Meng Tian’s army, like a wolf and a tiger, continued to march, intercepting Zhao Xingzhi’s army without any restraint.
Blood flowed like a river, and continued to charge, Meng Tian trampled many soldiers and corpses.
The army continued to march, chasing and killing Zhao Xingzhi, Meng Tian was bound to win him.
Zhao Xingzhi must be intercepted, because this game is tired enough and must be stopped.
Otherwise, the stalemate of the war will continue, the people will be in dire straits, and this chaotic scene will be everywhere.
This battle is very fierce, and it always comes in a mighty way, and I can’t wait to kill him directly.
But Meng Tian was very far away from Zhao Xingzhi on 4.9, and there were many soldiers blocking the battle between the two armies.
In the isolation of so many soldiers, Meng Tian couldn’t leap up directly and approach Zhao Xingzhi in the air!
He rode on the horse and continued to charge, but so many guys stopped in front of Meng Tian.
There are so many soldiers, so many guys are moving quickly, wishing to stop Meng Tian.
Trapped under the siege of Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers, Meng Tian still took the lead and continued to charge.
The sword in his hand swung quickly, beheading several of them to the ground aggressively.
Chapter 723: No Small Matter, Murderous Intent!
Bleeding, such a death, Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers suffered heavy losses, and their strength has become weaker.
How could the defeated army be able to confront Meng Tian! Zhao Xingzhi’s troops are getting scarcer.
Unable to confront Meng Tian head-on, Zhao Xingzhi almost wanted to go first in the two battles, so he left quickly.
Let his soldiers continue to confront Meng Tian’s army, while Zhao Xingzhi himself stealssneak away.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhao Xingzhi quickly left and disappeared without a trace.
On the contrary, Meng Tian, ​​because he was still listening to Ying Changge’s orders, must take Zhao Xingzhi down.
Calm enough, without changing his face, Meng Tian dispatched his vanguard troops to approach Zhao Xingzhi.
Holding the bow and arrow in hand, Meng Tian must complete his order in order to repay Ying Chang 05 Ge.
Ying Changge’s army is behind, and Meng Tian’s soldiers are one step ahead, just to catch Zhao Xingzhi by surprise.
Therefore, it is impossible for Meng Tian to let Zhao Xingzhi escape, he is so aggressive that he shoots his arrow away!
Whoosh! Another arrow was shot, and it stabbed Zhao Xingzhi’s left side accurately, and he avoided it again.
This cunning guy, under the shooting of Meng Tian’s arrows, he always dodges and avoids as much as he wants.
Even if he was shot like this, under Meng Tian’s pursuit, Zhao Xingzhi fled in a hurry.
Such a battle is very hard, Zhao Xingzhi struggles with others, and the fierce battle with Meng Tian has not stopped.
Continuing the collision, fighting at high speed, the two armies continued to entangle, you come and go.
Back and forth, with flashes of swords and swords, Zhao Xingzhi continued to avoid Meng Tian’s pursuit and wanted to escape.
It is impossible for any sinful person to be blocked, especially with so many guys fighting against the enemy today.
Ying Zi also formed groups with Meng Tian’s army, united together, swept thousands of troops, and beheaded the enemy.
Killed the enemies here one by one, but Zhao Xingzhi still escaped from Ying Ziyi’s hands.
Zhao Xingzhi refused to accept his fate, and even continued to chase him down, intercepting him here.
It is impossible for anyone to stop his fight, as long as Ying Zi also finds Zhao Xingzhi, he will continue to attack.
But Zhao Xingzhi is standing still now, and he is patiently waiting for Zhao Yiming’s change and rebellion.
As long as Zhao Yiming seized the military power and had a round with Zhao Xingzhi, they would be like a tiger with wings added, like a fish in water.
In the barracks, Zhao Yiming was still fighting the general Cui Dong vigorously in order to seize military power.
The sword edge in his hand was rampant, piercing the opponent’s body continuously, with a menacing aura.
Such a mighty sword has unstoppable power, it looks like a big deal, and it is full of murderous intent.
Zhao Yiming attacked unhurriedly, and General Cui Dong also tried his best to attack in order to protect his military power.
The barracks was already in a mess, and a large group of people came out quickly everywhere, fighting endlessly.
Cui Dong’s soldiers were resisting, while Zhao Yiming’s soldiers were attacking, and the camp was in chaos.
It is precisely because of this that they continued to stand in a stalemate and quickly took out their posture.
Persevering and attacking fiercely, Zhao Yiming’s soldiers were in groups, trying to attack from the outside to the inside.
With so many troops, are you afraid that you won’t be able to kill a helpless general!
Zhao Yiming was bound to win. In order to seize the troops, he took the lead and quickly fought against the enemy.
A continuous stream of attacks, approaching menacingly, this sword has a bloodthirsty light, Zhao Yiming is ruthless.
Opponents Zhao Yiming and Cui Dong displayed all their martial arts, as fast as the wind and lightning.
Punching and kicking, swords and swords, the battle between the two has become more and more fierce, and they will not stop.
Coming quickly, Zhao Yiming’s sword pointed straight at Cui Dong’s chest, trying to kill him.
But Cui Dong continued to fight, facing Zhao Yiming’s sword, he still defended steadily.
It is only now that Cui Dong knows Zhao Yiming’s rebellious heart, which is really regrettable.
In order to be able to block Zhao Yiming’s offensive, Cui Dong had to fight back to take him down, and at the same time notify Yingzi 850.
As a general with a heart in his heart, Cui Dong must ensure the safety of those around him.
Not only because of Zhao Yiming, but also because of Ying Ziyi’s safety, Cui Dong had to tip off the news.
However, now that the barracks has fallen into such a fierce and bitter battle, it is hard to guard against.
With so many guys coming aggressively, Cui Dong was surrounded and unable to escape.
How unreasonable! Cui Dong is serious, he must break out of the siege and leave this place as soon as possible.
Otherwise, if so many guys really want to flatten themselves, then things will not turn around.
With a cold snort, he raised the blade and ran wildly. The knife in Cui Dong’s hand came out quickly, and looked at Zhao Yiming.
“You traitor! If you are unfaithful, I must kill you to ensure the safety of the army.”
Hearing what he said, Zhao Yiming smiled indifferently, “Really! That’s all!”
“You’re fixing it before it’s too late!”.
Chapter 724 Fight, Soldiers Charge!
Zhao Yiming has the chance to win, “Today my soldiers are aggressive! I am fully prepared.”
So many soldiers followed Zhao Yiming to riot and rebelled, it really made Cui Dong hard to guard against!
Therefore, having no power to fight back, he saw so many people coming in a hurry, so he could only avoid it.
Quickly dodging and leaving quickly, the momentum of the two groups of soldiers in the army is completely extraordinary.
Some are fleeing, while others are fighting. In the chaotic barracks, it is really cautious.
You have to cheer up, otherwise you will easily die in such a situation.
Dead or injured, the more aggressive the attack, the higher the odds of Zhao Yiming’s victory, and it is impossible to defend against.
With a menacing charge and attack, a swarm of people came quickly and surrounded them in all directions.
Such a large number of troops seems unparalleled, but in fact it also has the meaning of superficiality.
There are a lot of soldiers, but none of them are Cui Dong’s soldiers. This is the key point.
So many soldiers are in orderHe came, rushed into the barracks, and charged unscrupulously.
Seeing one kill another, Zhao Yiming’s offensive has an irresistible force, and soldiers emerge in endlessly.
Many people came down bravely, showing their own posture, and they were all relentlessly fighting against the enemy.
One soldier fell, but thousands of soldiers stood up and continued to stop Zhao Yiming’s conspiracy.
It is impossible for Zhao Yiming to rebel successfully, otherwise, Cui Dong knows that his strength will be deprived.
Once so many troops fell into Zhao Yiming’s hands, then Ying Zi would be in danger.
Ying Zi also fought in all directions and won a complete victory, but he is not an invincible existence.
Zhao Yiming naturally wanted to fight for weapons and Zhao Xingzhi flanked Ying Ziyi, Cui Dong saw everything.
In the camp, Zhao Yiming kept approaching, holding a sword, and quickly attacked, stabbing Cui Dong.
The edge of the sword in his hand was flickering, and it was so violent that ordinary people could not guard against it at all.
Concentrated, without blinking, Zhao Yiming resisted quickly, not daring to underestimate the enemy.
Knowing that Zhao Yiming’s intentions are sinister, despicable and shameless, Cui Dong will destroy him righteously.
The two fought in a stalemate, but they couldn’t easily decide the winner. They were originally evenly matched.
Can block Zhao Yiming’s straight sword, but Cui Dong may not be able to continue the stalemate for several rounds.
Cui Dong was attacked in the middle of the night, and his mind was a little sluggish, and he didn’t even recover his physical strength.
And Zhao Yiming came prepared, gathered a large army, and spread in the barracks all at once.
There was a big fight, and the soldiers charged. Under such a situation, Zhao Yiming had already taken control of the overall situation.
Let the general Cui Dong continue to fight, but it is impossible to turn defeat into victory and kill Zhao Yiming.
Zhao Yiming came in full force, attacking in a hurry, and quickly released all his abilities.
Seeing that Cui Dong is still fighting unremittingly, Zhao Yiming’s eyes are particularly cold, “Looking for death~‖!”
“General Cui Dong! If you are captured now, you can still leave a whole body!”
Zhao Yiming smiled contemptuously, “Otherwise, I will definitely kill you! No one will be left!”

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