Let Zhao Yiming continue to harass, but Ying Changge’s army can’t be blown away by eight winds, so stable.
Waiting patiently, Ying Changge remained quiet throughout the night without any charge.
Ying Changge believed that the opponent would not be able to resist him so easily, and the army was so aggressive.
Even in the middle of the night, Ying Changge knew that Zhao Yiming didn’t dare to fight him, he didn’t have the guts.
As long as the stalemate continues, many people will die under the invasion of Ying Changge’s army, which is a matter of course.
Dawn came, the sky was slightly bright, Ying Changge’s army was safe and sound, and they had no losses or casualties.
Ready to go, they are about to start the invasion of Zhao Yiming’s city, and the army is all gathered together.
“Charge!” With Ying Changge’s order, the army began to attack Zhao Yiming aggressively.
He didn’t sleep all night and couldn’t fall asleep. Zhao Yiming was always worried, for fear that he would be killed.
But Ying Changge didn’t attack all night, and the city was very safe without any danger.
After staying up all night in vain, Zhao Yiming opened his eyes the next day, still very sleepy and exhausted.
Climbing up in a hurry, Zhao Yiming came to the city wall. Sure enough, the enemy army was everywhere outside.
When the army invaded, Ying Changge made preparations and seemed to start to attack Zhao Yiming’s city.
“The whole army is on alert. No 913 can be careless. We must be cautious and careful!”
“The archers are ready to prevent the enemy from showing any signs of approaching!” Zhao Yiming yelled loudly!
At the same time, manyUnder Zhao Yiming’s dispatch, everyone guarded the city and put the army on guard.
With so many troops lying on the city wall, they began to aim at Ying Changge’s army and get ready.
“Archery!” Zhao Yiming yelled, causing so many troops to start their first battle.
Many arrows came densely, shooting through the surrounding ground unscrupulously.
Ying Changge wants to fight quickly, so he will not stay and let his army leave without stopping.
The hordes of troops were very fierce, moving unscrupulously, breaking through the opponent’s defense.
Many people died because of this, they all died gradually, and they were buried in it one by one.
The formation was in order, and the well-trained soldiers were still rushing to the city gate as usual.
Chapter 789: Generals Without Talent, Soldiers Will Be Defeated!
Launched an attack, Ying Changge made his army charge bravely, and the crowd was turbulent.
Quite a few people were still making a fuss about it. They approached the city, approaching Zhao Yiming’s city.
With so many guys under his nose, Zhao Yiming was more or less panicked.
But there was nothing he could do, at least, he didn’t want to be killed like this.
Leading his own army to fight against himself, so he must show his own posture.
Going fast and attacking in a hurry, Ying Changge and his soldiers fought side by side.
Taking the lead, Ying Changge ordered his soldiers to form a charging formation in the front.
The swallow-shaped large formation is quick to attack, and its characteristics are lightness and dexterity, good at changing, and will not be seriously injured.
Especially when Zhao Yiming ordered the soldiers to start shooting arrows in the city, this was also a kind of stalemate.
Having anticipated Zhao Yiming’s tactics, Ying Changge knew that he would not have the guts to fight him.
Even if Ying Changge’s army came to the city, Zhao Yiming would not show his face, he was terrified by it.
Only by continuing to hide his life helplessly, Zhao Yiming will protect his head.
This is the most rare opportunity, so Zhao Yiming always hides carefully behind the city gate.
Watching Zhao Yiming’s army continue to shoot and kill, Ying Changge made the army go all at once.
The rapid attack came under the city gate impatiently, and Ying Changge’s soldiers began to attack the city.
After attacking the city gate and breaking through the city, Ying Changge’s army can enter without fear.
This is a rare good opportunity, Zhao Yiming will not let them all attack and enter his city.
Concentrating on it and fighting patiently, he arranged a lot of people on the city wall.
The soldiers fought with one mind and swung away the enemy’s arrows, leaving them unscathed.
They are all charging quickly, approaching the city continuously, and Ying Changge’s army is united.
Continuing to fight unremittingly, Zhao Yiming’s archers soon lost any lethality.
They could only helplessly guard the city wall, but they were unable to break through the offensive of Ying Changge’s army.
In a fierce battle with momentum like a rainbow, Ying Changge’s axemen were storming the city gate with bangs and bangs.
Hearing the crumbling sound of the city gate, Zhao Yiming was afraid that his city would fall because of this.
Quickly counterattacked, drawing all his troops to the front, Zhao Yiming was in a hurry and was at a loss.
Fortunately, Zhao Yiming was the one defending the city, and he already had the right time and place, so he could send charcoal in a timely manner.
Siege has always been not easy, especially the troops of the attacking party need a sufficient number of people.
With so many people attacking the city in one go, at least three times as many people as the defenders are needed.
Otherwise, if Zhao Yiming continued to hide in the city, it would only make the siege army completely defeated.
At this moment, Ying Changge’s army was still moving forward as usual, attacking Zhao Yiming’s defense.
Many soldiers are brave and fearless, and they are all charging quickly, approaching, and surrounding the city.
Staying in his own city, Zhao Yiming is a turtle with a shrunken head, and he dare not rush out like this.
Showing up his aura, Ying Changge was still patiently confronting each other, exchanging ideas with Zhao Yiming.
War is like this, it is easy to suffer casualties, swords and swords, people are burned, and their blood stains the ground.
Many people died because of this, and their death only aroused Zhao Yiming’s frightened mind.
Zhao Yiming can defend the city, but he may not be able to open the city gate and fight Ying Changge. This is a huge gap.
Especially Ying Changge’s unremitting charge, every attack is extraordinarily exciting.
Shocking and prying, Zhao Yiming trembled, his face was pale, and he had no way to start.
The only thing he can do is to let the soldiers continue to stand firm and guard the city.
With the continued fighting and the brave charge, Ying Changge’s army seemed to be united and had the upper hand.
With so many guys continuing to fight under his nose, Zhao Yiming did not allow him to enter.
The city is his last line of defense, and Zhao Yiming knows that his army is in trouble.
Can’t go out, can’t go in, Zhao Yiming can only let his soldiers guard this place, and insist on confrontation.
Caught in the midst of fighting, he still persevered. It was impossible for Zhao Yiming and his soldiers to retreat.
Once it retreats, it is bound to be easy to die. He has only one way, and that is to guard this place.
The city is a huge line of defense. With the protection of the city, Zhao Yiming can stay here safe and sound.
Otherwise, the army will continue to confront each other, and I am afraid that many people will die because of it.
Being able to sense the murderous side of Ying Changge’s army, Zhao Yiming could feel it even with his eyes closed.
Thousands of troops galloped forward, impatiently rampaging, Ying Changge’s soldiers had alreadyoccupied the place.
There is no advantage under the city gate, and Ying Changge’s army almost wants to break through the city gate so that they can enter smoothly.
Chapter 790 Attack the city gate and destroy the city!
It is a pity that Ying Changge’s army is not overpowered, they are easily resisted by the strong city wall.
Raise your vigilance and guard the city, Zhao Yiming arranged all his troops here in one go.
A lot of troops are still continuing to charge, they are bound to win, hitting the city gate in groups.
The knives and axes continued to attack. Although the city gate was strong, Ying Changge’s soldiers were as strong as steel.
Zhao Yiming has a lot of people, and he knows that his troops are not as strong as Ying Changge’s.
But even so, Zhao Yiming was very relieved, he felt that he could still hold on for a while.
No matter how many troops come, Zhao Yiming will not give up this place, this is the only chance.
As his last battle, Zhao Yiming will go all out, and even fight with all his strength.
Zhao Xingzhi was killed by Ying Changge, and Zhao Yiming no longer had any close people.
But he will not panic, he knows that it is very easy for him to defend the city, and he can resist Ying Changge.
Ying Chang 927 Song’s army continued to attack unremittingly, whether it was a day or ten days, the stalemate continued.
Then, it would be more perfect for Zhao Yiming to stay in his own city and continue to deal with Ying Changge for one more day.
The army was still invading under the city gate, and the swordsmen and axemen slammed into the city gate fiercely, intending to break through the city.
As long as Ying Changge leads his own army into the city, he can kill a lot.
At that time, any rebels will die under Ying Changge’s righteous sword, he is righteous.
Ying Changge, who acted for the sky, would not let these rebels be happy, he killed Zhao Xingzhi.
Then Zhao Yiming wouldn’t survive much longer.
What Ying Changge said, even the Jade Emperor couldn’t protect him.
Ying Changge’s men and horses were all attacking the city quickly, coming in one go, showing their own momentum.
The dead became corpses, and the living were still dying. Ying Changge saw through Zhao Yiming’s low morale.
This is a good thing! At the very least, Ying Changge could take advantage of the situation and wipe them all out.

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