Exploding in an instant, pushing and shoving quickly, Zhao Xingzhi was sure of winning, and thought he could directly leave Ying Changge behind.
But sitting on the horse, Ying Changge was still so indifferent, he caught the opponent’s attack.
When Zhao Xingzhi tried his best to attack, he would raise his own arms to avoid it.
When the arm was raised, for Ying Changge, this opening was created, easy to attack Zhao Xingzhi.
Without hesitation, he attacked quickly, and Ying Changge’s punch was precise and accurate – it hit Zhao Xingzhi’s ribs.
Zhao Xingzhi attacked aggressively, but his fist hadn’t even had time to hit Ying Changge.
Immediately, this fist attack was completely broken and blocked by Ying Changge.
When Zhao Xingzhi hit his ribs with a fist, he was not only numb, but even very painful.
At this moment, Zhao Xingzhi was almost out of breath, and he showed a embarrassed posture.
Gritting his teeth with pain in his face, Zhao Xingzhi’s offensive collapsed in an instant, and he had no chance to seriously injure Ying Changge.
In such tugging, Ying Changge and Zhao Xingzhi are back and forth, pushing and shoving each other.
Stabbing out the sword in his hand quickly, it has cut Zhao Xingzhi’s arm fiercely and domineeringly.
The blood was flowing, the flesh was bloody, and Zhao Xingzhi, who was in pain all over his body, didn’t have much strength anymore.
A hit is sure to hit, Ying Changge sat behind Zhao Xingzhi, and the two of them were already staggering on their horses.
The horses began to run uncontrollably, and under such circling, there was almost nothingAdvantage.
Zhao Xingzhi can’t control it anymore, so Ying Changge will stay soon, and plans to give up this horse directly.
The cavalry around them had already charged and retreated, leaving only the knives and axes fighting hand-to-hand.
The soldiers came at a fast pace, and the elite soldiers fought together, with a distinctive charging posture.
The faster the battle, the more brave and fearless the extraordinary soldiers are, leading the way.
As a result, these quickly fought together, and the explosion of the flames also caused extra chaos.
Who is still the torch! What a disgrace! Ying Changge was very displeased, with a look of sternness on his face.
Fighting requires real swords and guns, and this can be described as a bloody battle between men and women, which is tough enough.
Such things as backstabbing and hurting people make people have no defenses, but they will not cause too much harm.
Raising the sword in his hand, Ying Changge stabbed forward with the sword, trying to break a bloody hole in Zhao Xing’s back.
Drill a hole for Zhao Xingzhi, when the time comes, Zhao Xingzhi will inevitably bleed to death.
This is a very suitable opportunity. For him, he should cherish blocking and fight hard.
Raising his arm, the sword in his hand had no chance. It turned out that Zhao Xingzhi turned over and dismounted.
Breaking free and dodging quickly, his whole body was very hard, and he jumped up.
Ying Changge, who was behind Zhao Xingzhi, didn’t have the full strength to control him and let him jump off directly.
In order to escape from Ying Changge’s sword, in order to avoid such a death for himself, so his figure was very fast.
Jing Ruozhen moved like a rabbit, and in a blink of an eye, he jumped directly to the distance and rolled to the ground.
There was no time to pay attention to Ying Changge behind him, Zhao Xingzhi’s bruised body moved quickly.
As long as he leaves this place and returns to his own army, Zhao Xingzhi will be very safe.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
Ying Changge was riding on the horse, and wanted to continue the attack, so he held the reins tightly and came quickly.
However, under such a confrontation, it is not so simple to catch Zhao Xingzhi.
Hurry up, Ying Changge is in a hurry, but Zhao Xingzhi’s other soldiers are watching him.
The cavalry came galloping, came to Ying Changge, gave a fierce spear, and stabbed down fiercely.
Among Ying Chang’s singers is the sword. In terms of the size of the weapon, it really cannot compare to the attack of this long spear.
So, in the midst of stumbling, the horse under Ying Changge’s crotch was stabbed to death, and he knelt on the ground.
Taking advantage of the horse’s fall, he quickly jumped up, and then stood upright on this spot.
Showing a stern look, Ying Changge immediately joined the battle with Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers.
Zhao Xingzhi was scared, he was flustered, and he had no choice but to flee quickly and disappear.
Afraid that Ying Changge would take his life away, he fled quickly, avoiding the army.
On the battlefield, so many troops continued to attack, but Zhao Xingzhi escaped like this.
madness! It’s really stupid! Ying Changge smiled contemptuously. After he escaped, his morale must be low.
As the leader of the army, Zhao Xingzhi left so many guys here, and no one escaped.
Then the remaining army of Zhao Xingzhi will naturally be defeated and have no chance of victory.
Surrounded and beheaded by so many people, Ying Changge has no way to continue chasing and killing Zhao Xingzhi.
Because of the crowds, Ying Changge was trapped in the same place and could only deal with Zhao Xingzhi’s soldier Fan Fan.
Chapter 682 It is inevitable to win, attack food and grass first!
These enemy troops rushed in like a wave, and slapped him directly, in an indescribably furious manner.
Sparing no effort and attacking quickly, the sword in his hand is also domineering, and he will continue to fight on his own way.
The sword’s sharp charge intercepted a group of people, leaving Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers with no room to play.
Ying Changge had to fight against the enemy, but Zhao Xingzhi had already fled.
He was very fast, snatched his soldier’s horse, disappeared, and fled completely.
Under such a battle, there is no longer any offensive, enough for Zhao Xingzhi to escape smoothly.
He escaped from “Qi Ba Qi”, so quickly and in a panic, he disappeared in a blink of an eye and fled from the battlefield.
On the contrary, Ying Changge continued to fight and let Zhao Xingzhi escape again. He was still very dissatisfied.
But even so, without any hesitation, he continued to attack and killed the enemy quickly.
The sword in his hand pursued bravely, killing everyone around him one by one, leaving no one behind, and the blood flowed like a river.
The battlefield is naturally ruthless. Ying Changge shuttled back and forth, killing Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers and retreating steadily.
Facing the enemy quickly and killing them recklessly, Ying Changge’s army is very brave, they are invincible.
Zhao Xingzhi fled, and the morale of the army left behind was low. It was impossible for him to have the confidence to fight Ying Changge.
Without any effort, Ying Changge led his own army and defeated Zhao Xingzhi’s remnants.
The rest of the enemy army also knew their danger, so they immediately attacked, and they were afraid to fight again.
The surrendered soldiers were captured, and these soldiers of Zhao Xingzhi told their useful news in order to show their loyalty.
In order to survive and to take revenge on Zhao Xingzhi, these captives know everything.
Soon, Ying Changge knew the location of Zhao Xingzhi’s granary, and the distance was not very far!
In order to cut off Zhao Xingzhi’s retreat, and to prevent him from continuing to escape, Ying Changge will send troops.
If Zhao Xingzhi’s food and grass are cut off, how can his army be able to compete with Ying Changge?The army is at a stalemate?
After receiving this news, Ying Changge decided to attack the grain and grass first, and cut off Zhao Xing’s back road.
After hearing about this mission, Meng Tian took the initiative to ask Ying Changge for such a trivial matter.
Meng Tian personally led an elite soldier, and then went to the place where Zhao Xingzhi’s food and grass were, and hurried on.
Going quickly, uniting the army in his hands, Meng Tian’s offensive is also very fast.
Zhao Xingzhi will not be given any chance to dodge and escape, Meng Tian is bound to win this trip, attacking food and grass first.
When marching and fighting, food and grass are the most important thing. Without food and grass, soldiers may starve to death.
Therefore, Ying Changge’s strategy is very wise and witty, which must make it difficult for Zhao Xingzhi to parry.
So, quickly overcoming the enemy, rushing out quickly, the army in Meng Tian’s own hands went straight to the granary.
The location of Zhao Xingzhi’s granary is not far away, and within a short time, Meng Tian found the location of the granary.
Immediately entering it, Meng Tian made a surprise attack on Zhao Xingzhi’s enemy army, like something from outside the sky.
Zhao Xingzhi had fled, so there were naturally only a weak force left among the guards of the granary.
Without any hesitation, Meng Tian started a frontal charge and quickly surrounded the granary.
After getting the location of the granary of Zhao Xingzhi’s army, Meng Tian will take the lead in attacking 0…
The army surrounded the place, Meng Tian charged quickly and directly entered the barracks of the granary.
Almost all the people guarding the granary had already evacuated, because Zhao Xingzhi had already escaped and there were not many remnants.
All the guys are arrogant and domineering here, and have their own responsibilities, guarding the granary to the end.
Leading his own army in a rampant charge, the group of people has already reached the deepest point.
Fighting heartily and attacking quickly, Meng Tian’s army has already attacked all directions of the camp.
Going straight in with the sword, causing a bloodbath, Meng Tian’s attack has a strength that ordinary people can’t ignore.
After seeing this scene, Zhao Xingzhi’s army naturally fought back very angrily.
They raised their weapons and united the front, and immediately resisted the charge of Meng Tian’s army.
The deputy general guarding the supplies of the granary is a loyal and loyal person next to Zhao Xingzhi, named Zhao Niu.
The strength is infinite, like a bull, so Zhao Niu got this name, which is very straightforward.
Although he has the same surname as Zhao Xingzhi, Zhao Niu is not from his clan, but he still has the opportunity to eat meat and drink soup.
Accompanied by Zhao Xingzhi’s side, what he does is very simple, that is, domineering.

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