As long as he can kill Ying Changge and cut off the way for the pursuers, Zhao Xingzhi will be very satisfied.
Leading the cavalry, he took out his own posture, and he rode a war horse and rushed over quickly.
Since it was Zhao Xingzhi who led the army himself, Ying Changge did not hesitate, and he immediately followed up.
In order to express his respect, Ying Changge also personally led a cavalry to fight and fight.
The archer released a round of bows and arrows, and so many bows and arrows more or less killed many enemy troops.
Leading his incomplete cavalry, Zhao Xingzhi also looked aggressive on the horse, “Come and fight to the death!”
With a loud shout, with murderous aura, Zhao Xingzhi has already rushed to the forefront among his own cavalry.
In order to win the victory, the enthusiastic Zhao Xingzhi took out his few guts.
Riding on horseback, attacking in a hurry, Zhao Xingzhi looked so ferocious, with a fierce look on his face.
On the sinister and conspiratorial face is the determination to fight to the death, with indescribable hardship and bitterness.
Ying Changge will not stand still, especially in the face of Zhao Xingzhi’s counterattack and attack, he will move forward bravely.
The two teams of cavalry were slamming into each other anxiously, they were entangled endlessly and aggressively.
In the bloody battle, Zhao Xingzhi also made the army in his hands to attack bravely.
In order to kill Ying Changge, the governor of Anyang County was already in such a state of embarrassment that he was almost a Japanese pirate.
Therefore, he tried his best to kill Ying Changge, and he also let his cavalry charge forward.
Attacking aggressively and domineeringly, such a posture has a rare power.
With a bang, the sword edge came down, tearing to the left and right. This kind of offensive was already full of chilling color.
Ying Changge and Zhao Xingzhi haven’t started their confrontation yet, but in a sense, Ying Changge has already won.
Winning without a fight, Ying Changge, who was sure of winning, did not show the slightest panic, and even had no hesitation.
The same is true for the soldiers who followed Ying Changge, they were all in a hurry and loyal.
In order to kill Ying Changge, Zhao Xingzhi did everything he could, and he even promised a reward.
“Listen! All soldiers who can kill Ying Changge’s head will be directly promoted to three levels, and there will be rewards.”
Zhao Xingzhi’s yelling was hysterical, almost hoarse, “I promise everything!”
After hearing Zhao Xingzhi shout out such a reward, the soldiers around him were also ready to move.
There must be a brave man under a heavy reward, and the same applies to Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers.
So they continued to attack, ran amok unscrupulously, and took out their mighty posture 0…
The cavalry charged in groups, came to the center of the battlefield, and began a fierce fight.
Ying Changge also moved from far to near, his figure approached quickly, and he showed the chill that the army should have.
Starting to charge on the battlefield, the posture of the cavalry is only allowed to advance, and it is absolutely impossible to retreat.
With such a mighty posture, he continued to be domineering, and the aggressive cold air also came in front of him.
With a quick shot, Ying Changge slashed across with his sword, slashing several enemy soldiers under him.
On the battlefield, the cavalry charge back and forth, they are flexible and mobile, not easy to capture.
Riding on horseback, Ying Changge faced any opponent who approached, and attacked without fear.
His abilities are very powerful, he can be regarded as a rare martial arts expert in the world, and he is invincible.
Any enemy army that approached Ying Changge was instantly beheaded, full of menace.
Quick counterattacks, vigorous charges, the contest between them has been carried forward on the battlefield.
The more entanglement continues, the more unfavorable it is to Zhao Xingzhi’s 4.9 army, because their morale is low.
The death of soldiers one by one, if they continue to be defeated, will only defeat Zhao Xingzhi’s army.
Seeing that his own army was difficult to fight against the charge of Ying Changge’s cavalry, Zhao Xingzhi took action himself.
Using all the army in his hands as cattle and horses, Zhao Xingzhi is unscrupulous for his own life.
Under Zhao Xingzhi’s command, the cavalry came out domineeringly, but it was difficult to be hostile to Ying Changge’s army.
Charged on the battlefield, and then quickly evaded. In the blink of an eye, so many cavalry were completely defeated.
number 6Chapter 78 The two armies are fighting fiercely!
They died, died under Ying Changge’s army, and also died under Ying Changge’s sword.
Fighting bloody battles and wielding weapons, Ying Changge rode his horse in and out of the enemy’s formation seven times in and out.
Zhao Xingzhi also used his best skills to force Ying Changge back and attack endlessly.
Bombed down, the cavalry was like a storm, trapping Zhao Xingzhi’s army for a while.
Being surrounded and helplessly facing the enemy, Zhao Xingzhi is in a predicament, and he wants to continue!
The fighting style is brave, such a powerful blow represents Zhao Xingzhi’s determination.
Accompanied by the rampage of the cavalry, Zhao Xingzhi’s figure came quickly and pierced a soldier.
Throwing the soldier’s body on the ground, with the horse’s belly between his legs, Zhao Xingzhi 05 continued to come.
In the chaos of the battle, Zhao Xingzhi saw Ying Changge’s cavalry approaching swiftly.
Such a battle is inevitable, Zhao Xingzhi felt the weakness of his momentum and could not continue to entangle.
But Zhao Xingzhi can’t continue to escape, he can’t continue to be the defeated.
Without his own place, the governor of Anyang County was kicked out of Anyang County. This is a joke.
Zhao Xingzhi lost all face and even made himself a laughing stock. He was naturally not to be outdone.
What’s more, for Zhao Xingzhi, face is just a trivial matter, and the more important thing is his own life.
He was located here and formed a large formation, hoping to intercept the offensive of Ying Changge’s army.
Otherwise, let Ying Changge lead the army, wouldn’t it be easy to kill him.
In the battle with Ying Changge and Meng Tian, ​​Zhao Xingzhi did not have smooth sailing and was always easily defeated.
Knowing that his situation was very difficult, he had no choice but to attack.
Fighting to the heart’s content, showing his mighty strength, the murderous aura of this soldier came to him.
Zhao Xingzhi felt the murderous aura like a knife, and it was blowing on his face abruptly, which hurt a little.
Could it be that under such an attack, he still wants to run away as usual! it’s out of the question!
It is also very embarrassing for Zhao Xingzhi to always act as a deserter, and his morale is even worse.
Under the pursuit of Ying Changge’s army, it is impossible for Zhao Xingzhi and the army in his hands to resist.
The rushing cavalry still came in an endless stream, trying to strangle Zhao Xingzhi thoroughly.
This kind of attack is very shocking, and it directly makes Zhao Xingzhi tremble with fright, for fear of dying like this.
How to do! Do you want to continue to attack? In such a big battle, he saw Ying Changge.
Ying Changge’s figure shuttled among the chaotic army, scrambling to approach Zhao Xingzhi.
With his eyes wide open, Zhao Xingzhi naturally saw Ying Changge’s trail.
The battle between the two armies was fierce, and there were bloody battles everywhere.
In order to be able to kill the opponent, Zhao Xingzhi spared no effort to let his army charge immediately.
This group of people were all galloping their horses. Zhao Xingzhi led the cavalry and rushed towards Ying Changge immediately.
Since Ying Changge had already been intercepted, Zhao Xingzhi had to kill him.
Let the cavalry in your hands go away mightily, and a group of people approach quickly.
To capture a thief first capture the king, to shoot a man first shoot a horse. For Zhao Xingzhi, Ying Changge is very important.
In a battle, Ying Changge is the key, and he must be killed in order to get rid of the pursuers.
Otherwise, with so many guys coming aggressively, wouldn’t Zhao Xingzhi be doomed.
He knew his panic, and he knew that he was bound to die. So do your best.
With a blow with all his strength, he showed his momentum and attacked in a hurry. He was as fast as the wind.
Riding on a horse, coming from far and near, Zhao Xingzhi shouted, “I will kill you!”
“You are bound to die! I will never show mercy to you!” Zhao Xingzhi was murderous.
Murderous, 787 menacing, Zhao Xingzhi has come on horseback, let the cavalry charge.
There is no need for Ying Changge to say more, the cavalry around him naturally charged forward quickly, in a hurry.
The soldiers were all chaotically entangled, fighting each other endlessly, showing their own momentum.
This imposing manner is very ferocious, coming in a mighty way, with the bravery and determination that Ying Changge should have.
A group of people fought like this, they were quick and dexterous, and the cavalry could come and go freely.
Fighting back heartily on the battlefield, Ying Changge’s cavalry suppressed Zhao Xingzhi in one go.
Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers were a little hard to guard against in such a confrontational situation, and they staggered and fell to the ground.
Fighting on horseback is flexible, but it also has higher requirements for soldiers’ martial arts.
On weekdays, Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers are lazy and greedy, secretly thinking about not training.
This is completely opposite to Ying Changge’s army, they are conscientious and hardworking.
Chapter 679 Light as a Swallow, Fast as the Wind!
Therefore, when the soldiers of the two armies were immediately entangled, only Ying Changge’s soldiers won.
With a slight advantage, he shot quickly and came aggressively, directly defeating the enemy army and retreating again and again.

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