He walked quickly, trying not to disturb any guards, and left here on tiptoe.
But unfortunately, things backfired, and Zhang Zijun met a soldier face to face at the corner.
The distance between the two was not far away, their big eyes stared at Xiao Fan.
Chapter 807 Swords and swords, everyone is fighting fiercely!
Zhang Zijun immediately raised his hand without haste, trying to quickly stop the soldier.
But the soldier is also a vigilant person, he immediately shouted, “Be alert! Someone escaped from the prison! Someone escaped from the prison!”
When the soldiers started shouting, it was too late for Zhang Zijun to stop him.
When Zhang Zijun raised his sword to attack, he cut off the soldier’s head in one fell swoop.
After letting his body be separated, Zhang Zijun was forced to run away, walking like flying, trying to leave this place.
Once there are more soldiers, I am afraid that Zhang Zijun will have no chance to escape from here.
The soldiers yelling “September 43” before will definitely attract a lot of attention, so he can only make a quick decision.
Panting, he ran away quickly, he was running away quickly, going along the exit.
Sure enough, Zhang Zijun saw that many soldiers were awakened, and they approached quickly.
All the guys came aggressively, and the soldiers were Zhao Yiming’s subordinates, trying to guard them.
As long as Zhang Zijun can be caught, he willThey will be able to get Zhao Yiming’s reward, and thus get promoted and make a fortune.
Otherwise, if Zhang Zijun was allowed to escape, the soldiers guarding him would only be blamed and easily questioned.
Zhang Zijun held a weapon in his hand, and quickly danced, beheading these several people, leaving them to die on the spot.
The sword in his hand is very fast, waving with light, showing its sharpness, and looks murderous.
Seeing several soldiers rushing forward, Zhang Zijun remained motionless and was fighting one by one.
After flaunting many soldiers in front of him, he was still attacking as usual, the sword was very fast.
hum! With the flash of the sword, and the strike of the sword, Zhang Zijun beheaded several soldiers guarding the prison.
Blood was sprayed on the wall, while Zhang Zijun continued to charge, walking quickly to the exit.
There was only one exit from the dungeon, and Zhang Zijun had only one way out, but he wanted to avoid the soldiers.
It is a good thing that so many soldiers heard the news and came to look for Zhang Zijun.
At the very least, Zhang Zijun attracted Wu Yue’s attention, and the soldiers guarding him would not pursue Wu Yue anymore.
After giving Wu Yue a chance to escape, Zhang Zijun continued to stand in a stalemate with them, fighting the soldiers.
As long as Wu Yue leaves first, Zhang Zijun’s goal at this time is to make a fool of himself.
There is only a dead end in the city, and both Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue will die in Zhao Yiming’s hands.
The ruthless Zhao Yiming is not a human being, he treats the common people and other soldiers as worthless.
Not only did he discard the common people like pawns, but he also ignored Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue.
The difference in doing this is to make the lieutenant even more dissatisfied, and they will not sit idly by.
A group of people are still surrounding quickly, they wish to kill Zhang Zijun at once, hack him to death.
With swords and swords and shadows, everyone was fighting fiercely, and they were still struggling hard, trying to stop Zhang Zijun.
In order to be able to kill Zhang Zijun, the soldiers rushed out quickly, they were not afraid.
In the sky prison, they were numerous and powerful, and it was very easy for so many people to take down Zhang Zijun.
Of course, this is just their thoughts, at least, they look aggressive and united.
However, during the battle with Zhang Zijun, many guard soldiers continued to attack, but they fell to the ground in despair.
“Whoever stands in my way will die!” Zhang Zijun shouted, he couldn’t wait to come, and continued to charge 0  …
With a quick blow, the sword in his hand came fiercely, and Zhang Zijun beheaded several people.
In order to go to Ying Changge’s command with Wu Yue, the prison escape tonight must only succeed and not fail.
Holding the weapon tightly, Zhang Zijun continued to move forward, and he eliminated many people one by one.
Let them sacrifice to their heart’s content, spraying blood, Zhang Zijun trampled on their corpses and continued to pass by.
Walking through the corridors of the dungeon, Zhang Zijun saw many prisoners and prisoners being held.
They are all persistent, and it is the duty of the soldiers to guard the dungeons, and they will not neglect their duties.
But Zhang Zijun was even worse. He fell into an unfavorable situation and faced siege.
A group of soldiers came chattering endlessly, wishing to kill Zhang Zijun, the soldiers charged.
But Zhang Zijun will not be discouraged, he always counterattacks quickly, and the sword in his hand is extraordinarily sharp.
While waving his own sword, Zhang Zijun wiped out several soldiers at once.
Seeing that many soldiers were still coming forward, Zhang Zijun rushed into them as usual.
With the message from Ying Changge 4.9, Zhang Zijun knew that his only way out was with Ying Changge.
Zhao Yiming will not tolerate himself anymore, so Zhang Zijun will try his best to resist Zhao Yiming.
Taking advantage of the common people and hurting the innocent, what Zhao Yiming did is very shameless and disgusting.
Not wanting them to block his way, Zhang Zijun took a few steps back more or less.
Fighting with them quickly, he killed many guard soldiers with his own skills.
During the fight, there was a lot of noise, and many soldiers were still trying their best to follow.
Chapter 808 Facing the enemy head-on, there is no way to avoid it!
They are very fierce and always come in groups, eager to catch Zhang Zijun.
But Zhang Zijun is very calm, he has a whole body of martial arts, his skills are not overwhelming, he is very capable.
Fighting with strides, Zhang Zijun was unimpeded, beheading several people under his sword.
The weapon in his hand was stained with blood, and the blood dripped on the ground endlessly, Zhang Zijun was like a killing god.
Zhang Zijun was still coming persistently, attacking with all the weapons in his own hands.
With a stab of a sword, Zhang Zijun beheaded another soldier and separated his body.
Trampling and trampling over their corpses, Zhang Zijun remained motionless, confident and fearless.
Continue to move forward and eradicate all these guarding soldiers, Zhang Zijun is as if with divine help.
The soldiers in the dungeon were all frightened. Their 05 faces were pale, but they still came quickly.
Unable to wait for support, more and more soldiers came to Zhang Zijun.
For his own survival and for the people in the city, he must do this, and he must eradicate it.
Zhang Zijun is not a stupid person, he knows where the general trend of the world will go and how to make a decision.
What Zhao Yiming did in the city completely lost the hearts of the people and prevented them from stalemate.
Especially Zhang Zijun’s continued attack, he had to leave the city so that he could get close to Ying Changge.
The destination of Ying Changge’s army is the only place that he needs most, otherwise he will not be able to survive here.
Relying on the breath in his heart, Zhang Zijun was able to persevere and continue to go on a killing spree.
Avoiding these soldiers, Zhang Zijun lifted himself upThe sword continued to confront these soldiers.
Facing the enemy head-on, there is no way to avoid it, but Zhang Zijun has no way to retreat, which is very dangerous.
Impatiently raising his sword and continuing to attack, Zhang Zijun beheaded all the soldiers in front of him.
Blood was sprayed, all the blood of a soldier was sprayed on Zhang Zijun’s clothes, his whole body was bright red.
Non-stop, continued to attack, Zhang Zijun’s figure was always approaching chatteringly, one against ten.
Single-handedly, striding forward, he eliminated many people to prevent them from blocking him.
Those who follow me prosper and those who oppose me perish, Zhang Zijun is filled with righteous indignation for the people in the city.
Pulling many enemies in front of him, Zhang Zijun’s sword was rampant, sweeping away thousands of troops.
No matter how many people blocked him, he had to fight his way out, which was a matter of course.
Zhang Zijun is no longer Zhao Yiming’s soldier, and Zhang Zijun spurned him.
A mere general seized power, killed innocent people indiscriminately, and sent the people to die! How can this be good!
I can’t understand Zhao Yiming’s actions, so now Zhang Zijun is going to join Ying Changge.
Let Ying Changge’s army continue to penetrate and break through the city, and then these people can be protected.
He knew how despicable Zhang Zijun was, but he didn’t know what would happen to Ying Changge!
However, Zhang Zijun trusted his intuition, he knew that Ying Changge was not a bad person, better than Zhao Yiming.
Zhao Yiming is not as good as a pig or a dog, and he cares nothing about human life. His army always marches mighty and mighty, occupying cities.
The people in the city were all seeking justice one by one. They mourned and wished to kill Zhao Yiming.
It’s a pity that these people don’t have any opportunities, they are powerless, and they can’t kill him at all.
Because of the fear of Zhao Yiming, the people wished to overthrow him and let him die.
It’s a pity that Zhao Yiming’s military power is in the hands of Zhao Yiming, and ordinary people are humble.
Don’t trust Zhao Yiming, Zhang Zijun only trusts himself, he must go to Ying Changge.
Discuss with Ying Changge, knowing that there is a subtle opportunity today, and he must go all out.
Resisting the soldiers guarding the city gate and beheading them one by one, Zhang Zijun continued to move forward.
In order to leave here, the only exit is Zhang Zijun’s way of life, and he will not give up.

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