No matter how many people Ying Changge came to, Zhao Xingzhi was able to jump over the wall and let them all die.
Otherwise, with Ying Changge chasing after him, such an army would also be in a stalemate, with life and death uncertain.
Maybe he will die, but it is also possible that he will kill Ying Changge’s army with his backhand, which is not necessarily the case!
Everything depends on his own behavior, at least Zhao Xingzhi must first ensure that his life is safe.
He arranged many soldiers into a large formation, with heavy soldiers guarding the front and back sides.
At that time, once Ying Changge’s army appeared in front of his eyes, Zhao Xingzhi would continue to flee.
If it is really impossible to escape, then he will start to attack, so as to kill them, leaving no one behind.
Holding his weapon tightly, Zhao Xingzhi’s eyes were cold and fierce, and he continued to walk with a murderous look on his face.
Leading the army to continue, he mobilized all the troops in his hands together to avoid problems.
Quickly evacuated, the soldiers followed Zhao Xingzhi, loyal, and left quickly.
They have already evacuated for several miles. So far, Zhao Xingzhi still hasn’t seen Ying Changge’s army.
He felt that he was sure of winning, at least, there was no other danger.
The army is in full swing, They left without stopping, just to escape from this place of life and death.
Otherwise, if Ying Changge’s army came, he would have no choice but to die easily.
It is not Zhao Xingzhi’s dream to die in battle, he just wants to be happy and happy.
Especially under such a confrontation, a group of people are unable to fight against Ying Changge’s army, which is very important.
Because many generals were assassinated, under such an attack, they were defeated.
After a crushing defeat and low morale, Zhao Xingzhi understood that if he fought forcefully, he would lose even more.
Therefore, before Zhao Xingzhi arrived, he would leave quickly and lead his army to flee.
As long as you leave this place, there is nothing dangerous! He hastened his horse.
Leaving in a hurry, walking away quickly, Zhao Xingzhi’s army has already left this place.
With so many guys disappearing quickly, there is no one in 787 who can fight against Zhao Xingzhi.
Feeling that he escaped from birth, Zhao Xingzhi had a happy smile on his face.
It felt so good to escape from the dead, so Zhao Xingzhi ordered the army around him to continue to move forward and persevere.
As long as you leave this place, you can leave Ying Changge’s palm, which is the best.
If he could escape without standing, Zhao Xingzhi would be even more satisfied and happy, and he would stride forward.
Not seeing Ying Changge’s army, he felt that he was safe and sound, “Continue to march!”
But even so, Zhao Xingzhi is not to be outdone, he must take all these people away.
After all, he is also his own soldier! With so many soldiers by his side, it can be guaranteed.
He only needs to quickly gather the army in his hands, and then he can face the enemy Ying Changge’s army head-on.
Thinking of this, Zhao Xingzhi had the chance to win, and he showed a happy smile, “Quick! Faster!”.
Chapter 674 Zhao Xingzhi escapes to the ends of the earth!
As long as so many soldiers are freed from the sea of ​​suffering, Zhao Xingzhi will not be beheaded by Ying Changge!
What a perfect opportunity! It is impossible for a group of people to kill themselves like this.
As the leader of the army, he continued to advance, laying defenses of soldiers in the center of the army.
With the care of so many people, there is no danger for him himself! It will be very safe.
But will Ying Changge stay? It is impossible for him to give up hunting down Zhao Xingzhi’s whereabouts.
So, many soldiers were sent out, and Ying Changge sent out a vanguard.
A team of cavalry went to attack first, so as to capture Zhao Xingzhi’s trace thoroughly and find his trace.
As long as Zhao Xingzhi has no room to escape, the cavalry in his hands can charge forward.
Take Zhao Xingzhi first, and then defeat Zhao Xingzhi’s army one by one, Ying Changge will be able to cover his edge.
A mere governor of Anyang County is domineering and domineering here. It is a dead end!
If Zhao Xingzhi hadn’t committed such a crime, Ying Changge wouldn’t have decided to kill him.
Now, I regret very much in my heart, but Zhao Xingzhi is not afraid of all the things he committed before.
Everything is selfish, and Zhao Xingzhi has put in all his strength for himself.
Especially under such a fight, Ying Changge has quietly laid out a net of heaven and earth.
Let many soldiers go ahead and gallop around, so as to capture Zhao Xingzhi quietly.
As a criminal minister, Zhao Xingzhi disappeared in a blink of an eye after fleeing like this, so he hurried on.
Fast and fierce, Zhao Xingzhi perfectly controlled the army in his hands.
Although morale is low, so many soldiers are still very obedient, which makes him very satisfied.
Falling into a bandit and becoming the defeated under Ying Changge, Zhao Xingzhi has little chance of winning.
If he continues to fight Ying Changge, Zhao Xingzhi will die directly and ruin his reputation.
This is a very difficult thing, most people are not willing to disobey Zhao Xingzhi, but obedient and obedient.
Because of the name of the governor of Anyang County, Zhao Xingzhi is like a fish in water. Here, he wants the wind to get the wind and the rain to get the rain.
Ying Changge is an upright person, he will not let Zhao Xingzhi’s crime continue unscrupulously.
Since Zhao Xingzhi was going to die directly, he had to show his aura and kill him directly.
This kind of strength is different. Ying Changge’s morale is high, which is completely different from Zhao Xingzhi’s army.
Marching to battle, Ying Changge is confident.
Ying Changge led his own army and soon came, chasing and killing Zhao Xingzhi and his party in a hurry.
Even if Zhao Xingzhi fled to the ends of the earth, it was impossible to avoid such a fight, and he would inevitably be damaged.
In this battle, Ying Changge’s goal is very simple, that is to go straight to Huanglong and take down Zhao Xingzhi.
Only by capturing or killing Zhao Xingzhi can Ying Changge keep the entire Anyang County in peace.
Otherwise, the governor of Anyang County will act recklessly and bully others, and the people will live in dire straits and life will be worse than death.
Under such a contest, Ying Changge took the lead and took the initiative to control the situation.
At this moment, everything is useless, especially Zhao Xingzhi’s escape, and there is no way out.
Because he heard his soldiers report, and found Ying Changge’s army behind him.
They were unscrupulous, coming in an endless stream, aggressively attacking and attacking.
If the pursuit continues, Ying Changge will soon be able to catch Zhao Xingzhi and wipe him out.
Zhao Xingzhi was flustered. He understood that this battle was inevitable, and in the end he would have to fight Ying Changge.
Showing off his aura, he commanded the whole army with strides, wanting to continue to escapego.
Ying Changge came aggressively, so he was naturally prepared, as if he was ready to go to war.
But so what! For Zhao Xingzhi, it would be best if he could escape the war.
Even if Ying Changge chased after him after a long journey, if he could escape, it would have a different flavor.
So, he became aggressive and domineering, and dispatched all the people in his hands to spread around him.
A defensive formation was formed, and at the same time, Zhao Xingzhi let his soldiers continue to escape from the paper.
Going against Ying Changge’s army, the farther away from De (Zhao Qian Zhao), the better. This is a rare opportunity.
Zhao Xingzhi had already come to the front of the army, he was afraid of being burned by Ying Changge behind him.
Let the soldiers guard the left and right, Zhao Xingzhi took the lead, left aggressively, and continued to flee.
Panicked and in a hurry, Zhao Xingzhi kept fleeing, while Ying Changge pursued him persistently.
Seeing the figure of Zhao Xingzhi’s army, this is a very good opportunity, and Ying Changge is bound to win.
Dispatch his own vanguard, Ying Changge sent a cavalry to harass the back row of Zhao Xingzhi’s army.
Since Zhao Xingzhi wants to escape, don’t give him any chance, the cavalry left in a mighty way.
Chapter 675 Unprepared, Unprepared!
The wind blew up the dust, and the cavalry kicked up the dust. Among the flying sand and stones, they were already chasing and killing them.
Seeing a cavalryman of Ying Changge behind him, Zhao Xingzhi became even more flustered, fearing that he would die here.
He gritted his teeth, thinking that Ying Changge was really deceiving people too much. As the saying goes, a soldier can be killed but not humiliated.
Even Zhao Xingzhi is powerless, so the army in his hands naturally has no chance of winning.
Morale is low, like a piece of loose sand, but even so, Zhao Xingzhi wants to protect his life.
Quick and wise, Zhao Xingzhi also dispatched a cavalry to fight against the troops that Ying Changge was chasing.
The sound of horseshoes was frenzied, and in this wild battle, they all left in one go.
The unscrupulous invasion, the cavalry charged, and the soldiers were all intertwined, in a hurry.
Swords and swords, shouts and killings shook the sky, on this chaotic battlefield 787, Zhao Xingzhi still looked serious.
A few boys in the area turned out to be an army that wanted to kill themselves, they were overconfident, and Yelang was arrogant.
As long as Ying Changge didn’t go out in person, then Zhao Xingzhi still had a chance of escaping and being one step ahead.
The cavalry behind you came and went, the horses collided, and the swords cut each other, it was very intense.
Knowing that such a formidable enemy has long been known, then you should use your own army to face Ying Changge head-on.

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