This is Zhao Yiming’s only way out, he is bound to win, and he will not let himself die alone.
Guarding the city together with his own army, Zhao Yiming immediately received the news of Ying Changge’s attack.
The huge army is rapidly approaching the city. Earlier, Zhao Yiming received the news.
This is not good news. Zhao Yiming was terrified, with a look of resentment and great disappointment.
………. . . .
Even so, Zhao Yiming has no way out, he can only use soldiers to cover the water and soil.
Ordering the soldiers in his hands to continue to be on guard, Zhao Yiming reinforced the city walls and gates and was always on guard.
There was no turning back when he opened the bow, and Zhao Yiming had no way out, so he could only reluctantly fight against Ying Changge’s army.
Everything happened, Zhao Yiming started to rebel, and together with Zhao Xingzhi, they walked happily.
But everything changed, a mutation occurred, and Zhao Xingzhi died under the attack of Ying Changge’s army.
And what about Zhao Yiming? Fighting alone, with fewer and fewer soldiers around him, it is really formidable.
After Ying Changge’s army charged several times one after another, Zhao Yiming was afraid that he would not be able to resist.
Ready to go, Zhao Yiming gathered the army together and formed a powerful army.
The army is like a bow, fast like a gust of wind, and the morale of the soldiers under Ying Changge’s command is high, so satisfying.
Without Zhao Xingzhi and his numerous troops, Zhao Yiming is already insensitive.
He didn’t know where he should go, he couldn’t last long with his own strength, Zhao Yiming didn’t retreat from Lu Fan.
Chapter 787 Another choice, choose the answer!
Even if he continued to retreat to avoid the invasion of Ying Changge’s army, where could Zhao Yiming escape to!
It has already been lost one after another, and Zhao Yiming who was chased by Ying Changge’s army always ran away and left as much as he wanted.
Unable to survive the invasion of Ying Changge’s army, Zhao Yiming had retreated several times.
Zhao Yiming had no place to retreat when the city fell again and again, he couldn’t believe it.
The world is big, but Zhao Yiming has no place for himself, he is already tired.
Distraught and exhausted, Zhao Yiming regarded this place as his last battlefield.
Whether it is life or death, they have to fight against “September 13”. Zhao Yiming has lost his mind now, he is very crazy.
“The whole city is on alert! No slack is allowed, otherwise, I will punish you by military law!”
Standing on the city wall, Zhao Yiming walked up and down, wandering around, berating and yelling constantly.
He wants to cheer up his soldiers so that Zhao Yiming can improve his morale.
Only by boosting morale can Zhao Yiming be more sure of victory when facing the enemy Ying Changge.
Otherwise, when Ying Changge’s army approached the city, Zhao Yiming might die without a place to bury him.
Waiting patiently, Zhao Yiming has high ambitions and must start the final battle with Ying Changge.
This is the most critical battle, and Zhao Yiming will either live or die in such a battle.
Zhao Yiming couldn’t wait, gathered the troops in his hands, and opened a large formation of nets.
Killing Ying Changge is very important, Zhao Yiming wants to reverse the situation, who made him a rebel.
A battle in the city is very unlikely, Zhao Yiming is fluent and wandering, living in no fixed place, unable to fight back.
Now that he has finally guarded the city, Zhao Yiming will build the best city.
In this tall city wall, Zhao Yiming will be safer and will not have any worries about his life.
Ying Changge set off, and his army was always marching fast, coming non-stop.
Keep approaching, keep approaching under the city, Ying Changge has already seen his scale.
The city is wide, tall and mighty, and there are many troops on guard inside the city walls. Zhao Yiming has prepared a perfect plan.
Not in a hurry, calm and calm, Ying Changge ordered the army to start to garrison not far away.
Attacking the city is not such an urgent matter. Freezing three feet does not happen overnight, which is very important.
With a gradual attack, Ying Changge will be able to easily attack Zhao Yiming’s city.
To kill Zhao Yiming and let him go to see Zhao Xingzhi, Ying Changge’s purpose is very simple and under control.
Both Zhao Xingzhi and Zhao Yiming conspired to rebel and led the army to set off a bloody storm. The crime will not be forgiven.
Otherwise, if Zhao Yiming and the others are allowed to fight to their heart’s content, the people will suffer and countless casualties will be suffered.
Seeing the large army approaching the city, Zhao Yiming clenched his fists in fear, but pretended to be calm.
With a cold snort, standing on the city wall with the soldiers, Zhao Yiming gave his order.
“Archers are ready! Swordsmen are on guard inside the city gate, ready to attack the city gate at any time.”
Keeping awake and sorting out his thoughts, Zhao Yiming stared intently at Ying Changge’s army.
Ying Changge’s army hadn’t started to attack yet, but Zhao Yiming himself couldn’t bear it.
He couldn’t sit idly by, so he took the lead in provoking on the city wall, “Come on! Fight me!”
“Look at today, you die or I die!” Zhao Yiming’s methods are extremely cruel 0…
Even if Ying Changge did not attack first, Zhao Yiming had already started the battle, “Archery!”
Under Ying Changge’s order, the archers on the city wall couldn’t wait to shoot arrows, and the arrows flew randomly.
A series of arrows flew towards Ying Changge’s army, and Ying Changge ordered the shieldmen to get ready.
Raising their shields, the army took shelter of each other, blocking the rain of arrows from Zhao Yiming’s army at once.
A series of arrows can’t wait to come, chattering and shooting on the groundup, like a storm.
What a stupid fellow! If he continued to shoot arrows, then Zhao Yiming would be the first to damage his supplies.
Having experienced hundreds of battles, Ying Changge knows everything well, and he will not act recklessly.
When marching and fighting, the most important thing is patience and strategy, that is, relying on one’s own wisdom and brains.
It’s a pity that Zhao Yiming doesn’t have these at all, and Zhao Yiming is not suitable to lead an army to fight.
4.9 He doesn’t have such a plan, he’s just inferior, and it’s really not enough to fight Ying Changge.
When Ying Changge’s army came here, he was calm and calm, while Zhao Yiming jumped the wall and started attacking.
Let Zhao Yiming’s crazy attack, Ying Changge will not be in a hurry, he is still fighting patiently.
Many soldiers were placed on the city wall, and the army couldn’t wait to continue shooting arrows continuously.
A series of arrows came from the sky, piercing into the ground in a hurry.
Fighting side by side with his own soldiers, Ying Changge will not just retreat like this, he is very patient.
Chapter 788 It’s very safe, don’t worry!
The arrows of Zhao Yiming’s army only shot within a certain range, while Ying Changge’s distance was very safe.
No matter how Zhao Yiming’s soldiers continued to shoot arrows, as long as they were here, Ying Changge would not be injured.
Unless Zhao Yiming, who was furious and angry, asked his soldiers to go out of the city gate to shoot arrows, that would also increase the shooting range.
Unhurried and calm, Ying Changge and his army fought against Zhao Yiming together.
Seeing the impatient look of Zhao Yiming’s army, Ying Changge was very patient and did not move.
Everything is an expedient measure, let Zhao Yiming entertain himself first, and Ying Changge ignores it.
Knowing that Zhao Yiming is already a bereaved dog, now that Ying Changge’s army is here, it is a battle of trapped beasts!
To arrange for his own soldiers, Ying Changge wanted them all to gather together to avoid any crisis.
It’s not worth wasting troops, and there’s no need to deal with Zhao Yiming’s rain of arrows. Ying Changge is just managing this place.
The An 05 camp set up a stronghold and placed the soldiers a few miles away from the city gate, so that they could act as a deterrent.
Ying Changge hadn’t started his attack yet, but he showed his high morale at the same time.
Zhao Yiming is not dead yet, but he is very panicked, for fear that he will be killed by Ying Changge.
Just because Ying Changge’s army came, Zhao Yiming was in a mess and embarrassed enough.
Hiding on the city wall, let the soldiers continue to shoot arrows, the arrows are densely packed, and they don’t stop at all.
This was just a mediocre battle. Ying Changge believed in himself and would take down Zhao Yiming in just a few rounds.
Even Zhao Yiming’s soldiers are hiding in the city, but they are just a tortoise, unable to shrink.
While Zhao Yiming continued to attack, Ying Changge was very calm. He saw stupidity.
If the general has no talent, the soldier will be defeated.
After seeing Zhao Yiming’s crazy appearance, Ying Changge waited patiently for the moment when the morale of the enemy army weakened.
This would be a good thing, at the very least, it would allow Zhao Yiming to lose without a fight and destroy his own future.
With a bright smile, Ying Changge mocked Zhao Yiming’s stupidity, while he himself waited patiently.
Such a timing is not worth the charge. It is enough for Ying Changge to let his soldiers keep a low profile.
When Zhao Yiming attacked aggressively, Ying Changge stood still, and the situation was very obvious.
It was clear at a glance that there was no disparity. Facing Zhao Yiming, Ying Changge already had the upper hand.
A lot of people were on the city wall, so many people crowded together, densely packed, and they had the upper hand.
Under such a posture, Ying Changge was still calm and composed, not flustered at all, he was not afraid of anything.
Ying Changge, who has experienced many battles, has long known their embarrassment, and it seems that they are full of flaws and vulnerable.
Even such a character can fight against himself? How stupid! Ying Changge laughed his teeth out.

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