The battle situation was tense, Zhao Yiming had no other leisure and elegance at all, he caught this woman!
“Go and guard the city wall, otherwise, I will chop off your head with one sword!”
The violent Zhao Yiming was very ruthless, escorted the woman to the street and told them to leave together.
Let so many people stand side by side, and they guard the city wall and behind the city gate respectively.
Using innocent people to resist the offensive of Ying Changge’s army, Zhao Yiming’s ambition is so ruthless.
Ying Changge ordered the soldiers in his hands to continue charging, trying to kill Zhao Yiming.
Soon, Ying Changge’s army saw the figures appearing on the city wall, they turned out to be ordinary people.
With a lot of troops to maintain, Zhao Yiming will lose his city and easily fall into trouble.
Therefore, Zhao Yiming wants so many people to join him, so that he can win.
Soon, soldiers came to report, and Zhao Yiming mobilized the people to stop the invasion of Ying Changge’s army.
The siege was just for Zhao Yiming, Ying Changge didn’t want innocent people to die because of it, it was not easy.
After hearing such information, he immediately ordered his soldiers to stop attacking to avoid harming innocent people.
Zhao Yiming smiled contemptuously. He was so proud that he could see the enemy’s movement right away.
Ying Changge’s army did not continue to attack fiercely, but slowed down the offensive instead of continuing to attack violently.
This is a good thing, which shows that Zhao Yiming’s strategy succeeded, and he laughed heartily on the city wall.
Therefore, Zhao Yiming will continue to implement it unremittingly, so that so many people will play!
“Continue arresting people!” Zhao Yiming gave the order, and he himself couldn’t wait, ready to move.
Putting many people together, Zhao Yiming broke into people’s homes from door to door.
The people were terrified because of this, and they had a commotion, wishing they could just leave and escape from the city.
But now the battle has begun in the city, and the army is fighting back and forth, unremittingly.
The gates of the city were closed tightly, there was no way to escape, so many people sealed the city so that it was lifeless.
Almost no one can successfully escape from here, they really have no way.
Faced with the coercion of Zhao Yiming’s army, many people were arrested and tied up for 0…
They were forced to do nothing, at least they couldn’t stop Zhao Yiming’s army from capturing them.
So many soldiers controlled them all at once, and forced them all to the city wall.
This is not something that can be easily controlled, at least, the people have no chance to resist.
They were held hostage by Zhao Yiming’s soldiers, so they rushed into the ranks of soldiers unwillingly.
Zhao Yiming looked at all the changes and was very satisfied. This is a good thing! There are many people.
The troops in his hands suddenly became more abundant, able to resist the invasion of Ying Changge’s army.
The people were helpless, they were coerced by Zhao Yiming’s soldiers, and anyone who disobeyed would be killed directly.
Nothing can scare Zhao Yiming, and he does everything possible to stop all these schemes.
Coercing many people went to the city wall, so many people looked innocent.
There was Ying Changge’s order, so they couldn’t continue to attack, they stood in a stalemate.
Without an order to attack next, Ying Changge’s army would not continue to invade Zhao Yiming’s city.
4.9 The city wall was full of people, and Zhao Yiming asked the people to stand behind the city gate to block the city gate.
Although I don’t know what Ying Changge’s next attack will be, at least Zhao Yiming is safe now.
Hiding behind the city gate, he patiently stopped here, and Zhao Yiming and his soldiers patiently protected him.
There is no difference, civilians and soldiers are the same, make the best use of everything, and have a lot of preventive effects.
Keep Ying Changge’s army out of the way, so that they can’t enter within a city.
There is no problem with the hidden dangers in the city, Zhao Yiming turned these common people into a shield to resist Ying Changge.
Chapter 793 Complacent, very proud!
Soldiers are still coming out one after another, constantly searching the homes of the people and bringing them out.
Not knowing what to do, the people had no way to hide, and they were powerless against Zhao Yiming’s army.
How can one resist them? The current situation is enough! Zhao Yiming is complacent and very proud.
There were common people who moved their own soldiers, but Zhao Yiming suddenly increased the number a lot.
Especially in the defense of the city, they are all behind the city wall, which is considered a relatively safe situation.
Many people were forced to the gate of the city, and Zhao Yiming planned to let them serve as dead soldiers.
It is a good thing to hold the people hostage and let them all use them to stop Ying Changge’s army.
At the very least, 05 Zhao Yiming saw that his strategy was effective and slowed down Ying Changge’s siege.
sit back and be happyLaughing loudly, Zhao Yiming was already planning to capture all the people in the city.
As long as Ying Changge can be stopped, Zhao Yiming will try his best no matter what the method is.
Originally, the city was in danger, but now Zhao Yiming has protected his own city.
Ying Changge’s army will not continue to kill the common people, nor will they shoot and kill innocent people easily.
Therefore, with Ying Changge’s order, the army could only be in a stalemate, and they no longer attacked bravely.
Unable to fight against Ying Changge’s army, under such an opportunity, Zhao Yiming found a new way.
He asked the people to serve as his own soldiers, so that they could build a defense line inside the city gate.
Worried that Ying Changge would continue to attack, Zhao Yiming couldn’t wait to stand on the city wall.
He saw that Ying Changge’s army was still in place, they could not leave, but they would not continue to attack.
It seemed that it was because of reluctance, but they couldn’t leave willingly like this.
Ying Changge made his army stay patiently, and retreated a few miles outside the city gate.
The large formation of troops continued to wait and see, and the soldiers were still preparing and attacking at any time.
Otherwise, it would be too mediocre to just retreat, and there would be no gain!
Zhao Xingzhi’s capital has been beheaded, and only Zhao Yiming is the only enemy of Ying Changge, who is alone and helpless.
Now that Ying Changge’s army has surrounded the city, there is no chance for Zhao Yiming to escape.
Zhao Yiming huddled inside the city gate, the army was ready to go, and the people were forced to guard the city wall.
The people were crowded and crowded. There were so many people that there were countless and dazzling sights.
Let the common people stand in a row and stand on the city wall forcibly, so as to act as a deterrent.
This is a kind of showing off and a display, just to make Ying Changge retreat.
He caught Ying Changge’s flaw right away, at least Zhao Yiming was crueler than him.
But Ying Changge is different from Zhao Yiming. Ying Changge is kind-hearted and unwilling to involve innocent people.
When Zhao Yiming ordered the people to join the battlefield and get involved in the war, Ying Changge gave up.
They stood here patiently, unwilling to get entangled with Ying Changge at all, and Zhao Yiming was waiting patiently.
Seeing that Ying Changge’s menacing army could not continue the stalemate, he was satisfied.
Because of Ying Changge’s invasion before, Zhao Yiming’s city suffered heavy damage, and the remaining soldiers were defeated.
Fortunately, Zhao Yiming was cruel enough to force the people in the city to continue to confront.
They took down more than a dozen families and made them all stand densely on the city wall, looking pitiful.
Because of this, Ying Changge’s army will stop attacking, at least, they will not continue to attack the people.
It is a very cruel thing for the people to guard the city. Zhao Yiming’s heart is so vicious.
After hearing the information on the battlefield, Ying Changge was also very furious, Zhao Yiming went too far!
There are not many rebel troops in front of us, except for a stubborn general like Zhao Yiming.
In order to be able to kill him, he must enter the city and break through the 927 city gate in front of him.
Ying Changge is bound to win, and the soldiers in his hands are all aggressive and swearing.
Unfortunately, the soldiers’ offensive came to an abrupt end, and it was impossible for Ying Changge to let them continue.
If the aggressive attack continues, there will be many civilian casualties.
It won’t let so many people die, Ying Changge is just to deal with Zhao Yiming, not civilians.
If they all died under the invasion of the army, Ying Changge would not be very happy.
The situation of the army is under his control, but Ying Changge will not break the city.
Because at this moment, the city is full of civilians. Once the city is attacked, it is impossible for the civilians to protect themselves.
Could it be that the troops in the hands of Ying Changge’s army should be used to massacre unarmed civilians?
In this way, Zhao Yiming will only be more complacent, and he will use the people in the city as human shields.
This can be regarded as a delaying tactic, Ying Changge will not fall for Zhao Yiming’s tricks casually.
Chapter 794 Helpless, Think Seriously!
Reluctantly, thinking carefully, Ying Changge ordered the whole army to retreat temporarily and not to continue to attack the city.
Zhao Yiming stood on the city wall and looked forward to it. He was very happy to see Ying Changge’s army retreating.
“Okay! It’s really great!” Zhao Yiming danced with joy, “Ying Changge has retired!”
As long as Ying Changge’s army will not continue to attack him, then it will be very safe.

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