Immediately led the army to come, and then he rectified his soldiers, and quickly fought with Meng Tian.
I have to say that Zhao Xingzhi is a very witty and cunning guy, and he chose to settle in the city.
It is wise to stay behind closed doors in the city, Zhao Xingzhi hardly has any other dangers.
Ying Changge quickly gathered the army in his hands and came to Zhao Xingzhi’s city.
After meeting with Meng Tian, ​​the strength of the army has been expanded even more, it can be said that the strength of the army is abundant and full of mighty.
Standing on the city wall, closing the city gate tightly, unable to shrink back, Zhao Xingzhi is not afraid of anyone’s strength at all.
As long as the door is closed here, even everyone will be cut off from life and death under their own noses.
This is a doomed thing! Zhao Xingzhi was afraid, because he was afraid of Ying Changge and Meng Tian, ​​so he hid here.
The current plan is to continue to delay, so that both Ying Changge and Meng Tian can only stare blankly.
Showing a very satisfied smile, leaning on the female wall, Zhao Xingzhi waved to Ying Changge.
“Come on! Continue to slash, continue to attack the city, and see if you can kill me!”
Zhao Xingzhi’s goal is not to kill Ying Changge and Meng Tian, ​​but to protect his own life.
That’s the most important thing. Zhao Xingzhi reinforced the city gate and even hoarded his troops.
Being easily provoked by Zhao Xingzhi, Ying Changge remained motionless without any anger.
Shaking his head contemptuously, Ying Changge looked at Zhao Xingzhi and said, “No hurry, just play with you!”
When Zhao Xingzhi dies completely, the city will naturally be destroyed and the entire enemy army will be wiped out.
He didn’t want to hear Zhao Xingzhi’s clamor, so Ying Changge directly led his army to retreat and leave immediately.
Set up camp not far away, Ying Changge let all his troops stick to this place, optimistic about Zhao Xingzhi.
Every move of Zhao Xingzhi’s army will be under his nose, and Ying Changge has made countless secret whistles.
All the soldiers are guarding vigilantly, just to intercept Zhao Xingzhi.
Today, Zhao Xingzhi can be regarded as self-styled, because he cannot withdraw from the city, and he has no way out.
Facing the invasion of Ying Changge and Meng Tian’s army, he could only stay in the city and could not retreat.
Once Zhao Xingzhi’s entire army retreats, it will leave a hole for Ying Changge, and then he will kill him in one go.
Therefore, Zhao Xingzhi, who was caught in a dilemma, could only fight and resist unremittingly in the city.
When the soldiers came to block the water and cover them with soil, Zhao Xingzhi was triumphant and contented, and he was not in a hurry at all.
In order to be able to resist both Ying Changge and Meng Tian, ​​Zhao Xingzhi stayed in the city like a shrinking tortoise.
Ying Changge was not in a hurry to attack, anyway, Zhao Xingzhi was right in front of him, so he couldn’t attack rashly.
Discussing with Meng Tian, ​​Ying Changge asked the army in his hands to rest well, recharge their batteries and prepare for the battle.
Arranging the soldiers in his hands calmly, a group of people formed a large formation on the left and right.
A group of people are soldiers of Ying Changge, and they have the same strength and posture as Ying Changge.
The morale was high and menacing. Wherever Ying Changge went, there was this passionate morale, which was difficult to suppress.
Zhao Xingzhi also saw the movement of Ying Changge’s army, but he was unmoved and not afraid at all.
Showing a contemptuous smile, Zhao Xingzhi stood on his wall, staring at it without blinking.
Facing Zhao Xingzhi’s city, Ying Changge’s army continued to be stable, not slowing down.
Even Zhao Xingzhi couldn’t help nodding his head in admiration after seeing the orderly appearance.
As expected of Ying Changge, the soldiers under his hands are so tough, which is not as good as him.
However, admiration is one thing, but Zhao Xingzhi still hated Ying Changge deeply, wishing to kill him.
Zhao Xingzhi was fully prepared for all the soldiers in his city with enough momentum.
No matter how Ying Changge and Meng Tian attacked, in the city, Zhao Xingzhi could guard against them one by one.
any attack is uselessHowever, the method of siege is only mediocre, and there is no strategy that can cause Zhao Xingzhi’s casualties.
Zhao Xingzhi sat still and did not move. There was nothing to be afraid of surprise in the city, and he was very calm.
On the contrary, Ying Changge and Meng Tian were not in a hurry and were still preparing to attack the important location of the city.
Once he walks away quickly and shows his grand plans, he can catch Zhao Xingzhi by surprise.
But so what! Zhao Xingzhi has a city for protection, like a huge shield.
Chapter 699 Expressionless, flustered inside!
If Ying Changge wants to attack Zhao Xingzhi, he must first break through the impregnable city wall.
Zhao Xingzhi hid in the city, allowing Juju to be at the right time and place, as if everything was planned.
Knowing it clearly, with a calm expression, he stood here with a contemptuous expression, Ying Changge didn’t dare!
Seeing that Ying Changge’s army was standing still, Zhao Xingzhi was confident and felt that he had the chance to win.
There is no danger at all, he is always unrestrained, patiently waiting here, and reaping the rewards.
As long as Ying Changge doesn’t attack the city for a day, then Zhao Xingzhi will have one more day of peace, which is inevitable.
Otherwise, unless Ying Changge is mobilizing all the troops to attack, he will run into walls everywhere.
Standing on the city wall, motionless, watching all directions and listening to all directions, his eyes were full of complacency.
Smiling contemptuously, Zhao Xingzhi took his time when he looked at the black figures of Ying Changge’s army.
It’s just a gang of mobs, so what if Ying Changge leads them! He is not afraid at all!
Ying Changge personally led these soldiers, and each of them had a fierce attitude about to move.
But he didn’t feel it, because these people didn’t have any offensive posture, and their morale was high.
Although the soldiers in Ying Chang Singer have high morale, they have no way to attack and are dead.
Can these guys break through their own city! impossible! Zhao Xingzhi is still steady.
Smiling lightly, Zhao Xingzhi turned around and left the city wall. He was hungry and wanted to eat something.
At the same time, Ying Changge’s army was still dispatched in an endless stream, and they came and went, carrying out exercises.
A group of people are under Ying Changge’s control, and they have extraordinary strengths and advantages.
Quickly arranged these soldiers in his hands into a new camp, and then went to attack the city.
Ying Changge knew that the city guarded by Zhao Xingzhi was not so easy to break through, and adjustments had to be made.
After allocating the soldiers, Ying Changge didn’t wait any longer and chose to attack immediately, attacking Zhao Xingzhi.
Seeing so many soldiers of Ying Changge gathered under the city gate, Zhao Xingzhi immediately ordered the soldiers to take precautions.
There was no cloud in the sky, and today was a fine day, so Ying Changge ordered Meng Tian to lead the army and prepare to attack the city.
The city wall is thick and indestructible, it is absolutely impossible to collapse like this, it is as solid as gold.
But even so, Meng Tian didn’t panic, he divided his forces into two and surrounded the city.
“Attack~‖!” Following Meng Tian’s order, many people rushed up immediately.
A large number of people and horses had an extraordinary posture, mighty and mighty, approaching the gate of the city, and started killing.
Standing on the city wall, Zhao Xingzhi didn’t care about the fierce attack of Ying Changge’s army.
Showing a contemptuous smile, Zhao Xingzhi ordered the soldiers to guard the city gate, and it was absolutely impossible to open the gate.
Accompanied by the collision of Meng Tian’s army, a group of people immediately attacked aggressively.
boom! The very heavy sound came out from the city gate, Meng Tian ordered the knives and axes to continue the attack.
On the contrary, Zhao Xingzhi, condescending, watched all this intently, expressionless and flustered.
Now staying in the city, Zhao Xingzhi’s strategy is very simple, that is to stay behind closed doors.
After being a tortoise with a shrinking head, using the thickness of the city wall, it can naturally block everything without any obstacles.
Otherwise, with just a few people attacking the city, Ying Changge would laugh out loud.
They are just a few mediocre guys, can they really attack their own city gates! wishful thinking!
Hiding in the city safe and sound, Zhao Xingzhi quietly waited for the news of Meng Tian’s attack on the city.
Under Meng Tian’s command, the knife and axe hit the city gate, and the heavy city gate was attacked with a bang.
Faced with such a blow, he didn’t change his face, and shook his head calmly, “‘ 〃 Impossible!”
Zhao Xingzhi ordered the soldiers to reinforce the city gate, the city gate would not be knocked open by Meng Tian so easily!
Of course, Meng Tian didn’t just use the city gate as the primary goal of attacking, he still divided his troops into two directions.
Another group of soldiers immediately set up the ladder, and then climbed aggressively, preparing to go up the city wall.
Naturally, Zhao Xingzhi had already parried many soldiers on the city wall and formed a defensive formation.
When seeing these (good money) enemy troops rushing up, Zhao Xingzhi ordered the soldiers to fight back immediately.
On the city wall, archers shot arrows and knives and axes threw stones, all of which hindered Meng Tian’s army.
Surrounded by so many troops and with such an offensive, Zhao Xingzhi also fell into anxiety.
“The speed of the archers is faster! The arrows must be fast! Don’t give the enemy any chance to breathe.”
“Keep your eyes wide open, you can’t let the enemy go up the wall, you must protect yourself!” Zhao Xingzhi shouted.
Amidst Zhao Xingzhi’s bluffing, the soldiers also concentrated their minds and quickly attacked the enemy.
Under the city wall, the soldiers came and went, and the confrontation was so fierce that it could be called a death fight.
Chapter 700 All kinds of crimes should be punished!
Facing such a battle, Zhao Xingzhi couldn’t help clenching his fists, he was very nervous.

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