Even though he was intercepted by Zhao Xingzhi, the sword in his hand was released quickly.
One sword is hostile, and two swords are fighting for the front. When you come and go, the sword’s edge is as bright as an electric light and flint.
Under the charge of the army, the soldiers on both sides were injured.
The soldiers died and the battle was fierce, but they continued to attack, showing their fierce aura.
In such a battle, the soldiers are not afraid of hardships, let alone death, they can be called warriors.
Under the impact of Zhao Xingzhi’s army, Ying Changge was surrounded by many soldiers again.
No matter what, he will be copied by the army “833”. Ying Changge cannot leave this place by himself.
Fighting hard and making it difficult to move an inch, he used the sword in his hand as a means to forcibly cut a path.
Quick charge, resisting in Zhao Xingzhi’s hands, Ying Changge didn’t know how many moves he blocked.
Especially Zhao Xingzhi, not to be outdone, always came desperately, wishing to kill Ying Changge!
But Ying Changge has no flaws, always sits here with ease, it is impossible for him to continue.
The army is fighting more fiercely, and the skills they show are also more powerful, which is unexpected.
The soldiers persevered, and Ying Changge fought bloody battles, but Zhao Xingzhi was the only one who came to attack aggressively.
With a weapon in hand, Ying Changge responded calmly, and he defeated many soldiers one by one.
The blade was stained with blood, which was the blood of the enemy, which showed that Ying Changge had killed many people.
Under the charge of the two armies, he still did not change his face, staring straight at Ying Changge, Zhao Xingzhi resented.
“As expected of Ying Changge, she has a bit of ability, but she has struggled for so many rounds under my hands.”
I don’t know how long Ying Changge will be able to stalemate, but Zhao Xingzhi will not let the soldiers stop.
“Keep chasing and killing him!” Zhao Xingzhi looked annoyed, “Could it be that you can’t kill him!”
“There are so many soldiers, each of them can kill him with a mouthful of spit!” Zhao Xingzhi was roaring!
Because he couldn’t wait, he was so mad that he wanted to kill Ying Changge, but he was still so deadlocked.
Obviously they sent many people, but they were all intercepted by Ying Changge’s Jianfeng.
The soldiers couldn’t get good fruit from Ying Changge’s hands. They were all defeated and always fell like this.
Even Zhao Xingzhi himself could not kill Ying Changge because of his limited ability.
His sword skills were mediocre, and he couldn’t kill Ying Changge, which made Zhao Xingzhi roar incompetently.
“Come up to me! Kill Ying Changge!” Zhao Xingzhi was so angry that his eyes were red.
On the contrary, Ying Changge showed a flat smile, he was not in a hurry, and he was not afraid of danger.
Continuing to fight here, Ying Changge and his own army intercepted Zhao Xingzhi and his party.
The battlefield was chaotic and in a mess. Under such a battle, he was very brave.
It is impossible for anyone to kill Ying Changge alone, because his ability is undeniable.
exposedWith a gloomy expression, Zhao Xingzhi stared straight at Ying Changge, still not to be outdone.
“Rush up to me quickly! Killing Ying Changsinger will reward you a lot, and I will never break my promise.”
Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man. Zhao Xingzhi’s words made the soldiers’ blood boil, scrambling to be the first.
The army let out a roar of excitement, and they rushed towards Ying Changge one after another, in a hurry…
But under such an attack, everything is useless. Ying Changge is still safe and sound.
He raised his sword, and Zhao Xingzhi wanted to stab the sword in his throat immediately.
However, Ying Changge still looked as if he could not be moved by the eight winds. He was indifferent and calm, and his expression was unhurried.
Relying on their own soldiers to fight, Ying Changge’s army and Zhao Xingzhi’s army continued to charge.
Such a battle, fierce and unable to restrain themselves, made it impossible for them to stop so hastily.
Therefore, continuing to fight endlessly, Zhao Xingzhi ordered the soldiers in his hands to go with all their strength.
As long as they can kill them, any blow is useless, Ying Changge is ready to go.
Deliberately thinking that it is urgent to kill Ying Changge, Zhao Xingzhi continued to approach.
Ying Changge continued to fight with so many soldiers, but he still took his time and waited patiently.
Raising the sword in his hand, Zhao Xingzhi, not to be outdone, continued to wave, “Go! Go up!”
At 4.9 when Zhao Xingzhi’s army rushed up aggressively, he was so calm.
Showing a smile, Ying Changge stood here unhurriedly, “You don’t have many chances.”
“Really! I don’t believe it, my army is mighty and majestic, capable of killing countless people.”
“Even someone like you dares to fight me! The heart of a guilty minister is so ignorant!”
Ying Changge scolded, and he came quickly with his sword in hand, trying to kill Zhao Xingzhi first.
But Zhao Xingzhi knew how powerful Ying Changge was, so he refused to give in, and retreated directly, surrounded by soldiers.
Chapter 718 Sweating profusely, fearful and frightened!
Let so many soldiers protect him, so he continues to confront, there will be no danger.
Even if Ying Changge continued to chase and kill him, there were so many soldiers blocking him, so he didn’t rush.
Hiding among his own soldiers, he smiled brightly, “It’s impossible for you to kill me!”
Even though Ying Changge’s army continued to come, he was always able to hide well.
Any problem is not important, Zhao Xingzhi now only needs to ensure his own safety and that is enough.
Ying Changge’s army continued to move forward, charging unscrupulously, trying to kill Zhao Xingzhi.
Zhao Xingzhi made a decision, he not only wanted to kill Ying Changge, but even killed all obstacles.
Those who follow me prosper and those who oppose me perish 05, Zhao Xingzhi, as the governor of Anyang County, can be regarded as a lawless guy.
If the stalemate continues, Ying Changge’s army will not be able to kill him at all, because he is very afraid.
A despicable guy who only knows how to hide, always hides among the soldiers like this.
With so many soldiers surrounding him heavily, he was very safe without any accidents.
Showing a bright smile, Zhao Xingzhi stared straight at Ying Changge and asked, “How can you fight!”
“I still have soldiers left in my hands, but you are running out of people! Do you have more enemies with fewer!”
Contemptuously raised his sword, Zhao Xingzhi shouted loudly, “Give it to me! Continue to fight!”
So many soldiers came in one go, always surrounding Ying Changge’s army continuously.
It is precisely because these people will die that Zhao Xingzhi’s army is still aggressive.
There are many people, and the army is pitch-black. Such an attack always comes down in groups, full of murderous aura.
In order to be able to kill them, Zhao Xingzhi was determined to win, and even dispatched all the soldiers in his hands.
A group of people continued to surround quickly, always killing Ying Changge’s army and injuring them.
But even so, Ying Changge was still calm and calm. He seemed to be confident and waited patiently.
Even if he was surrounded by Zhao Xingzhi’s army so aggressively, he was full of confidence.
On the contrary, Ying Changge was still calm and unhurried. He raised his hand and showed off his momentum.
“The army is coming to kill you! All the crimes you have accumulated will be punished in the end!”
Zhao Xingzhi didn’t believe in evil, and felt that he was just bluffing, which was so funny! “Hahaha!”
Laughing loudly, Zhao Xingzhi bent over and pointed at Ying Changge’s head with one hand, “Nonsense!”
“Where is there any army among you Yingchang singers! It’s just talking nonsense!”
Shaking his head contemptuously, Zhao Xingzhi felt that he was bound to win, but he never expected it to be true.
Hearing the sound of galloping horses, Zhao Xingzhi knew that this was the sight of soldiers galloping.
Such fast cavalry approached quickly, and appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye.
So many people are not Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers, so there is only one possibility, and that is Ying Changge’s soldiers.
Showing an angry look, Zhao Xingzhi looked at it intently and found that there was an endless stream of soldiers.
Coming in a hurry, the army quickly came to support and surrounded Zhao Xingzhi.
Looking left and right, Zhao Xingzhi was very flustered when he saw the traces of these troops, what’s the situation!
Staring carefully at the leader of the army, Zhao Xingzhi saw the opponent’s general, which was naturally Meng Tian.
He never expected that it was Meng Tian who came here, and Ying Chang formed a large formation here to surround him.
Showing a contemptuous smile, Zhao Xingzhi asked, “That’s it?Do you think you can kill me! ”
Ying Changge is unhurried, his appearance is so indifferent, “The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind.”
“This is beyond your expectation! I have already controlled you!” Ying Changge strategized.
Knowing everything in his chest, he didn’t mean anything, so calm and confident.
Without blinking, Zhao Xingzhi stared at Ying Changge seriously, Zhao Xingzhi nodded in admiration, “Okay! Very good!”
“I have to admire you! You kid, you have unexpected toughness, let me admire you!”
Ying Changge stayed where he was, so he retrieved all his soldiers and let Meng Tian continue to charge.
Meng Tian came immediately, and he naturally heard Ying Changge’s order, so he came in a hurry.
Leading the army to attack Zhao Xingzhi back and forth, Meng Tian can be more sure of winning and confident.
Ying Changge was in the front, Meng Tian was in the back, Zhao Xingzhi was in such a situation, his head was sweating.
Sweating profusely and fearful, but Zhao Xingzhi didn’t dare to stay for long, he admitted that he was scared.

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