After thinking about it, Zhao Yiming (Nuo Dehao) knows that he is not Ying Changge’s opponent, and he must make the best use of everything.
Zhao Xingzhi was beheaded by Ying Changge, and there was really not much left for Zhao Yiming, and he had nothing to do.
Inside the tortoise city, Zhao Yiming thought carefully and thought of a good strategy.
Why not surrender! If he surrendered to Ying Changge, there might be no other danger.
In a hurry, Zhao Yiming wrote a letter of surrender to Ying Changge as soon as he had an idea.
As long as Ying Changge is willing to accept his surrender, Zhao Yiming and his army can survive.
Zhao Yiming sent his own messenger to deliver all his letters of surrender, so as to get a chance.
Chapter 785 All eyes are on you, stand out!
As long as there is a chance to survive, Zhao Yiming will be able to live on, which is very important.
Otherwise, if he died under the invasion of Ying Changge’s army, he would have no chance of winning.
Either die heroically, or live humblely, very simple, Zhao Yiming chose the latter.
Don’t be ashamed to ask, abandon face, Zhao Yiming this time, is to let himself have an extra way of life.
Under the successive attacks of Ying Changge’s army, Zhao Yiming would only die, not live.
Then, it’s better to be brave and let yourself beg for mercy under Ying Changge, so that you can still survive.
He couldn’t wait to order the messenger to send a letter to Ying Changge, and he hoped that he would be forgiven by Ying Changge.
It is urgent to save his life, he has been full of expectations, quietly waiting for the news.
Zhao Yiming handed over all his letters of surrender to 913, hoping that the messenger could bring him good news and save the day.
The soldiers settled down, Ying Changge stayed here, and Meng Tian continued to prepare for other matters.
At this moment, Ying Changge heard a piece of information, it seems that soldiers came to approach.
That is really a surprising thing, who is it! Whose soldiers come to approach their barracks?
Ying Changge walked out immediately, and soon, he saw the messenger standing obediently outside the barracks.
“I have an envelope for General Ying Changge!” The messenger was very quiet, and handed over the envelope respectfully.
Glancing at the soldier, Meng Tian immediately took the letter and handed it to Ying Changge, “It’s Zhao Yiming!”
Zhao Yiming’s messenger? Ying Changge suddenly realized that it must be Zhao Yiming’s surrender!
This is a good thing! (afej) At least it shows that Zhao Yiming is already timid, so he wants to surrender to himself.
Surrender to yourself? This is not an easy matter, it is impossible for Ying Changge to agree!
He handed the letter to Meng Tian, ​​and Ying Changge was very curious about what words Zhao Yiming would use.
“Read it and listen to it!” It would be a great pleasure for Ying Changge to know how Zhao Yiming would surrender!
Meng Tian carefully opened the envelope, and read out the words on it word for word.
Listening patiently, showing a smile, Ying Changge laughed it off, “I see!”
“It’s too late to know what’s wrong now! There is no mystery or reversal of the situation.”
With a light wave of his hand, Ying Changge drove away the messenger and said, “Let’s get out of here.”
“Your mission has been completed, leave here now, or you will get into trouble.”
After hearing Ying Changge’s threat, Zhao Yiming’s messenger fled without hesitation.
Riding away from here, the messenger didn’t dare to leave too far, he had to get Ying Changge’s reply.
Otherwise, the messenger will be scolded and scolded by Zhao Yiming if he returns empty-handed.
Ying Changge and Meng Tian returned to the tent, his face was very calm and calm.
Standing beside Ying Changge, Meng Tian asked patiently, “I’m afraid, it’s impossible for us to accept it!”
“You’re right!” Ying Changge nodded calmly, “I won’t acceptZhao Yiming’s! ”
Zhao Yiming is a rebel army, and the rebels must die, so that they will get what they deserve.
Otherwise, if Zhao Yiming is still safe and sound after the rebellion, how can Ying Changge make an example of others!
This is a rare opportunity. Ying Changge will continue to charge and kill Zhao Yiming.
A war has been started, the blood flow is endless, and the lives are devastated. It is impossible for such a war to stop.
Especially Zhao Yiming, the crimes he committed are so important, every time he has a big mouth for treason.
Everything will calm down under Ying Changge’s control, which is a matter of course.
Ying Changge has no time to wait, he must kill all the rebellious officials and thieves, and let them get what they deserve.
It is a key to stop the rebels and not allow the enemy’s power to continue to spread.
Seeing through Zhao Yiming’s intentions, Zhao Yiming is just a kid who sells his friends for glory, and he really has no ambition.
Provoked Ying Changge, but Zhao Yiming failed, so he came to him and surrendered?
He is not a temperless person, Ying Changge is bound to win, and he must kill Zhao Yiming.
Now that he received a letter of surrender from Zhao Yiming, Ying Changge couldn’t help but laugh, and Zhao Yiming was delusional.
Facing the rebellious rebels, Ying Changge couldn’t sit idly by, he wanted to wipe them all out.
Because Ying Changge is such a person, with awe-inspiring righteousness, loyalty and courage, and compassion for the people.
Ying Changge’s ability is very powerful, and the talent of leading the army is even more eye-catching, and he is very powerful.
No matter who started the war with evil intentions, Ying Changge could easily defeat him.
This was within his expectation, after throwing away Zhao Yiming’s surrender letter, Ying Changge replied.
A simple sentence, very powerful, “I disagree! I will kill Zhao Yiming!”
The war will continue, and Ying Changge will personally kill him.
Chapter 786 Go to the city where Zhao Yiming is!
Zhao Yiming’s messenger immediately got the wind and heard Ying Changge’s message.
“Rejected?” The messenger was terrified, he felt Ying Changge’s murderous aura.
The messenger had no choice but to leave in a hurry, taking away Ying Changge’s message.
I told Zhao Yiming all this, and the messenger reported it verbatim, very seriously.
“What!” Zhao Yiming was furious after hearing this, full of resentment.
“A mere Ying Changge dares to reject me, he really does not know how to live or die!” Zhao Yiming scolded.
Angrily slapping the table, Zhao Yiming was already furious, and even more furious!
Surrendering to Ying Changge, surrendering to him is the only chance, so that Zhao Yiming can survive.
Zhao Yiming even wrote a letter full of sincerity, but in the end it failed, and Ying Changge refused!
If you dare to reject yourself, then Zhao Yiming will not sit idly by, he will start his final battle-!
Ying Changge disagreed with Zhao Yiming’s surrender, so it meant that he couldn’t wait to hunt down – himself!
If you want to fight, I will fight! If we can’t fight, we will die together! Zhao Yiming is fully prepared.
He strengthened his city gate and made the city wall even more impenetrable. Zhao Yiming will stick to it.
No matter how many troops are attacking him, Zhao Yiming has to be foolproof.
Otherwise, it will be you who will die at that time! Zhao Yiming hated Ying Changge even more.
Be a human being and stay on the front line, I really want to see you in the future. Zhao Yiming originally begged Ying Changge to give him one last chance.
As long as he can submit to Ying Changge’s army, it means that he still has a chance to survive.
However, Ying Changge rejected his offer of surrender.
Isn’t this a naked slap in the face of Zhao Yiming! It is impossible for him to listen to Ying Changge’s words.
Angry and angry, Zhao Yiming turned his defense into an offense, and wanted to fight to the death in the city of Nanjun in order to survive.
The reasons for everything are very simple, Ying Changge’s murderous heart, and Zhao Yiming’s cowardly heart.
This is not something that can be easily achieved, Zhao Yiming must catch them all.
It is very important to survive! In the city, Zhao Yiming will take more precautions and measures.
Otherwise, if he continues to be attacked by Ying Changge’s army, Zhao Yiming will feel like he is sitting on pins and needles, like a thorn in his back.
He was rejected and had no way out, so he could still fight to the death and resist to the end.
Even if Ying Changge’s army came to attack, Zhao Yiming would sit on the mountain and eat the mountain, and rely on the water to eat the water, without fear.
As long as Ying Changge doesn’t attack for a day, Zhao Yiming can continue to survive.
It’s not so easy to live by stealing an idiot, but he knows that this is the only strategy and means.
Otherwise, under such circumstances, Zhao Yiming would just trap himself to death and cut off his way out.
Zhao Yiming, who dug his own grave, deserved it, and Ying Changge was already preparing to launch his own attack.
He kept many people by his side, and made many soldiers unite in one go.
The army advanced, the whole army attacked, and Ying Changge led his soldiers to the city where Zhao Yiming was.
After being rejected by Ying Changge, Zhao Yiming was also very resentful, and he became even more angry from embarrassment.
Knowing that Ying Changge would attack sooner or later, he had to plan ahead and make all preparations.
All the troops are arranged around, there are quite a few troops inside and outside the city, cheer up and guard carefully.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
Once there is trouble, Zhao Yiming will receive the news, and then he can’t wait to resist Ying Changge.

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