Perseveringly, he continued to move forward, and he was still walking non-stop, trying to escape from prison and defect to Ying Changge.
Ying Changge’s name is known to everyone in the world, and they all know Ying Changge’s superb swordsmanship.
In particular, a single sword caused a bloodbath and calmed the world’s well-being, and the people admired him in every way.
Just because they knew that Zhang Zijun had escaped from prison, many soldiers in charge of guarding came here with all their strength.
They were all eager to come, dragging Zhang Zijun in groups, trying to cut off his escape.
Their faces were pale, and the soldiers were helpless. They were just a bunch of prawn soldiers and crab generals, nothing more than a mob.
These few people were unable to take down Zhang Zijun, they attacked vigorously and counterattacked with all their strength.
But each and every soldier was as humble as an ant in front of Zhang Zijun, unable to assassinate Zhang Zijun.
The sword in his hand was stained with blood, and he slashed continuously, killing many soldiers to the ground.
Blood flowed profusely, and corpses were strewn all over the field. It was a horrible scene.
Even so, Zhang Zijun was not discouraged, he was going on a rampage, breaking through the guards of the soldiers.
Chapter 809 Battle-tested, deal with soldiers!
Zhao Yiming sacrificed the common people, and many people became cannon fodder, wishing to slaughter them all!
Especially with so many people, they are all innocent people! Zhang Zijun is naturally not used to it!
Therefore, Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue had no choice but to go to Ying Changge for the safety of the people in the city.
As long as Ying Changge’s army is allowed to attack the city smoothly, the people will be angry.
In order to meet Ying Changge, Zhang Zijun continued to escape from prison, and he quickly came to the door of the dungeon.
There are many soldiers guarding the dungeon, but there are many soldiers outside the dungeon.
When Zhang Zijun saw Wu Yue, they split up into two groups, attacked east and west, and led the guards in the dungeon.
After defeating them one by one, Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue broke through the entrance of the dungeon together.
Leaving quickly, they fought side by side and rushed out of the dungeon in unity, causing some commotion.
Since it was a prison escape, it would definitely startle the snake. Zhang Zijun’s movement attracted the attention of the soldiers.
Many soldiers were still rushing over, trying to catch Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue all at once.
Since they escaped from prison, they would die. This is an added crime, and Zhao Yiming naturally couldn’t forgive them.
It’s just that Zhao Yiming is asleep now, so he didn’t hear these movements immediately.
However, other soldiers were still coming quickly, they came non-stop, blocking the dungeon.
Ying Changge is still waiting for Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue to escape from prison. They must meet up tonight.
Time waits for no one, so Zhang Zijun must fight with Wu Yue side by side.
Outside the dungeon, guarding soldiers came chattering and stood in front of Zhang Zijun.
Zhang Zijun was still in a stalemate, and the weapon in his hand was struck out vigorously, in a hurry.
Fighting bloody battles and charging heartily, he beheaded many soldiers and died in front of him.
Wu Yue was also a brave lieutenant general. He opened the way for Zhang Zijun with his weapons and killedspecial kill.
Trampled many people to their heart’s content, Zhang Zijun went on a rampage and charged out quickly!
Their figures are extraordinarily vigorous, and it is impossible for ordinary soldiers to stop them.
Ready to move, Zhang Zijun rushed to the outside of the dungeon, and there were soldiers outside.
A large group of people are Zhao Yiming’s soldiers, Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue spare no effort to continue fighting,
Their figures rushed into the depths of the crowd, killing and killing the soldiers one by one.
Zhang Zijun is not fighting alone, Wu Yue is beside him, they are all famous lieutenants.
He defied Zhao Yiming and turned a blind eye to him, so at this time, Zhang Zijun’s resistance was particularly fierce.
A lot of soldiers are still fighting at a fast pace. They are so crowded that the water surrounding this place is impenetrable.
Feeling exhausted, Zhang Zijun would not give up easily, he continued to charge.
Quickly fighting, chattering and raising his sword to fight, his figure is extraordinarily strong.
Tumbling vigorously, the blade twisted, and Zhang Zijun beheaded several soldiers in a blink of an eye.
Such a situation was very unclear, and Zhang Zijun saw many soldiers entangled with him.
It seemed that it was not easy for Wu Yue and Zhang Zijun to escape out of the city after they made a fuss.
But even so, Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue will not be discouraged, they will strike more bravely and fearlessly.
Many soldiers came one after another, eager to surround Zhang Zijun and kill him.
But Wu Yue was not a good opponent either, he had experienced many battles, so he was naturally easy to deal with soldiers.
With a quick charge and continuous fighting, he beheaded many people at the same time, leaving no one behind.
Zhao Yiming is still recuperating, he doesn’t know anything about what happened in the dungeon.
Ying Changge did not rest, because he knew that tonight would be a very important opportunity.
Both Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue are going to escape from prison to meet Ying Changge, and if possible, they must be recruited.
Attacking the city is an urgent matter. When necessary, Ying Changge will let the opponent join him.
Attacking again and again, Zhang Zijun saw many soldiers surrounded him.
In the city, there was a bloodbath, and Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue were still fighting side by side!
Several soldiers have been beheaded one by one, they died, blood flowed into rivers, and corpses were scattered all over the field.
Outside the dungeon, seeing soldiers approaching in groups, they were tireless.
A group of people are still approaching one after another, and they are still quickly surrounding the place.
Engulfing the dungeons together, amidst the crowds, so many soldiers continued to fight back.
Why is Zhang Zijun also a lieutenant general! Beside him, many soldiers were lurking.
“` 〃Give me up~‖!” With a loud shout, Zhang Zijun quickly dispatched the soldiers who had been in ambush for a long time.
Chapter 810 Soaring ambitions, with great ambitions!
As a result, many of Zhang Zijun’s and Wu Yue’s soldiers rebelled immediately, and they immediately began to resist.
Fighting in groups and resisting with all their strength, Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue’s soldiers fought with all their might.
Among the crowds, so many soldiers were confronting each other fiercely, and the outside of the dungeon was in chaos.
A large group of them are still fighting with all their strength, trying to rush out.
With the cover of their own soldiers, Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue’s situation is very safe, and they will not be in danger for the time being.
Wielding his weapon vigorously, he knocked all the enemies to the ground, Zhang Zijun was covered in blood.
The battle in the dungeon is so powerful, even with an irresistible posture.
Outside the city, Ying Changge remained calm, he had already prepared his soldiers.
The army is still preparing. Everything is ready and only owes Dongfeng. Ying Changge is very patient.
With so many troops ready outside the city, Ying Changge was still waiting for Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue.
It only needs the two of them to have any signal of escape, and Ying Changge will lead the army when the time comes.
Drive straight in at 943, attack the city, and cooperate with Zhang Zijun and Wu Yueli, it must be very easy to capture the city.
In the middle of the night, Ying Changge couldn’t fall asleep, so he was wearing armor, sitting in the army, and waiting patiently.
I don’t know how severe the fight in the city is, but Ying Changge knows that Zhang Zijun must be very difficult.
Meng Tian was guarding by Ying Changge’s side, and they were all waiting patiently, all they needed was a chance.
The opportunity cannot be missed, and both Ying Changge and Meng Tian value this battle very much, and they are bound to win against Zhao Yiming.
Inside the city, Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue, who were trying to escape from the prison, were still fighting hard, fighting bravely.
Even with so many troops confronting him, both Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue fought back unremittingly.
Together with their trusted soldiers, both Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue were fighting against Zhao Yiming’s soldiers.
Outside the dungeon, there was a huge crowd, and everyone was fighting bloody battles, even full of murderous intent.
The sound of shouting and killing was loud, and the soldiers left in groups, always packing from all directions.
For a moment, Zhang Zijun himself fell into a struggle, trying his best to fight a bloody path.
Otherwise, if there are so many people wanting to kill, I’m afraid that he himself will die.
Persevering and fighting side by side with his own soldiers, Zhang Zijun has already blazed a trail.
Continuing along the road, Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue waved their weapons one after another.
Blood splattered five steps, and corpses were scattered all over the field. Zhao Yiming’s soldiers suffered heavy losses, and many of them died as a result.
Prison escape is the most important thing, Zhang Zijun must join Ying Changge as soon as possible.
Otherwise, if letZhao Yiming’s soldiers continued to fight, and they would not be able to leave here safe and sound.
Opening the road to escape from prison, both Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue are desperate, and they are fighting hard.
The soldiers came and went to fight each other, and the wailing sound spread all over the surroundings, and many people died because of it.
Abandoning the dark and turning to the bright, Zhang Zijun is sure to win, and he is still trying to resist and fight hard.
Looking forward to reuniting with Ying Changge as soon as possible, so that Zhang Zijun can save these people (afej).
Otherwise, in Zhao Yiming’s hands, these common people would just be sacrificed to death one by one.
With lofty ambitions and great ambitions, Zhang Zijun has already stood up to the banner for the people in the city.

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