The elite troops took a step ahead and were immediately trapped around Zhao Xingzhi, murderous.
Knowing that it was Ying Changge who had arrived, Zhao Xingzhi did not dare to fight him. Once a war started, he would surely die.
That’s why he gathered all the people in his hands densely together, “Quick! Continue to charge!”
Riding on the horse, Zhao Xingzhi bluffed, fearing that he would fall behind and be hunted down by Ying Changge.
Such a confrontation is useless, Zhao Xingzhi has no intention of confronting Ying Changge in order to survive.
When Ying Changge’s reinforcements were still a few steps away from him, he continued to break through the encirclement of the army.
Because Ying Changge’s army is not close at hand, there is still a little chance for Zhao Xingzhi.
With great fanfare, he quickly integrated his forces and continued to break through without wasting a single soldier.
After killing all the troops, Zhao Xingzhi saw the wide ground in front of him.
The encirclement of the army was so sparse that there was no chance of killing him.
Before Ying Changge chased him under his nose, Zhao Xingzhi rode away.
When the dust and gravel were raised, Zhao Xingzhi broke through the encirclement of Ying Changge’s army, revealing a gap.
The soldiers followed behind Zhao Xingzhi, chattering away, trying their best to escape.
Zhao Xingzhi’s army successfully broke through! Ying Changge’s face was serious and stern, how unreasonable!
The duck with its mouth is flying! Zhao Xingzhi is obviously in trouble, so he can continue to escape!
Not to be outdone, Ying Changge continued to chase and kill him, just to intercept him directly.
As long as it can kill the opponent, Ying Changge must keep it no matter what! Let him die completely.
This station is very important, desperate to leave Zhao Xingzhi’s body here and let him die.
In the submersion of the army, he continued to face the enemy intently, charging aggressively.
Zhao Xingzhi rushed out of the siege first, and then the army behind him also followed Zhao Xingzhi out of danger.
From far to near, Ying Changge’s army rode their horses and galloped, and then came to Zhao Xingzhi’s back, and there was a chill.
Intercept Zhao Xingzhi’s remaining army and let them all die under the punishment and fighting of Ying Changge’s reinforcements.
However, it was too late, and he couldn’t stop Zhao Xingzhi from escaping.
Zhao Xingzhi, who was the first to charge, left like this, successfully breaking away from the formation of Ying Changge’s army.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
In this way, only theSome of Zhao Xingzhi’s remnants were defeated here, which is the most distressing.
So, he quickly charged the soldiers in his hands, surrounding these soldiers who could not escape. Since Zhao Xingzhi escaped, and the poor should not pursue him, Ying Changge did not intend to continue chasing him, it was meaningless.
With the continuous impact, Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers wanted to leave the encirclement of the formation, but it was impossible.
With Ying Changge here, as long as it is an enemy army, not one of them will die under Ying Changge’s sword.
….. 0 …
This is a just battle, and he will lead his army to punish evil and promote good, and defeat all evil.
Zhao Xingzhi escaped again, but Ying Changge was not discouraged, and there was nothing he could do.
So he killed Zhao Xingzhi’s remaining soldiers together, defeated the battle to his heart’s content, and controlled them all.
Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers were dead and wounded, and they were already unable to escape from Ying Changge’s army.
All are trapped here.
At such a moment of waiting, everyone’s fate was doomed, and Zhao Xingzhi’s remaining soldiers were all eradicated.
It was also a very successful thing to severely damage Zhao Xingzhi’s army and damage his troops again.
After thinking about it carefully, Ying Changge realized that there were loopholes and omissions in his army.
Therefore, in order to investigate clearly, Ying Changge immediately sent someone to investigate and traced it carefully.
Not only because of the army’s defense, but also because of Guo Jing’s greed for military exploits, Ying Changge immediately understood.
Just by investigating, you can already find out Guo Jing’s every move, which is an annoying thing.
Chapter 697 It is inevitable, with determination!
Because of Guo Jing’s unauthorized action, there was a problem with Ying Changge’s defense, such a serious omission.
Guo Jing was trapped and fell into a trick, which made Zhao Xingzhi escape smoothly, which angered Ying Changge.
He was furious, and immediately ordered someone to bring Guo Jing up, “Listen to me!”
“Military orders are like a mountain. If you say you want to defend, you must defend, and if you say you must attack, you must attack! No joke!”
“Arbitrarily making the decision, ruined the itinerary of the army, and made the demolition and installation of the army fall into a desperate situation.”
The annoyed Ying Changge mercilessly pulled Guo Jing out and beheaded him for public display.
It is impossible to make the army surrender without cutting the head of “803” to show the public, it is just a very important thing. Military discipline is prudent.
Meng Tian came out, wanting to beg for love, but Ying Changge had a cold and stern look on his face, it was impossible to let it go.
The helpless Meng Tian also fell silent, so he watched Guo Jing being pulled out and beheaded.
Now that Zhao Xingzhi has escaped, it is very simple to chase him back now.
Asking for orders personally, in front of Ying Changge, Meng Tian asked himself to continue chasing Zhao Xingzhi’s army.
Ying Changge naturally readily agreed, and Meng Tian immediately gathered the army in his hands and left aggressively.
Chasing and killing the figure of Zhao Xingzhi’s army, they hurried away, chasing and killing them aggressively!
After Zhao Xingzhi broke out of the siege, he escaped non-stop. He had long expected that he would be hunted down by Meng Tian.
Therefore, after breaking through the siege, the first thing to do is to quickly go away and lead the army to disappear in a concentrated manner.
As long as you leave the siege of Ying Changge’s army, there is almost no danger, and it is easy to go away.
They kept fleeing, wandering fast, the army scrambling to be the first, without stopping, without stopping at all.
But Meng Tian is also coming in aggressive pursuit, and his army is also determined to win.
Everything is useless, after all, Ying Changge is still a long way from Zhao Xingzhi’s army.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhao Xingzhi stepped up his horse and immediately moved to another city.
He has no confidence in himself. If he stops in the wild, I’m afraid Zhao Xingzhi will fall into trouble!
Therefore, before Ying Changge’s army came up to kill him, he was going to another city.
The whole team went directly to Beitan City without stopping.
Without hesitation, they put all their troops in the city, and then they went deep into the center of the city.
All the guys are so cautious, they immediately built their own line of defense in the city.
Reserve supplies, reinforce the city walls, and even carefully reinforce the city gates to guard against attacks.
It was long overdue, when Meng Tian led his own army, he saw that his army was blocked.
So many guys have all entered the city, leaving Meng Tian with no way to attack.
The troops around him are all light cavalry troops, so it is absolutely impossible for Meng Tian to attack the city.
Meng Tian stood here, and immediately looked up at the city wall, “Zhao Xingzhi, are you going to be a shrinking turtle!”
On the city wall, Zhao Xingzhi’s figure was standing there, he stared at Meng Tian condescendingly, “That’s right!”
“You are right! A mere brat is not worthy of my surrender! I am invincible!”
Under such entanglement with Ying Changge and Meng Tian’s army, Zhao Xingzhi was always able to escape from 0…
what is this! This is obviously the choice of destiny! He was very happy and happy, and felt that he would not die.
With such awareness, Zhao Xingzhi became bold and felt that everything was under control.
Showing a contemptuous smile, Zhao Xingzhi, who was standing on the city wall, waved his hand at Meng Tian, ​​”Get back quickly!”
“There is no benefit for you to submit your allegiance to Ying Changge, otherwise you will submit to my subordinates!”
Zhao Xingzhi opened his hand, “Among my army, if there is a general like you, it will be like a fish in water!”
“As long as I can add wings to a tiger, I can kill any enemy with ease.”
“What do you think!” revealed aWith a calm and comfortable look, Zhao Xingzhi threw out his request.
However, Meng Tian naturally felt that this was a child’s play, even something made out of nothing, which made people laugh out loud.
Meng Tian was riding on the horse, looking up at Zhao Xingzhi, without any wavering, his expression was as usual, “Wrong!”
“You are so wrong. You are a rebellious minister and thief, but you will be killed on 4.9. There is no accident.”
“If you continue to fight against us, it will only lead to a dead end, ruining your entire career and official career!”
After hearing Meng Tian’s words, Zhao Xingzhi shook his head indifferently, “Wrong! You are obsessed with obsession.”
“You have gone astray. If you are sensible, you can catch it now! How about it!”
“With people like me guarding the city, it is impossible for you to break through my city gate. Give up!”
Zhao Xingzhi looks like he is bound to win, even so arrogant, even more defiant.
Chapter 698 Complacent and contented!
In such a battle, Zhao Xingzhi’s morale was low, and now he needs to recover slowly.
Even if Meng Tian wanted to fight toughly, Zhao Xingzhi would not be able to open the city gate to fight the enemy, he had to restrain himself.
Meng Tian seemed to have seen through Zhao Xingzhi’s intentions, and he was so indifferent, “Okay! Wait!”
“Let’s see who wins in the end!” Meng Tian immediately ordered the soldiers to garrison and stay here.
At the same time, Meng Tian personally reported the news of the discovery of Zhao Xingzhi’s army to Ying Changge, and Ying Changge was in a hurry.

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