Fighting against him would naturally involve thousands of twists and turns, Zhao Niu didn’t want Meng Tian to break through the camp he was guarding.
So he grabbed Meng Tian’s arm, and Zhao Niu tried to forcefully detain him on the ground.
Meng Tian did not bow his knees to the enemy, he (Zhao Qianzhao) straightened his spine, and then kicked up hard with his fist.
boom! He kicked Zhao Niu away abruptly, his figure was staggering, but he still dragged Meng Tian.
At this moment, Zhao Niu is like a cowhide plaster, no matter what, he will die with Meng Tian.
Not in a hurry, not afraid in the face of danger, but he swung the sword in his own hand more intensively.
The swords were intertwined, Meng Tian didn’t believe that Zhao Niu could be invulnerable with all his strength, and his movements were very fast.
Whoosh! The sword’s edge landed on Zhao Niu’s chest, bruising his armor with scars and holes.
The armor was damaged and full of scars, but he was not in a hurry, Zhao Niu felt that he had the chance to win.
Chapter 685 Let the tiger go back to the mountain, there will be endless troubles!
He would continue to attack, he put his sword in front of him to avoid Meng Tian’s pursuit.
Although his strength is not as strong as Zhao Niu’s, Meng Tian’s swordsmanship is very superb, and his swings are unpredictable.
As long as the sword edge hits Zhao Niu’s body successfully, it will definitely hurt him and cause him to bleed.
Zhao Niu couldn’t stand it for a while, he had no retreat in the cold light of the sword’s edge.
Constantly entangled with Meng Tian’s sword, Zhao Niu was defenseless for a while, and was directly seriously injured with scars all over his body.
When he approached, he became fragmented, unable to stop Meng Tian’s fight for a while, he was very embarrassed.
After destroying the sword marks on his body, the bleeding continued, and the wounds continued to proliferate, with severe pain.
His burly and strong body has an unusual posture. He is as burly as a mountain, and he is not easy to defeat at first glance.
Bafeng couldn’t be blown, and stood here firmly, his eyes were full of resentment.
“The guy who messes around in my barracks can only be a dead end, and you are no exception!”
Hearing Zhao Niu’s threat, Meng Tian smiled calmly, “You bastard!”
“You are not a good person to submit to a sinner like Zhao Xingzhi.” Meng Tian said with great fanfare.
“I’m going to catch you all! It’s too late for you to surrender now! How about it!”
Meng Tian just wanted to plunder Zhao Xingzhi’s food, grass and supplies, and he didn’t care about the others at all, and suddenly ignored them.
Because Ying Changge’s order is also very simple, that is to cut off Zhao Xingzhi’s food and grass.
As long as Zhao Xingzhi’s army has no food and grass, it will be like breaking his back at the same time.
When marching and fighting, food and grass are very important. As long as there is no food, avoidance will be defeated.
Zhao Xingzhi escaped, but (afej) he would make a comeback, Ying Changge had already expected it.
Let the tiger go back to the mountain, and there will be endless troubles.
Knowing that the other party is unwilling to give up, and even has a stalking nature, Ying Changge must make preparations in advance.
Otherwise, let such a kid continue to get away with it, how can he explain to the people of Anyang County!
It was because Zhao Xingzhi became the governor of Anyang County that Anyang County mourned, and the people were in dire straits.
The arrogant and domineering Zhao Xingzhi has committed numerous crimes, and Ying Changge must eradicate him together.
It is very important to seize food and grass first. Ying Changge and Meng Tian are both brave and resourceful people.
So with Ying Changge’s order and Meng Tian’s lead, the army will inevitably seize its food and grass.
Unscrupulous attacks, continuous attacks, the army in his hands has a menacing offensive.
Any fight is useless, on the contrary, Zhao Niu’s army was in trouble under the attack of Meng Tian.
Forced to guard this place helplessly, no matter what, Zhao Niu must show his aura to face the enemy.
Once he falls, no matter what, it will be a dead end for Zhao Niu.
He might die in the hands of Meng Tian, ​​otherwise the food and grass would be lost, and Zhao Niu would be beheaded by Zhao Xingzhi.
In such endless entanglement, he took out his mighty posture, as fast as a gust of wind.
The army came here vigorously, and they occupied this place, fighting fiercely with Zhao Niu’s army.
Quickly invading the granary and meeting the enemy, Meng Tian’s soldiers are brave and fearless, even in a hurry.
The unscrupulous attack put all his strength on Meng Tian’s body.
He’s fighting with his back! Fighting for their own lives and for their own future.
This is a helpless battle, otherwise, wouldn’t he be buried here and die directly!
Zhao Niu’s soldiers all rushed toIn order to fight, they unite together and try to block Meng Tian’s army.
However, Meng Tian’s soldiers are very brave, and they are still going forward in spite of such confrontation.
Attacking heartily, aggressively attacking, the army is coming in groups, getting faster and faster.
Zhao Niu just saw a huge crowd of people, so many enemy troops surrounded him in one go.
Once he died in the hands of Meng Tian, ​​Zhao Niu’s beautiful life would be completely over.
He wants to be rich and famous, and he wants to eat delicious food and drink spicy food, but it’s a pity that Zhao Niu chose the team from the beginning.
Especially when Meng Tian’s army came and surrounded the camp of the granary in an impenetrable manner, leaving him no way out.
Helpless, Zhao Niu, who had nothing to do with it, could only continue to take action, first to suppress Zhao Niu.
As long as Meng Tian is taken down, maybe Zhao Niu can threaten him and take him hostage.
Coercing Meng Tian and quickly withdrawing from the enemy army, Zhao Niu will have a chance to escape completely.
Otherwise, if they forcefully counterattack, the manpower will only become more and more embarrassing, and such an enemy will definitely die.
The longer the stalemate lasts, the worse it will end, so Zhao Niu will first go and threaten Meng Tian to take him down.
The vigor in his hands is so abundant, Zhao Niu still has inexhaustible vigor.
With a loud shout, he came to Meng Tian like a hungry tiger, and Zhao Niu tried to capture him alive.
Just seeing the other party’s thoughts at once, Meng Tian showed a contemptuous smile.
Chapter 686: Hearing the news, he is terrified and defeated!
The wishful thinking guy actually wanted to capture himself alive! Meng Tian immediately showed his ability.
On the battlefield, he is invincible, Meng Tian has extraordinary insight and ability, he is a great general.
Not only to kill the enemy head-on, but also to command the army to fight on the battlefield, Meng Tian has his own strategy.
Now confronting Zhao Niu head-on, Meng Tian used all his strength to conquer this place.
The army has already begun to invade. In the camp, any enemy will be trampled to death.
Meng Tian’s strategy is to fight quickly, so that Zhao Niu’s army can be caught off guard.
Defeat Zhao Niu’s army, loot Zhao Xingzhi’s food and grass one by one, and cut off his retreat.
As long as the entire army here is wiped out, there will be no obstacles. This is a good thing.
Showing a contemptuous smile, Zhao Niu still raised his sword and continued to confront Meng Tian.
It’s just an enemy general! Could it be that he still couldn’t kill Meng Tian! impossible!
Coming in a menacing manner, with a quick blow, he knocked down the blade of the sword in his hand.
boom! The sword edge stabbed out forcefully, severely wounding Meng Tian’s chest, it seemed that Zhao Niu was invincible.
However, Meng Tian’s ability is not limited to this, he raises his sword edge and strikes in a variety of beautiful things.
Ping ping pong pong, the sword edge is rampant, under such an attack, a group of people are caught in a fight.
Quickly confronting the enemy, he raised the edge of his sword, and his sword had already pierced Zhao Niu’s body.
The armor cracked again, and Zhao Niu’s chest was opened with a gap wide enough to prevent it.
When the armor loses its protective function, it becomes useless and mediocre.
Standing on the sidelines and retreating in resistance, Zhao Niu raised his arm to cover the blood on his chest.
Standing still is the only way to die! Under Meng Tian’s attack, Zhao Niu could only continue to dodge.
Backing off in time, Zhao Niu brushed past Meng Tian’s sword, and he finally dodged the sword.
This sword is so powerful, even chattering, that it may kill Zhao Niu at any time.
Meng Tian’s abilities are very brave, and he can’t be killed casually, Zhao Niu is hard to be hostile.
But even so, he still gritted his teeth and dragged his scarred body to continue fighting.
In the granary, Zhao Niu’s soldiers all attacked in unity, chasing and killing Zhao Niu aggressively.
In order to kill him, Zhao Niu used all his energy and even did whatever he wanted.
Fighting quickly, the sword in his hand slashed at Meng Tian’s arm vigorously, Zhao Niu was also very brave.
To prevent the invasion of Meng Tian’s army, Zhao Niu must protect his granary and camp no matter what.
He was indestructible and imposing like a rainbow, Zhao Niu led his own army to continue to surround Meng Tian’s soldiers.
A series of soldiers came one after another, scrambling to kill the enemy on the battlefield.
You come and go, seven in and seven out, their fighting has a different kind of force and advantage, Zhao Niu is hard to guard against.
Watching Meng Tian’s army come after them bravely, Zhao Niu himself is so embarrassed.
Unswervingly continuing to fight is just delaying his own opportunity, but it cannot wipe out Meng Tian’s army.
Pulling out all his strengths, Zhao Niu ordered the soldiers in his hands to gather together and unite as one.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・

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