They argue with each other, they stick to their own opinions, but they can’t communicate easily at all, this is for sure.
Therefore, in order to keep them alive, Wu Yue wanted to kill Zhao Yiming and deal with this brutal general.
This is the only chance, otherwise, Zhao Yiming will set off a bloody storm in the city, and the people will be in dire straits.
It can be seen that Wu Yue is still attacking unremittingly, which is really annoying.
He snorted coldly, and Zhao Yiming was tossing and turning quickly in the room, the sword in his hand was still stabbing out quickly.
A dazzling array of swords pierced Wu Yue’s body in one go, and Zhao Yiming seized the opportunity.
The sword edge cut through Wu Yue, leaving him covered in scars, and Wu Yue didn’t have any strength to fight back.
The only reason for killing Zhao Yiming is that Wu Yue must succeed for the sake of the people in the city.
This is a plan discussed by Wu Yue and Zhang Zijun. They have been conspiring and discussing for a whole night!
Still shooting continuously, Zhao Yiming and Wu Yue were not to be outdone.
They continue to fight here, you fight each other, all they show are killing skills, and the sword edge is seriously injured.
The murderous Zhao Yiming pierced his body with the sword in the blink of an eye, and Wu Yue retreated.
He didn’t know that releasing it by himself could kill Zhao Yiming, but Wu Yue was willing to persevere.
Holding his own sword, he kept approaching, in order to kill Zhao Yiming.
Zhao Yiming is the leader of the army. As long as he is killed, Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue will be able to control the military power.
If the common people were to die at the hands of Zhao Yiming, Wu Yue would not wish to witness such a scene.
The sword in his hand stabbed out vigorously, showing his murderous aura, the blade was brave enough.
Gathering all his strength, he struck the sword edge, and Zhao Yiming, who was forced by Wu Yue, had no way to retreat.
Fighting against each other, counterattacking quickly, his sword broke through Wu Yue’s offensive at once.
The menacing attack looked very fierce, but it couldn’t kill Zhao Yiming instantly.
As a general, Zhao Yiming has his own abilities, and his martial arts are so strong that he cannot be easily guarded against.
Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue’s discussion was to sneak attack Zhao Yiming, so that they could kill him silently.
However, Zhao Yiming was so vigilant that he immediately discovered Wu Yue’s intention to assassinate him.
Avoiding Wu Yue’s ultimate move, Zhao Yiming also attacked in one go, stabbing him with the sword.
Every blow from the sword’s edge will make Zhao Yiming more powerful and murderous.
On the contrary, Wu Yue, who was in a stalemate with Zhao Yiming, had lost much ability and was helpless.
In order to resist Ying Changge’s army, Zhao Yiming does whatever it takes, and anyone can take advantage of it.
This ruthless person is very vicious, and he vowed not to give up for his purpose, to eradicate them all.
The people are innocent and pitiful, but they still fall into Zhao Yiming’s hands and are ruthlessly tortured.
Wu Yue didn’t care about soldiers approaching the city, and he didn’t care when Ying Changge’s army would invade the city.
But he must stop Zhao Yiming, and he cannot let Zhao Yiming continue to attack the people and harm the city.
He raised his hand and stabbed down with a sword. The blade of the sword went straight to Zhao Yiming.
Zhao Yiming will not die, all he has to do is to kill anyone who defies him.
Wu Yue disobeyed himself, and Zhang Zijun disobeyed his own orders, which is really ridiculous.
These guys dared to be so disrespectful to themselves after eating the bear’s heart and leopard’s guts!
Facing Wu Yue’s offensive, Zhao Yiming continued to fight back, his sword was brave and powerful.
From far to near, the sword’s edge pierced Wu Yue’s skin in a blink of an eye, causing him to bleed and bruise all over his body.
Chapter 804 In one go,persevere!
Dragging his heavy and tired body, Wu Yue still refused to give up, he was bound to win.
Ask yourself, even if it is to resist Ying Changge’s army, Wu Yue will not sacrifice the lives of the people.
This is the difference between Wu Yue and Zhao Yiming, the common people may not die, but Zhao Yiming has to die!
In this narrow room, it is impossible for them to continue to be deadlocked, but they are still fighting fiercely.
In the blink of an eye, they went from bed to under bed, and they were all fighting quickly, fighting back aggressively.
He dispatched all the troops in his hands to guard the city day and night, so there were not many people around him.
The few soldiers didn’t hear the commotion here at all, and Zhao Yiming was alone and helpless.
Even so, Zhao Yiming is sure to win, and he must resist Wu Yue’s sword.
Quickly drew out the sword, and with one stroke of the sword, the edge of the sword broke through Wu Yue’s defense, causing him to fall staggeringly to the ground.
Helpless, but still holding the sword and continuing to charge, Wu Yue will not let it go.
With all his strength and perseverance, Wu Yue and Zhao Yiming still fought close to each other, running rampant and chattering endlessly.
The sword edge hit Zhao Yiming’s body one after another. He was attacked and fought bloody.
In order to be able to defeat this disobedient person, Zhao Yiming was always fighting fiercely with him quickly, with a single stroke of his sword.
The bangs and bangs of the blades collided together, and the high-spirited Zhao Yiming wished he could separate his corpse.
The sword in his hand was stained with blood, it was Wu Yue’s blood, he was already injured.
Facing the skill of the general Zhao Yiming, it was impossible for Wu Yue to fight him, it was really tragic.
Concentrating on continuing to fight, Wu Yue didn’t have many chances to kill Zhao Yiming.
Although it wasn’t such an honor for Zhao Yiming to deal with Wu Yue, it was as easy as the palm of his hand to deal with Wu Yue.
The sword’s edge came down one after another, spraying the blood that Wu Yue’s limbs had been hacked into, and the blood spattered five steps.
Knowing what he was doing, Wu Yue launched an uprising just to kill Zhao Yiming and stop him.
No violence is allowed, for the sake of the people in the city, Wu Yue must continue to attack unremittingly.
However, no matter how he fights, it is impossible to kill Zhao Yiming easily.
The situation was deadlocked, without any turning point, Zhao Yiming felt that he could still defeat Wu Yue.
It’s just that there is a shortage of lieutenants in the city now, and he doesn’t want to lose many lieutenants for no reason.
With limited troops, Zhao Yiming asked the common people to rush up one by one to fill up the army to resist Ying Changge’s offensive.
This is a rare opportunity, at least Wu Yue must let Zhao Yiming die and crush his plot.
Still attacking unremittingly, Zhao Yiming’s ability was so strong that he easily convinced Wu Yue.
boom! Accompanied by a violent attack, Zhao Yiming knocked Wu Yue to the ground, causing him to kneel on the ground.
“I won’t kill you~‖!” Gritting his teeth, Zhao Yiming scolded, “I want you to reflect!”
“If you can follow my plan, you will stand on the city wall again and continue to resist Ying Changge.”
“Differences do not conspire!” Lifting his face, Wu Yue stared at Zhao Yiming without blinking.
Smiling contemptuously, Zhao Yiming immediately raised his hand, knocking him out all at once, and Wu Yue fell to the ground.
After Wu Yue was imprisoned in the prison, Zhao Yiming soon heard about what Zhang Zijun had done.
This daring Zhang Zijun actually released many people on the city wall!
hateful! Is this collusion with Wu Yue! Zhao Yiming was very angry, and it was impossible to give up because of this.
Going to look for Zhang Zijun aggressively, he immediately asked, “What are you trying to do!”
“Those who disobey my order will only die, you know it!” He was arrogant.
Walking up quickly, Zhang Zijun was pinned down, and Zhao Yiming threw him to the ground.
Staring at the tiger, Zhao Yiming looked resentfully, “` 〃Come on! Lock him up for me! Together with Wu Yue!”
It was just overnight that Zhao Yiming was betrayed by two lieutenants, which was really horrible.
Immediately, soldiers came, and then quickly detained Zhao Yiming and disappeared without a trace.
Both Zhao Yiming and Wu Yue were imprisoned in the dungeon, and Zhao Yiming hoped to have a good trial of them.
Otherwise, the two disobedient lieutenants would easily cause danger and bloody rebellion.
Continuing to stay in his mansion, Zhao Yiming thought of many ways to win Changge.
But that is not a perfect plan (promise Zhao), Zhao Yiming needs to experience it himself to fight against Ying Changge’s army.
Fortunately, Zhao Yiming blocked Ying Changge with a lot of people, otherwise they would continue to attack.
Patiently huddled in his own city, Zhao Yiming hoped to delay the time, even as soon as possible.
It is impossible for Ying Changge’s army to enter it smoothly, Zhao Yiming must stick to this place.
Not wishing to face Ying Changge, Zhao Yiming did not intend to fight, but to maintain such a situation.
Both offensive and defensive, using the city wall as your last reliance, this is also a way to save your life.
The city wall is tall, and Zhao Yiming’s city is impregnable. Ying Changge doesn’t know what has changed inside.
Assuming everything is as it is.
Chapter 805 Well-equipped and murderous!
Ying Changge only knew that Zhao Yiming was very scared now, like a shrinking turtle.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ying Changge continued to dispatch his troops and asked them to reserve them.
Everything is ready and only owes to Dongfeng. If Zhao Yiming’s defense is weak, Ying Changge can lead the army to attack.
When Ying Changge’s army was about to move, Zhao Yiming himself was in a mess.
He didn’t want his lieutenant to betray him, so heDetain Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue.

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