Zhao Xingzhi panicked, he was afraid that he would be swept away by Ying Changge, so he didn’t fight.
After letting a small group of cavalry entangle Ying Changge’s pursuers, Zhao Xingzhi chose to continue to escape.
Let the army around him condense into a group, and then they rushed to the distance in a hurry.
As the distance from Ying Changge’s pursuers got farther and farther away, Zhao Xingzhi showed a peaceful (afej) expression on his face.
Very satisfied, so comfortable, Zhao Xingzhi felt that he could still escape from this place completely.
As long as he leaves the range of Ying Changge’s pursuit, Zhao Xingzhi will be able to survive, that’s for sure.
Otherwise, if he is caught by Ying Changge’s army, Zhao Xingzhi will die with his eyes closed.
This is a very excessive matter, and it is related to the life and death of the governor of Anyang County, so he dare not be careless.
Let the people in his hands leave aggressively, and in the blink of an eye, he disappeared between heaven and earth.
In such a vast plain, Zhao Xingzhi fled very quickly, non-stop.
Even Ying Changge who was behind him persevered in catching up, but he was far behind him.
Under such an attack, they continued to move forward, showed their abilities, and acted recklessly.
There is a sufficient distance from Ying Changge’s army, Zhao Xingzhi thought he could escape today.
But when Zhao Xingzhi looked back, he was very disappointed. It turned out that Ying Changge was still chasing and killing.
The dark army was like a dark cloud in the northwest, directly suppressing behind Zhao Xingzhi.
The morale of Ying Changge’s army was high, and they came aggressively, even more recklessly.
Colliding from far to near, their figures were so swift that they approached directly in front of him.
Seeing Ying Changge’s army coming in endlessly, Zhao Xingzhi was finally afraid, and he couldn’t hide.
With so many troops surrounded behind them, the battle was imminent, Ying Changge ordered the cavalry to charge.
Riding war horses and coming with a murderous look, these cavalry began to fall into the battle.
This battle was very fierce, and Zhao Xingzhi was caught off guard and unable to guard against it.
With so many armies crashing into his body, the explosion they produced was also brave enough.
For a while, Zhao Xingzhi’s army retreated steadily after being hit, fell to the ground, and died directly.
Looking back at the signs of such a disastrous defeat by his soldiers, Zhao Xingzhi was also forced to do nothing.
With a cold snort, Zhao Xingzhi, not to be outdone, finally took out his guts, “Garrison!”
“Turn back and set up the formation, listen to my orders, and prepare to charge!” Zhao Xingzhi waved his big hand and pulled out his sword.
Holding up his weapon in a hurry, Zhao Xingzhi raised his arms and shouted, “Come on!”
“Give it to me! Give them allKill, leave no one behind! “Zhao Xingzhi immediately commanded the army.
This army came out in full force, in an endless stream.
Zhao Xingzhi commanded with all his attention, causing the army in his hands to scramble to fall on the body of Ying Changge’s army.
After feeling such a fight, Ying Changge did his part, but he was just dying!
Therefore, he immediately divided the army in his hands into three waves to deal with Zhao Xingzhi’s army charge respectively.
One army was rampant, facing the enemy head-on, while the other two armies attacked under the command of Ying Changge.
Ying Changge wanted to inflict heavy damage on Zhao Xingzhi’s army, and wipe them out when their morale was low.
Constantly dispatching, let the army in his hand charge quickly, and fall around to attack.
The army continued to entangle, and Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers were surrounded by water, and it was difficult to separate.
Chapter 676 Soldiers have enough chances to win!
Surrounded by Ying Changge’s army, Zhao Xingzhi had no other way out but to wait here.
Among the chaotic army, Zhao Xingzhi was so dazzled that he couldn’t see Ying Changge’s figure clearly. He wanted to capture the king first if he wanted to capture the thief.
However, with such a large number of enemy teams and scales, Zhao Xingzhi couldn’t find any trace of the opponent at all.
Not to be outdone, Zhao Xingzhi let the army in his hands continue to charge, killing and killing.
Let the army in your hands go away in mighty force, so many people go to attack Ying Changge’s army.
Since it is impossible to escape, it is better to face it bravely! Zhao Xingzhi had no way out, so he could only jump over the wall in a hurry.
Let the army in your hands come out mighty and mighty, and come to the surroundings in an endless stream.
So many troops are acting recklessly, wishing to kill him directly, leaving no one behind.
But for such a brave attack, then there is an unusual posture~ posture, rushing around.
Ying Changge saw Zhao Xingzhi’s resistance, but he didn’t care at all, it was just a dying struggle.
Escaping from Anyang County to here, along the way, Zhao Xingzhi was full of dust and dust, and had already lost morale.
When the morale of Zhao Xingzhi’s army was low, Ying Changge could go out and kill him.
The cavalry charged together, Zhao Xingzhi’s army stopped, and immediately stopped here, not continuing to escape.
Seeing Zhao Xingzhi’s formation, Ying Changge knew that this battle could go on smoothly.
He was not in a hurry, and all the soldiers around him were stationed here, without any danger.
One by one, they continued to charge, and they kept coming, even with murderous intent.
Under Ying Changge’s arrangement, many soldiers started their own formations and asked them to form formations.
So many enemy troops are galloping, and they are bound to win, directly blocking Zhao Xingzhi’s back road.
Faced with such a scene, Ying Changge did not panic, and even continued to send troops to harass Zhao Xingzhi.
Zhao Xingzhi made preparations for the war, so that the army stopped here, and then dispersed into a large formation.
Facing Zhao Xingzhi’s situation like this, he was also very indifferent, showing a contemptuous smile.
Ying Changge took his time and let the army charge one after another, trying to break Zhao Xingzhi’s defense.
The cavalry charged, and the horses collided together, and there was a dusty and dusty look everywhere.
He didn’t personally participate in the battle, his eyes were so indifferent, Ying Changge was commanding the back row.
Sitting in the army and keeping the army in all directions, this is the only way to go forward and defeat Zhao Xingzhi’s army.
The army in his hands is very diverse, dazzling, scrambling to attack Zhao Xingzhi.
Ying Changge was also very satisfied when he saw that the army was aggressive and determined to win.
So, he personally let the cavalry disperse, and commanded the cavalry to harass the enemy’s front row over and over again on the battlefield.
Zhao Xingzhi also used cavalry to fight against the enemy, but his morale was so low that he couldn’t compare with Ying Changge at all.
The cavalry are all entangled with each other, you come and go, and the swords chop each other, with unusual postures.
Watching the commotion on the battlefield, Zhao Xingzhi was very calm, watching the movement calmly.
The direction of his own cavalry is full of figures of Ying Changge’s sword, which seems to be evenly matched.
However, Zhao Xingzhi fully understood that his cavalry could not fight for a long time, and they would die if they persisted.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
He just tried his best to counter-kill the army in his hands, to fight against Ying Changge’s army.
On such a fierce battlefield, Zhao Xingzhi couldn’t guarantee how he would win.
For Zhao Xingzhi, as long as the whole army is not wiped out, it may be a very good thing.
The fighting was fierce and unscrupulous, and such a fierce offensive had extraordinary power, dividing the battlefield.
Ying Changge’s soldiers are very tough, rampant, not afraid of sacrifice at all, all of them are warriors.
On the contrary, Zhao Xingzhi’s cavalry were timid, always showing a retreating posture during the battle.
If this is the case, I am afraid that he will die easily, leaving no one in Zhao Xingzhi’s army.
Seeing the weakness of his troops, Zhao Xingzhi gritted his teeth, already very angry, which is unreasonable.
If it doesn’t work, Zhao Xingzhi will personally lead the army to attack. This is a good opportunity.
With the general Zhao Xingzhi personally leading, then the soldiers in his hands have enough chances to win.
So, Zhao Xingzhi, who couldn’t stand it anymore, personally led a cavalry and rushed down aggressively.
Will Ying Changge let the other party just ride on his head and domineering! Naturally it is impossible!
He smiled contemptuously, and thenImmediately ordered the archers under his hand to start getting ready.
The arrow had to be fired on the string, so many archers began to draw their bows and shoot arrows, and released them together.
Whoosh! The arrows became violent storms, and landed on the body of Zhao Xingzhi’s army.
Zhao Xingzhi, who came on a rampage, didn’t care about the impact of so many arrows, he gritted his teeth.
Chapter 677 Winning without a fight is a sure bet!
With a cold expression, Zhao Xingzhi yelled, “Come on! Kill them!”
Accompanied by such fierce fighting, Zhao Xingzhi, who led the cavalry, also shuttled through the rain of arrows from far to near.
The dense arrows came continuously, hindering many of Zhao Xingzhi’s cavalry.
Some of them died in the middle of the way before they charged up, and were stabbed to death by arrows.
This is a tragedy and a sad ending, but Zhao Xingzhi doesn’t care.
Since he was going to start a battle with Ying Changge, he had to make the army in his hands persevere.
In the face of such “seven eight seven” attacks and massacres, Zhao Xingzhi was not to be outdone, he was already tired of running away and being a deserter.

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