Zhao Xingzhi, the magistrate of Anyang County, has been resisting vigorously up to now, and he will not cry when he sees the coffin.
The army near the city gate immediately entered the posture of preparing for war, and they went to intercept Zhao Xingzhi’s army.
But Zhao Xingzhi took the lead and took the lead. In order to escape, he also showed his aura.
“Come on! As long as we can leave this place, then we can survive~‖!” He was serious.
He yelled loudly, making the people in his hands go away quickly, which can be regarded as swift as the wind!
Followed by Zhao Xingzhi, a group of soldiers also rushed out aggressively and directly intercepted them.
They blocked Ying Changge’s army, and then let Zhao Xingzhi charge first and leave the place.
Without food and grass, the city was surrounded. For Zhao Xingzhi, it was only a matter of time before he was trapped to death.
The situation is dangerous, and Zhao Xingzhi can’t just sit still, so Zhao Xingzhi will leave this place non-stop.
After breaking through Ying Changge’s siege, Zhao Xingzhi saw that many enemy troops were still coming quickly.This works! He immediately let the army around him charge, and went straight to the distance, breaking through the encirclement.
Because of the incompleteness of Guo Jing’s army, the formation surrounded by Ying Changge’s army was not so tight.
Among the densely packed soldiers, there are still very weak places where they can charge out.
Seeing the timing, he led his army away coldly, and in a blink of an eye, he came to the edge of Ying Changge’s army.
In this city where heaven and earth blend together, Ying Changge’s army guards the place impenetrably.
Maybe it was because of the large number of people and the aggressiveness, but Zhao Xingzhi still went all out, not to be outdone.
Arranging a large group of people in front, Zhao Xingzhi charged quickly and came directly to the encirclement of the enemy.
Knowing that Zhao Xingzhi was the first to break through the siege, Ying Changge was naturally not idle.
He mobilized the soldiers and quickly dispatched all the people in his hands. Ying Changge must catch Zhao Xingzhi.
It was already soldiers approaching the city, so many people immediately trapped Zhao Xingzhi, leaving him nowhere to go.
This is a dead end. It only needs Ying Changge’s easy attack to kill Zhao Xingzhi.
Not taking Zhao Xingzhi seriously at all, Ying Changge felt that the situation was settled and the outcome could not be changed.
It’s just that he never expected that this kid still planned to break through and severely damage his own army!
Everything is under Ying Changge’s control, and he doesn’t want any accidents or changes.
With a stern expression on his face, Ying Changge came quickly, and was bound to intercept Zhao Xingzhi in his own formation.
Otherwise, with Zhao Xingzhi’s continued charge, I am afraid that Ying Changge’s own army will also be caught in a fierce battle.
Without food and grass, Zhao Xingzhi, who couldn’t fight for a long time, must be planning to die together, but Ying Changge is not in a hurry.
He only needs to consume it slowly, and then the soldiers under Zhao Xingzhi’s hands will naturally starve and freeze, unable to fight.
After Ying Changge cut off (Qian’s good) Zhao Xingzhi’s food and grass, he could be trapped to death in this city.
Zhao Xingzhi also saw what Ying Changge was thinking, that’s why he surrounded himself with a group of people.
As long as it is a rampage, it must be able to damage them and directly cause them to die.
This is a very important matter. For his own future, Zhao Xingzhi cannot stop.
Continuing to charge and rush quickly, Zhao Xingzhi’s army rampaged here, breaking through the encirclement.
Especially seeing that Ying Changge’s army is all moving towards this side, it is even more difficult.
Gather the army in your hands and try to go all out to resist Zhao Xingzhi’s breakthrough.
Chapter 695 Chaotic battle, come and go!
However, it was too late, because Guo Jingyi’s army disappeared, so there was a gap in Ying Changge’s army.
When one army contradicts, more armies will resist. This is a chain reaction.
On the contrary, it was Zhao Xingzhi who was in such a hurry that a group of people quickly followed the army and rushed together.
Approaching quickly, hacking and killing each other with Ying Changge’s army, Zhao Xingzhi has a domineering side.
Zhao Xingzhi must be killed, otherwise, if he is dying, there will be endless troubles.
Ying Changge didn’t want the sheriff of Anyang County to get away with it, so he wanted to make a quick decision.
He quickly dispatched all the people in his hands, and the cavalry surrounded Zhao Xingzhi in groups.
Zhao Xingzhi, who took the lead, was at the forefront, and he was not to be outdone when he saw the army’s pursuit.
In a serious and fast charge, Zhao Xingzhi quickly waved his weapon, it was like a tiger and a tiger! 803
Ying Changge kept galloping, quickly approaching Zhao Xingzhi, trying to stop his army from breaking through.
It’s just a pity, because the city is huge, Zhao Xingzhi’s location is still a little far away from Ying Changge.
In such an attack, Zhao Xingzhi retreated helplessly, putting his vanguard troops in front.
Facing the siege of Ying Changge’s army, Zhao Xingzhi’s troops charged forward with mighty domineering power and persevered.
Before the wave subsided, another wave came to attack! Zhao Xingzhi’s army is like a continuous wave.
In particular, the waves of this army always come aggressively, catching Ying Changge’s army by surprise.
Continuing to attack helplessly, entrapping all the people in his hands, this offensive is very fast.
Coming chattering and approaching quickly, Zhao Xingzhi finally began to entangle with Ying Changge’s army head-on.
Knock out all the people in his own hands in one go, so many soldiers are Zhao Xingzhi’s stepping stones.
Only by trampling on the corpse, then Zhao Xingzhi can smoothly break through this encircling formation.
He charged quickly, and the encirclement of Ying Changge’s army was not so impenetrable, but rather weak.
Quickly rush out along this weak place, and then they all came in one go.
The situation is mighty and the murderous intent is heavy. Under such a confrontation, Zhao Xingzhi did not waste his strength at all.
He is stubborn, even persistent, always has extraordinary persistence, and does not shed tears when he sees the coffin.
Now, taking advantage of the slack in the defense of Ying Changge’s army, Zhao Xingzhi continued to attack from this position.
Coming in one go, attacking at high speed, a group of people are agile and chaotic fighting, you come and go.
Zhao Xingzhi squeezed his head and wanted to get out of Ying Changge’s formation, but unfortunately, the opponent had a lot of people.
Even if it is the weak defensive side, for Zhao Xingzhi, there is a situation that is difficult to break through.
Therefore, he attacked quickly, and he must attack with all his strength, so that the victory can be determined by a quick battle.
The longer the delay, Zhao Xingzhi will have no choice but to die when he is surrounded by Ying Changge’s reinforcements.
So, he quickly condensed the people in his hands, and then formed a line.
as ifThe torrential river was continuous, and Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers attacked one after another, only following this direction.
The continuous attack, the attack with no return, Zhao Xingzhi’s army scrambled to be the first to survive.
After breaking through a gap, he quickly trampled on the enemy’s corpse and continued to attack.
In order to escape from this place, in order to get rid of such a predicament, Zhao Xingzhi will not stop his footsteps.
Riding on the horse, continuing to charge, his figure was very fast, mixed with the army, as fast as a gust of wind.
Leading the army behind him seven in and seven out, he made a gap in Ying Changge’s army.
The weakly defended army retreated steadily. Although they could continue to fight, they lost their posture.
Zhao Xingzhi saw the timing, and immediately rushed up from the gap in the defense, “Get out of the way!”
“Whoever blocks me will die!” Zhao Xingzhi yelled, and he swung the weapon in his hand vigorously.
Anyone who resists in front of him will die. In order to survive, Zhao Xingzhi no longer regards himself as a human being.
At this moment, he is a hound, a beast, trying his best to break through.
All the soldiers knelt down in front of Zhao Xingzhi, and then died dizzy under his sword.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhao Xingzhi walked away from the gap, already breaking through half of the army.
After leaving so many guys behind, he was able to continue to leave smoothly and get rid of the deadlock.
This is a life-and-death situation. Once trapped here, he can only die in the hands of Ying Changge’s army.
Zhao Xingzhi is not willing to die like this, so he will continue to attack and break through in one go.
Because Guo Jing was trapped in Nantao City, Ying Changge’s army was short of an army, and the number was worrying.
Continue to charge unscrupulously and approach quickly, Zhao Xingzhi will leave half of the enemy behind.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, he has already reached the edge of Ying Changge’s army, and he will soon see a way out.
Chapter 696 The cold and stern look is unreasonable!
So, leaving quickly and dodging quickly, Zhao Xingzhi avoided the assault of Ying Changge’s army and continued to advance.
The army behind him also followed Zhao Xingzhi, their momentum was like a rainbow, and they seemed completely unstoppable.
But at this critical juncture, Ying Changge came, riding a war horse, galloping up, stirring up dust.
Obviously, the layout of his own army is so cautious, and the troops are abundant, how could he still be broken out?
Not knowing about Guo Jing, Ying Changge just thought that Zhao Xingzhi was dying and was overthinking himself.
But in such a confrontation, Zhao Xingzhi took the lead and repelled many troops.
what’s going on! Ying Changge was very cautious, he never expected such a situation.
Why is the defense here so weak! Why did Zhao Xingzhi choose this place to continue the attack?
This was unexpected, so Ying Changge immediately selected troops~ to surround Zhao Xingzhi.
These are good soldiers, battle-hardened.

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