Still impatient to charge, in a short while, he took advantage of many people.
Let them all fall to their heart’s content, Zhang Zijun has never been soft-hearted in the face of the enemy, but as always.
Many soldiers died in battle, Zhang Zijun escaped from the dungeon together with his cronies.
All the soldiers in the dungeon were beheaded, and very few people stood in the way of Zhang Zijun’s escape.
Wu Yue was not to be outdone, he gathered a lot of his own soldiers who were first-class knives and axes.
Continuing to fight in the city, Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue turned the place upside down.
It caused a bloodbath, and even damaged Zhao Yiming’s army, causing casualties.
Many soldiers died, but Zhao Yiming fell asleep and didn’t know anything about the situation outside.
In the dead of night, it was a good time to start a war, and the other people couldn’t fight against it at all.
He couldn’t wait to go away, fighting endlessly, he beheaded many people in front of him.
The ferocious charge, and his own soldiers are moving forward one after another, it is really majestic.
The flames of war raged, and the city in the middle of the night was stained with a large amount of blood, which was horrible.
Unwilling to retreat, Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue are bound to win, and must rush out to join Ying Changge.
This is their task, to save the people in the city from the fire and water, this is the only way they can feel at ease.
When Zhang Zijun and his soldiers charged, Wu Yue led a group of troops to continue fighting.
Wu Yue wanted to go to the city gate and then open the city gate directly to let Ying Changge’s army rush in.
Cooperating with the inside and the outside, there is no flaw, so they are all attacking quickly, and everything must be resolved quickly.
Ying Changge soon heard the soldiers’ information, and the city was ablaze with black smoke.
Chapter 811 The common people are damaged and deadlocked!
That was Zhang Zijun’s signal to Ying Changge, indicating that they had successfully escaped from prison and even started fighting.
Without hesitation, Ying Changge immediately dispatched soldiers to approach the city secretly, ready to meet them.
Whether it’s Zhang Zijun or Wu Yue, as long as they seek refuge with sincerity, Ying Changge will agree.
Otherwise, if they are alienated from Zhao Yiming but have no backing, then ~ they will die miserably.
A small group of light cavalry headed quickly, approaching the city in a blink of an eye, ready to go.
The war is about to break out, and the place is very chaotic, and the mess is really indescribable.
Strengthening his own strength and working together to advance and retreat together, Zhang Zijun beheaded many soldiers.
Wu Yue’s people were also exceptionally swift, aggressive, and concentrated on heading to the city.
This is an unstoppable war, at least Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue have made up their minds and are firm in their will.
You must lead Ying Changge’s army into it, so that the people in the city can be rescued.
If they were all killed by Zhao Yiming, where would the common people seek justice? Aren’t they wronged!
Ying Changge attaches great importance to the changes in the city and does not want any mistakes.
Every move is involved, and if there is any inconvenience, Ying Changge will make the situation worse.
Therefore, they all have to go to him. Although they have not yet joined his command, they are united as one.
Prepared, Ying Changge’s army is waiting patiently here, waiting for their arrival.
Zhang Zijun and Wu Yuebing divided into two groups, they struck while the iron was hot, they would not stay at all, but fought quickly.
A group of people rushed out of the dungeon, and another group went outside the city, so that they could contact Ying Changge as soon as possible.
As long as he meets Ying Changge, Wu Yue believes that he can easily take down Zhao Yiming’s army.
Unswervingly continuing to fight, Wu Yue had already approached under the city, and he walked quickly.
After beheading many enemies at their feet, they continued to charge and approached the city.
Divided and occupied, covering the troops, Zhang Zijun and Ying Changge wished to kill Zhao Yiming.
But they knew that with these shrimp soldiers and crabs, it would be absolutely impossible to break through Zhao Yiming’s elite soldiers.
They still had to follow their own plan and let Wu Yue join Ying Changge’s army to confront the enemy inside and out.
As long as the city gate can be breached, there will be no danger at that time, and Ying Changge will drive straight in.
However, Ying Changge’s army is now trapped, but they will not let the people lose their lives and stand in a stalemate.
Wu Yue will personally open a passage for Ying Changge so that they can all enter smoothly.
So, taking advantage of the dark moon and high wind, so many people sneaked under the city without making a sound.
The city wall looks very tall, even indestructible, and cannot be easily breached.
But in the city, Wu Yue naturally knew the difference, he was familiar with the road.
closeThe eyes can detect any incompleteness in the city, Wu Yue is very suitable for Ying Changge to lead the way.
Sneaking around and sneaking in, soon, Wu Yue passed through the city gate and continued to fight.
There are naturally many Zhao Yiming’s troops guarding the city gate to protect the city gate and prohibit entry and exit.
But Wu Yue had made up his mind, they were very brave, and they couldn’t wait to strike and kill the enemy.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
Even if so many enemies are surrounded, it is impossible to break out of the encirclement easily.
Quickly confronting the enemy and fighting vigorously, the sword in Wu Yue’s hand was stained with blood.
Blood was everywhere, and Wu Yue charged aggressively, wishing to strangle them all together.
But under the city gate, so many soldiers still fought in groups to resist Wu Yue.
Wu Yue’s soldiers were not many, but they were strong enough to last several rounds.
With Wu Yue’s order to charge, they were all in one go, and the soldiers couldn’t wait to fight.
After beheading many soldiers under the city gate, Wu Yue still charged quickly and broke through the city gate.
Ying Changge’s army was waiting outside the city gate, and soon they heard the sound of fierce fighting, like thunder.
Without hesitation, he moved quickly, and he immediately gathered many people around him.
Seeing many soldiers guarding the city gates collapse, Wu Yue remained motionless.
Because of the obstacles encountered, many soldiers guarding the city gates still came persistently.
There are so many troops coming continuously, the momentum is mighty, it is very shocking.
Going forward at a fast pace, there are not many troops in hand, just a handful of them.
Even so, Wu Yue will not give in, but will continue to hunt down and attack the enemy.
A series of people were killed, blood flowed, and the corpses were trampled under their feet.
Seeing them all die, Wu Yue was very satisfied, and immediately walked through the city gate.
Opening the city gate, a series of figures rushed out, and quickly escaped from the city.
Chapter 812 Lead the army in person, divide the troops into two groups!
At this moment, Zhao Yiming finally woke up, and a soldier came to report in a hurry.
“General! It’s not good! Rebellion! Rebellion!” There was a lot of noise outside, it was really noisy.
Getting up in a daze, Zhao Yiming looked very annoyed, “What nonsense are you talking about!”
“I’m in the city, who dares to rebel, isn’t that stupid!” Zhao Yiming got up immediately.
Getting dressed in a hurry, Zhao Yiming soon put on his own clothes and opened the door immediately.
Gritting his teeth, he shouted angrily, “Who is rebelling!” Zhao Yiming questioned his soldiers.
Soon, the soldiers faltered and reported all the “September 43” events that happened tonight.
Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue unexpectedly escaped from prison, and even led an army to stir up a bloody storm in the city.
This formation is seeking its own death! When Zhao Yiming heard this, he was furious, and even more furious, “Give it to me!”
“The whole army goes out and kills them all, leaving no one behind!” Zhao Yiming immediately ran away from the door.
After leaving his mansion, Zhao Yiming personally led his soldiers and began to encircle and suppress the rebels in the city.
And Wu Yue had already charged out, he left successfully, shuttled under the city gate to join Ying Changge.
After escaping aggressively and in embarrassment, Wu Yue came to Ying Changge, “General! I’m here to seek refuge!”
With a serious face and a sincere look on his face, Wu Yue immediately knelt in front of Ying Changge, “I beg you to do it!”
“To save the common people in the city, Zhao Yiming must pay the price he deserves!”
Facing Wu Yue’s words, Ying Changge nodded calmly, “It’s natural!”
“I will lead my army to attack in advance, but I don’t know how to attack and enter the city!”
Ying Changge is very distressed now, because many people in the city are forced to be on duty.
There are so many innocent people, once they attack, their lives will be ruined and innocent people will be involved.
After hearing Ying Changge’s words, Wu Yue was even more triumphant, “Don’t worry! I know!”
“No matter how powerful Zhao Yiming’s army is, I can let you enter the city!”
Wu Yue got up immediately, and then told all the secrets in the city, it turned out that the city wall was weak.
Not every city wall is so strong. Zhao Yiming had strengthened the city wall before to ensure that it would be safe.
The soldiers on the city wall are relatively slack, but not everyone will be dedicated to their duties.

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