He doesn’t just want Zhao Yiming’s head, Ying Changge just wants this stable country and life.
Standing firm on the city wall with his own soldiers, Zhao Yiming was still fighting against Ying Changge’s army, not daring to hesitate.
He knew that today was the last critical battle, he was alone and unable to fight.
Zhao Xingzhi was killed in battle, how could Zhao Yiming and his defeated soldiers continue on!
With a pale complexion and gritted teeth, Zhao Yiming sticks to his own city, no matter what.
This is his last army, and sufficient troops are the most important thing to be able to defend the city.
Now that the situation is raging, Ying Changge’s army is still continuing to attack, attacking the city gate.
Hearing the crumbling sound of his own city gate, Zhao Yiming was naturally so frightened that his mouth was parched.
In any case, Ying Changge’s army cannot be allowed to approach, at least, they cannot be allowed to enter.
The city gate is the last line of defense. Zhao Yiming wants to keep the army stalemate outside the city and not give them a chance.
The soldiers are brave and fearless, (afej) they, like Ying Changge, are excellent fighters and bravely invaded.
The city was shaken by the impact, and this indestructible city seemed useless.
Just let Ying Changge’s soldiers continue to attack the city? Zhao Yiming was at a loss, but he would not give up.
No one can rely on, Zhao Yiming can only rely on his own strength, otherwise he will die.
After a crushing defeat, Zhao Yiming saw that many of his soldiers died here, with blood flowing like rivers and corpses strewn across the field.
Many soldiers on the city wall stood firm, but they died under the charge of Ying Changge’s army.
The defenders of the city are the easiest to defend, but Zhao Yiming suffered casualties, and the scene was horrible.
If Ying Changge’s army were allowed to invade the city, Zhao Yiming would have no chance of surviving.
This was not a hearty battle. Zhao Yiming was very passive and embarrassed in the battle of defending the city.
This kind of offensive is impossible to stop, especially Ying Changge’s army came with perseverance.
Attacking the city gate and destroying the city, Ying Changge’s soldiers were all in a huge group, covering the place.
Swearing firmly and confidently, commanding his own army to continue to move forward, Ying Changge strategized.
Zhao Yiming no longer has any stance to stop them, they are very easy to break into the city gate!
Could it be possible to let Ying Changge’s soldiers occupy his city? Zhao Yiming would not agree!
By whatever means, Zhao Yiming will continue to resist in order to survive and for his own victory!
The soldiers fought and died like this. Many soldiers died here and fell from the city wall.
Seeing all his soldiers die because of this, Zhao Yiming knew that his troops had been weakened.
The soldiers in their hands cannot continue to stand still, otherwise the casualties will be even more serious.
He saw Ying Changge, saw the enemy troops coming in an endless stream, and he was surrounded.
Surrounded by so many troops, Zhao Yiming knew that he had no chance and no way out.
The only thing he can do is defend the city.
Chapter 791: Yelling, Shouting!
In addition, Zhao Yiming didn’t know what to do at all, he couldn’t face Ying Changge’s invasion.
Come here uninvited, Mr. YingAs the siege party, Ge can at least stabilize the situation of his own army.
On the contrary, Zhao Yiming didn’t have such good luck. He was still injured after hiding behind the city gate.
Shouting and yelling, “Come on me, block the city gate~, don’t let it fall!”
When Zhao Yiming was still ordering the soldiers, he saw many arrows rushing towards them.
It was Ying Changge’s archers who were shooting arrows densely, like a rain of arrows, hitting the city wall.
Zhao Yiming’s soldiers were injured again. Many soldiers fell off the city wall and died abruptly.
After seeing this tragedy, Zhao Yiming became angry, why couldn’t he break through Ying Changge’s army?
Ying Changge is not a man with three heads and six arms, but Zhao Yiming is always unable to kill Ying Changge.
Not only that, Ying Changge’s leading troops would come in a swarm and surround Zhao Yiming if they had the help of a god.
In the city, Zhao Yiming’s army was unable to retreat, and was already in a desperate situation, unable to extricate themselves.
Quickly ran down the city wall, taking this opportunity, Zhao Yiming stood on the street and yelled, “Is there anyone else!”
“Soldiers put me on the top, must guard the city gate, there must be no loopholes or opportunities to take advantage of.”
But even if Zhao Yiming yelled like this, there was no chance, because the number of soldiers was not many at all.
Could it be that his soldiers were going to die from such exhaustion, dead in stalemate under Ying Changge’s siege?
We must come up with a good way to open the business, and we cannot allow Ying Changge’s army to enter unimpeded!
With a quick charge, Ying Changge was still chattering about the invasion, trying to break through Zhao Yiming’s city gate.
Not letting Ying Changge’s soldiers continue to run rampant, Zhao Yiming came up with a crazy idea.
“Go! Call me all the people in the city!” Now Zhao Yiming lacks troops.
In desperation, Zhao Yiming had to let other people replace his army.
Immediately went to ride the horse, Zhao Yiming immediately charged quickly in the streets, shouting and chattering.
“Quick! Go to me!” Going door to door, Zhao Yiming asked his soldiers to catch the strong man.
The soldiers directly broke through their portals and captured them all! The people fled in fear.
But they couldn’t avoid it, because it was very easy for Zhao Yiming’s soldiers to arrest them.
Capture all the people hiding at home, and Zhao Yiming will force them to join the battle.
Zhao Yiming’s orders were very strict, the soldiers obeyed, and they must arrest all the people.
They forced their way in, broke open the courtyards of the people, and took the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled to the gate of the city.
Using these people as human shields, wouldn’t it greatly increase the chances of Zhao Yiming’s soldiers surviving?
This is a very suitable opportunity, so Zhao Yiming implemented this strategy to resist Ying Changge.
Even Ying Changge’s army came persistently, Zhao Yiming also found a different way.
You have a good plan, I have a wall ladder. Now, Zhao Yiming is not afraid of the invasion of Ying Changge’s army at all.
He spread all the troops in his hands on the streets and alleys, arresting all the people who could see.
Intruding into their courtyard, Zhao Yiming raised his sword and said aggressively, “Listen up, people inside, get out!”
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
Zhao Yiming also joined the ranks, so that he could tie up the common people and become his own meat shield.
“Leave our house!” A young man inside stepped out immediately, he was not afraid of Zhao Yiming.
“It doesn’t matter who you are! But you must leave, otherwise, I will make you look good!”
This young man is the head of the family here, he was born here and grew up here, “Go!”
The young man raised a hoe next to him, “Did you hear me! I’m going to be rude to you!”
Hearing the laughter, Zhao Yiming looked arrogant, not afraid at all.
“It’s ridiculous! You’re disobeying me! You know, I’m the general who defends the city here! What if I die!”
“When the army invades, you civilians will die too!” Zhao Yiming threatened them.
But the young man shook his head, “No! I know! Ying Changge is leading the army outside the city gate, he won’t do that!”
“He is a good man, and he is far more sympathetic to the people than General Zhao Yiming!”
Hearing the young man’s words, Zhao Yiming’s face was ferocious, and he was directly enraged! He doesn’t like Ying Changge!
But the young man in front of him is really annoyed that he is praising Ying Changge and belittling himself.
I believe that Ying Changge will not break into his city gate so easily, Zhao Yiming still has a chance!
So, Zhao Yiming looked at the rebellious people and continued to scold, “With military power, I am the king!”
“If you don’t obey my words, you will die by my sword! What do you think!”
Zhao Yiming is not whimsical, because he is an extremely vicious person, he is simply unscrupulous.
Chapter 792 Leave directly, escape from the city!
Walking up, Zhao Yiming looked at the young man and said, “Get out of here quickly! Go guard the city gate!”
“No!” The young man shook his head resolutely, “This is my home! You should get out!”
Seeing that the young man was so stubborn, Zhao Yiming didn’t need to be patient anymore, he came quickly and raised his sword.
The young man wanted to resist, he raised the hoe, and then quickly smashed it on Zhao Yiming’s head.
Full of wildness and menacing aura, the young man wished he could tear Zhao Yiming into two halves.
But it’s a pity that Zhao Yiming is not an ordinary person, he is a seasoned general! Invincible.
Looking at the young man’s hoeAs soon as his head was about to fall on his body, Zhao Yiming stabbed out with a sword.
The sharp edge of the sword pierced through the young man’s chest in an instant, beheading him easily.
The blood flowed, the young man coughed, and fell down with regret, just like that, he died under Zhao Yiming’s sword.
Zhao Yiming smiled contemptuously, he was really a beheaded guy who disobeyed himself so much!
Now, he had cleared the obstacles, and Zhao Yiming continued to go deep into the courtyard.
There were only two people in this family, and Zhao Yiming was frightened when he saw the young wife in the house.

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