“Zhao Yiming is really arrogant. He actually let the common people join in this battle!”
“That’s right, he has evil intentions and uses unscrupulous means. We shouldn’t follow such a general!”
They were whipped, and they had already felt a gap with Zhao Yiming, and they wanted to resist his command.
Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue coincided with each other. They were discussing with each other and planned to protest Zhao Yiming together.
In the dark night, they don’t want to sleep, discuss major issues together, and fight for the common people.
Knowing that Zhao Yiming is so cruel, it is impossible for them to fight after Zhao Yiming.
Now it is too late to mend the situation, Zhao Yiming has already controlled all the people.
Regardless of their life and death, let the people stand on the city wall, lonely, looking very lonely.
It is inevitable, Zhang Zijun immediately scolded, “That’s right! Let’s rebel! Liberate these people!”
They are all discussing together, weighing the disadvantages, and going against Zhao Yiming’s strategy.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
The two discussed, Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue wished to open the city gate and let Ying Changge’s army enter it.
The discussion was full of passion and enthusiasm, and both Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue had already made up their minds.
Unable to sit idly by these people, both of them extended a helping hand and started their own assignments.
On the second day, Zhang Zijun got up immediately. He went to the city wall and led the soldiers.
Standing on the city wall with his own battalion of soldiers, Zhang Zijun yelled, “Let them go!”
“Let these people return home safely, otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude!”
Today, Zhao Yiming was furious, he looked veryFurious, he immediately reprimanded these soldiers.
But these soldiers are also ordinary city guards, and they can’t control this order.
“General Zhang, it’s not up to us to decide! The general has orders to control these people.”
“Otherwise, it will be difficult for the little ones!” These soldiers were very flustered and terrified.
After hearing what they said, Zhang Zijun nodded even more, “Don’t worry, you don’t need to explain.”
“With me here, if Zhao Yiming wants to blame, just come to me directly, I will bear it alone.”
Zhang Zijun was very aggressive, still impatiently urging the soldiers to let these people go immediately.
While Zhang Zijun was entangled with them, Wu Yue was not idle either, he was ready to move.
With a menacing momentum, Wu Yue led his men and quietly approached Zhao Yiming.
The troops were divided into two groups, Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue both had their own plans, so that they could fight against the common people.
Chapter 802 Abandon it, heartless!
Break open the city gate, when the time comes, Ying Changge’s army will enter to save these people!
Even if there is no compromise with Ying Changge, Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue will lead the army separately, and it is still possible to fight against Ying Changge.
Thus, Wu Yue came to where Zhao Yiming was in the blink of an eye, and he was bound to win.
Proceeding stealthily, Wu Yue soon entered Zhao Yiming’s mansion, and he asked to see him.
However, Zhao Yiming was still resting, so it was impossible for Wu Yue to see him.
Facing the difficulties, Wu Yue left immediately, but he didn’t really leave, he was ready to go.
By all means, Zhao Yiming must be killed, so that the “September 27th” people in the city will be completely liberated.
Pretending to leave, and then quickly came back, Wu Yue quickly climbed over Zhao Yiming’s city wall.
He tiptoed into the mansion, and soon, Wu Yue went to look for Zhao Yiming, preparing for a battle.
Zhao Yiming was resting, and he just let the people stand on the city wall, while he himself was very patient.
Abandoning all the common people, the heartless Zhao Yiming continued to fall asleep and dream big dreams.
As Zhao Yiming’s lieutenant general, Wu Yue naturally knew where his living place was, and he was familiar with the road.
Soon he came to Zhao Yiming’s door, Wu Yue sneaked open the door and saw a figure.
That was the appearance of Zhao Yiming lying down and resting. Wu Yue immediately stepped into it and continued to follow.
At this moment, Wu Yue quickly came to the bed where Zhao Yiming was resting, and he drew his sword out of its sheath.
hum! The sword edge was pulled out, and it immediately stabbed Zhao Yiming’s body, and Wu Yue hit him fast.
At this moment, Zhao Yiming suddenly woke up, he felt the murderous aura behind him!
Suddenly opening his eyes and waking up from his sleep, Zhao Yiming jumped up and got up from the bed.
When Zhao Yiming turned his head, he saw Wu Yue’s sword piercing his bed, passing him by.
This is not a battle of life and death, but Zhao Yiming almost lost his head, which is really exasperating.
He gritted his teeth and stared at Wu Yue angrily, “You are so brave! How dare you commit an offense!”
Wu Yue was discovered, but he was not in a hurry, he was very indifferent, “You will definitely die!”
“I’m not selfish, but fighting for the people in the city! I must kill you!”
Upright, Wu Yue was very angry facing Zhao Yiming, “You are not even as good as Ying Changge!”
After hearing Wu Yue’s words, Zhao Yiming showed a contemptuous smile, “Really!”
“Guy who overestimates his abilities, you are really daring!” Zhao Yiming immediately drew his sword to fight back.
His weapon was at the head of his bed, and he could reach it as soon as he reached out, so he shot quickly.
Zhao Yiming stabbed his body straight with the blade, wishing he could kill Wu Yue.
But Wu Yue is not a humble guy, he is still fighting back quickly to resist Zhao Yiming.
It is impossible to kill Zhao Yiming by attacking with bare hands. For the safety of the city, Wu Yue swung his sword across the river.
The sword’s edge fell, and it stabbed Zhao Yiming’s chest in a hurry. This was a meaningless fight.
“Ridiculous!” When Wu Yue tried to kill Zhao Yiming, he had already made a big mistake.
Zhao Yiming persevered, and he quickly slashed down with his sword, hitting Zhao Yiming’s body.
The sword’s edge continued to move forward, the lights of the sword and the shadow of the sword, and the weapons of the two collided together, crisp and sound.
This fight is meaningless, Zhao Yiming feels that he is invincible and invincible.  …
Even if he was surrounded and confronted by Ying Changge’s army, didn’t he still stick to the city until now!
As long as the attack continues, it will be easy to kill them when the time comes.
He stepped back quickly, and at the same time brandished his weapon, striking continuously.
Wu Yue was full of murderous intent, and he fought aggressively with Zhao Yiming, refusing to defend himself against his own weapons.
He chose to stay, especially with his own army, he must take good care of the people in the city.
War is ruthless and unjust, but the people are sympathetic, and they should not be involved in this war.
In particular, Ying Changge’s army is still watching outside, sacrificing the people will only lower morale.
They all chattered and shot, and the two of them quickly fought in the room, pulling out all the stops.
Fighting back vigorously and waving his weapon, Zhao Yiming’s sword edge became more violent, as fast as a gust of wind.
With a straight sword, Zhao Yiming almost pierced Wu Yue’s throat and killed the kid.
However, it is impossible for the deputy general to assume such an official position without real materials. He has some skills. 4.9
The sword in his hand stabbed down quickly, and the blade landed on Zhao Yiming’s weapon in an instant.
The two continued to confront each other, with the sword’s edge crackling, flashing a uniquesame power.
In a blink of an eye, Wu Yue knocked Zhao Yiming onto the ground, but the latter even dodged.
He withdrew two steps quickly, Zhao Yiming stood motionless not far away, he smiled contemptuously.
“You arrogant brat, if you think I’m not as good as Ying Changge, you’re really wrong!”
“I will show my power! I will kill you easily!”
Swaggering, Zhao Yiming scolded heartily.
Chapter 803 Soldiers are soldiers, and people are people!
Zhao Yiming raised his sword and pressed it against Wu Yue’s chest. He was already furious.
Not to be outdone, Wu Yue said, “You are a general with bad intentions, what you have done is disgusting!”
“Avoid war, or face the enemy head-on, this is the necessity of a big war, we can’t retreat!”
Angrily scolded, Zhao Yiming said, “Stupid! You have to know! We are a common army!”
“You follow my orders, you just need to follow my instructions and that’s enough.”
“Defeat Ying Changge’s army and let them all die, then the rest of the people will not sacrifice!”
Zhao Yiming was still distorting his strategy, “You should obey my orders instead of resisting.”
“Those common people are doing nothing. When the war comes, they will just escape and have no other role.”
“As a general, I, Zhao Yiming, have to guard so many people! How ridiculous!”
Outraged by this, Zhao Yiming mercilessly said, “They just waste food, that’s all.”
“I didn’t kill them all, it’s very good to plunder their food, I’m merciful enough!”
Hearing Zhao Yiming’s crooked ways, Wu Yue totally disagreed, “Soldiers are soldiers! People are people!”
Wu Yue still insisted on his own opinion, for the sake of the people in the city, he must let them all survive.

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