Seeing that his army was out of support, Zhao Xingzhi did not hesitate, and let the knives behind him continue to follow up.
Under the order of Zhao Xingzhi, the vast army also quickly supportedcome over.
All of a sudden, there was such a fierce attack all around, and the fighting on the battlefield became more and more intense.
Zhao Xingzhi took the lead, he hated Ying Changge deeply, and now of course he wanted to kill this scourge.
Before Ying Changge came, he was flourishing in Anyang County, after all, he was the sheriff of Anyang County.
But when Ying Changge came, there was just a storm in front of Zhao Xingzhi.
It made Zhao Xingzhi restless, and even fled in despair, which made him very embarrassed.
That being the case, then he must be beheaded, so that none of him remains, he must die.
With a quick shot, he struck the sword in his hand upwards forcefully, and Ying Changge had already blocked Zhao Xingzhi.
Knowing that the opponent was full of murderous intent, he wished to kill himself first, Ying Changge also responded calmly.
It’s just an ordinary Anyang county sheriff, and he can’t make much trouble in front of him.
Both armies are responding quickly, such a frontal battle is full of cruelty and blood.
Many soldiers fell off their horses, fell to the ground in embarrassment, and were directly trampled to death.
Died on the battlefield, cruel and merciless, the sword in Zhao Xingzhi’s hand was still bravely thrust out, killing Ying Changge.
Since Ying Changge forced him to this point, how could Zhao Xingzhi stagnate so much!
Even if he escaped, under the pursuit of Ying Changge’s army, he would not be able to run far, and he would die.
Therefore, instead of fleeing in a panic, it is better to show your aura and fight hard.
Quick charge, quick fight, as long as Ying Changge is killed, Zhao Xingzhi can sit back and relax.
However, he also understands that it is not easy for him to kill him because he is so difficult.
Martial arts are high or low, and looks are different. In such a battle, Zhao Xingzhi can only do his best.
It’s not a sure thing to win, but you have to show your own posture and attack with big kills.
Blocking Ying Changge’s army, and then beheading Ying Changge, this is a wonderful opportunity.
Otherwise, Zhao Xingzhi won’t know when it will be when he fights Ying Changge next time!
He confronted the enemy quickly, attacked aggressively, and the weapon in his hand was already extremely blunt.
The sharp and powerful swords hit Ying Changge’s body one after another, and the attack was fierce.
In order to be able to kill this damn Ying Changge, Zhao Xingzhi even had a hideous face and concentrated his attention.
Feeling Zhao Xingzhi’s killing intent, Ying Changge was calm and not panicked at all.
In the face of many opponents, Ying Changge is calm and indifferent, and has always dealt with it carefully.
Even if he met an arrogant and ignorant person like Zhao Xingzhi, Ying Changge was very calm and guarded against arrogance and impetuosity.
Raising his arms and raising his sword, Ying Changge came quickly on the horse, and he jumped up.
Light as a swallow, swift as the wind, Ying Changge jumped behind Zhao Xingzhi in a blink of an eye.
Sitting on the same group of horses as Zhao Xingzhi, the distance between Ying Changge and him is naturally close at hand.
With his chest pressed against his back, Ying Changge shot unhurriedly, and the sword had already hit Zhao Xingzhi’s back.
hum! The sword’s edge was fast, like a broken bamboo, and it broke through Zhao Xingzhi’s skin, bloody and bloody.
Gritting his teeth in pain, Zhao Xingzhi turned his head quickly, trying to kill him with the sword in his hand.
But Ying Changge fought back immediately, grabbing Zhao Xingzhi’s arm with one hand, making him unable to fight back.
Showing an angry look, Zhao Xingzhi tried his best to suppress his aura.
Snapped! With his elbow on Ying Changge’s chest, Zhao Xingzhi tried his best to throw him down.
But the two are riding on this horse now, so it is easy to get entangled and not easy to separate.
Showing a steady and indifferent smile, Ying Changge grabbed Zhao Xingzhi’s arm and pushed him against the paper.
Let Zhao Xingzhi’s whole body stick to the neck of the horse (Zhao Qianzhao), and then Ying Changge continued to stab the sword, and the sword edge fell rampantly.
hum! A sword with a flashing sword edge easily broke through Zhao Xingzhi’s armor, and the blood flowed continuously.
Feeling the bleeding from his wound, Zhao Xingzhi grinned in pain, even more resentful.
How unreasonable! A mere brat turned out to be putting his nose on his face and domineering over his own head!
As the sheriff of Anyang County, Zhao Xingzhi has his own face and absolutely does not allow any appeasement.
Therefore, Ying Changge treated Zhao Xingzhi mercilessly, and the sword in his hand continued to gallop.
The sword light flickered, vigorously, and this mighty sword continued to stab Zhao Xingzhi’s back.
Chapter 680 A chance to be sent to prison for questioning!
His armor was hacked and full of marks, and there were blood-stained wounds everywhere, and his teeth grinned in pain.
Taking out a tough and unyielding posture, he snorted coldly, Zhao Xingzhi turned his head and continued to raise his arm.
Swinging his arm vigorously, it hit Ying Changge’s forehead, Zhao Xingzhi wanted to get him off the horse.
It’s a pity that Ying Changge is as immovable as a mountain, sitting firmly on the horse, unmoved by the eight winds, very stable.
Showing a contemptuous smile, the sword in his hand quickly struck up, blocking Zhao Xingzhi.
His sword edge was so crumbling, Zhao Xingzhi tried his best to capture it in his hands.
A Ying Changge provoked Zhao Xingzhi’s sweat, and he was in such a mess.
If the fight continues, Zhao Xingzhi may not be able to kill Ying Changge, because they entangle 787 too tightly.
In the back-and-forth gladiatorial fight, he quickly counterattacked and grabbed Ying Changge’s arm forcefully.
With the sword in hand, there is support and an advantage. It is easy to seriously injure Zhao Xingzhi.
because both areSitting on the same horse, Zhao Xingzhi was in front and Ying Changge was behind.
No matter how you look at it, it was more convenient for Ying Changge to kill him with ease.
And Zhao Xingzhi was in the front, and was flanked by Ying Changge from behind. It was very difficult for him to turn around and kill the enemy.
With a helpless shot, all Zhao Xingzhi’s backward attacks were silently resolved by Ying Changge.
Since Zhao Xingzhi wants to seize the weapon of Ying Changge, Ying Changge must be well protected.
Putting his five fingers together, he quickly grabbed the edge of his sword, and then he immediately counterattacked, hitting the front.
Trapping Zhao Xingzhi forcefully, Ying Changge’s sword continued to cut quickly, drawing scars on his body.
The blood sprayed, and the blood flowed on the blade, which looked shocking and difficult to parry.
Under such a confrontation, Zhao Xingzhi has already punched bravely and attacked vigorously.
Snapped! The elbow hit Ying Changge’s chest again, and Zhao Xingzhi vowed not to give up until he reached his goal.
However, Ying Changge’s careful precautions in the back will not let Zhao Xingzhi have any opportunity at all.
Zhao Xingzhi’s elbow hit hard, and there was no lethality in his chest.
He still sat firmly behind Zhao Xingzhi, and immediately shot and grabbed his arm.
No longer letting Zhao Xingzhi have any counterattack, Ying Changge showed a contemptuous smile on his face.
“That’s it! Is the governor of Anyang County only at this level! He is really arrogant and domineering on weekdays!”
Ying Changge restrained Zhao Xingzhi severely, preventing him from any possibility of counterattacking himself.
After capturing Zhao Xingzhi’s arms, how else can he attack Ying Changge? Very few!
Helpless, forced to do nothing, Zhao Xingzhi’s face turned red, but there was nothing he could do.
In order to be able to kill Ying Changge, he racked his brains to figure out a way to kill the person behind him.
Riding on a horse, mighty, the horses are out of control, just galloping left and right like this, staggering.
Ying Changge was not in a hurry, and he directly grabbed the rein with one hand, and finally stabilized the horse.
Showing a contemptuous smile, Ying Changge asked, “How about it! Why don’t you just catch him!”
“If you don’t kill me, then I will kill you sooner or later! Let you lose your life.”
“This is a very important matter. If you surrender and admit defeat early, you will still have the chance to go to prison and ask for your crime!”
Ying Changge was serious and murderous, “Otherwise, I’ll kill you right now!”
Facing the danger of Ying Changge, would the sheriff of Anyang County catch him so easily! impossible!
They were serious and even more aggressive, and they managed to break out of the encirclement with great difficulty, how could they admit defeat!
With a cold snort, Zhao Xingzhi showed an angry look, and resisted vigorously in front of Ying Changge.
“I want to be beautiful, who am I! I am in a high position, for the sake of glory and wealth, this body of glory.”
“Now you let me die? That’s impossible! I’d rather die than surrender!” Zhao Xingzhi shouted.
Then he turned his head and stared at him without blinking, wishing to kill him directly.
The sword in his hand came quickly and vigorously, and even showed the sword intent that Ying Changge should have, “Looking for death!”
Zhao Xingzhi refused to surrender, so Ying Changge had nothing to say! He shoots quickly and attacks with all his might.
Stabbing the sword in his hand quickly, Ying Changge tried to shoot him directly through the heart, knowing his life.
But as Zhao Xingzhi himself said, he would rather die than submit, and it is impossible to dodge anyway.
As a result, the mighty came, took out his own offensive, Zhao Xingzhi swayed from side to side, unable to dodge.
Avoiding Ying Changge’s sword and passing the sword’s edge, Zhao Xingzhi immediately pushed back.
Zhao Xingzhi concentrated all the strength in his body on one point.
Chapter 681 Start running uncontrollably!

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