guarding the granary firmly.

Just coming alone, Meng Tian's figure is always moving quickly, and it seems to kill the Quartet.

But Zhao Xingzhi's soldiers could not be discouraged, they were so mighty in order to kill each other.

Whoosh! The swords ran rampant, the torches collided, and Meng Tian set the armor of several soldiers on fire.

This series of flames filled the bodies of several people, and the soldiers were frightened by the scalding heat.

Reluctantly giving in, dodging quickly, they were still entangled by the firelight.

Meng Tian rampaged in the granary, waving the torches in his hands vigorously, and the flames burned around him.

Under the fight with Meng Tian, ​​many soldiers became more and more embarrassed and in a mess.

In the midst of the fire, the soldiers were all chattering back, they were in a sea of ​​fire.

Following Ying Changge's orders, he must come and make Beitan City a mess.

Otherwise, if there are so many people attacking in front of him, there will be no chance of 0......

This is a very crucial battle. The battle of life and death is indescribably brave, and it has a special momentum.

Flying over, with a quick strike, the light on the sword's edge soon shrouded the left and right sides.

With the burning torch, Meng Tian set the granary on fire, leaving him no place to stand.

With the invasion of the fire, a series of fire lights will continue to fall and continue to boil.

The fire continued, and the traces of the fire came to all directions, and the light was already rising for a while.

The fire was very exciting, continuous, and the series became a fire, forming an eruption around it.

This is not a flame that can be stopped casually, and the flame continues to sit.

More and more firelight hit the surroundings, and a series of mighty fires soon covered the left and right sides.

Knowing this situation for a long time, Meng Tian had to make a quick decision and burn down all the granaries here.

If the granary is burnt and damaged, and the grain and grass in it are completely burned, you are done.

Otherwise, other soldiers would be just like a man's arm when they attacked him like this.

The King of Soldiers, who is over his own strength, is still persevering and high-spirited, trying to protect this place.

However, Meng Tian was holding a sword in one hand and a torch in the other.

Under such an attack, almost no one can stop his brave offensive.

The unbridled collision, you and I attacked, the soldiers' swords were scattered around, and the corpses fell to the ground.

Every soldier wanted to intercept Meng Tian, ​​but they still died under Meng Tian's hands.

Chapter 748 Concentrate and concentrate!

Wherever he went, Meng Tian would lift his torch and burn the surrounding food and grass in one go.

So many flames are swaying, and a single spark can start a prairie fire. Such a fire is hard to resist.

Especially the surrounding fire continued to boil down, Meng Tian and the soldiers were both in the sea of ​​​​fire.

A series of fires went down to their heart's content, crackling, and the fire was mighty, creating a stalemate.

Under such a confrontation, almost no one can stop Meng Tian's offensive.

There were many soldiers guarding the granary.

But with such a fight, the sword in Meng Tian's hands became more and more powerful and blood-stained.

On the contrary, several soldiers on the side of 05 did not dare to get close for a while, for fear of being beaten to death by Meng Tian!

The granary is the first place, and the grain guarded by the soldiers is the most important, and cannot be destroyed by it.

However, Meng Tian was in high spirits, and his attack was so fierce that most people couldn't stop him.

The rapid attack, the ups and downs of the charge, the torch in his hand ignited the surrounding.

The fire is flying, rampant and domineering, so many brave firelights have come to all directions.

The wide granary is full of fires, and the flames of this light are endless, and they are scattered around for a while.

As the scorching firelight descended, a series of firelights traveled quickly, clinging to the wall.

The ground and walls were filled with scorching flames, and soldiers emerged one after another, but they were unable to approach Meng Tian.

It's hard to compete with him.

In order to win Changge's big plan, Meng Tian took the risk and came here quickly, just to make a quick decision.

Zhao Xingzhi's army continued to fight here, and their series of people were running rampant.

The soldiers are united and come in a hurry, always chattering and continuing to attack.

Under such an offensive, these people were very injured, but they were unable to confront him and were completely suppressed.

In the light of the fire, Meng Tian rammed and completely repelled the soldiers guarding the granary by himself.

Let them not dare to entangle themselves completely, Meng Tian will have enough free time to fight.

Continuing to run, Meng Tian quickly turned around in the granary and continued to wave the torch in his hand.

So many torches are still burning, always running rampant, filling the left and right, igniting everything.

The granary was lit, and the fire continued to spread, but the soldiers had no chance to fetch water to put out the fire.

Because of Meng Tian's murderous aura, his aggressive attack in the granary was invincible.

The soldiers guarding the granary are not enough to deal with Meng Tian! How to fight the fire and save these grains.

The situation is very anxious, there are fires everywhere, endless and wanton burning, and Meng Tian bears the brunt.

Under such a confrontation, the soldiers guarding the granary were helpless to retreat, for fear of bringing disaster to Chiyu.

This fire wrapped around his body, and it was easy to be burned and tattered, and his body was covered with hot scars.

Because of this, everyone dared not approach Meng Tian for fear that he would die like this.

The more unscrupulous the battle continues, the more distinctive the offensive and formidable it will be.

This is naturally a very strong resistance, and the soldiers are in groups, always running rampant and domineering quickly.

After some pulling and continuous attacks, many soldiers came from far and near.

Meng Tian was surrounded in one go, and the soldiers wanted to hold this guy to blackmail Ying Changge.

Zhao Xingzhi's soldiers were not fools. Looking at Meng Tian's skills and demeanor, he knew that they were not ordinary people.

With a quick attack, the soldiers all brought out their own housekeeping skills, and could not wait to kill Meng Tian directly.

However, in the granary, these soldiers could not escape at all, and could not even survive.

I have seen such a heroic battle of these people for a long time, so Meng Tian still concentrates and concentrates!

Inside the granary, the soldiers all rushed away, chattering endlessly, encircling Meng Tian with great fanfare.

As long as Meng Tian is killed, at that time, the fire in the granary can be extinguished by 880, saving this layer of murderous intent.

Otherwise, the fire will continue to burn, and the grain and materials will all be burnt clean!

This was an unbalanced battle, and the soldiers did not dare to move, for fear of being buried in the fire.

Helpless, they could only stay in place, staring at Meng Tian without blinking, waiting for an opportunity to move.

Meng Tian was surrounded by so many soldiers, and a group of people blocked Meng Tian's way.

In the granary, although the place is very spacious, there are not many roads to leave.

In a short period of time, the soldiers blocked any retreat for Meng Tian, ​​and there was no possibility of leaving.

Seeing such a scene helplessly, Meng Tian was still standing, even in a storm.

It came with great fanfare, and the sword in his hand stabbed Ying Changge's body with a crackle.

Under such a battle, Meng Tian was still unwilling to be outdone, staying still, not afraid of these people at all.

Chapter 749 Open the bow from left to right, two-pronged approach!

In a passionate battle, the sword was rampant, and surrounded by so many soldiers, he attacked with all his might.

Imposingly stabbed out a sword, the sword edge went down bravely, scattered around, and there were many people.

A large group of people from Wuyangyang continued to rush forward, eager to smash Ying Changge to pieces.

But such a situation is not easy to calm down, Meng Tian controls all these enemy troops in the palm of his hand.

Going away quickly, chattering endlessly, this mighty offensive is always like a long sword galloping.

The surging soldiers are tireless, one wave has not subsided, and another wave is coming.

Ying Changge fought against them persistently, and continued to stab out the sword in his hand quickly.

The soldiers were desperate, chatting endlessly to show their skills, wishing to stab Meng Tian directly to death.

But after a hundred battles, Meng Tian is highly skilled in martial arts, so he won't fall for it so easily!

Even though he was continued to fight by so many armies, he was still chattering and shooting, Meng Tian was heroic!

Fearless and outrageous, pull one hair and move the whole body! Meng Tian greeted these guys with Jian Feng.

A sword is rampant, and it is happy and enmity. This domineering sword always goes down quickly and pierces their chests.

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