On the contrary, the sheriff of Anyang County, who has always been domineering, is also very tough.
The sword edge in his hand struck down quickly, showing his majestic power, full of strength.
Zhao Xingzhi’s sword moves are very simple, open and close, straight forward and straight, with an unusual posture.
Although the sword move looks simple, it is full of unstoppable masculinity.
When Zhao Xingzhi is attacking, Niu Er will be restricted and easily suppressed by Jianfeng.
This is a very serious matter, and after discovering the mystery, Niu Er planned to act first.
With one blow, “770” came in an endless stream, showing their mighty aura, as fast as lightning.
This sword was very fierce, even in a hurry, it hit his head, making him unable to dodge.
If it weren’t for seeing such an enemy, he would have been easily killed and fell to the ground to die.
Niu Er stabilized his figure, he reluctantly confronted the enemy, and raised his sword to rejoice.
Zhao Xingzhi, who is bold and reckless and full of crimes, really shouldn’t stay for a long time, he must show his aura.
Otherwise, let him continue to live, Niu Er will continue to fight in order not to disappoint Ying Changge and Meng Tian.
He took out his murderous intent, aggressively, and blocked Zhao Xingzhi’s sword again and again.
Zhao Xingzhi’s offense is so fierce, but for him, it is not invincible.
If Zhao Xingzhi is the kind of person who is invincible in all battles, he will not be repelled by Ying Changge and Meng Tian.
Zhao Xingzhi, who is in trouble, doesn’t know how to lead an army, and his own martial arts are not so strong.
Therefore, Niu Er will be very relieved, in order to act first and assassinate this criminal.
Niu Er still came in an endless stream, and the sword in his hand was slashed down abruptly, in a hurry.
But even so, this kind of offensive has come to an end, at least, there is no offensive.
He was helpless, and fell to the ground staggeringly like this, with no other way.
Seeing that Zhao Xingzhi was about to be stabbed to death by Niu Er, he was also very surprised and shocked.
How unreasonable! How can you let a mere unknown person kill yourself! Zhao Xingzhi will never allow it.
He still wanted to continue to fight back, but Niu Er’s figure came very quickly and attacked aggressively.
The sword in his hand slashed down vigorously, and the sword hit Zhao Xingzhi’s chest.
Is Zhao Xingzhi about to be stabbed to death like this! Naturally it is impossible! Because his guards arrived.
Hearing the news of Zhao Xingzhi’s assassination, a group of people came here aggressively, in groups.
Speeding up the horse and coming quickly, they intercepted Niu Er’s left and right sides, blocking his offensive.
Niu Er had already stabbed Zhao Xingzhi, but he didn’t swing the last crucial sword.
The sword pointed downward, but Niu Er was blocked by Zhao Xingzhi’s guards, and a group of guards came humming.
Knowing that he had no chance, Niu Er wanted to fight to the death, but Zhao Xingzhi ran away directly.
Without giving Niu Er any way to die with him, he just ran away and disappeared.
In front of him, Niu Er was only facing Zhao Xingzhi’s guards, but without Zhao Xingzhi’s figure, the assassination failed!
angry, helpless, Niu Er can only leave immediately with the mission of failure.  …
Under the fighting of many Zhao Xingzhi’s guards, Niu Er rushed out vigorously and walked away directly.
Disappeared, without a trace in the same place, he finally got rid of these people and left far away.
There are so many Xuanwu soldiers in Zhao Xingzhi’s escort team, it’s not something that Niu Er alone can resist.
So, in a very embarrassing situation, Cao Chang, who bowed his head and bowed his head, Niu Er got rid of the pursuit of the army and escaped from the murderous intent.
Panting and sweating profusely, Niu Er fled like this and returned to Ying Changge and Meng Tian.
With bruises and bruises all over his body, Niu Er was very unwilling and directly pleaded guilty to them.
Therefore, he was not able to assassinate Zhao Xingzhi, Niu Er did not complete his task, and felt very guilty.
Kneeling in front of Ying Changge, Niu Er begged himself to be punished for the felony, and let himself die directly, with peace of mind.
But Ying Changge is not like this, he understands that any accidents are reasonable.
Smiling slightly, nodding slowly, Ying Changge said, “It’s courageous for you to assassinate Zhao Xingzhi!”
“A character with 4.9 like you has great potential. In the future, things will change!” Ying Changge agreed.
Patting Niu Er on the shoulder, Ying Changge asked, “What’s your name! Say it and listen!”
Niu Er quickly lowered his head, “My subordinate Niu Er has been following General Meng Tian for many years!”
“Okay!” Ying Changge looked joyful, “Come here! There are many rewards, let him get the rewards he deserves!”
After Ying Changge asked Niu Er to step down, he continued to discuss with Meng Tian how to deal with Zhao Xingzhi!
It was really a coincidence that Zhao Xingzhi was not killed by his own hidden guards, but left a dog’s life behind.
Chapter 663 Conceited, Arrogant and Ignorant!
If you continue to send secret guards to assassinate Zhao Xingzhi, it will feel like there is no silver three hundred taels here.
Therefore, Ying Changge and Meng Tian discussed and continued to recharge their batteries here to attack Zhao Xingzhi.
As long as Zhao Xingzhi is killed, Anyang County will be restored to peace, without any problems.
The failed assassination of a hidden guard has already alarmed the enemy, so Ying Changge doesn’t need to continue to sneak around.
Meng Tian also agreed with Ying Changge’s idea very much, so he asked the soldiers under him to continue the accelerated drill.
Let the soldiers build a strong body so that they can kill Zhao Xingzhi in battle.
Desperate for his wits, with an idea, Meng Tian came to Ying Changge to offer advice, but it was still about the assassination.
It’s just that there is no need to assassinate Zhao Xingzhi 05, but to assassinate the general who led the war under Zhao Xingzhi.
As long as these generals are killed one by one, there will be no other problems.
This is a very important matter. Several generals are Zhao Xingzhi’s right-hand men, and killing them can also cause serious damage.
Once Zhao Xingzhi has no one available around him, how can he fight against Ying Changge’s army!
Ying Changge had to praise Meng Tian, ​​this is a good way! So, he handed it over to Meng Tian.
Let Meng Tian continue to dispatch many soldiers to kill the generals around Zhao Xingzhi.
As long as you assassinate one, you will not lose, and you will earn if you assassinate two generals of Zhao Xingzhi.
Meng Tian also went all out, and he immediately dispatched a group of very courageous and skilled secret guards.
This time it was to assassinate Zhao Xingzhi’s general, with a wide range of targets, not just one person.
Therefore, Ying Changge needs to order soldiers himself, and let Meng Tian choose enough soldiers in peace!
This is a serious matter, Zhao Xingzhi’s generals are more ashamed than Zhao Xingzhi.
So, under Meng Tian’s meditation cultivation, many soldiers came immediately.
They were very brave and looked invincible. They went straight forward and groped Zhao Xingzhi.
The generals around Zhao Xingzhi are all well-known appearances, they are upright and crooked.
With so many troops in hand, each of these generals looked arrogant and ignorant.
Zhao Xingzhi will not be idle, he gathers all the troops in his hands, and then uses them to protect himself.
After being assassinated by Ying Changge, Zhao Xingzhi was very careful about his life, especially when he was injured.
The injury is neither serious nor serious, but Zhao Xingzhi must recover well now, so he dare not be careless.
Otherwise, under Ying Changge’s assassination again, Zhao Xingzhi died like this, so what should we do!
After being injured, Zhao Xingzhi had to lie on the bed to recuperate, so that his injury could heal as soon as possible.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, he is also the guard who makes the soldiers around him go all out, guarding the guard day and night.
Zhao Xingzhi’s generals were also ordered, and they were very concerned about Zhao Xingzhi’s injuries.
This is the sheriff of Anyang County, and the generals don’t want Zhao Xingzhi to be in any danger or injury.
This just gave Ying Changge and Meng Tian a good chance to catch Zhao Xingzhi’s generals in one go.
Regardless of whether it is a general or a deputy general, as long as they follow Zhao Xingzhi, they will be severely injured.
One of the most famous generals around Zhao Xingzhi is a man named Zhao Erhu, he is a strong man.
Following Zhao Xingzhi’s side, the fox pretends to be a tiger, and does all kinds of evil. He can be called Zhao Xingzhi’s dog leg.
As long as there is anything, then Zhao Erhu must rush out to solve everything for Zhao Xingzhi.
Because Zhao Erhu had the same surname as Zhao Xingzhi, Zhao Xingzhi directly regarded him as a half-brother!
Therefore, this time Zhao Xingzhi was injured, Zhao Erhu was also very resentful, he was full of anger.
Walking in this remote and empty town, Zhao Erhu didn’t eat well, nor did he sleep well.
Zhao Erhu already regarded this small town as aHe set up his own guard in order to keep it.
Therefore, the food here is very abundant, and there is also a backup for Zhao Xingzhi’s army.
Watching the transportation of these grains, Zhao Erhu was expressionless and serious.
“Hurry up! Let these grains be transported to the granary as soon as possible, and there must be no delay!”
Zhao Erhu wants to honor all these grains to Zhao Xingzhi, which is what he often does.
Seeing the soldiers transporting food and grass in an endless stream, Zhao Erhu was very satisfied, but he didn’t know it.
That is, the secret guards sent by Ying Changge had already arrived at Zhao Erhu’s side and sneaked into this small town.
In the small town, there is no danger, and everyone is a soldier, busy.
Supervising with his own eyes, seeing so many soldiers busy, Zhao Erhu walked into the streets.

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