Therefore, after Ying Changge’s army retreated, Zhao Yiming wanted to detain more civilians.
ThisThese people are shields and weapons in Zhao Yiming’s hands! One of the few things you can take advantage of!
As long as Ying Changge’s army cannot be allowed to enter this place, then Zhao Yiming will be very satisfied.
Showing a bright smile, Zhao Yiming continued to scold, “Come on! Who else~‖!”
Let the common people be compulsorily sent to the army and use them to defend the city, Zhao Yiming can greatly increase the odds of winning.
At that time, if there is any problem, Zhao Yiming can easily control it.
Not only did Ying Changge’s army not continue to attack the city, but they had even withdrawn a few miles away. This is the evidence.
This is a very good evidence, he must isolate Ying Changge’s army from the city.
Zhao Yiming was still not to be outdone, and controlled many people in his hands just to resist Ying Changgewu.
As long as the people guard the city, there is no danger of being directly pierced by Ying Changge’s army.
This is a rare opportunity. In order to win, Zhao Yiming will do anything and be vicious.
Many people were arrested, which made them (Nuo Zhao) very panic, and the city was in chaos.
Not only was Zhang Zijun not to be outdone, but another lieutenant, Wu Yue, also came to Zhao Yiming for an audience.
“‘ 〃General! We shouldn’t be held hostage by the people and become our own shields!”
Wu Yue was upright, but Zhao Yiming didn’t care, he immediately scolded, “Nonsense!”
“We are fighting for ourselves! Since we can survive, there will be no crisis!”
“Soldiers will come to cover up the water and soil. At that time, as long as Ying Changge’s army is broken, that will be enough!”
Zhao Yiming had a smug look on his face, “Could it be possible, do I have to explain it to you again!”.
Chapter 800 Killing chickens to make an example to monkeys, scolding coldly!
Sure enough, it was impossible for Wu Yue to submit to this, and he continued to retort, “No!”
“March and fight, rely on ourselves, not these innocent people, they should leave!”
“Shut up!” Zhao Yiming yelled in anger, “Keep talking, and I’m going to kill you!”
“Leave before I get angry!” Zhao Yiming asked Wu Yue to leave in front of him.
Several lieutenants of Zhao Yiming felt dissatisfied, they thought Zhao Yiming was too cruel!
I hope that Ying Changge’s army will leave as much as they want, so that Zhao Yiming can guard the city.
He needs help and support, but Zhao Xingzhi is dead, and Zhao Yiming is alone and helpless.
Zhao Yiming was naturally dissatisfied in the face of several lieutenants losing his opinion, and he showed displeasure.
Not allowing these lieutenants to continue to refute him, Zhao Yiming cursed and scolded Wu Yue.
And at this moment, Zhang Zijun also heard this, and he immediately appeared and came to Wu Yue’s side.
“General!” Standing shoulder to shoulder with Wu Yue 927, Zhang Zijun also wanted to continue to refute with Zhao Yiming, so as to save the people.
Otherwise, these common people would be even more dangerous, and would be easily sacrificed and used as cannon fodder.
There were no more people on the city, and Ying Changge didn’t want to continue the stalemate with them.
Because many innocent people were involved, Ying Changge did not want them to die under his own army.
Let the army stop the attack, Ying Changge hoped that the people would have more chances to survive.
War will break out at any time, but this is not what Ying Changge wants, he wants to be more wild.
As long as Zhao Yiming can be killed, there will be no problem at that time.
Capture the thief first and capture the king, Zhao Yiming will undoubtedly die.
Those who rebel must die. Zhao Yiming’s attempt to rebel has already committed a serious crime, which will not be forgiven!
The people were involved in the war, which was not what Ying Changge wanted, and he had to resolve it quickly.
Patiently letting his army wait, Ying Changge hoped to find a suitable opportunity to face the enemy.
When Ying Changge’s army was still waiting patiently, he would not have thought that Zhao Yiming had a disagreement.
Zhao Yiming’s lieutenants all began to refute Zhao Yiming, Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue were more persistent.
For the common people, for the sake of innocent people, they boldly resisted Zhao Yiming’s orders.
Tried to make Zhao Yiming take back his life, but unfortunately, Zhao Yiming is a vicious person.
Even if Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue refuted him together, Zhao Yiming would not agree, he looked sullen.
“Don’t even think about it, those who resist my order will die!” Zhao Yiming slammed.
He hit them hard on the head, and Zhao Yiming slapped each of them, making them dizzy.
Facing Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue, Zhao Yiming immediately raised his hand, “Come on! Take them down!”
Soon, soldiers rushed up, and immediately took Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue down, making them kneel down.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhao Yiming set an example to others, and scolded in a cold voice, “In the city, my order is Wang Fa!”
“Anyone who disobeys me will die, and I will not show mercy (afej)!” Zhao Yiming was furious.
He ordered the soldiers to start whipping Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue, and each received thirty lashes.
Crackling, whipping, hitting them all directly with scars and bruises all over their bodies.
Zhao Yiming felt that Ying Changge must die, otherwise, Ying Changge’s army would attack directly.
The city is safe for the time being, at least, he will not allow Ying Changge’s army to attack his own city directly.
He waited patiently for this place, and gathered many people to guard his city gates.
Now Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue are resisting him, which makes Zhao Yiming furious, and he is very displeased.
Seeing the two lieutenants being whipped, Zhao Yiming’s expression somewhat improved.
with a contemptuous smile,Zhao Yiming scolded, “If you dare to continue to refute me in the future, the guilt will be aggravated!”
We can’t let them live, otherwise it’s just a disaster! Zhao Yiming is vicious and vicious.
However, he will not simply give up like this, and it is also useful to keep two lieutenants.
Use them to dispatch troops and generals, and two more lieutenants can help you guard the safety of the city.
Staying here and letting the lieutenant follow his command, this is the best party.
The morale is high, and everyone is united, so that they will resist the invasion and attack of Ying Changge’s army.
However, because of the differences between Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue, Zhao Yiming’s morale was particularly scattered.
How could Zhao Yiming endure them pointing fingers at him for bewitching the crowd and distorting his military spirit.
The soldiers were merciless, and the thirty lashes directly made Wu Yue and Zhang Zijun even more embarrassed.
They were in pain, but they didn’t dare to refute, because Zhao Yiming was really cruel.
When Zhao Yiming turned around and left here, he saw that many soldiers admired him.
This is the result Zhao Yiming wants, knocking mountains and shaking tigers to boost the morale of the army, and he doesn’t need to object.
In such a dangerous situation in the city, what they have to do is very simple, that is to unite as one.
Chapter 801 Unintentional Sleep, Let’s Discuss Together!
It is impossible for the two mediocre lieutenants to have any chance to disobey Zhao Yiming’s strategy and plan.
He waited patiently, and when the thirty lashes were completed, Zhao Yiming yelled, “This is not an example!”
Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue staggered to their feet, they didn’t dare to talk nonsense, they could only grit their teeth.
Not daring to speak out, the two lieutenants left without saying a word, and they dared not continue to confront each other again.
Very satisfied with such a situation, Zhao Yiming felt that it was too noisy, so he must shut them up.
The deputy general was carried away, and seeing Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue leave in front of him, Zhao Yiming turned and left.
He walked away in a huff, and he was so aggressive that Zhao Yiming didn’t need more insights and opinions.
Let these large armies continue to hold the people hostage to guard this place, and they will have no openings at all.
The people and the army stood together, and they formed a city wall in series, serving as human shields to defend here.
Ying Changge heard that the people on the city had never retreated, and he himself was helpless.
With a kind heart, Ying Changge is unwilling to involve the lives of innocent people, and he will not ignore it.
Let them all continue to stand firm on the city, Ying Changge ordered his soldiers to stand still.
Zhao Yiming is very relieved that everything is safe and there is no crisis. He feels that he is talented and intelligent.
The unscrupulous Zhao Yiming ignored the lives and deaths of many common people. This is a cruel and merciless person.
There won’t be such a marching battle, Ying Changge should be calm for the sake of the war, rather than rushing recklessly.
The war has temporarily stopped, and now Zhao Yiming is resting happily, and he is very comfortable.
As long as the people are allowed to guard the city, Zhao Yiming is unlikely to die, so he is very relieved that he is not afraid of Ying Changge’s sneak attack.
However, after being whipped, both Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue resented very much, and they hated Zhao Yiming to the bone.
Although Zhao Yiming is a general, he has no mercy and directly discards the people as pawns.
Zhang Zijun does not allow such a thing to exist, he cares about the common people and should not involve innocent people in it.
He begged Zhao Yiming, but Zhao Yiming gave them whipping punishment, thirty lashes, it was really painful.
Now Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue could barely stand up, their butts were burning hot.
The two of them couldn’t rest in peace, they couldn’t fall asleep at all, they couldn’t rest in peace.
In the camp, the two were whispering, and they were discussing continuously.

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