On the way here, Wu Yue carefully figured out the differences of each city gate.
Each is different. At the south gate, although there are people guarding the city, the soldiers are very lazy.
They are resting even more at this moment, maybe they just close their eyes and don’t know anything.
Carefully tell Ying Changge all the secrets of the city, of course there is no hesitation in this matter.
So, they assembled the army and couldn’t wait to gather all the troops together, and they started to move forward.
Going forward in one go, the army marched mightily under the city and launched an attack.
Ying Changge personally led the army, and the troops were divided into two groups. Meng Tian also attacked from another city gate and carried out a sneak attack.
The army charged mightily and domineeringly, and Ying Changge’s people went under the city with all their might.
Zhao Yiming was furious, he was obviously just a worker for sleeping.Husband, but was messed up.
With so many people fighting in the city, they were originally Zhao Yiming’s own soldiers.
The results of it! It was Zhang Zijun’s soldiers who started fighting with him, preparing to rebel and open the city gate 0…
Damn it! Zhao Yiming was resentful, so he got up in a hurry and continued to teach them a lesson.
Wearing armor and carrying weapons, Zhao Yiming lit up a team of troops in the dark night.
Holding torches in their hands, they quickly headed to the dungeon, very unlikely to kill them all.
“The whole army obeys the order and quickly wipe out Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue’s soldiers, leaving no one behind!” Zhao Yiming said viciously.
The ruthless Zhao Yiming does not allow anyone to betray him, because that would be a dead end.
Not allowing their rebellion, Zhao Yiming and his soldiers were doing their best to kill them.
A large group of soldiers are charging quickly, and they are attacking vigorously in the streets and alleys.
Many people died because of this, and both Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue’s soldiers encountered a bottleneck and fell into a predicament.
This is not an easy task, the army is still fighting with all their strength, they are killing each other.
The city was in a mess, and Zhao Yiming saw many of his soldiers’ bodies lying on the ground.
These are all good things done by Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue! Zhao Yiming scolded himself for being too kind.
If I knew it earlier, I should have killed them all in 4.9, otherwise, they would not have rebelled.
Gritting their teeth, they were really resentful, so they all concentrated quickly and fought back together.
When Zhang Zijun’s army was still chattering and charging, Zhao Yiming was already on the scene.
He saw the fierce confrontation of the army, and the fighting of soldiers coming and going, it was really fierce.
“Kill me! No one left!” Zhao Yiming yelled angrily, and ordered the soldiers to charge forward.
Showing his mighty and domineering side, Zhao Yiming mercilessly beheaded these soldiers one by one.
Chapter 813 Attack the city gate and break open the city!
Leading his own soldiers to move forward quickly, in a short while, he saw many people approaching.
These are soldiers of Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue. They are so bold that they dare to turn against each other, which is annoying.
The quick attack killed many people at once, and Zhao Yiming’s men were all approaching Zhang Zijun.
In the city, the flames of war raged, and Zhao Yiming’s people were doing their best to strangle those damned people.
This is Zhao Yiming’s city, and he is the general here, controlling his own army and strength.
When Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue tried to provoke him, Zhao Yiming would not let them live!
The soldiers rebelled and tried to break through the city. This series of events made Zhao Yiming very angry.
He tried his best to hit 05, and ordered the soldiers in his hands to attack in groups to fight against Zhang Zijun.
Because Zhao Yiming was unprepared for a moment, he never expected that there would be turmoil in his city.
Many soldiers started to rebel, and Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue even made concerted efforts against Zhao Yiming.
As a mean person, how could Zhao Yiming endure such a thing, he must resist.
“Kill! Kill me! No one left!” Zhao Yiming yelled, his voice was hoarse.
It was precisely because Zhao Yiming was so excited that his troops were extraordinarily fierce and their morale was high.
Charge in one go, close the door and beat the dog, Zhao Yiming must eliminate his traitors, leaving no way out.
No matter how many soldiers disobeyed him, he had to kill them one by one, and he deserved it.
These stupid guys actually follow Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue to fight against him, how stupid.
Leading his own team, so many guys are still running rampant quickly, occupying the city.
We must regain control of the city, otherwise, Zhao Yiming will lose here.
He couldn’t wait, and even more aggressively attacked, causing his troops to rush forward.
People came and went, and the army fought back unscrupulously. Many people had already died, and died here.
In the city, the rebellious army was fighting, and Zhao Yiming also killed the enemy himself, beheading many people one by one.
The riot in the city is not so easy to stop, Zhao Yiming wants to quell this riot.
He was still fighting unremittingly, but he never expected that Ying Changge’s army was also approaching.
After following Wu Yue’s instructions, Ying Changge’s army all sneaked in and mixed in.
The defense on the city is lacking, and now it is necessary to fight by surprise and destroy them.
He and his own army tried their best to rampage, and Ying Changge had already come under the city wall.
The arrow was on the string and had to be fired. He took out his heroic and domineering posture and struck hard.
The army attacked aggressively, and the city gate was immediately shaken and almost collapsed.
Under Ying Changge’s call, many soldiers left aggressively and broke through the city gate.
Zhao Yiming’s soldiers are everywhere inside and outside the city gate. They are bound to win, and they can’t wait to kill Ying Changge.
However, it is a pity that Ying Changge is a blade with high abilities, and he will not be killed so easily.
Let your own army drive straight in, so many soldiers quickly attacked the city gate and broke through the city.
Zhao Yiming’s soldiers fought back immediately, but as Wu Yue said, the soldiers were very lazy.
When standing guard in the middle of the night, many soldiers were dozing off with their eyes closed, preparing to close their eyes and rest their minds.
But under such entanglement, many soldiers were awakened, and they immediately resisted.
Cautiously on guard, they rushed forward without thinking about their own safety, they were already in a hurry to take precautions.
Led by Ying Changge, the soldiers allWalking vigorously, attacking the city gate abruptly.
Breaking open the city gate is a top priority. Ying Changge must continue to fight against these armies, and he must cooperate with the inside and outside.
Otherwise, so many troops would not be able to stop Ying Changge, who would be easily injured and die directly.
The army was all 943 very solemn. They stood on the city wall and fought back desperately.
The archers stood in a row, and many of them aimed at Ying Changge’s soldiers and started shooting.
That’s it? Ying Changge smiled contemptuously, and immediately gathered his troops to attack the army in unity.
As long as so many troops die to their heart’s content, Ying Changge will be able to enter the city unimpeded.
Avoiding the common people and not hurting the innocent is the only way, and that is to make them unable to defend.
Ying Changge’s army appeared too fast, a series of people chattered and shot.
With the unscrupulous attack, a large group of people beheaded Zhao Yiming’s soldiers without leaving a single one.
Most of the soldiers guarding the city were lazy, and they didn’t even know that Ying Changge’s army was approaching.
When Ying Changge’s soldiers approached the city, Zhao Yiming’s soldiers were all in a mess.
With a desperate charge, Ying Changge and Wu Yue had already arrived at the gate of the city, rampaging.
Chapter 814 Be on your own and avoid Ying Changge!
Hitting the city gate and breaking through the city wall, so many people killed Zhao Yiming’s soldiers one by one.
Many people died because of this, and Zhao Yiming was very surprised when he heard the news immediately.
The turmoil between Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue had already made him dizzy, and it was difficult for him to leave.
Now, Zhao Yiming heard the news of Ying Changge’s army attacking the city, which made him quite anxious and angry.
With a cold snort, Zhao Yiming immediately ordered many people to go to the city wall to support as soon as possible.
Zhao Yiming knew that Ying Changge would not have the heart to hurt the innocent, so he had to control the situation as soon as possible.
Let more and more soldiers stand on the city wall, so that Ying Changge can be stopped.
However, this is just Zhao Yiming’s whimsical strategy, he has no chance to break through so many troops.
When the army approached aggressively, Ying Changge took the lead and killed many Zhao Yiming’s soldiers.
The soldiers guarding the city came chattering, trying to stop the invasion of Ying Changge’s army.
Nanchengchi’s defenses were very weak. Zhao Yiming’s soldiers were lazy and greedy, and they didn’t intend to guard the city gate at all.
Therefore, when Ying Changge’s army came to attack, the soldiers guarding the city gate were unable to fight back.
Wu Yue took the lead in charging, and fought bravely and fearlessly all his soldiers to fight a bloody path, with a threatening aura.
The soldiers guarding the city were caught off guard and could not block such an attack at all.
Ying Changge’s army was so dense that they even attacked under the south gate one after another.
The knives and axes came in domineeringly, cutting a path abruptly, and quickly entered through the loopholes.
charge! Ying Changge’s army was surging, and a series of people entered immediately along the city gate.

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