With a quick blow and a quick sprint away, Meng Tian and his soldiers continued to chase after Zhao Xingzhi.
Even if Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers are dazzling, so many, but it is not worth a battle on the battlefield.
Raising the saber in his hand, the edge of the sword was rampant, and the weapon in Meng Tian’s hand gleamed faintly, defeating them one by one.
The more aggressive they are, the more fearful they are, and they don’t know what to do.
The morale of Zhao Xingzhi’s army was low. Under Meng Tian’s pursuit, they were all defeated and could only flee.
Coming persistently, Meng Tian’s offensive formation has a fierce method, which is unexpectedly powerful.
Looking back, Zhao Xingzhi saw Meng Tian’s figure getting closer and closer, approaching in a menacing manner.
Chapter 721 Safer, escape from the battlefield!
If he couldn’t be killed, Meng Tian might easily chop off his head together.
This is a very excessive thing, therefore, he must take this opportunity to seize his own life.
There can’t be any regrets, Zhao Xingzhi wants to live, because he hasn’t finished enjoying the glory and wealth!
The charge of the fast horse defeat is always done in one go, so many troops ~ all cover the left and right.
There are too many people who lead the army to escape, so many guys can’t be so-escaped.
Otherwise, as long as Meng Tian rushed to the front, he would definitely be able to intercept Zhao Xingzhi and kill him.
The troops in their hands were all chasing and killing quickly, but they were always intercepted by Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers.
Under such a situation, they have no choice but to hide quickly and evacuate here as soon as possible.
Zhao Xingzhi took the lead, and he fled quickly, ignoring the soldiers behind him at all, and he died as soon as he died.
He is not worried at all, what he cares most about is his own life, as long as Zhao Xingzhi is alive is enough.
Otherwise, being attacked by so many armies, Zhao Xingzhi has nowhere to retreat, but will die.
Meng Tian who was behind was still coming aggressively, Meng Tian took the trouble to dodge and retreat the army.
The soldiers in his hands are moving quickly, rushing quickly, so that they can leave this place as soon as possible.
As long as you leave safely, then there will be no worries, and you will be safer and escape the battlefield.
Working hard and persevering, Zhao Xingzhi never lost to anyone in his escape.
Even if it is Ying Changge and Meng Tian, ​​it is impossible to compete with Zhao Xingzhi in the way of escape.
Quickly dodging and leaving recklessly, his group of people were hacked and killed by Meng Tian behind.
Many people died, they died under Meng Tian’s sword, everything was devastated.
The gore of blood permeated his body, so he had no choice but to continue to fight.
Aggressively confronting the enemy, and unscrupulously pulling, the army in his hand continued to gallop out.
The more extreme the pursuit, the more peace it can bring to him, and he will not be cut off by Meng Tian’s sword.
One after another, the sound of horseshoes was frantic, and amidst the chaotic noise, Zhao Xingzhi continued to abscond.
In order to escape from Meng Tian’s hands, Zhao Xingzhi continued to order his soldiers to block Meng Tian’s steps.
The rampant Zhao Xingzhi came like this, without any hesitation, he directly approached Zhao Xingzhi’s army.
The shouts of killing behind him shook the sky, and they always attacked arrogantly and domineeringly, full of dangers full of murderous intent.
After fleeing to this point, Zhao Xingzhi still has no idea of ​​fighting Meng Tian, ​​he is more rational.
Even if thousands of troops come, as long as they can’t fight, Zhao Xingzhi will flee, and he always escapes from death.
Zhao Xingzhi, who is good at escaping, can’t remember how many times he escaped from Ying Changge and Meng Tian.
Trying to save the day, Zhao Xingzhi didn’t fight Meng Tian just to protect his own life.
But Meng Tian will also come persistently, the army in his hand is always surrounded one after another.
Fortunately, he did not disgrace his fate. With Ying Changge’s order here, Meng Tian led the army to attack and arrest Zhao Xingzhi.
Meng Tian, ​​who came belatedly, did his best to hand over Zhao Xingzhi to Ying Changge.
He fought quickly, approaching quickly, and surrounded Zhao Xingzhi with all the people in his hands.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
Ying Changge had some ideas about fighting with Zhao Xingzhi, but this made Zhao Xingzhi always slip away again and again.
Meng Tian doesn’t want to waste all his previous efforts, let alone his efforts to fight back in vain, so he wants to fight back quickly.
The soldiers continued to charge forward one after another, so many people went to surround without any restraint.
Feeling the impact of the army, he continued to march, and quickly moved the soldiers in his hands.
The fast horse defeated the attack, and the soldiers walked in an endless stream, and the galloping soldiers were like a fire burning.
……… … …
Under Meng Tian’s aggressive command, so many people left quickly and approached Zhao Xingzhi.
Zhao Xingzhi’s troops are getting smaller and smaller, and under Meng Tian’s pursuit, there is no place to stay at all.
Those who were slaughtered were completely defeated, they were dead and wounded, a mess and blood flowed.
Along the way, Zhao Xingzhi was busy running away, completely ignoring what happened to the soldiers behind him.
Using soldiers to form a sea of ​​people to resist Meng Tian’s pursuit is, to a certain extent, shameless.
Disregarding human life, he put so many people behind him in one go, wasting his own strength.
Treating his soldiers as stepping stones, Zhao Xingzhi just hoped that such soldiers could block Meng Tian.
However, Meng Tian’s army is bound to win, and it is coming in a menacing manner, how could it be so simple to stop it.
In one go, he continued to charge, facing the obstruction of Zhao Xingzhi’s army, Meng Tian broke through the encirclement.
Zhao Xingzhi put a lot of troops here to form a human wall.
Zhao Xingzhi ordered the army in his hands to work diligently to stop Meng Tian’s army from chasing and killing..
Chapter 722 Snort coldly and smile contemptuously!
For Ying Changge’s order, and also for Ying Changge’s safety, Meng Tian will continue to hunt and kill.
Kill a group of people and let them die completely, then there is no danger.
It’s a pity that the distance between Ying Changge and Zhao Xingzhi is very far, not at all the distance that can be killed with a single sword.
Even so, Ying Changge still persevered and continued to chase and kill him, as fast as the wind and lightning.
The army was all on the rampage, hitting Zhao Xingzhi’s defensive forces, and galloping towards Zhao Xingzhi.
With so many troops, Meng Tian couldn’t continue to chase and kill Zhao Xingzhi. There were many troops between them.
“eight three three”
There was a sea of ​​people, and many soldiers continued to block, and they were isolated in front of Meng Tian’s army.
If you need to charge and continue to kill Zhao Xingzhi, you must wipe out so many troops.
Otherwise, wouldn’t the soldiers continue to entangle and fight, giving Zhao Xingzhi a chance to escape!
Never! A group of people rushed forward, and the army in their hands continued to chase and kill them aggressively.
Meng Tian personally led the army, showed his bravery, and defeated them one by one, leaving dead bodies all over the field.
After beheading all the soldiers like this, he was so stable without any stop.
Not hindered by so many soldiers, he continued to charge, always chattering and attacking.
The soldiers around did their part, and they persisted in chasing and killing Zhao Xingzhi, showing their momentum.
A large group of people are chasing after Zhao Xingzhi’s buttocks, which more or less makes him panic.
He spat angrily, and then he walked quickly, continuing to avoid Meng Tian’s army.
The soldiers on both sides were all involved, and it was not so easy to separate them.
But the soldiers were entangled endlessly, but Zhao Xingzhi was safe and sound. He was at the forefront of the army and there was no threat.
Even Meng Tian’s army continued to come, but it was hundreds of steps away from Zhao Xingzhi.
Without any danger, Zhao Xingzhi continued to support his army, and went on a rampage.
As they continued to gallop across the field, a group of people left quickly, and it was getting farther and farther away.
Riding on the horse and continuing to chase, Meng Tian saw Zhao Xingzhi’s army was several miles away from him.
If Zhao Xingzhi continues to escape like this, I’m afraid Meng Tian will not be able to hand him over to Ying Changge.
The army moved quickly, and Zhao Xingzhi, who was chased after him, surrounded his army here.
Charged quickly and left without stopping, Meng Tian stared at Zhao Xingzhi without blinking, very worried.
Impossible to let him leave safely, Meng Tian immediately raised his arm and replaced it with a bow and arrow.
The bow and arrow aimed at Zhao Xingzhi’s back, and then quickly shot an arrow, and the sword edge was domineering.
Whoosh! The arrows went bravely, and immediately pierced Zhao Xingzhi’s body, and he dodged quickly.
In a hurry, he avoided this place in a panic, and Zhao Xingzhi passed by the arrow without any danger.
With a cold snort and a contemptuous smile, Zhao Xingzhi turned his head and sneered at Meng Tian, ​​”Is that all it takes!”
“You want to kill me! It’s still far away!” Zhao Xingzhi ran away holding the rein without stopping. Not paying attention, with cold eyes, Meng Tian led his own army to come here unremittingly, in a hurry.
In order to be able to break through the opponent, Meng Tian’s troops also continuously surrounded him.  …
Ying Changge had an order, and Meng Tian also fulfilled his duties. In order to be able to kill them, they were in a hurry.
Groups of soldiers came one after another, intercepting Zhao Xingzhi’s army at once.
Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers were still blocking Meng Tian, ​​but Meng Tian’s soldiers couldn’t withstand Meng Tian’s impact. Meng Tian and the army were on the rampage as usual, coming quickly and severely injuring these soldiers.

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