Before facing the enemy Ying Changge, Zhao Xingzhi was still full of confidence. He felt that he was invincible.
But now, seeing Meng Tian’s army approaching, he was very flustered and didn’t know what to do.
The war must end. If Zhao Xingzhi continues to attack, he will pay the price with his life! .
Chapter 719 Run away quickly, without stopping!
Therefore, shaking his head helplessly, Zhao Xingzhi succumbed to the coercion of Ying Changge and Meng Tian.
With a gloomy face, he looked helplessly at Ying Changge and Meng Tian, ​​and his face became even more sinister.
He is not sure that he will survive under the attack of Ying Changge and Meng Tian! So he can only back down!
“Go! Evacuate! Escape immediately!” Zhao Xingzhi yelled in the sea of ​​fire, and immediately let the army retreat.
Ying Changge didn’t need many orders, he already gave Meng Tian full power to attack Zhao Xingzhi.
Zhao Xingzhi was so frightened that his butt peeed, his whole body twitched, and when he was riding on the horse, Zhao Xingzhi ran away quickly.
No one will stop Zhao Xingzhi, he hastened his horse, led the army to leave immediately, and fled the battlefield.
Meng Tian, ​​who arrived late, led his own army to attack without stopping to surround Zhao Xingzhi.
Because he felt the pursuit of Zhao Xingzhi’s army, Zhao Xingzhi became more flustered, and he left quickly.
The wind blew up the dust, and the cavalry charged quickly, and there were no traces in a blink of an eye.
Meng Tian knew that Zhao Xingzhi would flee, so he led the army to come quickly and outflank him.
The troops are strong, so abundant, they always come in a hurry to trap Zhao Xingzhi.
Zhao Xingzhi knew that he was very dangerous, so under the pursuit of the army, he could only escape quickly.
Panting and sweating profusely, Zhao Xingzhi led his army and fled in despair.
Because he knew that the other party was a timid guy, Meng Tian was obliged to hurry up.
Chasing and killing from behind, the troops in his hands are mighty and very ferocious.
With a lot of momentum, the army came in one go, and soon approached Zhao Xingzhi.
Quickly shot, raised his arm quickly, Meng Tian raised his own bow and arrow, and the arrow was ready.
The arrow was on the string and had to be fired, Meng Tian aimed at Zhao Xingzhi’s figure, and immediately drew the bow and shot the arrow.
Will pull the eagle bow like a full moon, whoosh! The arrow flew away quickly, and soon moved towards the opponent’s figure.
The arrow was so fast, so fast and hateful, that Zhao Xingzhi turned his head and dodged immediately in embarrassment.
Originally, Zhao Xingzhi’s army was about to kill all Ying Changge’s soldiers, leaving none behind.
The battle of Zhao Xing, who was gaining momentum, was invincible, and he could have wiped out Ying Changge’s army immediately.
It’s just that he never expected that when Ying Changge dispatched troops, he was so calm and unhurried, he surrounded Wei and rescued Zhao.
Delay Zhao Xingzhi here, and then Zhao Xingzhi fell into the thrill of arresting and suppressing Ying Changge.
But under such circumstances, Zhao Xingzhi was dizzy and forgot that Meng Tian existed for a while.
Everyone continued to surround Ying Changge mightily, seeing that they could kill Ying Changge immediately, but they were blocked.
Meng Tian led the reinforcements to come, a large group of people were aggressive and approached them all at once.
With a quick charge and unscrupulous killing, Meng Tian’s army quickly chased after him.
Seeing Meng Tian’s army chasing and killing him non-stop, Zhao Xingzhi was very flustered.
With his own power, he was obviously going to kill Ying Changge with the help of the army, and he was very at ease.
But Meng Tian led the army and came in such a hurry, wishing to kill him.
Zhao Xingzhi panicked, he was afraid that his life would be handed over here, so he had to act recklessly.
The attack came at full speed, and the soldiers in Meng Tian’s hands were all chasing and killing them.
Getting closer and closer, Zhao Xingzhi became even more flustered when he saw the pursuers behind him, not knowing what to do
Could it be that he couldn’t escape from Meng Tian’s pursuit today? no! I control my own life!
Zhao Xingzhi gritted his teeth and fled quickly without stopping, without giving Meng Tian any chance or hope.
On the contrary, the group of people behind them are all aggressive, and it seems that they will let go if they don’t kill Zhao Xingzhi.
This was a very unexpected thing. They all came quickly and showed their momentum.
With a fierce blow, Meng Tian’s army has chased Zhao Xingzhi’s back.
soldiers startStop chasing, start fighting, you come and go, it’s so lively. We all fight together.
Fighting bloody battles and fiercely confronting the enemy, the weapons in their hands are all crackling.
Among the shadows of swords, lights and swords, only Meng Tian rampages (Qian Haohao) rushes forward, he continues to come, approaching menacingly.
Pulling out all his strength to fight, the strength in his hands became stronger and stronger, so that they couldn’t stop them.
Taking the lead, Meng Tian took the lead, killing quickly and continuously killing the people around him.
Chasing and killing the enemy army is imperative, Meng Tian’s army has already penetrated deep behind Zhao Xingzhi’s army.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, they continued to charge forward, aggressively, delaying Zhao Xingzhi and his party.
Falling into the battle, he was forced to start fighting with Meng Tian, ​​but this was not what he wanted to do.
Zhao Xingzhi just wanted to kill Ying Changge, not to be flanked by Ying Changge and Meng Tian.
Chapter 720 Take advantage of the chaos and run away!
Such a dangerous thing cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences. Zhao Xingzhi is very dangerous.
Frightened and retreating quickly, Zhao Xingzhi did not dare to fight Meng Tian, ​​but ran away quickly.
Let the army in his hands flee quickly, and his figure disappeared on the ground in a blink of an eye.
Under the protection of many soldiers and a crowd of people, he fled here directly without any danger.
He already knew the strength of the opponent, so he had to dodge quickly to avoid being flanked.
The cooked duck flew away, which made Zhao Xingzhi resentful, but it was also a helpless thing.
With a cold snort, Zhao Xingzhi fled under the protection of the soldiers with a stern look on his face.
But how could Meng Tian behind him just give up so easily! He continued to chase and kill, leading the army to charge.
So many armies came mightily, and the sound of horseshoes trembled in all directions, all over the mountains and plains.
The sound of fighting was loud, and it came continuously. Such a fierce force had already surrounded Zhao Xingzhi.
Leading the pursuers to chase up to this point, the sword in Meng Tian’s hand is even more murderous.
Youmang flickered, and quickly faced the enemy. His sword swept across thousands of troops, defeated Zhao Xingzhi’s army, and continued to charge.
The cavalry was in front, and Meng Tian followed closely. The formation of his own army was orderly, and there was no panic at all.
It is precisely because of such siege that Zhao Xingzhi feels depressed and seems to be out of breath.
With a gloomy face, Zhao Xingzhi didn’t dare to turn his head back, for fear of dying like this.
Walking quickly, Zhao Xingzhi ordered the army behind him to stop Meng Tian’s pursuit aggressively.
As long as this ferocious army is intercepted here, Zhao Xingzhi will have a chance to escape in the chaos.
He escaped non-stop, but the people behind him always came quickly, chasing and killing Zhao Xingzhi.
Zhao Xingzhi’s army was harassed into disrepute, and there were bloody corpses everywhere.
He couldn’t help fighting a cold war, Zhao Xingzhi felt Meng Tian’s killing intent spread behind him.
Not daring to turn his neck and look back, Zhao Xingzhi could only hold the reins and continue to speed up.
Escape from this place, escape from Meng Tian’s pursuit, then Zhao Xingzhi still has a chance to survive.
Otherwise, he would die here accidentally, becoming a headless corpse on the ground.
Running away constantly, the army moved, with so many soldiers, it was very difficult to escape from Meng Tian’s hands.
The army came chasing and killing, Zhao Xingzhi didn’t dare to fight, so he could only let the soldiers around him go behind to delay.
As long as he is beheaded, there will be no problem, and the whole army will be at peace.
But the most feared thing is that this Meng Tian rampage will wipe out Zhao Xingzhi’s army and wipe out the whole army.
Riding on the horse, panting and sweating, Zhao Xingzhi only hoped that he could escape from this place as soon as possible.
Meng Tian’s army had an earth-shattering momentum, and a vast array of soldiers came one after another.
After feeling such a boiling breath, Zhao Xingzhi was so frightened that his legs were clamped tightly so that he would not fall off the horse.
Fortunately, the fierceness between Zhao Xingzhi and Meng Tian is far away, completely a hundred steps away, so it is not easy to be caught.
Zhao Xingzhi bent over, rode forward quickly on the horse, and was able to continue to escape without hesitation at all.
Rapid sprinting, ups and downs on the horse quickly, Zhao Xingzhi tried his best to escape.
How arrogant Zhao Xingzhi was when he besieged Ying Changge before, how embarrassed he is now.
Such an enemy is difficult to parry, Zhao Xingzhi ran very fast, and the army around him followed suit.
The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. What good soldiers can the insidious and cunning Zhao Xingzhi bring out! But rabble.
Under the cover of the army, he was the first to evacuate, and his figure was unexpectedly swift and dexterous.
Menacingly chasing after him, the army in Meng Tian’s hands is all so brave.
With a brave attack and a quick fight, the army in his hands has the potential to be one man and one man alone.
So many people came fiercely, showed their momentum, and easily destroyed Zhao Xingzhi’s army.
Many soldiers are still standing behind them, fighting hard to resist Meng Tian’s soldiers.
It’s a pity that Meng Tian’s momentum is like a rainbow now, and it’s not something ordinary people can stop casually.

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