As a qualified lieutenant general, Zhao Niu solved Zhao Xingzhi’s problems and had many achievements.
Zhao Xingzhi sent Zhao Niu here to be important to Zhao Niu, but now he is suffering from Zhao Niu.
Because Zhao Niu had already heard the news of Zhao Xingzhi’s retreat in the battle, leaving only the remnant soldiers and defeated generals.
Now, Zhao Niu is guarding the barn in the camp, and he is also in a state of isolation and helplessness, and has no chance to fight to the death.
Chapter 683: As Fast As The Wind And Like Lightning!
As the guard fighting alone, Zhao Niu knew that once he encountered any danger, there was no way out.
Meng Tian’s army entered smoothly and surrounded the camp. The enemy troops all charged bravely.
After seeing this scene, Zhao Niu was very terrified, he couldn’t be hostile, and he had to fight to a stalemate!
If you want to fight, I will fight! Without hesitation, Zhao Niu immediately united the army in his hands.
Under Zhao Niu’s call, the soldiers were alive and well, and then charged forward immediately.
Since it was a surprise attack by the enemy, Zhao Niu had to guard his granary, which was his responsibility!
There is no joke in the army, once the granary is lost, Zhao Niu may be beheaded by the criminal investigation department.
He didn’t want to disappoint Zhao Xingzhi’s good intentions, so he came to attack endlessly.
He showed his aura and charged quickly, and the sword in his hand was also fierce to kill the enemy.
Riding on a war horse, charging quickly, his sword is fast and has unexpected effects, fighting bloody battles.
Fighting with Meng Tian’s army, Zhao Niu’s figure charged quickly, entering seven and exiting seven, coming and going freely.
Leading the soldiers, Meng Tian went forward bravely, and he would not be resisted by Zhao Niu’s army at all.
He was bound to win, therefore, Meng Tian charged quickly, bringing all the people in his hands with him.
With a quick charge and rampage, Meng Tian’s army directly greeted Zhao Niu’s face.
Seeing so many enemy troops charging in front of him, although Zhao Niu was nervous, there was nothing he could do.
He can’t be a deserter. No one dares to be safe when Zhao Xingzhi escapes, but Zhao Niu’s escape must be dealt with by military law.
Therefore, he could only raise his spirits and be fearless in the face of danger.
Zhao Niu concentrated on fighting against Meng Tian’s army, trying to suppress them.
The sword in his hand was fast and with an unusual posture, Zhao Niu killed several enemy soldiers to the ground in an instant.
With a ferocious look on his face, Zhao Niu roared, “The whole army charges! Let me catch them all!”
After hearing Zhao Niu’s roar, Meng Tian looked straight at him.
Among Zhao Xingzhi’s army, Zhao Niu’s figure was very conspicuous, charging forward, speeding up his horse.
That’s probably the enemy’s general! Meng Tian recognized the identity of the other party immediately with her sharp eyes.
Without hesitation, Meng Tian came on horseback, the horse’s hooves sounded wildly, and the figure approached from far to near.
With a quick charge, he went straight to approach, and the sword in Meng Tian’s hand slashed on Zhao Niu’s body, “Should die!”! ”
Ping-pong, the sword’s edge came and went, Zhao Niu showed his momentum, it can be said to be in a hurry.
The soldiers around him also felt his shock, they charged unscrupulously, and quickly confronted the enemy.
The unscrupulous galloping, the army around was also encouraged, and came here in one go.
They were as fast as the wind and lightning, and a group of people rushed up to defend the granary.
As long as he can resist Meng Tian’s army, he can start to fight carefully.
Breaking through one by one is what Zhao Niu most wants to do, but unfortunately, they are still blocked.
With so many people having unusual postures, the soldiers got entangled and fought violently.
Flying forward, attacking quickly, Zhao Niu’s sword slashed at Meng Tian’s body one after another.
In order to be able to kill him, Zhao Niu used all his strength to defeat Meng Tian.
The sword is facing the enemy, and you are pulling back and forth. Under such an invasion, they have nowhere to go.
If it wasn’t for his own cold eyes, then I’m afraid he would have already died in his hands.
He came at a fast pace, and the sword in his hand pierced Meng Tian’s chest in a blink of an eye, with a menacing aura.
This murderous sword looked so ferocious, as expected of Zhao Niu, it was full of vigor.
Meng Tian raised his weapon and collided with him, and immediately felt his own strength.
Facing the enemy so recklessly, he swept the edge of the sword in his hand, but Meng Tian was slightly helpless.
As expected, Zhao Niu’s strength was very abundant, and he swept across 787 with one sword, with an earth-shattering appearance.
Riding on the horse, Meng Tian firmly blocked the sword, but his arm was still shaken by the shock.
Showing a painful expression, he quickly attacked, and continued to stab Meng Tian with a sword.
It turned out that when Meng Tian retreated just now, Meng Tian’s sword swept across and cut through the armor on Zhao Niu’s arm.
In an instant, blood flowed, and a scar appeared on Zhao Niu’s hand, and the blood flow continued.
Ignoring the injury on his arm, he continued to confront the enemy, smashing the sword edge in his hand one after another.
He didn’t know swordsmanship, but Zhao Niu relied on his excellent strength to kill special kills on the battlefield.
Because Zhao Niu’s strength was as strong as a bull’s like a tiger’s, no matter how many people came, they couldn’t get close to him.
This is the most obvious disparity, the strength of his whole body came vigorously to suppress Meng Tian.
Even if Meng Tian confronted him head-on, under Jianfeng’s charge, he had already used all his strength.
Chapter 684: Divide One into Two, Divide Two into Four!
Jianfeng’s back and forth attack, Zhao Niu and Meng Tian’s figures were entangled together, unstoppable.
He already knew that he was full of strength, so Zhao Niu felt that he was also invincible.
With a quick charge and a quick burst, the sword in his hand came to Zhao Niu’s body, but it bounced back.
The sword edge that Meng Tian replied was blocked by Zhao Niu accurately, and it was difficult for Meng Tian to kill him for a while.
He firmly held the sword in his hand, but Meng Tian refused to give up this time’s killing intent.
He was as fast as a gust of wind, and the edge of the sword slammed down, piercing Zhao Niu’s body time and time again.
It is very uncomfortable to fight for a while, but after that, Zhao Niu has already mastered such a fight.
With a quick blow, he showed his own strength, like a bull rushing, making it impossible to guard against.
He stumbled and retreated quickly, and in a blink of an eye, Zhao Niu fell to the ground because he used too much force.
Tossed off the horse, Zhao Niu was not in a hurry, after all he has a strong body of strength!
Zhao Niu couldn’t see Meng Tian’s figure because of the horses blocking him, he shouted angrily and bumped into the horse’s butt.
This is not flattery, but a confrontation with the horse. Zhao Niu’s strength really cannot be underestimated.
He contradicted like this, he immediately sent the horse flying, hitting the horse under Meng Tian’s crotch.
Seeing this scene, Meng Tian had to jump up cautiously, he wanted to pull the horse back.
Unfortunately, he never expected that under such an attack, he would be hit directly.
The horses under Meng Tian’s crotch also screamed, and then turned on their backs, and were easily knocked down by Zhao Niu.
Holding his head up and his chest up, Meng Tian calmly stood up immediately, and continued to charge forward bravely with his sword in hand.
“I’m going to kill you~‖!” Zhao Niu yelled angrily, his whole body was like an angry bull, which was unstoppable.
But in this way, Meng Tian will be afraid! Naturally it is impossible! He is battle-tested.
As a great general with numerous victories, Meng Tian has only one thing to do when facing any enemy, and that is to kill!
The sword edge appeared out of nowhere, struck down quickly and violently, and landed around, forming afterimages.
As expected of Meng Tian, ​​the light and shadow pierced by the sword in his hand split into two, and then into four, false and real.
After seeing this scene, Zhao Niu was also not to be outdone, he placed the sword in front of him very cautiously.
He accurately blocked Meng Tian’s blow, which gave Zhao Niu a chance to fight back.
He took a stride forward, concentrating all his energy on his arms and pushing hard.
Zhao Niu tried to overthrow Meng Tian to the ground, and then made a quick decision to kill the enemy general.
However, Meng Tian would not be defeated so easily, his arms continued to dance.
The sword blades came one after another, chopping Zhao Niu’s arm one after another, leaving bloodstains.
It can be seen that Zhao Niu’s ability is very strong, especially the strength of his body, which makes people unable to resist the enemy head-on.
Therefore, Meng Tian wanted to hurt Zhao Niu’s arm first, so that Zhao Niu would not be able to use his strength.
After making up his mind and attacking quickly, the sword in his hand came crackling, quickly defeating the enemy.
fastThe charge, the sword edge from far to near, shining faintly, landed on Zhao Niu’s body.
Although Zhao Niu is wearing armor, he is only a body of flesh and blood. He is very easy to be hit and has many scars.
But even so, Zhao Niu didn’t say a word, and continued to strike steadily on the spot.
Even if it was a thousand cuts, Zhao Niu could stand up from this difficult and dangerous predicament without panic at all.
With a quick shot and a quick fight, he seized the opening of Meng Tian’s attack and charged forward.
boom! The figure directly knocked Zhao Niu into the air, with such strength, it was so strong that it was difficult to be hostile.
Crackling, swords falling, such a battle directly made Zhao Niu look like he was going to win.
Colliding with Meng Tian’s figure, Zhao Niu punched and kicked, using all his strength.
The more powerful the attack, the more powerful it is, Zhao Niu is invincible.

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